“You’re exactly where you need to be—welcome!”

Hello to all of you. How is today going for everyone? As with all of God’s wonderful sons and daughters, I pray that everyone you love is doing well. My website is now undergoing some repair so that everyone who visits us can see it correctly. There are drawbacks to living in Florida near the Gulf of Mexico, and the recent hurricane that passed through has brought with it another one coming soon.

Please be patient with us and remember us in your prayers as we work to improve our platform so that we can speak the truth in places where others are afraid too. God bless you and your family as we work hard to be better as soon as we can. All of our videos and articles are still available, however our photographs have been removed and will soon need to be uploaded again. I apologize for any difficulty that you have experienced. May you and yours I hope be blessed daily for all your needs.

By Servant; Norman G. Roy III

NOAH’S ARK (Full Movie):

NOAH'S ARK (Full Movie)

What Christians Don’t Understand About The Election:

What Christians Don’t Understand About The Election

“Heavens Under Siege “The skies, once seen as a symbol of God’s provision, have turned into weapons of destruction.”

“Welcome! Ready for an unforgettable time?” Greetings to all who have taken the time to stop by. This enemy’s trickery won’t be a secret today. We speak the unvarnished TRUTH to God’s listening audience, we do this with Christ’s soldiers each and every day. Geoengineering—the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the Earth’s atmospheric systems—serves as a tool in the devil’s growing arsenal.

But this manipulation of weather and natural forces is no accident. Since the dawn of time, Satan has sought to usurp the dominion that rightfully belongs to God (Isaiah 14:12-15). When technology was advanced and given enough for mankind to tinker with the very skies and climate, the devil saw an opportunity to entrap nations and individuals, advancing his goal of deception, domination, and destruction (John 10:10).

Satan and his fleshly henchmen plot to use geoengineering as a covert weapon, sowing chaos, suffering, and confusion across Gods earth, all while working behind the scenes to secure power over both spiritual and physical realms. .” “Friends, as I try to explain our enemy, I want you to hear what the army we face must sound like in Satan’s dark chambers in their language. Please listen with an open mind!”

Deep beneath a city lost to time, a clandestine meeting was held. The walls of the ancient underground chamber reverberated with whispers that spoke of ancient knowledge and sinister plans. Gathered around a stone table, surrounded by firelit sconces, stood Lucifer and his fleshly henchmen—leaders of secret organizations, top scientists, and corrupt politicians. Similar to the Bohemian Grove near San Francisco.

“My dominion over the earth is challenged at every turn,” Lucifer hissed, his voice echoing unnaturally through the chamber. “Humans, though weakened by sin, continue to seek ways to dominate what was never theirs to control.” One of his generals stepped forward, a human man whose eyes were cold and calculating. He was an influential figure, a man trusted by the world’s most powerful leaders. He spoke with confidence: “The technology is already in place, my lord.

With geoengineering, we can reshape not just nations, but the very forces of nature. The skies, the seas, the land—they will all bend to our will.” Satan smiled a crooked smile. “Then let us use their arrogance against them. Let them think they are in control, while it is we who pull the strings. They will manipulate the weather to suit their desires, but in doing so, they will unknowingly unleash forces beyond their control—forces that will weaken their resolve and make them vulnerable to our influence.”

As the meeting concluded, plans were set in motion. The human henchmen, possessed by greed and pride, would carry out the bidding of their spiritual overlords. Under the guise of “climate protection” and “sustainability,” they would build weapons out of the very atmosphere with the knowledge earned and given. Years passed, and the world began to notice peculiar changes in the climate.

Nations convened, baffled by unexpected shifts in weather patterns. Droughts ravaged once fertile lands, while torrential rains flooded others. Though many believed that these changes were due to natural causes or human error, a few began to suspect something darker at play. Friends, are you starting to get it! High above the clouds, the forces of darkness were hard at work.

 Lucifer’s henchmen had developed technologies capable of altering the weather. Chemically altered clouds, supercharged with energy, could now be steered toward nations that dared defy their global agenda. Weather warfare had become a reality. At first, the world did not see the connection between geoengineering and geopolitical power struggles. But in time, it became clear that certain nations were suffering disproportionate environmental devastation.

Crops withered in the field, water reserves dried up, and poverty spread like a plague. In desperation, the people turned to their governments for solutions, but the governments were in on the ruse. Unbeknownst to the masses, many of the leaders they trusted were under the devil’s control. They had sold their souls for power, wealth, and the promise of survival amidst the chaos they had secretly created.

Lucifer’s hand was guiding every decision, every covert experiment. The result was a world increasingly torn by weather warfare, a planet gradually being enslaved to Satan’s designs. At this time in their desperation, the people’s faith faltered.  Where was God amidst these storms, they asked? Why were nations, especially those known to uphold biblical values, suddenly collapsing under environmental catastrophes? 

Because the enemy had successfully sown doubt. As the prophet Daniel had warned, there would come a time when the enemy would seek to “wear out the saints of the Most High” (Daniel 7:25), and this was that time. I’m trying to make you feel as if this is happening right now. In a hidden facility on the outskirts of a major world power, a group of scientists convened.

The devil had infiltrated the highest levels of academia and technological development, giving rise to a new breed of technocrats—those who believed their superior intellect and innovation could control even the weather. Through advanced geoengineering technologies like cloud seeding, aerosol injection, and solar radiation management, these scientists believed they were saving the planet from climate disasters. But what they did not realize was that they were mere pawns in a much darker game.

Behind every calculation and experiment stood Lucifer and his demonic forces, guiding their actions toward global chaos. One of the leading scientists, had once been a person of faith. But over the years, she had fallen away, her heart hardened by pride in her own intelligence. She now fully embraced the idea that humanity could conquer nature. She spearheaded projects that manipulated the atmosphere to “combat climate change,” but in reality, these technologies were being weaponized to destabilize nations.

Lucifer whispered into the minds of the technocrats, convincing them that their work was noble and necessary. The more they played god, the more they distanced themselves from the true Creator. They were no longer stewards of the earth, as God had intended (Genesis 1:28); they had become its tyrants. The devil’s plan was unfolding perfectly. Not only were nations being crippled by environmental disasters, but humanity itself was being led away from God.

 As weather catastrophes increased, so did the belief that technology, not faith, would save them.  Elsewhere, hurricanes of unprecedented magnitude devastated coastal regions. The skies, once seen as a symbol of God’s provision, had turned into weapons of destruction.

Under the influence of Lucifer, the leaders of these nations were quick to offer solutions—solutions that only deepened their people’s enslavement. “Global cooperation” was their rallying cry, as they pushed for international agreements that centralized control over geoengineering technologies. The more power was consolidated, the more the devil’s influence spread.

What they did not know was that their government had secretly entered into an agreement with an international cabal—a cabal of fleshly henchmen, controlled by the devil himself. These leaders had long since abandoned their faith, trading it for political and economic gain.

Behind closed doors, they had agreed to allow certain weather manipulations to take place in exchange for protection and favors from more powerful nations. God’s earth had become a testing ground for geoengineering experiments, and the consequences were devastating as we experience today in real time.

‘Friends, geoengineering in this account is meant to mirror the way Satan deceives mankind by offering false solutions and empty promises. Just as the leaders in the story believe they are controlling the weather to save the planet, they are, in fact, being manipulated to further Lucifer’s ultimate goal; the destruction of God’s creation and the enslavement of human souls.

This parallels the real spiritual battles we face. Satan always seeks to convince humanity that we can be like God, that we can control the world around us without consequences. It began with the original temptation in Eden, where the serpent tempted Eve with the promise of knowledge and power (Genesis 3:4-5). That same lie is perpetuated today through human pride and reliance on technological advancements, which, though beneficial in some contexts, can be twisted into tools of oppression and manipulation.

The leaders, technocrats, and scientists believe they are helping humanity by controlling the weather, but their pride blinds them to the deeper truth. The Bible warns us that “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). Satan’s influence often works through human pride, convincing people that they have the power and intelligence to solve all problems, thereby pushing them further from reliance on God.

When humans attempt to take control over creation—whether through weather manipulation or other means—they are essentially attempting to displace God’s authority. This plays right into the devil’s hand, as his goal has always been to convince humanity that we can rule apart from God. When nations or individuals rely on technology, power, or intellect to control nature or the world, they often find themselves vulnerable to deeper spiritual manipulation.

God originally gave mankind dominion over the earth, instructing Adam and Eve to “subdue it” and rule over the creatures of the earth (Genesis 1:28). However, this dominion was meant to be exercised under God’s guidance and wisdom, as responsible stewards of His creation. Satan perverts this dominion, using geoengineering as a tool for destruction instead of stewardship. The manipulation of the weather becomes a metaphor for how the devil corrupts good gifts from God and turns them into weapons.

Instead of using technology to serve humanity, it becomes a means of control, oppression, and rebellion against God’s will. This perversion of dominion mirrors how sin corrupts everything it touches. What was once meant to sustain life and bring blessing (like the weather) is twisted into something harmful, creating fear, chaos, and despair.

Satan takes what is good and uses it for evil, just as he does with other aspects of creation, such as sex, wealth, or power. All of these things are gifts when used within God’s design but can become weapons of destruction when distorted by sin. Droughts, storms, and environmental disasters become the tools of their spiritual oppression, causing most to doubt God’s goodness and power. This echoes what happens in real life when people face suffering or injustice—many turn away from God, believing that He is either powerless or uninterested.

But the truth, as illustrated in the Bible, is that suffering is often used to draw people closer to God, refining their faith (Romans 5:3-5). The devil’s goal, however, is to turn that suffering into despair, to convince people that God has abandoned them. This is why I try to get you to see how important it is to recognize the spiritual warfare behind the physical and environmental crises we face.

Satan’s strategy is to use the visible circumstances of our world—whether personal suffering, political corruption, or natural disasters—to hide the deeper, invisible truth; that God is still in control and working all things together for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). This part of the story is a reflection of the ultimate spiritual deception. Throughout history, Satan has sought to raise up leaders, movements, and ideologies that promise salvation apart from God.

Whether through false religions, political systems, or now, in the form of technological control, the devil’s strategy remains the same: to draw humanity away from true worship and into allegiance with a false savior. The Bible warns us that in the last days, people will be led astray by these deceptions (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12). The Antichrist will appear to have control over the forces of nature, performing miracles that captivate the masses.

But this is all part of Satan’s final plan to bring as many souls into his rebellion against God as possible. Just as the false peace and order brought by the Antichrist collapses into more destruction, Jesus Christ will return to restore true order. (Revelation 19:11-16), describes Jesus’ triumphant return as the true King who will defeat the forces of darkness. He alone has the authority to judge and restore the earth, reversing the chaos and destruction caused by Satan.

This is a reminder that, no matter how chaotic the world becomes—whether through man-made disasters, technological manipulation, or spiritual oppression Jesus will ultimately triumph.

Authors Note:

This story serves as a powerful allegory for the spiritual battles we face in our world today. While geoengineering may be a Demonic example, the deeper truths about pride, control, deception, and faith are real and present in our everyday lives. Satan uses anything he can to draw humanity away from God, and technology or climate manipulation could certainly be part of that strategy in future scenarios.

As believers, we must be vigilant. The Bible urges us to put on the full armor of God so that we can stand against the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). We must recognize that the battle is not just against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).  Whether we are dealing with environmental issues, political unrest, or personal struggles, the real battle is for our faith and our souls.

“By trusting in Jesus, staying rooted in the Word of God, and relying on the Holy Spirit for guidance, we can withstand the devil’s deception and remain faithful, knowing that Christ will return and restore all things that is out of place!” In the end, geoengineering—or any other form of human control—cannot thwart God’s plan.

Satan’s downfall is already assured by Christ’s triumph on the cross, regardless of the seeming increase in his power or influence. This story may serve as a wake-up call to individuals who have closed their eyes and need to have them opened-up. It also offers the hope that all will be made right when Jesus returns.

Servant; Norman G. Roy III

When the US Government Tried to Control Hurricanes: Project Stormfury:

When the US Government Tried to Control Hurricanes: Project Stormfury

The Un exPlained: Weather Control Weaponized by World Military (Season 1) History Channel:

The UnxPlained: Weather Control Weaponized by World's Military (Season 1) | History
China’s Secretive Power: Controlling the Weather:
China's Secretive Power: Controlling the Weather

Deception Unveiled: The Devil’s Tactics Through the Ages:

“Come on in, make yourself at home!” I will soon go across time to expose the lies that the devil and his henchmen have perpetrated upon our world. Now that you’re aware of it, let’s get started. The account will focus on how Satan and his followers have used various methods to deceive and manipulate humanity throughout history, subtly infiltrating minds and hearts, drawing on relevant KJV texts to illuminate their actions and motivations.

Here’s an outline of how I could approach it; In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, all was good. But lurking in the shadows was one who had already fallen from grace. Satan, the once-glorious angel, was filled with pride and rebellion against God. Cast down from heaven, his desire was to corrupt and destroy what God had created.

His first act of deception was subtle, for in his cunning, he knew that a direct assault on God’s image-bearers would fail. Instead, he approached the woman, Eve, not as an enemy but as a serpent—a creature she would not immediately fear. As he slithered toward her, his voice was honeyed, his words twisted with lies.

The serpent questioned God’s command: “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” (Genesis 3:1). It was a simple question, but its purpose was to plant doubt in Eve’s heart. Satan’s tactic was not to deny God’s command outright, but to distort it. He wanted Eve to reconsider, to question God’s intentions.

When Eve responded, Satan saw his opportunity. “Ye shall not surely die,” he whispered (Genesis 3:4), contradicting God’s clear warning. “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5). Here, Satan dangled before her the false promise of divinity. He offered her the illusion of power, of knowledge that would elevate her to the level of God Himself.

This moment in the Garden of Eden marked the beginning of Satan’s long campaign against humanity. His tactics would remain consistent throughout history: distortion of God’s truth, appealing to human pride, and offering false promises of power and autonomy.

As human history unfolded, Satan refined his tactics, learning that the most effective lies were those that masqueraded as truth. He understood that outright rebellion would not always work—humans were too wary of the obvious enemy. Instead, he clothed himself and his followers in garments of righteousness, imitating the very servants of God.

In (2 Corinthians 11:14), Paul warns the church: “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” Here, Paul reveals a vital truth about the devil’s methods. Satan often appears not as a grotesque demon, but as a figure of light, offering wisdom, guidance, and even salvation—though all of it is counterfeit.

This tactic of deception has been one of Satan’s most potent tools. Throughout history, false prophets have arisen, claiming to speak for God, but in reality, serving the purposes of the devil. These men and women lead the faithful astray, spreading doctrines that seem godly on the surface but are filled with heresy and destruction.

The devil’s use of false teachers and prophets is a sophisticated strategy. The unsuspecting are easily led astray by those who appear knowledgeable and devout. Satan uses scripture itself, twisting it just enough to distort its meaning, leaving people vulnerable. This is how he plants seeds of doubt and confusion among the faithful, slowly leading them away from the true gospel and toward destruction.

One such example can be found in the prophet Micaiah’s story. In (1 Kings 22:21-23), a lying spirit volunteers to deceive King Ahab: “And the Lord said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.” Here, God permits a lying spirit to fulfill His judgment upon Ahab. But it is Satan’s forces, through manipulation and deceit, that carry out the plan. The prophets, whom the people trusted, became the devil’s instruments.

This method of deception has not faded with ancient Israel. Today, many continue to fall prey to charismatic leaders, prosperity preachers, and those who twist scripture for personal gain. These false prophets, unknowingly or willingly, serve as the devil’s mouthpieces, leading many astray.

Satan’s influence is not limited to individual souls. His reach extends to the highest realms of power—kings, emperors, and nations. Scripture tells us of spiritual forces that influence rulers, guiding them into wars, oppression, and acts of evil.

The prophet Daniel offers a glimpse into this cosmic struggle in (Daniel 10:13). As Daniel prayed, an angelic messenger was delayed by the “prince of the kingdom of Persia”—a demonic entity influencing the Persian empire. This passage reveals that behind the scenes of human history, spiritual forces are at work, manipulating the rulers of the earth.

Satan, the “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4), has long used governments and kingdoms to fulfill his purposes. From the tyrants of ancient Egypt and Babylon to modern-day dictators, he finds willing vessels among those who seek power and control. These rulers believe they are acting of their own accord, driven by ambition or ideology, but in truth, they are pawns in a greater spiritual war.

One of the most striking examples of Satan’s influence over earthly power is found in (Ezekiel 28:12-15), where the prophet addresses the king of Tyre, but the language transcends the earthly ruler and speaks of a being more ancient: Satan himself. “Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God… Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so.” The description of the king of Tyre’s pride and fall mirrors that of Lucifer, showing how Satan’s spirit can inhabit and guide earthly leaders into ruin.

Through the manipulation of kings and governments, Satan establishes systems of oppression, injustice, and war. Nations rise and fall, but behind the scenes, the same dark hand pulls the strings. Many rulers, thinking they are acting wisely, become agents of evil without even realizing it.

One of the most terrifying aspects of Satan’s work is his ability to possess and manipulate individuals, often without their awareness. Throughout the New Testament, we see examples of demon possession, where individuals are overtaken by evil spirits, their actions controlled, and their lives destroyed.

In (Mark 5:1-5), we meet the man possessed by a legion of demons. This man, living among the tombs, was beyond human help. He was tormented day and night, cutting himself with stones, driven mad by the forces that controlled him. This account reveals the sheer power and cruelty of demonic possession, as the man had lost all autonomy and lived in constant agony.

But not all demonic manipulation is as overt. Often, Satan’s influence is far more subtle. In many cases, people are unaware that their thoughts and actions are being guided by dark forces. They may believe they are following their own desires, but in reality, they are being led down a path of destruction.

One of the most striking examples of this is Judas Iscariot. In (Luke 22:3), we read: “Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.” Judas, who had walked with Jesus, listened to His teachings, and witnessed His miracles, became the unwitting instrument of Satan’s plan to betray the Son of God. Judas likely thought his betrayal was his own choice, driven by greed or disillusionment. But in truth, he had become a vessel for Satan’s dark will.

This theme of possession without awareness is a common thread throughout history. Many individuals, consumed by pride, greed, or lust for power, open themselves to spiritual influence. They act out Satan’s will, causing harm to others and themselves, all while believing they are in control. This is one of the devil’s most dangerous tricks—making people think they are acting of their own accord when, in reality, they are being manipulated by unseen forces.

In some cases, Satan uses individuals not only to carry out his will but also to speak directly through them. These individuals become “talking heads”—mouthpieces for the devil’s lies. The most insidious aspect of this tactic is that the person often believes they are speaking their own thoughts, unaware that they are being used as a vessel for deception, as most of your TV Prosperity preachers and other televangelists that are cloaked in the same darkness.

An example of this can be found in (1 Kings 22:21-23), where a lying spirit enters the mouths of the prophets of Ahab, leading him to his doom. These prophets, who should have been speaking the truth of God, instead became instruments of Satan’s plan, deceiving Ahab into going to war and ultimately to his death.

Conclusion: In modern times, this tactic continues. Influential figures—politicians, media personalities, even religious leaders—may become unwitting vessels for Satan’s lies. They speak confidently, convinced of their own righteousness, but their words lead others astray. These “talking heads” spread confusion, division, and false teachings, often with disastrous consequences.

Satan’s goal in using these individuals is to create chaos and division, leading people further away from the truth. The more prominent the individual, the more effective the deception, as entire nations or movements can be swayed by the words of a single person.

The devil’s ploys throughout history have been vast and varied, but always focused on one goal: leading humanity away from God and toward destruction. By twisting truth, manipulating human vessels, and crafting subtle traps, Satan has drawn countless souls into darkness. Yet, Scripture reveals his strategies, providing God’s people with the wisdom to stand firm.

As believers are reminded in Ephesians (6:11-12), “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

SATAN’S STRATEGY | Overcoming The Devil – Inspirational & Motivational Video

SATAN’S STRATEGY | Overcoming The Devil - Inspirational & Motivational Video

WARNING: The Devil’s Deception – How He Infiltrates Your Praise and Worship!

WARNING: The Devil's Deception – How He Infiltrates Your Praise and Worship!

SATAN’S STRATEGY | Overcoming The Devils Deception Inspirational & Motivational Video:

SATAN’S STRATEGY | Overcoming The Devils Deception   Inspirational & Motivational Video

“The Final Gathering”

Hello, a good day to all of the beautiful disciples of our “Lord Jesus Christ.” This is a fantastic day for redemption for everyone who comes to visit. An inspired day in which I will try and provide a comprehensive explanation of the Rapture.

The concept of the rapture is a significant doctrine within Christian eschatology, particularly among evangelical Christians. It refers to the event when Jesus Christ returns to take His followers out of the world before the tribulation period, a time of great suffering and divine judgment.

The rapture is seen as an event distinct from the Second Coming of Christ, where He returns to earth to establish His millennial kingdom. Below is an exploration of the rapture with relevant verses from the King James Version of the Bible. The primary passage that describes the rapture is found in Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians:

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
(1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

‘Friends, this passage outlines the sequence of events during the rapture. Christ will descend from heaven, the dead in Christ will rise first, and then believers who are alive will be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. “Gods loved ones,” the manner of Christ’s return is also emphasized in the book of Acts, where the angels spoke to the disciples as Jesus ascended into heaven:

“And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”
(Acts 1:9-11)

This passage reinforces the idea that Jesus will return in the same manner He ascended—bodily and visibly. ‘Friends, the doctrine of the rapture is closely tied to the idea of imminence, meaning that it could happen at any moment, and no one knows the exact time:

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”
(Matthew 24:36-44)

Here, Jesus compares His coming to the days of Noah, highlighting the suddenness and unexpected nature of the event. ‘Here friends, Paul speaks of the transformation that believers will undergo at the time of the rapture:

“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
(1 Corinthians 15:51-52)

‘Guys, this transformation refers to the glorification of the believers’ bodies, making them fit for eternal life with Christ. There is also a passage that speaks to the timing and events surrounding the rapture, including the coming of the “man of sin” (the Antichrist):

“Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.”
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-7)

This passage suggests that certain events must occur before the rapture, including a great apostasy and the revelation of the Antichrist. ‘Friends, the rapture is often referred to as the “blessed hope” of believers:”Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” (Titus 2:13) This verse captures the anticipation and hope that believers have for the return of Christ.

‘Finally, the doctrine of the rapture is meant to bring comfort and encouragement to believers:”Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”
(1 Thessalonians 4:18)This is a reminder that the rapture is not meant to instill fear but to provide assurance and hope.

‘Friends, for all who see this it would likely be a dramatic and awe-inspiring event, filled with supernatural elements and intense emotions. Imagine a scene where, in an instant, people around the world vanish, leaving behind their clothes, possessions, and anything they were carrying. Those taken would be lifted into the sky, drawn upward by an unseen force, while those left behind would be left in shock and confusion, trying to comprehend what just happened.

The sky darkened, and a powerful sound, like a trumpet blast, would resonate through the air, signaling the beginning of the rapture. Believers, both dead and alive, would rise, their bodies transformed into radiant, incorruptible forms. They would ascend through the clouds, where they would be greeted by a brilliant, divine light, representing the presence of Jesus Christ.

On the ground, scenes of chaos might unfold as people realize loved ones have disappeared. Some might fall to their knees in despair, while others might try to rationalize what they just witnessed. Governments and media could struggle to explain the phenomenon, leading to widespread panic or denial.

The rapture would be portrayed as both a moment of ultimate hope and joy for those taken and a time of deep sorrow and fear for those left behind, setting the stage for further dramatic events as the world grapples with the aftermath.

Authors Note;

‘God bless all of you, who have stayed with me while we discover that the rapture is a critical event in Christian eschatology, rooted in several key scriptures that describe its suddenness, the transformation of believers, and the glorious hope of being united with Christ.

By Servant; Norman G. Roy III

The Rapture According to the Bible!

The Rapture According to the Bible

Heaven’s Throne Hidden: How the Elites Mask God’s Nearness:

“Welcome! Your presence just made everything better.” See that thing above and that thing they call geostationary satellites. Well, you will be in for a surprise by learning in your one time opportunity to travel in this world in your human vessel, that you have been lied too, all of your life about that thing and the other up above. It’s another trick of the Devil and his minions. C’mon, let me tell you why!

The world believed in the grandeur of space travel, in the boundless frontier that lay beyond the firmament, where astronauts supposedly floated above Earth on the International Space Station (ISS), and geostationary satellites orbited in perfect synchronization. But few knew the truth, a dark conspiracy born of deception—one woven by forces beyond human understanding, forces masquerading as governments and scientists.

For centuries, the unseen had operated behind the veil, manipulating the public’s perception of the universe. Demons, fallen from their place in the heavens, took on new forms, cloaked in the guise of world leaders, scientists, and elite influencers. These beings knew that the key to keeping humanity from the truth was to distort their understanding of creation. What better way than to blind the masses with a narrative of an infinite universe, birthed from a chaotic explosion—the Big Bang—and filled with meaningless stars and galaxies?

In reality, the ISS was never in space at all. It was launched in secluded, highly restricted areas of the world—places inaccessible to the public, hidden away from prying eyes by international treaties and heavy military surveillance. Rather than reaching the vast expanses of outer space, these “space missions” involved simple, mechanical tricks, designed to fool the public. The truth was simpler, and more insidious: The ISS, along with geostationary satellites, was not floating in a vacuum. They were suspended by enormous, unseen balloons, drifting in the upper atmosphere.

These high-altitude platforms were equipped with sophisticated technology, designed to create the illusion of weightlessness and space travel. From their vantage points, far above the clouds but still well within the confines of Earth’s atmosphere, they broadcast images and data that perpetuated the grand lie. The media, carefully controlled by the same demonic entities, presented these images to the public as proof of humanity’s conquest of space.

Behind this grand deception was a sinister motive. The demons’ primary goal was to keep humanity blind to the reality of God’s creation. They crafted a narrative that framed the universe as vast, cold, and indifferent—a cosmos where humanity was insignificant, just a speck of dust born of random chance. By pushing this worldview, they sought to drive a wedge between God’s children and their Creator, making them believe that He was distant, unreachable, and uninterested in their lives.

But the truth was far more wondrous. Scripture revealed that God was near, intimately involved in the world He had created. In Revelation 4:3, the Apostle John described a vision of God’s throne, surrounded by the splendor of heavenly light: “And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.” This was no mere metaphor—John had glimpsed the very colors of the sky, the hues of divine presence, emanating from above.

God’s throne, positioned above the firmament, was visible to those who had eyes to see. The colors of the Aurora Borealis, which modern science explained away as a natural phenomenon caused by solar winds interacting with Earth’s magnetic field, were, in fact, glimpses of God’s radiant glory shining down from His seat. The elite, under demonic influence, spun this spectacle as pseudoscience to keep the world from recognizing it for what it truly was: a sign of God’s nearness and His watchful gaze upon his children and His Earth.

The lie of geostationary satellites furthered this deception. The truth was that no object was orbiting thousands of miles above the Earth. The technology that supposedly kept these satellites in perfect alignment with the Earth’s rotation was nonexistent. Instead, carefully timed signals and ground-based systems created the illusion that communication satellites were stationed far above. These “satellites” were tethered to the same high-altitude platforms that supported the fake ISS, drifting silently across the sky.

The elite worked tirelessly to maintain this façade. They knew that if humanity ever discovered the truth—that the stars were not distant suns but lights placed in the firmament to mark the times and seasons—it would shatter their carefully constructed worldview. People would realize that the Earth was not a speck in an endless void, but a special, created place, watched over by a loving God who was far closer than they had been led to believe.

In their arrogance, the elite believed that they could outsmart God’s children, but they underestimated the power of faith. As more began to question the official narratives of science and space, they started to see through the lies. The emerald hues in the sky, once dismissed as auroras, became reminders of the promise of Revelation, of the God who sat above them, watching with love and judgment.

The demons feared the day when humanity would collectively awaken and realize that God had always been near, not lost in the recesses of a distant universe but watching from His throne, high above the firmament. When that day came, their grand deception would crumble, and the people would turn back to the truth—that they were not insignificant, but beloved children of the Almighty, fearfully and wonderfully made in His image.

And so, the battle between truth and deception rages on. The demons know their time is short, and they doubled down on their efforts, using every tool at their disposal to keep the veil over humanity’s eyes. But for those who sought the truth, the light of God’s glory was already breaking through, shining brighter than any false vehicle or satellite ever could. A time when those that have eyes will be able to see the truth, and everyone who has ears will be able to hear it. Isaiah 32:3.

In the end, the veil will be lifted, and the truth revealed: humanity was never adrift in a cold, indifferent universe but always under the loving watch of the Creator. The deception, crafted by demons masquerading as elites, will crumble as the world awakens to the reality that God’s throne is near, His glory shining through the very skies they once believed to be empty. The grand lie of space and the vast cosmos was but a distraction to keep humanity from seeing their true significance—beloved children of a God who has never been far from them.

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

The God Made Firmament – FLAT EARTH:

The God Made Firmament  -  FLAT EARTH

Satellites on a FLAT EARTH:

The sun rises under the clouds at FL280:

Sun rise under the clouds at FL280

“Empire of Shadows: The Devil’s Royal Bloodline”

“Welcome! Ready for an unforgettable time?” It’s possible to learn now. Friends we’re going down a dark path together. Rather than instilling terror in you, this essay should prepare you for the evil that’s veiled and has crept into our society and for the types of comparable attacks that God’s people, who will be the minority during the end times, are likely to face.

This evil will be presented in detail so that everyone may understand. The year was 1066. In the aftermath of William the Conqueror’s invasion, the Devil found an opening. Beneath the catacombs of the newly constructed Tower of London, a hidden chamber lay, older than time itself. It was here that Satan and his minions first laid their claim on the English throne.

William, the new king, believed himself to be anointed by God. But as the power of the monarchy grew, so did the influence of a darker force. Satan, cloaked in the form of an adviser—silent, unseen—began to whisper in the ears of kings. The royal bloodline, originally noble, would slowly be tainted by the Devil’s own seed. Every successive monarch, unbeknownst to the world, carried a part of this dark lineage.

The serpent’s seed was not just metaphorical but literal. Through hidden rituals and the deception of royal bloodlines, Satan inserted his demonic offspring into humanity’s most powerful families, with the English monarchy becoming his crowning achievement. By the 16th century, the serpent seed had fully manifested in King Henry VIII.

His thirst for power and indulgence in excess was the Devil’s hand at work. In his desire for control over the Church, he split England from Catholicism, further securing the monarchy’s allegiance to Satan. The break from Rome was not just a political or religious maneuver but a spiritual shift, severing England from the last vestiges of protection from God’s grace. The Devil was now the true ruler behind the throne, guiding monarchs to expand their empire and exploit the world.

But England was not enough. Satan’s ambition was global. Satan’s plot stretched far beyond Europe. His greatest atrocity would be the destruction of the Afro-Indigenous civilizations—civilizations rich in culture, history, and wisdom, long protected by their spiritual connection to the Earth and the Creator. These were the societies that Satan despised the most because they represented a direct link to the divine order.

As England’s empire expanded into Africa and the Americas, the Devil’s grip tightened. The transatlantic slave trade, driven by greed, was his most successful instrument of destruction. Entire tribes and nations were torn apart, their histories erased, and their people enslaved. Behind the scenes, the monarchs—now fully consumed by Satan’s influence—justified their actions under the guise of “civilizing” the so-called savages. But this was not civilization; it was the systematic eradication of divine order.

The Devil’s henchmen—the royal families, merchants, and soldiers—committed unspeakable war crimes. In Africa, the genocide of the Congolese people under King Leopold II’s rule was one of Satan’s crowning achievements. Millions were slaughtered, enslaved, and mutilated. The rubber trade was merely a front; the true objective was the spiritual annihilation of an entire people.

In the Americas, Afro-Indigenous civilizations faced a similar fate. From the great civilizations of the Maya and Inca to the powerful kingdoms of West Africa, Satan orchestrated their downfall. Disease, war, and slavery followed in the wake of European colonization. Entire civilizations were destroyed, and with them, the ancient knowledge that could have resisted Satan’s influence was lost.

Satan’s strategy was not only to destroy civilizations but to reshape the world in his image. Through centuries of conflict, war, and genocide, his forces broke the will of the Afro-Indigenous peoples. The genocide in Africa, such as the Herero and Namaqua genocide in German South-West Africa, was an echo of the Devil’s thirst for complete domination. Meanwhile, in the Caribbean, the indigenous Arawak and Taino people were wiped out by the Spanish colonizers, acting under the English monarchies influence in 1493.

The Devil’s seed had now spread through multiple empires. The English monarchy, in particular, became the torchbearer of Satan’s ambition, sponsoring voyages of “discovery” that led to the enslavement and murder of millions. Satan’s power had become entrenched in colonialism, and his henchmen were the captains of the empire, driven by greed, lust, and bloodshed.

As the 19th century dawned, the English monarchy had become a global power, and with it, Satan’s dominion over Earth. The Victorian era, often seen as a time of progress, was rife with occult rituals behind the closed doors of the monarchy. Queen Victoria herself was said to have participated in séances, unknowingly communicating with the Devil’s agents.

In the African colonies, Satan’s influence reached its peak. The British Empire’s exploitation of resources and people led to unimaginable suffering. The systematic rape, murder, and enslavement of African peoples were all part of the Devil’s plan to erase any trace of humanity’s divine connection.

In the Americas, the Devil’s influence continued as Afro-Indigenous peoples were further subjugated. The atrocities committed against the native populations, including forced labor and cultural erasure, ensured that Satan’s hold over the world was complete.

Let’s take a pause. As you can see, these atrocities are not being performed by people who appear to be you or me, but rather by what I refer to as the invisibles, or demons, who lurk and murmur suggestions to a weak vessel of Gods. A door left open to welcome a spiritual inhabitant. It is not only my responsibility to speak about us, but also to describe what can exist inside us. The spirit within me seeks to explain what is causing the horrors that have been mentioned. Acknowledging that it is real, but not human.

Okay, back to the objective; In the case of the English monarchy, this seed is woven into the royal bloodline, ensuring that Satan’s influence would remain uninterrupted for generations. These rulers, though outwardly appearing human, carry a spiritual corruption that distorts their moral compass and propels them to commit heinous acts against humanity.

The serpent seed could manifest physically through the rulers’ heightened intelligence, charisma, and ability to manipulate, but also spiritually, with darker inclinations such as cruelty, tyranny, and a thirst for control. They are not merely influenced by Satan; they are his progeny, designed to fulfill his agenda of destruction and domination.

Behind closed doors, the English monarchy engages in secret occult rituals, passed down through the ages as part of their pact with the Devil. These ceremonies, drawing upon ancient demonic powers, not only reinforce Satan’s influence over the monarchy but also maintain the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds.

These rituals may take place in secret chambers beneath castles or estates and could involve sacrifices, blood pacts, and invocations of demonic entities that further entrench Satan’s control. The monarchy’s involvement in these dark practices is not just a continuation of ancient traditions but a deliberate choice to wield power at any cost. Over time, this transforms the monarchy into an institution designed not to serve the people but to enact Satan’s will across the world.

England’s rise as a global power in the age of exploration and empire-building wasn’t merely driven by the greed of men but by Satan’s plan for global domination. The expansion into Africa, the Americas, and parts of Asia was part of his design to spread the serpent seed’s influence across continents, ensuring his grip on humanity.

This period of colonialism and imperialism wasn’t just about resource extraction or political control; it was about spiritual subjugation. Afro-Indigenous civilizations, which had remained spiritually connected to divine forces for millennia, posed a threat to Satan’s agenda.

These societies, rich in cultural, spiritual, and mystical traditions, were able to resist Satan’s influence more easily than European nations that had already fallen under his sway. By enslaving, massacring, and assimilating these peoples, the English monarchy and other European powers destroyed the spiritual knowledge that could have undermined Satan’s control over the world.

Satan did not work alone; his demonic forces and fallen angels also took physical form to aid in his conquests. In the guise of royal advisors, military generals, and religious leaders, these entities manipulated events to bring about genocide, war, and suffering. They were responsible for steering key moments in history, such as advising monarchs on brutal conquests, justifying the transatlantic slave trade, or inciting bloodshed in the name of empire.

In Africa, these demonic agents manipulated the course of history through European traders, missionaries, and colonial governors. They orchestrated tribal conflicts, manipulated local rulers, and pushed for the dehumanization of entire populations, ensuring that the brutal system of slavery would take hold. These demonic entities might be represented as shadowy, almost immortal figures whose influence over time is vast and far-reaching.

One of the most devastating effects of Satan’s war against Afro-Indigenous civilizations was the spiritual genocide that accompanied the physical atrocities. African civilizations had deep-rooted connections to the land, to ancestral spirits, and to nature itself.

These societies had spiritual systems that could tap into ancient powers, forces of light that had resisted the Devil’s influence for centuries. By wiping out these cultures through enslavement, warfare, and genocide, Through some of his schemes, Satan eliminated the wisdom and spiritual strength that would have opposed his methods.

This spiritual genocide is evident not only in the loss of ancient traditions and languages but also in the psychological trauma inflicted on the descendants of these civilizations. Satan’s power is not just physical domination; it’s a deeply ingrained spiritual and cultural erasure that leaves entire societies disconnected from their roots, their gods, and their sense of purpose. This sounds conflicting but not.

Although Satan’s grip on the English monarchy and global powers seemed absolute, resistance never ceased. Across Africa and the Americas, there were secret spiritual orders and movements that sought to preserve the ancient ways. These groups held on to knowledge of divine power, carefully passed down in secret. Some used art, storytelling, and oral traditions as covert ways to preserve this knowledge, while others engaged in clandestine spiritual warfare against the demonic entities that controlled the monarchs and colonizers.

Leaders of these resistance movements could be depicted as powerful mystics, warriors, and shamans—characters who understand the deep spiritual significance of the struggle. They may wield powers that come from their connection to ancient, divine forces, opposing Satan’s minions not just through physical combat, but through rituals, invocations, and battles in the spiritual realm. These characters would be central to the final battle, where the future of humanity’s soul is at stake.

As the article reaches the modern age, it’s clear that Satan’s influence over the world has not diminished, though it has become more covert. The English monarchy, though no longer an imperial power, still carries the serpent seed and maintains its occult ties. World leaders, corporations, and global institutions continue to enact the Devil’s will, promoting exploitation, war, and spiritual disconnect.

However, the seeds of resistance planted by the Afro-Indigenous civilizations have never fully died. In the modern world, descendants of these ancient peoples, as well as spiritual warriors from various traditions, gather to wage a final war against Satan’s empire in prayer. This battle is not just fought in the political or economic spheres but in the unseen spiritual realm, where the very fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

By controlling the English monarchy and other powers, Satan seeks to erase the divine nature of humanity, turning people into mere cogs in a machine of exploitation and destruction. His ultimate goal is to sever humanity’s connection to God, making humans into beings of pure materialism and despair.

Some monarchs could be portrayed as initially resistant to the Devil’s influence, but slowly corrupted over time. This introduces a tragic element to the story, showing how even well-meaning leaders are twisted into agents of evil through subtle manipulation and temptation.

You could explore “what-if” scenarios, where Satan’s conquest changed the course of history in significant ways. For example, a world where the Afro-Indigenous civilizations survived and thrived might look vastly different—more spiritually aware, in tune with nature, and resistant to Satan’s materialistic worldview.

My, ending story could touch on modern-day issues like systemic racism, global inequality, and environmental destruction, showing how these are all consequences of Satan’s plan, carried out by his descendants and institutions of power.

So in conclusion; As the final battle between light and darkness drew near, the ancient forces of resistance gathered, their power rekindled in the descendants of Afro-Indigenous civilizations and others who had long opposed Satan’s reign. The English monarchy, now fully consumed by the serpent seed, prepared to tighten its grip on the world one last time. But in the shadows, a spark of hope ignited—a power far older than the Devil’s influence “saw this!”

In a hidden chamber beneath the ruins of a long-forgotten temple, the last of the griots raised their voices, calling upon the divine forces that had protected humanity for millennia. As the darkness threatened to swallow the earth, a bright light tore through the sky. The time had come for the Devil’s empire to fall, and with it, the chains of corruption that had bound humanity for so long.

A day that has been waited on by a true Christian community of diverse brands. The final reckoning will arrive. And this time, the light would not falter. God bless, and surely keep your head to the sky!

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

How the Royal Family secretly owns the world:

How the Royal Family secretly owns the world

In the hope, I pray that you understand what evil hides within types of people.

Fear and Fury: How Evil Took Over Law Enforcement:

“We’re so glad you’ve arrived—let’s get started!” I’ve just gained new insight into this subject, so hold on—our Father wants you to see it and not become so oblivious to what most people would consider mysteries. It’s an image of the real world we live in, overrun by invisible entities. The moment has come to reveal once more who the devil and his henchmen are, and who has historically been humanity’s greatest enemy. This article is about some of their work.

The issue of racial profiling, police brutality, and the disproportionate killing of Black and Brown people in the United States is a deeply complex and troubling one. While there are many perspectives on this topic, blending historical, sociological, and psychological lenses, this exploration centered around the idea that demonic forces are using law enforcement to perpetuate this violence adds a unique layer of spiritual interpretation to a very real and urgent issue.

‘This, is a battle beyond the flesh. Since the inception of the United States, the relationship between law enforcement and communities of color—particularly Black and Brown people—has been fraught with systemic racism, profiling, and violence. To some, this may appear to be a purely social and historical issue rooted in the legacies of slavery and colonialism.

However, an interpretation could posit that the deeper, unseen forces of evil—namely demons—have long exploited this division to further their own agenda; the destabilization and destruction of marginalized communities, particularly those of African and Indigenous descent.

Friends these demonic forces feed on fear, hatred, and division, using weak-willed and racially prejudiced officers as their vessels. The aim? To perpetuate a cycle of violence, distrust, and trauma in an attempt to exterminate Black and Brown communities spiritually, emotionally, and even physically.

This examination will explore the history of this issue, the role demons might play in perpetuating this violence, and the societal consequences of unchecked demonic influence. The institution of policing in the United States has deep roots in the enforcement of racist policies.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, law enforcement agencies in Southern states were largely created to enforce slavery, capture escaped slaves, and suppress rebellions. The “slave patrols” of the antebellum South were the precursors to modern police forces, and their primary mission was to control Black populations through intimidation and violence.

This legacy of racial control continued into the Jim Crow era, where law enforcement played a central role in enforcing segregation laws and suppressing civil rights movements. During this period, demons could be imagined to have capitalized on the institutionalized racism of the time, using the fear of “the other” to manipulate officers and other figures of authority. Demons thrive on division, and America’s racial division has been a fertile ground for them.

One of the key ways demons might manipulate police officers is through fear. Fear is a powerful emotion, and it can cloud judgment, distort perception, and lead to violence. In this way, demons target officers who already harbor racial biases or those who are particularly vulnerable to fear, subtly pushing them toward acts of violence against Black and Brown people.

Many law enforcement officers operate in high-stress environments where they are constantly on alert, sometimes perceiving threats where none exist. When officers approach Black or Brown individuals with preconceived notions that they are more likely to be dangerous or criminal, this creates a fertile environment for demonic influence. In moments of tension, these demons could be imagined whispering into the ears of officers, amplifying their fear and encouraging them to act on their worst impulses. The result? The unnecessary use of deadly force, often justified by claims of “fear for one’s life.”

This fear-based approach by demonic forces extends beyond individual officers and is woven into the very fabric of police training and culture. Police officers are often trained to view encounters with civilians as potential life-or-death situations, leading them to treat communities of color as enemy combatants. Demons feed on this mentality, perpetuating a cycle of violence where officers are encouraged to dehumanize Black and Brown individuals.

At this point, I would want to clarify that as Christ’s Soldiers, we are not bound by a 501(c3) exemption and that we speak the objective TRUTH about any issue that impacts God’s people—that is, all of us, good or bad. And that all police officers are not bad in various ethnic diverse groups, we do have some good ones that are active in their communities and respected from good works for all in the protections of communities in general. But if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck-its a duck! And it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the bunch-feel me!

Demons would also exploit the systemic racism that exists within police departments and the broader criminal justice system. Racial profiling is a key tool in this system of oppression, allowing demons to further their agenda. By encouraging officers to disproportionately target Black and Brown individuals for stops, searches, and arrests, demons create an environment of constant harassment and surveillance for these communities.

The ripple effect of racial profiling is profound. When Black and Brown individuals are constantly stopped by police for minor infractions or no reason at all, it fosters a sense of helplessness and fear within these communities. This is exactly what demons would want—disempowered communities are easier to exploit, and the trauma of repeated encounters with law enforcement weakens the spirit, making individuals more susceptible to further harm. In other words, these interactions with a dark foundation provide devils with energy and a place to live.

Racial profiling also serves to reinforce the negative stereotypes that society holds about Black and Brown people. When people of color are disproportionately represented in arrest statistics or are more likely to be involved in violent encounters with police, it perpetuates the false notion that they are inherently dangerous or criminal. This, in turn, provides further justification for officers to continue using violence against these communities, creating a vicious cycle of oppression. Demons build strong holds on these individuals lives to spew malevolent evil on a targeted few.

Police brutality is perhaps the most direct way in which demons use law enforcement officers to oppress and harm Black and Brown people. The killing of unarmed Black and Brown men, women, and children—such as George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, and many others—can be seen as the culmination of demonic influence.

In these moments of brutality, demons are not only using individual officers to commit acts of violence, but they are also exploiting the broader system that allows these acts to go unpunished. The failure of the criminal justice system to hold officers accountable for acts of brutality can be seen as further evidence of demonic manipulation. Demons thrive on injustice, and when officers are acquitted or receive only light punishments for their actions, it reinforces the notion that Black and Brown lives are expendable.

The ongoing trauma experienced by the families and communities of those who have been killed by police is another aspect of demonic influence. Grief, anger, and fear can weaken individuals and communities, making them more vulnerable to further harm. This, in turn, creates a cycle of violence and trauma that demons can continue to exploit for their own gain.

The long-term effects of police violence and racial profiling on Black and Brown communities are devastating. Be aware that demons are not simply interested in the physical destruction of these communities but are also focused on their spiritual and emotional degradation.

When communities are constantly subjected to violence and harassment by law enforcement, it creates an environment of fear and mistrust. Individuals within these communities may feel that they are under constant surveillance and that their lives are in danger at any moment. This sense of powerlessness can lead to a breakdown in community cohesion, as people are less likely to trust one another or to engage in collective action. These types of corruption are awarded by their master to demon factions.

Demons would also exploit the economic and social consequences of police violence. When individuals are killed or incarcerated, it leaves a void in their families and communities. The loss of a loved one to police violence can lead to financial hardship, emotional trauma, and a breakdown in family structure. Demons feed on this instability, using it to further weaken the community and to sow further division and mistrust.

But also be aware that even if whispered by demons, those individuals who opened a door to listen should still be held accountable for it. The only thing that could save anyone who could be involved in such acts of transgressions in this type of demonic control, is prayer.

The media also plays a role in amplifying demonic influence. The sensationalized coverage of police violence, particularly when it involves Black and Brown individuals, can serve to dehumanize these communities further. When the media focuses on the criminal record or personal history of a victim of police violence, it reinforces the notion that these individuals were somehow deserving of their fate.

This dehumanization serves the interests of demons, as it allows the broader public to distance themselves from the victims of police violence. When people see Black and Brown individuals as criminals or threats, they are less likely to empathize with their suffering or to demand justice on their behalf. This, in turn, allows the cycle of violence to continue unchecked. And the demons dance to this music.

The violence that Black and Brown communities face at the hands of law enforcement is not simply a matter of individual prejudice or systemic racism. It is part of a larger, spiritual battle between good and evil, with demons exploiting the weaknesses of the human heart—fear, hatred, and prejudice—to further their own agenda of destruction and division.

The interpretation, the real-world consequences of police violence and racial profiling are undeniable. The deaths of countless Black and Brown people at the hands of law enforcement have left a deep scar on the American conscience, and the failure of the justice system to hold officers accountable has only deepened this wound.

Whether one believes in the existence of demons or not, the need for change is clear. Law enforcement must be held accountable for their actions, and the broader system of racial profiling and violence must be dismantled. Only by confronting these issues head-on can we begin to heal the deep wounds that have been inflicted on Black and Brown communities and prevent further harm from being done.

In this struggle for justice, perhaps we can get you to believe that we are engaging in a spiritual battle—one in which the forces of good must triumph over the forces of evil if we are to create a world where all people, regardless of their race, can live free from fear and violence. I myself would probably stop here, but Father says in me you need more.

By this demonic influence and systemic violence, it is important to reflect on the transformation of law enforcement from community protectors to what often appears to be a militarized force. The evolution of policing, particularly in the United States, has seen the shift from “peace officers”—whose primary responsibility was to maintain order in a non-confrontational manner—to “police officers” who are trained to act as enforcers of power.

Often using tactics and equipment that seem more appropriate for a military unit than for public servants. This shift creates a terrifying visual and psychological impact, and it reveals the deeper issues at play in the individuals drawn to and shaped by these institutions. When police officers respond to situations—particularly in Black and Brown communities—their appearance can be overwhelming.

Gone are the days of the stereotypical peace officer in a simple blue uniform, calmly walking a beat and interacting with the community. Today, many police departments use highly militarized vehicles, tactical gear, and weaponry that would not seem out of place on a battlefield. These officers often arrive in armored vehicles, wearing black tactical uniforms, bulletproof vests, helmets, and sometimes even carrying military-grade rifles. They appear as if they are prepared for war, not a routine public safety call.

Their very presence communicates a message of domination and control, not peace or protection. When a group of heavily armed officers step out of an armored vehicle into a residential neighborhood, they create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, It may be interpreted as the direct result of demonic powers preparing the groundwork for the AntiChrist’s imposition of martial law thereby escalating mistrust and terror in already vulnerable areas.

This appearance can be likened to an occupying force, one that seems ready to take over a small nation rather than serve and protect civilians. From their combat-ready posture to the tools they use—such as tear gas, rubber bullets, and even drones—modern police officers often resemble soldiers more than peacekeepers. This militarization allows demons in this scenario to send a clear message of control and subjugation, reinforcing the idea that Black and Brown lives are under siege.

One key aspect of this demonic influence is the transformation that takes place during police training. While police officers are ostensibly trained to protect and serve, much of modern police training focuses on a “warrior mentality,” emphasizing aggression, control, and the quick use of force.

Officers are often trained to see every situation as potentially life-threatening, which reinforces the idea that they must be constantly on guard, ready to use violence at any moment. In this, demons subtly influence this training to heighten officers’ fear and suspicion, particularly toward Black and Brown individuals and create psychopaths.

This training creates a hyper-vigilant mindset, one that primes officers to expect violence and danger in every interaction. When they approach civilians, especially those who have been racially profiled, they often do so with a readiness to assert dominance, rather than a desire to de-escalate or peacefully resolve the situation. This warrior mindset makes officers more susceptible to demonic influence, as it reinforces the idea that they are in a constant battle against “the enemy,” and in many cases, Black and Brown people are seen as that enemy.

This transformation also includes desensitization to violence. Many police officers undergo training that involves repeated exposure to violent scenarios, often through the use of “shoot/don’t shoot” simulations, which train them to react quickly and aggressively to perceived threats. Over time, this kind of training can erode their ability to empathize with civilians and can make them more likely to view people—especially those from marginalized communities—as threats rather than as fellow human beings.

Another crucial aspect of this is the personal background of many police officers. While there are officers who genuinely enter law enforcement with a desire to serve their communities, there are also those who are drawn to the power and authority that comes with the badge. For some, law enforcement offers a way to exert control over others, a dangerous temptation that demons can exploit.

Many officers who have been documented in high-profile incidents of police brutality have histories of racist behavior, whether it’s expressed through social media posts, personal affiliations, or internal complaints. These individuals, already harboring racist ideologies, are particularly vulnerable to demonic manipulation in this story. Demons feed on prejudice, twisting it into a justification for violence. When these officers encounter Black or Brown civilians, their biases are amplified by demonic whispers that encourage them to dehumanize the individuals in front of them.

Moreover, some officers come into the force with personal histories of trauma, bullying, or mental health issues. There have been reports of individuals who were bullied in school later joining law enforcement, seeking a position of authority where they can exact power over others.

These unresolved personal issues make them susceptible to the toxic culture within some police departments, where aggression and dominance are prized over empathy and understanding. Demons take advantage of these psychological wounds, urging officers to assert their dominance over others as a way to cope with their own feelings of inadequacy or powerlessness.

Additionally, the stress and trauma that officers experience on the job can exacerbate existing mental health issues. Instead of receiving adequate support, many officers internalize their trauma, which can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse, aggression, or emotional withdrawal. This lack of psychological care makes officers even more vulnerable to demonic influence, as they are left to manage their emotions in an environment that prioritizes strength and control over vulnerability and healing.

The combination of militarized policing, warrior-like training, and the personal baggage of some officers creates a dangerous situation for communities, especially those of color. Demons use these officers as vessels to carry out acts of violence and oppression, ensuring that Black and Brown communities remain trapped in a cycle of fear and trauma.

When officers arrive in a neighborhood dressed for combat, armed with military-grade weapons, and prepared to assert control, they bring with them an atmosphere of fear and hostility. For residents of these communities, especially those who have witnessed or experienced police brutality firsthand, the sight of a police vehicle or a group of officers is enough to trigger feelings of anxiety and terror. This constant presence of fear creates a fertile ground for demonic forces to thrive, as they feed off the chaos and division that it causes.

The over-policing of Black and Brown neighborhoods also reinforces the dehumanization of these communities. When police view residents as potential threats rather than people to protect, they are more likely to resort to violence in their interactions. This leads to a vicious cycle where every encounter between police and civilians becomes a potential flashpoint for brutality, further eroding trust and deepening the divide between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

The ultimate goal of the demonic forces at work is not just to inflict harm on individual Black and Brown people, but to create a culture of fear and control that pervades society. By militarizing law enforcement and fostering a toxic culture of aggression and domination, demons are able to keep entire communities in a state of constant anxiety. This fear weakens the spirit of these communities, making it harder for them to organize, resist, or heal from the trauma they experience.

Furthermore, the demonic influence within law enforcement doesn’t stop at the individual level. It permeates the entire system, from the officers on the street to the policies enacted by lawmakers. Every time a police officer acts violently and faces no consequences, it sends a message to society that this behavior is acceptable, even justified. This systemic impunity allows demons to continue their work, using law enforcement as a tool for oppression and domination.

In conclusion; friends to combat this demonic influence, both spiritual and systemic changes are necessary. On a systemic level, policing in America must undergo a complete transformation. This includes demilitarizing the police, reforming training practices to prioritize de-escalation and community engagement, and holding officers accountable for their actions. Ending the culture of impunity is critical, as it would signal that Black and Brown lives are valued and that violence will not be tolerated.

On a spiritual level, communities of color must continue to resist the forces that seek to dehumanize them. This resistance can take many forms, from activism and protest to reclaiming cultural and spiritual traditions that promote healing and solidarity and prayer. By coming together in love, justice, and mutual support, these communities can begin to heal the wounds inflicted by centuries of violence and oppression.

Ultimately, this calls for a reckoning—not just with the visible forces of systemic racism and police brutality, but with the unseen spiritual forces that thrive on fear, division, and hatred. Only by confronting these forces head-on can society move toward a future where all people, regardless of race, can live in peace and dignity.

And seek knowledge of the enemy to be aware of what you might think is a mystery, is in fact our reality controlled by darkness unseen by the veiled. I hope you received a better understanding of this subject matter. And know with issues this intense the only way to repair it is with group prayer. The family that prays together stays together. God bless you and everyone you love!

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

How America’s cops became untouchable w/Joanna Schwartz | The Chris Hedges Report:

How America's cops became untouchable w/Joanna Schwartz | The Chris Hedges Report

*Or Reform It For Everyone*

Policing the Police (full documentary) | FRONTLINE:

Policing the Police (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

USA Cops: Protectors or Killers? American Police, Extreme Law & Order (Documentary):

USA Cops: Protectors or Killers? American Police, Extreme Law & Order (Documentary)

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

Frozen Darkness: Satan’s Hidden Empire in Antarctica”

Hello, to all of God’s amazing earth caregivers. He did this on purpose to check if we could bear the duty of His self-sustaining Terra firma, which he established for us. “AMEN.” But if that’s true, why are Satan and his minions, a dark organization, hiding a location that we can’t freely explore if it’s been given to us?

Antarctica is the place I’m talking about. An area that numerous nations militarized following a pact signed in Washington on December 1, 1959. Or is it Satan’s secret lair? A location where a deranged or powerful temporary king spends his time ordering havoc and ruin.

Once again, welcome friends! Today, we’ll explore a mystery that, when the pieces fit together, becomes less of a mystery after learning who has been involved in this for a while, we realize that this isn’t a mystery at all—rather, it’s a powerful, deranged disembodied spirit that is enraged like a child who didn’t get his way.

“Satan,” that dreadful being that some people find confusing. Be not, because he is genuine and possesses millions of resources in the fields of finance, industry, education, technology, and religion in addition to human resources. So, as I usually do, I draw back the curtain so you may see the performance he performed, deceiving the blinded people in a way that keeps them entranced with his darker magic.

Well, my story begins with the world’s powers being engaged in a vast conspiracy to conceal the truth about Antarctica. This narrative asserts that Antarctica is more than just a frozen wasteland—it’s a heavily guarded secret involving an ice wall that spans the entire perimeter of the Earth, encircling God’s Terra firma in 360 degrees under His firmament (sky), serving as a barrier between the known world and the vast unknown beyond.

According to the information kept secret, the ice wall in Antarctica is a part of a divine creation, and where God established a dome (often referred to as the “firmament”) to separate the terrestrial domain from the heavens. Not only does this dome serve as a spiritual wall between the earth and the water above, it also physically blocks the earth from the water above during the flood in Noah’s time. See;(Genesis 7:11).

The firmament narrative can be traced back to ancient cosmologies, such as that described in the Bible’s Book of Genesis (1:6-8, KJV), where God created the firmament to divide the waters above from the waters below. In this story, Antarctica is the edge of this dome, and access to it is controlled by the world’s elites.

According to my research, the world’s governments—particularly powerful entities like the United Nations—are well aware of the existence of the dome and the ice wall. To maintain control over humanity, because of orders given they actively suppress knowledge of this, enforcing strict regulations on Antarctic travel and exploration under the guise of environmental protection through the Antarctic Treaty System.

The Antarctic Treaty prevents most civilians from exploring the continent, ensuring that the truth remains hidden. The elites—governments, major corporations, and secret societies—want to preserve their control over technology, history, and mankind’s understanding of the world.

The Nazis play a key role. It is said that during World War II, the Nazis were in contact with otherworldly or ancient entities who provided them with advanced technology. This technology allowed them to create bases in remote and strategic locations, including Antarctica.

One popular conspiracy (as they like to call it) asserts that the Nazis established a secret base in a region of Antarctica called “New Swabia” (Neuschwabenland), where they conducted experiments and developed cutting-edge technology that surpassed anything known to the Allied forces.

The question arises; who supplied the Nazis with such technology? Some theories suggest that extraterrestrials or ancient entities from beyond the ice wall (or beneath the Earth) had dealings with the Nazis, offering them advanced technological knowledge in exchange for power or resources.

‘Others, that have discernment can see beyond their curtain that these beings were fallen angels or agents of Satan, offering forbidden knowledge to help the Nazis dominate the world—a parallel to how Satan is depicted in the Bible as corrupting humanity with false promises of power and wisdom.

The Nazi connection to Antarctica is further shrouded in mystery because of post-war operations, like Operation Highjump, where Admiral Byrd led a large U.S. military expedition to Antarctica in 1946-47. Some theorists believe this operation was not merely scientific but a military campaign aimed at neutralizing Nazi remnants or uncovering hidden technologies. The educated truly believe It was!

In modern times, several prominent individuals have made highly publicized trips to Antarctica. This research incorporates these visits as further proof of something secret happening in its 360 degree environment. Like former President Obama. Google it, you want see it nowhere but you will see this when President Barack Obama touches down in tiny Kotzebue Alaska, on a Wednesday, he’ll visit a region where environmental change is made-up of altering daily life.

‘Friends, my charge is to try and awake you from the propaganda mystically feed to a public unaware of its strong magic that makes it so hard for soldiers like myself to gain your hearing because most have been indoctrinated almost beyond repair. Yet we don’t give-up even when called names or told to put on tin foil caps (lol), or get back on the short-bus. We feel too, and it hurts but we remember our Saviors stripes He gave for us without one thought of giving up on us. This is the stock that His true warriors come from, I will not stop!!!

Now, since you understand my crazy, let us proceed, but first I’d want to mention that I know I can fool you before I persuade you that you’ve been fooled. Consider this; if the same lie and deception is passed down through generations, most people will eventually believe that it is true, especially if their peers agree. Friends, it is real-time magic, and it has worked on an ignorant public and this last generation. “So, wake-up!”

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a visit to Antarctica in 2016, ostensibly to learn about climate change. However, some researchers speculate that he was part of a deeper mission to either investigate or communicate with hidden powers.  The astronaut Buzz Aldrin also visited Antarctica and shortly afterward became ill, prompting him to leave the continent early.

Some versions of the narrative claim that Aldrin’s illness was a result of him witnessing or learning something too profound for public knowledge—perhaps he glimpsed the truth about the ice wall, the dome, or hidden extraterrestrial bases. The idea of an astronaut getting sick after visiting Antarctica is seen as symbolic, since Aldrin was one of the few men to have so-called walked on the Moon, a place beyond the dome through something called the “Van Allen radiation belt . ???”

According to a quiet few, a U.S. Senator once visited Antarctica to investigate the elite conspiracy firsthand. However, upon discovering too much, he allegedly angered the devil himself. Some claim that the Senator’s curiosity led to mysterious earthquakes following him wherever he went as he attempted to flee Antarctica.

These earthquakes were said to be supernatural retribution from the devil or dark forces that protect the secrets of the ice wall and the hidden technologies. The earthquakes are not a metaphor as some may say, as the world-shaking consequences of uncovering forbidden truths. You will not find it in Google!

The notion that this senator’s actions angered the devil serves as a powerful allegory within the narrative. Just as Satan was once cast out of heaven for defying God, the senator, in seeking forbidden knowledge, incurred the wrath of malevolent forces that inhabit or guard Antarctica. The narrative here borrows from traditional Christian themes of divine punishment for overreaching or dabbling in powers beyond human control.

Some stories suggest that Satan’s presence in Antarctica is connected to the Nephilim, ancient beings who were cast into the depths of the Earth, and that the Nazis were trying to awaken or use their power for their own purposes. ‘Friends, keep an open mind. Antarctica is more than just a place—it’s a gateway.

A gateway to forbidden knowledge, hidden technology, and perhaps other land and frontiers beyond the icewall. The ice wall keeps people in, and the elites keep people from knowing the truth that’s far beyond the horizon. The dome above, impenetrable by conventional means, serves as God’s barrier spoke of in His Bible, separating the Earth from the heavens.

Some visitors to Antarctica, whether military, scientific, or political, are either pawns or key players in this grand deception, some falling ill, others abandoning their mission, and still others vanish without a trace as a result of their learnt knowledge.

The technology used to maintain control over the masses—such as mass media and weather manipulation—was allegedly provided by the same dark forces that supplied the Nazis with their advanced technologies during World War II.

‘In conclusion, this story skillfully combines themes from biblical cosmology, secret history, Nazi plots, and extraterrestrial or demonic influence to present Antarctica as the hub of a massive, covert global agenda dominated by superpowers. A complex trick intended to prevent mankind from realizing the actual nature of our world.

Hiding things that include the ice wall, the dome, and the evil forces in operation. A complexed illusion is being played out, involving evil powers that are participating with the world’s powers, through secretive alliances, have maintained a veil over the truth about Antarctica.

A man by himself is not smart enough to get away with something like this for so long. Only a disembodied spirit that doesn’t need to eat or sleep, and have forbidden knowledge of ancient magic is able to do this. Antarctica is not just an icy wasteland but the key to understanding the deeper mysteries of our world.

God/Bless, and keep your eyes toward the sky.

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

Sorry Antarctica is CLOSED!:

Sorry Antarctica is CLOSED!

You CAN”T go to Antarctica!

You CAN"T go to Antarctica!

What Is The Firmament In Genesis? | Genesis 1:6-8 Explained:

What Is The Firmament In Genesis? | Genesis 1:6-8 Explained

“Chaos Protocol: Unlocking the Secret Plans of Satan’s Elite”

To all of God’s children, have a beautiful day. As usual, I am unable to provide nothing but the truth; to some, this may appear to be contrary to what you have learned. Truth will appear different if you have been lied to your entire life, even by individuals you were taught to trust, the “Authorities” in your life, those with knowledge you relied on for fact and truth.

Friends, as I do through God’s spirit in me, the veil will be lifted, allowing you to glimpse beyond the curtain of what Satan and his minions have done to you and those you care about. Prepare yourself for a journey that will reveal and awaken you to realities that the world has concealed and history has failed to tell. ‘As they say, what is seen is never forgotten, so pay close attention to how Satan pits one group of misguided people on God’s earth against another.

‘Friends, this revelation is so clear like I was given a manuscript that had passed through generations of secretive hands, revealing a dark conspiracy stretching across centuries. It told a story of unimaginable evil—one woven into the very fabric of history.  It is the story of how the world’s most powerful entities—the Rothschilds, the United Nations, and the British government—had conspired in service of Satan himself.

Their goal? To wipe out the image of God from the Earth, to destroy those who carried His divine likeness; the indigenous peoples of the world. This was no mere tale of human greed and ambition. This was something far older, more malevolent—a scheme born in the depths of Hell. My hands tremble as I continue to tell you.

The pact between Satan and the rulers of men began in a time long forgotten. Before Britain became the vast empire that would one day span continents, there was a hunger within the hearts of its elite—a hunger for power, for wealth, and for control. They had seen the beauty of the world, its untapped resources, and the people who lived in harmony with the land.

But to these princes of darkness, there was something offensive about the untouched innocence of these indigenous peoples. These tribes and nations, scattered across the Americas, Australia, and other lands, bore a closer reflection of the divine image, untainted by the greed and corruption of modern civilization.

It was then that Satan, the great deceiver, approached them. He saw in them the perfect instruments for his plan to deface the image of God from the Earth. Satan promised them the world, vast empires, untold wealth, and dominion over all the land. But in exchange, they were to carry out his will; to exterminate those who bore the likeness of their Creator.

The British monarchy, already steeped in occult rituals and secret allegiances, embraced this dark covenant. The rulers, bound to Satan by their lust for power, turned their eyes toward the vast, untamed lands of the Americas, Australia, and beyond. There, they saw not only opportunity but also an enemy: people who lived as they had for centuries, unspoiled by the influence of the industrialized world.

These peoples had to be destroyed, for they were a living testament to the purity of God’s creation and how they respected the preservation of God’s land.

Thus began the centuries-long campaign of genocide and displacement. Cloaked in the language of progress, discovery, and the spreading of “civilization,” the British Empire set sail across the seas. The indigenous peoples of the world—Native Americans, Aboriginal Australians, and others stood no chance against the military and political might of the empire.

They were not merely seen as obstacles to expansion but as living representations of the God whom Satan sought to overthrow. The first ships carrying British settlers arrived on the shores of North America in the early 17th century. The indigenous peoples, unaware of the darkness that accompanied these newcomers, welcomed them at first. But the British were not there to co-exist.

They were there to conquer. Under the guise of manifest destiny and spreading the Gospel, the British systematically began the destruction of Native American tribes. Diseases introduced by the settlers ravaged indigenous populations, but this was no accident. These plagues were part of a plan, a form of biological warfare waged with the full knowledge of those in power.

Entire tribes were wiped out by smallpox, measles, and other foreign illnesses. Those who survived were pushed off their ancestral lands, forced into reservations where they could no longer live freely. The sacred connection these people had with the land, their relationship with nature, was severed.

But it wasn’t just land the British coveted—it was the resources. The vast mineral wealth of North America, Australia, and other regions became the focus of British exploitation. Under the direction of powerful families, like the Rothschilds, British agents seized gold, silver, and other precious commodities, enriching themselves at the expense of the indigenous populations.

Yet this was more than greed. It was Satan’s plan to erase any trace of God’s image from the world. The indigenous peoples, who lived in harmony with nature and revered the Creator in their own ways, were systematically exterminated. And those who orchestrated these atrocities were rewarded handsomely, with Satan himself granting them power beyond their wildest dreams.

In the New World, the British Empire’s reign of terror expanded swiftly. Native American tribes, who had lived in harmony with the land for millennia, were reduced to remnants of their former selves. The British justified their actions with theology twisted to suit their purposes—convincing themselves and the masses that the indigenous peoples were savages unworthy of the land they occupied.

Under the influence of Satan’s whispered promises, British officials and landowners crafted a narrative of racial superiority. This belief, fed by the monarchy and the elites in London, declared that the white man had been chosen by God to dominate the Earth. In reality, this was not the voice of God, but of Satan—masking his true intentions behind a veneer of religious authority, while serving Christ’s picture in their image to the indigenous peoples of the world.

The tools of British colonialism were not just guns and swords, but also ideas. Concepts like “manifest destiny,” which proclaimed that it was the divine will of God for Europeans to rule over the land, became the ideological weaponry used to justify genocide and displacement. The Native Americans, who had lived in balance with nature, were systematically wiped out or driven from their lands.

Those who resisted were slaughtered in mass killings, their bodies left to rot in open fields—a cruel reminder to all who opposed the empire. But this was only the beginning. As the British empire expanded its reach, Satan’s hold over the elite rulers tightened. They continued their campaigns across the globe, conquering not just North America, but turning their eyes toward the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.

In the early 20th century, after the discovery of oil in the Middle East, the British Empire saw an opportunity for even greater wealth and control. Yet the Middle East was not only a region rich in resources; it was also the land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This region held profound spiritual significance in the history of the world—a history that Satan was determined to rewrite.

It was during this time that Satan’s influence over British and European elites became most apparent. The rise of the Rothschild family, particularly in their control over global banking and finance, was no coincidence. Under Satan’s guidance, the Rothschilds established their financial empire, becoming one of the wealthiest families in the world.

Their influence stretched into the highest levels of government, including the British monarchy, and through them, Satan directed the next phase of his plan: the establishment of the modern state of Israel. But this new Israel was not what it seemed. Though the Bible spoke of the descendants of Abraham returning to their ancestral land, the people who now claimed to be the rightful heirs of the Promised Land were not in fact, the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Instead, they were the descendants of the Khazars, a Turkic people who had converted to Judaism in the 8th century. These Khazars had adopted the Jewish faith for political reasons but had no bloodline connection to the patriarchs of Israel. Under Satan’s guidance, the Rothschilds and British elites manipulated world events, leading to the creation of the modern state of Israel in May of 1948. 

 The Palestinian Arabs, who had lived in the region for centuries, were displaced and oppressed, their land stolen under the guise of biblical prophecy and national security. Like the indigenous peoples of North America and Australia before them, the Palestinians were the victims of a larger, more sinister agenda: the continued erasure of those who carried God’s image from His Earth.

After World War II, the world was primed for the next stage of Satan’s plan. The establishment of the United Nations in Oct 1945, was portrayed as a step toward global peace and cooperation, but in reality, it was a new tool for Satan and his followers. Through the U.N., the elites who had long been carrying out his will could now operate on a global scale, under the guise of international law and humanitarian aid. Below they refer to this as the U.N. meditation chamber.

The SECRET MEDITATION ROOM in the United Nations Headquarters

The U.N. claimed to protect human rights and promote peace, but in truth, it facilitated the continued displacement of indigenous peoples. While the world was led to believe that progress was being made toward peace, justice, and equality, Satan’s dark agenda marched forward.

The Rothschilds, through their control of global finance, ensured that the vast wealth of conquered lands flowed into their coffers. The British monarchy, though now more ceremonial, continued to exert influence behind the scenes, manipulating governments and economies in service of Satan’s ultimate goal; the complete erasure of God’s image from the Earth.

The modern inhabitants of Israel, hailed as the rightful heirs of Abraham’s promise, were in fact the descendants of the Khazars, a people who had adopted Judaism centuries earlier for political reasons. They had no ancestral claim to the land of Israel, yet they wielded its political power, displacing the true descendants of Abraham and carrying out policies that furthered Satan’s plan. But I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which says they are Jews, and are not, but do lie Revelation 3:9.

This deception was so great that even many Christians were misled, believing that the modern state of Israel represented the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. In reality, it was yet another step in Satan’s long campaign to subvert God’s creation.

Satan’s ultimate goal was clear: to erase all remnants of God’s image from the Earth by exterminating indigenous peoples and replacing them with those who would serve his purposes. Those who remained were enslaved by debt, consumerism, and modern forms of control, all while Satan’s princes—leaders of Britain, the Rothschilds, and the U.N.—amassed untold wealth and power.

The world as it stood now was a façade, a carefully constructed illusion designed to hide the truth. Behind every act of ethnic cleansing, every war for resources, and every policy of displacement, Satan’s hand could be seen. The elites who ruled the world were his puppets, carrying out his dark will as they paved the way for his final victory.

‘Friends, my heart aches with the weight of truth revealed, this has to be shared. The world needs to know—needs to understand—before it is too late for your understanding. People like myself have to share new light given so “The true children of the promise will awaken,” And take their place of command.

A warning today for the real-time present generation. A call to action, a call to rise up against the forces of darkness that have controlled the world for so long. ‘Friends, as the 20th century dawned, the world was at the cusp of profound change. New technologies and ideologies were spreading rapidly, reshaping global politics, economies, and societies

But beneath the surface, another force had gathered momentum. A secret council—comprised of the world’s most powerful elites—had been convened, and its members were chosen carefully by Satan’s loyal servants. Presented as our best interest for their ideals made through annual meetings of groups like the Bilderbergs. Those things you saw at the top of this article are what’s hiding in these peoples bodies, making decisions about you and me, and the ones you love.

‘Evil, disguising itself as talking heads that resemble you and me, and most people are ignorant that evil spirits are communicating through those heads because they lack “spiritual discernment,” or the ability to see beyond veils.

In dark, smoke-filled rooms far from the public eye, the council met. It included the most influential members of the Rothschild family, high-ranking officials of the British monarchy, and prominent figures from emerging international organizations like the United Nations. Each was bound by a common purpose: to carry out Satan’s will and ensure that his plan of dominance continued without hindrance.

The council operated with surgical precision. They masked their true objectives behind noble causes—global peace, human rights, and economic progress. However, beneath these platitudes, their actions only served to tighten the grip of control over nations and resources, further erasing those who lived in harmony with God’s creation.

The indigenous peoples of the world, the Blacks of Africa—the last reflections of God’s original design—were considered obstacles in the march toward a new world order. Their ancient ways, their connection to the land, and their spiritual purity made them dangerous to Satan’s agenda. And so, the council devised new ways to continue their destruction.

It was in this period that Australia’s Aboriginal peoples, who had lived on the continent for thousands of years, became one of the council’s primary targets. After centuries of marginalization, they were being systematically stripped of their land, culture, and identity.

 The council worked through political leaders, covertly influencing laws that would force them off their ancestral lands, while corporations—many with ties to the Rothschilds—exploited the natural wealth of the land, mining for resources and leaving the earth scarred. In the Middle East, the displacement of Palestinians continued. The council had ensured the birth of modern Israel in 1948, a carefully orchestrated step in their plan. The Khazar descendants, masquerading as the legitimate heirs of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, had now established a foothold in the Promised Land.

Yet, they were mere pawns in a far more elaborate scheme. Their goal was to crush any resistance from the true descendants of the patriarchs and seize complete control of the land. Every attack on Palestinian villages, every settlement built, was another step in erasing the historical and spiritual truth. I don’t want to get this twisted, the Palestinians are not Jews, they are basically cousins having a common ancestor, the prophet Ibrahim. Hebrews (Jews) are descendants of Is’haaq (Isaac) son of Ibrahim through Sarah Ibrahim first wife.

‘Arabs, are the sons of Ismaeel son of Ibrahim through his second wife Hagar which was Abraham wifes Egyptian slave. To Muslims, he is known as Ibrahim, or Abram-Avram, But God changed is name to Abraham that is known by Christians and Jews. He is the Father of monotheism (believing in one God) and patriarch in all three faiths, which are known as the Abrahamic faiths. Revered by Jews as a founding father of the real Jewish people (Gen).

The United Nations, founded ostensibly to maintain world peace, had become a puppet organization, controlled by Satan’s council. It passed resolutions and issued statements condemning violence, but behind the scenes, it allowed the elites to carry out their plans without interference. The U.N.’s peacekeeping forces, deployed under the pretext of maintaining order, often protected the interests of corporations and elites, enabling them to exploit the resources of nations in conflict.

The British monarchy, though outwardly ceremonial by this point, still held vast influence through its deep-rooted connections with global finance and political institutions. Queen Elizabeth, the reigning monarch during much of this period, was aware of the ancient pact that had bound her ancestors to Satan’s will. Though her role in the council was less direct, her influence remained crucial. She maintained the illusion of benevolence, presenting herself as a symbol of stability and tradition, while the British government continued to enable atrocities across the globe under the guise of diplomacy and progress.

It was in these years that Satan’s plan began to fully take shape. The elites, now in near-total control of global finance, political systems, and international organizations, worked diligently to crush any movement that sought to expose the truth. Conspiracies were dismissed as the ravings of madmen, dissenting voices silenced through the media—another tool in the council’s arsenal. The media, controlled by the same financial elite, fed the masses a steady diet of distractions, burying the atrocities committed in faraway lands under layers of entertainment, consumerism, and trivial scandals.

As the council’s influence grew, so did their need to suppress the growing whispers of dissent. Not everyone remained oblivious to the grand deception. In the shadows, a few brave individuals like myself, and groups had pieced together fragments of the truth, realizing that something far more sinister was at work in the world.

Among us were scholars, religious leaders, and historians who had studied ancient texts and prophecies, comparing them with the events unfolding around the globe. They saw through the lies of progress and development, recognizing the spiritual genocide that was taking place.

These scholars, drawing from biblical and historical sources, began to uncover the hidden connections between the British Empire, the Rothschild family, and the rise of the Khazar-descended inhabitants of modern Israel. They understood that this was not simply a political or economic conflict—it was a cosmic battle between the forces of darkness and the children of God.

In secret, we began to publish our findings, spreading our warnings to those who would listen. Friends, we have faced overwhelming opposition. The council, with its deep reach into media and academia, labeled these truth-seekers as extremists, conspiracy theorists, and fanatics. The public, conditioned by decades of propaganda, found it easier to accept the comforting lies than to confront the terrifying truth.

The United Nations, acting on orders from the council, passed laws criminalizing certain forms of dissent. Under the guise of combating extremism and hate speech, they shut down independent media outlets and silenced religious leaders who spoke out against the atrocities in Palestine, Australia, and other regions. The true history of the Khazars, the genocide of indigenous peoples, and the global elite’s control over world affairs were buried deeper and deeper.

One of the most chilling tools of suppression was the financial system itself. The Rothschilds, who had long controlled the central banks of major nations, used their influence to cut off funding to dissenting groups. Anyone who spoke out against the elites found themselves unable to secure loans, conduct business, or even hold a bank account. Through financial isolation, the council crushed movements before they could gain any real traction.

At Christ’s Soldiers we are not regulated by man nor devil, or 501,c3 exempt status, we are exempt by the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and cannot be stopped by telling the truth by threat of losing various income streams that include donations, offerings, along with lying with tithing 10%, or corrupt seeding, that comes from getting away with it, because of lack of knowledge of the true Gospel of our Lord.

By monetizing it, like 7/11 stores on every corner, something that was formerly free is now charged for entrance before you leave, or you may visit and browse in our store’s narthex or lobby. It’s nauseating that Christian Theology Courses are preparing people for their calling; it should be they are driven out of their brick and mortar churches because they were trained to be money changers in the temple of God, as Jesus did in the old times, according to John 2:15. Yes, Jesus must return soon. Preachers, teachers, and witnesses are the people God calls, not thieves.

“Sorry for the pause, now let’s continue with our journey.” The digital age, which offered unprecedented access to information, also became a weapon in the council’s hands. Social media platforms, once heralded as tools for free expression, became channels of surveillance and control. Algorithms were designed to suppress dissenting voices, ensuring that any attempts to expose the truth were buried beneath a flood of trivial content.

In a particularly cruel twist, the elites began to exploit the very faiths that had once stood in opposition to their rule. Many Christian denominations were infiltrated by agents of the council, who twisted the Gospel to support their globalist agenda. Preachers who had once condemned the atrocities in Palestine now turned a blind eye, teaching their congregations that the modern state of Israel was the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, and that to oppose it was to oppose God’s will.

By the beginning of the 21st century, Satan’s plan was nearly complete. The indigenous peoples of the world had been decimated or marginalized, their lands stolen, their cultures erased. The council had consolidated its control over nearly every aspect of human life—politics, economics, religion, and media. All that remained was the final stage: the complete enslavement of the human race under a new global order.

This new order would be presented to the world as a utopia—an age of peace, prosperity, and unity. The United Nations, acting as the world’s government, would declare the dawn of a new era, one in which national borders, religious divisions, and economic inequality would be a thing of the past. But behind the façade, the reality would be one of total control.

The council’s ultimate weapon in achieving this control was debt. Through decades of manipulation, they had ensured that nearly every nation, corporation, and individual was trapped in a web of debt, with no way to escape. The central banks, controlled by the Rothschilds and their allies, dictated the terms of global finance. Those who resisted were crushed economically, their currencies devalued, their resources seized.

Meaning today, even the digital revolution, which had once promised to liberate humanity, became a tool of enslavement. Every transaction, every communication, and every action was monitored and recorded by a vast network of surveillance systems. The elites are using this data to control the populace, ensuring that no one could escape their reach.

But even as the world is plunging deeper into darkness, there remains a flicker of hope. A small but growing number of people have begun to awaken to the truth. We saw through the lies of the council and recognized the spiritual nature of the battle that was being waged. We know that this was not just a struggle for power and wealth—it was a war for the very soul of humanity.

These awakened ones, though few in number, began to organize. They were scholars, activists, religious leaders, and ordinary citizens who had seen the signs and understood the stakes. They knew that to defeat the council, they would need to expose the truth to the world—no matter the cost, that I even understood, and why I do this daily. There is no unemployment in servantry, we need more workers.

‘Friends, there is going to be a time when we will have to begin to publish underground pamphlets, and share our findings with those willing to listen. We will soon have to create secret networks, using encrypted communication systems to evade the council’s surveillance. We aspired to regain God’s people’s lost past in the Middle East.

Awaken, to what’s going on; as the battle is raging on, a prophecy is being circulate among the awakened ones—a prophecy of a coming King who would return to reclaim the world from the forces of darkness. This King, we believed, was none other than the Messiah, who would soon come to judge the world and cast down Satan and his princes of evil.

The council, is aware of this prophecy, and grows ever more desperate and dangerous. They know that their time is running out. As the prophecy of the Messiah’s return is gaining momentum, fear is beginning to seep into the council’s meetings. Even among Satan’s most loyal servants, there is a recognition that they were running out of time. The forces of good were stirring, and no matter how powerful their hold seemed to be, they could not escape the ancient prophecies.

The council, now deeply entrenched in every global institution, decided to accelerate their plans. If they could not stop the Messiah’s return, they would at least do everything in their power to ensure that the world was too broken, too corrupted, to receive Him. They know that the Messiah’s return was not merely a spiritual event—it was a cosmic reckoning, a reversal of the systems of control they had built.

In a final act of desperation, the council sought to implement what they called “The Great Reset,” a plan to reshape the world into a unified, controlled society. On the surface, it was marketed as a solution to the world’s problems: poverty, climate change, and inequality. But beneath the glossy veneer was a sinister purpose—one that sought to eliminate free will and reshape humanity in Satan’s image, erasing all remnants of God’s creation using AI in certain ways.

To execute this plan, the council turned to advanced technology. Artificial intelligence, exploring digital currencies, and biometric surveillance systems became their tools of control. Through these innovations, they hoped to create a new form of enslavement, one where every human action was tracked, controlled, and regulated. “Wake-up” because this is your world today in real-time.

The Rothschilds and their financial allies are playing a pivotal role in this phase. They’re seeking to dissolve traditional currencies, replacing them with a global digital currency that could be easily manipulated. Those who refused to comply with the new system would find themselves cut off from the global economy. Without access to this digital currency, survival in the modern world would be nearly impossible.

At the same time, the United Nations will soon begin to push for a global government—a single political entity that would govern every aspect of human life. They present it as a necessary step to prevent future wars, pandemics, and environmental disasters. The council of demons believe that by consolidating political power, they could crush the last vestiges of resistance to their rule.

The modern state of Israel, still central to their plans, played a significant role in this new world order. The council’s narrative shifted once again, presenting Israel not just as a nation-state, but as the center of a new, global spiritual movement.

But it is not a movement grounded in the teachings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; rather, it was a distorted version of monotheism, twisted to serve the council’s agenda. The council planned to raise a false messiah from among their own ranks—one who would deceive even the elect, as it was written in the scriptures. Because they don’t believe in Christ as we do, they skip Him and pray direct to their god. And taught that indigenous people are beast and have tails.

Over a long period of time, with the groundwork laid for The Great Reset, believe me that the council of demons are preparing for the final phase of their plan. They will initiate global crises—wars, pandemics, and environmental disasters—that would break the will of nations, forcing them into the arms of their global government. The media, fully under their control, will propagate fear and confusion, ensuring that no one could see the truth amidst the chaos.

It will be a time when leaders of this spiritual resistance are gathered in secret. A time where they will come from every nation and every tribe, united by a common understanding that the Messiah’s return was imminent, and that they had to prepare the world for His arrival. by studying the ancient prophecies with fervor, seeking clues about what would happen next and how they could resist the forces of darkness. This will be a time in our generation to prepare for.

In Palestine, a remnant of the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had held on to their ancient faith. They had suffered greatly at the hands of the Khazars who occupied their land, but they had never forgotten the promises made to their ancestors. Now, they too began to prepare for the coming King. They know that their struggle was not merely about land—it was about restoring God’s order on Earth.

The Aboriginal peoples of Australia, too, had kept their spiritual connection to the land. Though they had been nearly wiped out, their elders continued to pass down sacred knowledge, prophecies about a great battle between good and evil. Now, as they saw the signs of the council’s plans unfolding, they understood their role in the coming struggle. They began to reconnect with their ancient wisdom, preparing themselves to stand against the darkness that had nearly consumed them.

In North America, the Native American tribes, long marginalized and oppressed, will also begin to awaken along with the kidnapped and taken from their lands, Hebrew African Americans. Some had maintained their spiritual traditions, knowing that the Creator had a plan for them in the final days. As the forces of darkness closed in, they too will join the resistance, understanding that their survival was part of a larger cosmic battle.

The council, is aware that their grip on the world is not yet set for them to enact their final deception. To announce the arrival of a great world leader, a man who would bring peace and prosperity to all nations. This man, who they claimed was the fulfillment of ancient prophecies, was none other than the false messiah they had groomed for decades.

He will appear on global television, speaking words of unity, love, and progress. He will promised to solve the world’s problems, to usher in a new era of enlightenment. The masses, weary from years of crises and division, welcomed him with open arms. The United Nations declared him the leader of the new world government, and nations around the globe will bow down before him, more than his false prophet, the Pope.

But the awakened ones know the truth that we share with all that will listen. They saw through his lies, recognizing him as the Antichrist foretold in scripture. They understood that his promises of peace were hollow, and that he was the final piece of Satan’s plan to enslave humanity.

The thing to prepare for is that the false messiah’s power will grow quickly. He will institute a new global religion, one that blended elements of Christianity, Islam, and other faiths, but stripped of their true spiritual meaning. He will declare himself the only true god, demanding worship from all. Those who refused will be hunted down, persecuted, and executed.

In Israel, the false messiah will establish his throne in Jerusalem, claiming to be the rightful heir of King David. He will declare that the time had come for the world to unite under his rule, and that those who opposed him would be destroyed.

At this time what a glorious day this will be when in the midst of the darkness, a great sign appeared in the sky. The heavens began to tremble, and the earth shook. The prophecies were being fulfilled— the true King was returning. Across the world, those who had remained faithful fell to their knees in awe and reverence. The time had come. The Messiah, the true descendant of David, the Son of God, was descending from the heavens with the hosts of heaven by His side.

The false messiah and the council will be thrown into confusion. They had prepared for every contingency—except this. They had underestimated the power of God’s truth and the strength of those who had remained faithful to Him. Now, the true battle between good and evil would commence, and Satan’s empire, built over centuries of lies and bloodshed, was about to crumble.

The King came not as a conqueror with earthly armies, but as the divine judge, bringing justice to the earth. His light pierced through the darkness that had enveloped the world for so long, exposing every lie, every deception, and every act of evil. The nations, once blinded by Satan’s power, saw the truth for the first time.

The council, now desperate, attempted to rally their forces, but it was too late. The spiritual power of the Messiah was too great. Satan’s empire began to fall, as his servants—those who had carried out his will for centuries—were cast down.

The Messiah confronted the false messiah in Jerusalem, where he had declared himself the ruler of the world. With a single word, the deception was broken. The false messiah was revealed for what he truly was: an agent of darkness, a pretender to the throne. And as the true King took His rightful place in the hearts of His people, the false king was cast down forever.

Author’s Note:

‘Friends, With the fall of the council and the defeat of the false messiah, the world began to heal. The land that had been scarred by centuries of war, greed, and exploitation was restored. The indigenous peoples, who had suffered so greatly, were honored as the true keepers of the earth. Their wisdom, long suppressed by the forces of darkness, was now recognized as a gift from the Creator.

The true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were restored to their rightful place, and the promises made to their ancestors were fulfilled. The people of God, from every tribe and nation, came together in a new covenant, united under the true King. And so, the world entered a new age—an age of peace, justice, and harmony. Satan’s dominion had been shattered, and the forces of darkness were no more and the time was set for the New Heaven on earth. “PROPHECY TOLD”

I really hope that your educational trip with me was enjoyable. Beyond that, though, it is a warning to get ready, for even God’s people will be caught up in the chaos of the end times. The one temple in which our Lord and Savior will sit, are the hearts of those who love Him and have trusted that He would return one day, just as He promised. And He will. God bless.

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

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“Prophecy Twisted: Israel, the UN, and the Rothschilds’ Hidden Agenda”

Hi, my friends! How are things going for you and your loved ones? I hope everything is ok. For most of you, today’s experience will come as a shock or a deception that has been fed to a populace that has been duped by evil masquerading as good, hiding their true nature as a demonic force residing in influential people.

The narrative surrounding the Rothschilds, the United Nations, and the modern State of Israel, particularly in relation to the claim that its inhabitants are not the “true Jews” of the Bible, involves a complex mix of history, theology, and conspiracy theories. I’ll break down these topics step by step, providing and incorporating relevant Bible verses.

The Rothschild Influence:

The Rothschild family has often been linked to financial power and influence in Europe and beyond. There are claims, especially within certain conspiracy circles, that the Rothschilds were instrumental in the establishment of Israel. This theory is rooted in historical events like the Balfour Declaration of 1917, in which the British government expressed support for a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine.

Some argue that influential Zionist figures, including members of the Rothschild family, played a significant role in shaping this declaration. The Balfour Declaration, which resulted in a significant upheaval in the lives of Palestinians, was issued on November 2, 1917. The declaration turned the Zionist aim of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine into a reality when Britain publicly pledged to establish “a national home for the Jewish people” there.

The pledge is generally viewed as one of the main catalysts of the Nakba – the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948 – and the conflict that ensued with the Zionist state of Israel. It is regarded as one of the most controversial and contested documents in the modern history of the Arab world and has puzzled historians for decades.

The Balfour Declaration (“Balfour’s promise” in Arabic) The statement came in the form of a letter from Britain’s then-foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour, addressed to Lionel Walter Rothschild, a figurehead of the British Jewish community. It was made during World War I (1914-1918) and was included in the terms of the British Mandate for Palestine after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.

The so-called mandate system, set up by the Allied powers, was a thinly veiled form of colonialism and occupation. The system transferred rule from the territories that were previously controlled by the powers defeated in the war – Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria – to the victors. The declared aim of the mandate system was to allow the winners of the war to administer the newly emerging states until they could become independent.

The case of Palestine, however, was unique. Unlike the rest of the post-war mandates, the main goal of the British Mandate there was to create the conditions for the establishment of a Jewish “national home” – where Jews constituted less than 10 percent of the population at the time.

Upon the start of the mandate, the British began to facilitate the immigration of European Jews to Palestine. Between 1922 and 1935, the Jewish population rose from nine percent to nearly 27 percent of the total population. Though the Balfour Declaration included the caveat that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”, the British mandate was set up in a way to equip Jews with the tools to establish self-rule, at the expense of the Palestinian Arabs.

The document was controversial for several reasons. Firstly, it was, in the words of the late Palestinian-American academic Edward Said, “made by a European power … about a non-European territory … in a flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority resident in that territory”. In essence, the Balfour Declaration promised Jews a land where the natives made up more than 90 percent of the population.

Secondly, the declaration was one of three conflicting wartime promises made by the British. When it was released, Britain had already promised the Arabs independence from the Ottoman Empire in the 1915 Hussein-McMahon correspondence. The British also promised the French, in a separate treaty known as 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement, that the majority of Palestine would be under international administration, while the rest of the region would be split between the two colonial powers after the war.

The declaration, however, meant that Palestine would come under British occupation and that the Palestinian Arabs who lived there would not gain independence. Finally, the declaration introduced a notion that was reportedly unprecedented in international law – that of a “national home”. The use of the vague term “national home” for the Jewish people, as opposed to “state”, left the meaning open to interpretation.

Earlier drafts of the document used the phrase “the reconstitution of Palestine as a Jewish State”, but that was later changed. In a meeting with Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann in 1922, however, Arthur Balfour and then-Prime Minister David Lloyd George reportedly said the Balfour Declaration “always meant an eventual Jewish state”.

The question of why the Balfour Declaration was issued has been a subject of debate for decades, with historians using different sources to suggest various explanations. While some argue that many in the British government at the time were Zionists themselves, others say the declaration was issued out of an anti-Semitic reasoning, that giving Palestine to the Jews would be a solution to the “Jewish problem”.

How was it received by Palestinians and Arabs?

In 1919, then-US President Woodrow Wilson appointed a commission to look into public opinion on the mandatory system in Syria and Palestine. In 1919, then-US President Woodrow Wilson appointed a commission to look into public opinion on the mandatory system in Syria and Palestine. In 1920, the Third Palestinian Congress in Haifa decried the British government’s plans to support the Zionist project and rejected the declaration as a violation of international law and of the rights of the indigenous population

However, the other important source for insight into Palestinian opinion on the declaration – the press – was closed down by the Ottomans at the start of the war in 1914 and only began to reappear in 1919, but under British military censorship. In November 1919, when the al-Istiqlal al-Arabi (Arab independence) newspaper, based in Damascus, was reopened, one article said in response to a public speech by Herbert Samuel, a Jewish cabinet minister, in London on the second anniversary of the Balfour Declaration: “Our country is Arab, Palestine is Arab, and Palestine must remain Arab.” 

Even prior to the Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate, pan-Arab newspapers warned against the motives of the Zionist movement and its potential outcomes in displacing Palestinians from their land. Increased Jewish immigration under the mandate created tensions and violence between the Palestinian Arabs and the European Jews. One of the first popular responses to British actions was the Nebi Musa revolt in 1920 that led to the killing of four Palestinian Arabs and five immigrant Jews. 

What impact did it have on Palestinians?

The Balfour Declaration is widely seen as the precursor to the 1948 Palestinian Nakba when Zionist armed groups, who were trained by the British, forcibly expelled more than 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland. Despite some opposition within the War Cabinet predicting that such an outcome was probable, the British government still chose to issue the declaration. 

While it is difficult to imply that the developments in Palestine today can be traced back to the Balfour Declaration, there is no doubt that the British Mandate created the conditions for the Jewish minority to gain superiority in Palestine and build a state for themselves at the expense of the Palestinian Arabs. 

When the British decided to terminate their mandate in 1947 and transfer the question of Palestine to the United Nations, the Jews already had an army that was formed out of the armed paramilitary groups trained and created to fight side by side with the British in World War II.

More importantly, the British allowed the Jews to establish self-governing institutions, such as the Jewish Agency, to prepare themselves for a state when it came to it, while the Palestinians were forbidden from doing so – paving the way for the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The British government remains unrepentant after all these years. It has yet to take any measure of moral responsibility, however symbolic, for what it has done to the Palestinians.

The Debate Over “True Jews”

Some groups assert that the modern inhabitants of Israel are not the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but rather people who adopted Judaism later on, notably the Khazars, a Turkic people who converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Proponents of this theory often argue that these modern Jews are “impostors,” while the true Israelites are either lost or hidden among other peoples, such as the African diaspora or other ethnic groups.

In the 19th century, European Jews faced persecution, particularly in Eastern Europe and Russia. Zionism emerged as a political movement advocating for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire. Figures like Theodor Herzl led the charge, organizing the First Zionist Congress in 1897.

‘Friends, imagine a scenario in which the demonic Rothschilds, seeing Zionism as a way to solidify their influence and create a haven for Jews in a politically volatile Europe, threw their financial weight behind the movement. Baron Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934) prince demon, a known supporter of Zionist causes, invested in early Jewish settlements in Palestine.

The Rothschild family, hellish, diabolical, fiendish, infernal, satanic, unholy in their quality, are wielding significant banking power, quietly influenced key European governments. Their ultimate goal was not only to establish a Jewish state but also to secure a strategic foothold in the Middle East, a region rich in resources and pivotal in global politics. But don’t forget that all of this is a design of Satan in destruction of a Biblical people that has been lied to and about.

Friends, I’m pulling back the curtain on the British government, which is the Seed of the Serpent in real time. Like most governments, it is made up of serpent seeds that masquerade in human flesh, with aristocrat, Lord, noble, and patrician titles among its high hierarchy. These seeds conceal their true nature as demonic war forces living in powerful people.

This is real, there are whispers of an alien invasion, and friends they are walking among us disguised in the flesh of weak and deceived people, deceiving a populace with propaganda and massive resources of human agencies and financial assets, blinding a public that is unaware of its detention. There is an invasion, and it is demonic!

Biblical Reference: Isaiah 66:8

“Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once?…”
This verse is often cited by those who believe that the rapid establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948 was a fulfillment of prophecy. However, critics argue that the Jews who returned to Israel were not the “true Israelites.”

Imagine again that the Rothschilds, with their vast financial networks, leveraged their influence to ensure that Britain and other Allied powers would support the Zionist cause. In return, they promised political and financial backing for the war effort, including ensuring that Jewish bankers in the U.S. continued to finance the Allied cause.

The Rothschild family orchestrated behind-the-scenes deals with key players in the British government to secure the Balfour Declaration. This was not merely a political move but part of a larger plan to bring about the establishment of a Jewish state in the Holy Land, fulfilling what they believed (or claimed) was their divine right.

Biblical Reference: Jeremiah 30:3

“For, lo, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the Lord: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.”

Proponents of modern Israel often cite this verse as evidence that the return of Jews to Israel is a prophetic fulfillment. However, those who doubt the legitimacy of modern Jews argue that this prophecy refers to the true descendants of the ancient Israelites, not the Khazars or other converts.

The Holocaust and the Formation of the United Nations (1945-1947):

The Holocaust, in which six million Jews were killed by Nazi Germany, galvanized global support for the Zionist cause. The establishment of the United Nations after World War II provided an international forum through which the question of a Jewish homeland could be addressed.

Again, picture a scenario where the Rothschilds, using their financial and political networks, influence the newly formed United Nations. Through discreet negotiations and financial incentives, they push for international recognition of a Jewish state. Their goal is to create a politically powerful Israel that can serve as a key player in the Middle East, aligning with their broader geopolitical interests.

Key UN officials, pressured by both the Rothschilds and their own guilt over the Holocaust, pass Resolution 181 on 3rd of September 1947, which leads to the partition of Palestine. What that did was to divide Palestine into two states, one Arab and one Jewish, with Jerusalem placed under a special international regime. The Rothschilds ensure that their influence reaches both American and Soviet policymakers, securing widespread support for the resolution.

Biblical Reference: Ezekiel 36:24

“For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.”
Many see the Holocaust and the subsequent establishment of Israel as part of this prophetic fulfillment, though critics argue that the true Jews remain scattered, and the inhabitants of modern Israel are not the rightful heirs of this promise.

The Declaration of the State of Israel (1948):

On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of the State of Israel. This was followed by immediate recognition from major powers, including the United States as U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day as the Soviet Union. The Arab states, however, rejected the partition and launched a war against the new state, the Arab-Israeli War of 1948.

The Rothschilds continue to exert influence over Israel’s politics, using their financial resources to support key political figures like Ben-Gurion. Behind the scenes, they ensure that Israel aligns with Western interests, particularly in its relationship with the U.S., which soon becomes its primary ally.

The Rothschilds also play a role in shaping Israel’s economic policies, ensuring that it becomes a technologically advanced, militarily powerful state, capable of exerting control over its neighbors and maintaining the strategic interests of the West.

Biblical Reference: Deuteronomy 30:3-5

“Then the Lord thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations… And the Lord thy God will bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess it…”

Supporters of modern Israel often cite this as evidence of God’s divine plan for the Jews. However, those skeptical of the modern state argue that the true descendants of Israel are not represented by the current inhabitants of Israel.

The Question of the “True Jews”:

The crux of the debate over the legitimacy of modern Israel often centers on the question of whether the Jews living there today are the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Those who support this theory typically reference the following arguments;

1) Theory; This theory claims that many Jews in Europe, particularly the Ashkenazi Jews, are descended from the Khazars, a Turkic people who converted to Judaism in the 8th century. If true, this would mean that the modern Jewish population in Israel is not ethnically related to the ancient Israelites.

2) African Hebrew Israelites; Some groups, such as the African Hebrew Israelites, claim that the true descendants of the ancient Israelites are Black Africans, particularly those in the African diaspora.

3) Lost Tribes of Israel; Others argue that the ten lost tribes of Israel, scattered after the Assyrian conquest, are still hidden among various peoples around the world. They claim that the Jews who returned to Israel in the 20th century are not the true Israelites mentioned in the Bible.

Biblical References to the True Jews:

Revelation 2:9: “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

Romans 9:6-8: “For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.”

‘Friends, these verses are often cited by those who argue that modern Jews are not the true descendants of the Israelites.

The evil world and it’s dictators don’t tell the truth about certain evils that they are habitually dishonest about, they leave you unsettled, they gaslight you, the lies serve as a tool to manipulate a reality for the beliefs that serve them. Their good deeds are always self-serving. These are the demons that live in certain people in high places in real life.

And yes, they lack remorse for whatever they do to us because of who we really belong too, that’s why they try to kill, steal, and destroy us all, even their deceived human helpers.

Author’s Note:

Friends, the establishment of Israel is seen as part of a larger geopolitical plan orchestrated by powerful financial interests, including the Rothschilds, in collaboration with global institutions like the United Nations. The inhabitants of modern Israel are portrayed not as the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but rather as part of a larger strategy to control the Middle East and fulfill a particular vision of biblical prophecy.

However, the true Israelites, according to this view, remain scattered, awaiting their eventual return to the Promised Land in fulfillment of God’s promises. This scenario blends conspiracy theories, biblical prophecy, and historical events, creating a complex narrative that questions the legitimacy of the modern State of Israel and its inhabitants.

Many theories as the left calls them suggest that the establishment of the modern State of Israel was not only the work of political and financial elites but was also influenced by secret societies such as the Freemasons and other occult groups. These groups are often portrayed as working behind the scenes to fulfill an esoteric, spiritual agenda tied to ancient prophecies.

The Freemasons—believed by some to hold secret knowledge of ancient Israel are theorized to have worked in tandem with Zionist leaders and the Rothschild family to orchestrate the establishment of a Jewish state.

The Freemasons saw the establishment of Israel not just as a political goal, but as part of their broader vision to rebuild Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. Some conspiracy theorists believe that the construction of the Third Temple is a hidden goal of these groups, which they argue will bring about the fulfillment of end-time prophecies in both Judaism and Christianity.

Freemasonry, with its use of biblical imagery and symbolism, is often said to be obsessed with the idea of a “New Jerusalem.” In this context, Israel serves as more than just a nation—it is seen as the key to unlocking ancient, hidden knowledge that will usher in a new world order.

Biblical Reference: Zechariah 12:2-3

“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about… And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people.”

In this narrative, Jerusalem is not just a physical place, but a spiritual battleground, where hidden forces are at play, manipulating world events to bring about an ultimate showdown.

While the initial scenario focused heavily on the Rothschilds and the UN, another key player in the story of Israel’s establishment is the Christian Zionist movement, particularly among Evangelical Christians. Theologically motivated Christians have long supported the idea of a Jewish return to the Holy Land, believing that it will fulfill biblical prophecies regarding the Second Coming of Christ.

Christian Zionists see the creation of the State of Israel as a divine mandate, believing that it is necessary for end-time events to unfold, as described in books like Daniel and Revelation. Prominent Evangelical leaders lobby politicians and governments in the U.S. and Europe, urging them to support Zionism and the establishment of a Jewish state. In Hosea 4:6 The Lord mercifully CAUTIONS us against ignorance; “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.

‘Friends, this is more than just a lack of information; it is a purposeful unwillingness to accept the precious wisdom that God has given us via His word. ‘Behind closed doors, these leaders regard their support for Israel as part of a larger plot to expedite the Rapture and the Millennial Kingdom, thinking that restoring Israel will result in the fulfillment of Christ’s return and Satan’s destruction. Deceptively, they believe in the incorrect Israel.

Biblical Reference: Matthew 24:32-34

“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh.”

Christian Zionists often interpret this passage as a prophecy about the rebirth of Israel. The fig tree is seen as symbolic of Israel, and its “putting forth leaves” is thought to represent the establishment of the modern state, signaling the nearness of the end times.

In addition to religious and financial motivations, the strategic importance of Israel in global geopolitics cannot be ignored. The Middle East has long been a region of immense importance due to its vast reserves of oil, which became crucial to industrialized nations in the 20th century.

Israel is not just a religious or cultural project, but also a geopolitical one. The Rothschilds and other elites see Israel as a key ally in the region, a stable outpost surrounded by resource-rich but politically volatile nations. The West, particularly the U.S. and the UK, support Israel not only for their ignorant religious reasons but to maintain a strategic foothold in the Middle East, ensuring access to oil and control over critical trade routes.

Biblical Reference: Genesis 12:3

“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

Supporters of Israel often invoke this verse as a divine promise that those who support Israel will be blessed. However, skeptics in this scenario argue that the true motivation for Western support lies in Israel’s geopolitical significance, not its religious heritage.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbors provides an opportunity for Western powers to maintain influence over the region. By supporting Israel militarily and diplomatically, the West is able to exert pressure on Arab states, many of which control vast oil reserves. In this the Rothschilds and other elites manipulate this conflict to ensure that the Middle East remains divided, preventing any one power from dominating the region.

One of the more dramatic elements in this extended scenario is the idea that the creation of Israel is tied to the rise of the Antichrist. Some believe that the State of Israel was deliberately established as part of a larger plan to deceive the world and pave the way for the Antichrist to take control of Jerusalem.

In this narrative, the rebuilding of the Third Temple in Jerusalem is seen as a key event that will usher in the reign of the Antichrist. Some conspiracy theorists argue that the Rothschilds, Freemasons, and other secret societies are working behind the scenes to prepare for this event. They claim that once the Third Temple is rebuilt, the Antichrist will proclaim himself as God and demand worship from the nations of the world, as described in the Book of Revelations. The temple he wants to sit in is us!

Biblical Reference: 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”

According to this interpretation, the establishment of modern Israel is part of the grand deception that will eventually lead to the rise of the Antichrist, who will attempt to usurp God’s throne in Jerusalem.

In Conclusion:

In this final extension of the scenario, some conspiracy theorists suggest that Israel is part of a larger plan to establish a New World Order, a centralized global government controlled by a small elite. This theory ties together the Rothschilds, the United Nations, Freemasonry, and other secretive groups, suggesting that their ultimate goal is to create a one-world government, with Israel as a spiritual and political center.

In this narrative, Israel is not just a national project but a global one. The creation of the State of Israel is seen as a stepping stone towards the unification of all nations under a single world government. Jerusalem, with its religious significance to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, is envisioned as the capital of this new world order, where religious and political authority will be concentrated.

Israel, known for its technological prowess, especially in cybersecurity and surveillance, is portrayed as a key player in the development of global control systems. The elites use Israeli technology to build an international surveillance network, allowing them to monitor and control populations worldwide.

Biblical Reference: Revelation 13:16-17

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

In this scenario, Israel is at the center of the technological infrastructure that will eventually be used to enforce the Mark of the Beast, tying the modern state into the eschatological visions of a one-world government under the Antichrist.

This extended scenario paints a far-reaching, multi-layered narrative involving financial elites, secret societies, geopolitical strategies, and religious motivations.

“Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them to come and bow down at your feet, and to know that I have loved you.” Revelation 3:9.

Special thanks: to Aljazeera for their special insights and contribution on this subject matter.

Thank you for your visit, keep your head to the sky and repent of your sins.

Servant : Norman G. Roy III

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