2 Corinthians 11:13-15

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Hello, my friends and real-time truth seekers, I am always so glad to dig up what’s been hidden, lied about, misrepresented, mistaken, deceiving, or misleading as the truth. I do this with the spirit of our “God in me” to bring “Wazzup to the surface.”  To try and better equip those who trust and review this message about what’s going on in the material, spiritual world we live in.

“Evidence suggests that the proclivity to believe obvious nonsense increases rather than decreases with higher indoctrinated education.” Some of us have reached the firm personal conviction that no amount of loud indignation or scholastic failure from the TV man will change our minds about “wasting “God’s time.“And they cannot conceal from a rational mind the fact that some beliefs held by churchgoers are, in fact, nonsense!

The tainted past of orthodoxy does not honor the Name of the One they claim to know and teach. As a result, one merely needs to apply “God’s test.” A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, nor can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit (Matthew 7:16–20).  Unfortunately, few are ready to risk their peers’ approval in order to speak up for what they believe to be true in their own minds.

Instead, they imagine ignorance or embrace “mystery” to soothe a troubled conscience and join the herd. The truth then fails again! The devils laugh at the fact that Christians find it simpler to accept popular opinion, like “TV Evangelism,” that keeps the unlearned in submission, “(far from battle-worthy).” The human race is prone to mysteries, and nothing is more unholy and perfect to the enemy than that which cannot be understood by the unlearned.

“Truth is always found in simplicity, not in multiplicity and confusion.” This is really true! It is easier to deceive people than to convince them that they have been deceived. The Bible must be read as a whole, and with submission, the words must be embraced for what they are by the gift of “God’s Holy Spirit,” who also explains the meaning of (the information, words, or actions). The evidence is difficult to interpret with the eyes of the flesh; you need His assistance.

“For He, meaning the (Holy Spirit, has a personality)” tells a story that any man or woman, without being ordained or studying theology, can understand.” Our Creator gave us the ability to reason in order for us to pursue truth. We abuse one of His most precious gifts when we allow ourselves to be led astray by any of nature’s meaner forces or the perishing interests of this life.

‘Reason, if honestly heeded, will lead us to receive the divine revelation of the Gospel, when it is correctly proposed, and this will reveal to us the way to eternal life. But not through corrupt, confused common sense. For example, “How can such feeble creatures ever accept such an unusual, complex, and perplexing belief as this (the Trinity)? 

That kind of argument must be either blindly accepted (“by faith”) or dismissed as foolishness, which, sadly, the majority of the world does. But the Son of “God did die, and his Father raised him from the dead and elevated Him, in layman’s terms, just read (Acts 2:14–36). 

Many people, including learned and deeply religious men, have become caught up in the explanation and defense of something while being lost in the endless nuances of disagreement over biblical subject matters, as simple as it should be, and not ignorant of knowing “that our “God in Heaven” is not the “Author of Confusion” (1 Corinthians 14:33).

‘The Devil and his henchmen have produced so much uncertainty and animosity in the public, which geographically explains why there are so many “religious denominations.” (Tower of Babel, Genesis 11:1–9). And how can the unusual and baffling notion that three real personalities make up the one legitimate ‘God’ or that those personalities are an extension of the one true “God our Father” be true?

Being such an important and significant component of the Christian religion, which is presented in the Old and New Testaments as being so clear-cut and simple that it can be understood by the most naive of minds, you’d think! ‘Clearly, recognize that this current “anti-Christ system” has most people busy and worried about the fading things of the world around them and the bonds it helps get them into.

That’s what’s keeping them from paying attention too “God things”! But, in today’s environment, for what reason does an organization that calls itself “Christ-centered” and advocates Bible-based theology that neither “Jesus nor the Apostles have mentioned exist?”  This programming, from TV’s theology of lies supported by images of many in attendance, helps convince a fractured sense that it must be true without investigation! 

‘Do you really see what I am trying to project? A lot of what’s walking around are dead vessels with no light or life shining in them. Dim is what they are because of a closed mind and their acceptance of a different spirit, aided by the determined and deluded TV men who tickle their ears and molest the pockets of the unlearned.

“But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned, (1 Corinthians 2:14). We must continue to pray to lay aside false doctrine and open our hearts to “God, and His word that is fulfilled through His Holy Spirit that can live in us, “He keeps us safe from doctrine misinterpretations!”

Most of the masses are walking dead and are unconscious in their hypnotized sleep. According to the biblical purity system, our encounters with the temporal aspect of existence leave a deep spiritual mark, from conception to birth, illness, and death. Many experts agree that the biblical purity system is based on life/death symbolism. According to this view, one becomes impure when one comes into contact with death or the loss of a potential life.

A human corpse is a major source of impurity. ‘Leprosy in the Bible, a scaly white skin illness that makes one look like a corpse (see Num. 12:15), is another extreme kind of impurity. verse 1-15: (1). Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he married (2). And they said, Has the LORD indeed spoken also to us? And the Lord heard it. (3). Now the man Moses was very meek, above all men that were upon the face of the earth.

(4). And the Lord spoke suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam. Come out, you three, to the tabernacle of the congregation. And the three came out. (5). And the Lord came down in the pillar of the cloud, stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam, and they both came forth. 

(6). And He said, Hear now my words; if there be a prophet among you, I, the Lord, will make myself known to him in a vision and will speak to him in a dream. (7). My servant Moses is not so; he is faithful in all my house. (8). With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the Lord shall behold; wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?

(9). And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them, and He departed. (10). And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, as white as snow; and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and behold, she was leprous. (11). And Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned.

(12). Let her not be as one dead, of whom the flesh is half consumed when he comes out of his mother’s womb. (13). And Moses cried unto the Lord, saying, Heal her now, ‘O God, I beseech thee. (14). And the Lord said unto Moses, If her father had spit in her face, should she not be ashamed for seven days? Let her be shut out of the camp for seven days, and after that, let her be received in again, meaning after her skin has been returned to its natural burnished hue. 

(15). And Miriam was shut out of the camp for seven days, and the people did not journey until Miriam was healed of the leprosy and was received into the camp again. “God being angry,” because of the dark words being said about His servant, caused Aaron and his wife Miriam to suffer from her having a scaly white skin illness that makes one look like a corpse.

Can you imagine what may be in store for those spirits of men preaching another gospel? (2 Corinthians 11:4), It says, For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye may well put up with it), if you belong to a fractured belief system. Don’t burn with them; it’s not your place to go where devils will be going.

Okay, now I feel better about my visit with you. Just remember, there’s only one Messiah who will make two appearances, and the Second Coming might happen very soon! Be on guard of false prophets; those fluent in speaking or writing an eloquent speech of lies mixed with some truths can be a masterpiece of deception, especially in TV programming!

That box has a volume control, a channel changer, and an off switch to escape. The Book of Zephaniah, the ninth of the Twelve Minor Prophets of the Old Testament and Tanakh, is preceded by the Book of Habakkuk and followed by the Book of Hagger. Zephaniah, a given male name that also means “God hidden or protected,”  cautions individuals against taking their perception of reality for granted. You must keep light in your life.

Many souls are in danger today because of complacency, which is the idea that you have enough knowledge and are not at risk. The fact that we also have more light than any prior generation puts us in a position where we are more at risk of succumbing to self-satisfied complacency than all the generations before us combined. 

To avoid the traps of self-satisfaction and complacency, one must be committed to the truth and actively seek out more truth. I don’t know what you think, but for me in my middle 60s, I’ve learned I have been lied to about so many things that in my remaining time here, I want to know the truth about what I live on, what makes the mysterious conceivable, and acquire clarity about getting in the clouds with Jesus on His return.

By ceasing to learn new things during my one-time human adventure, I don’t want to become stale. I always want to keep up a new Bible study. I believe that everyone should receive more truth than their cup can handle in light of what I have experienced in life as a whole. Other than spiritual, gaining  knowledge is enough to make the physical voyage worthwhile to me.

Spending time gaining knowledge can come at a heavy cost. Relationships could suffer, and you could find yourself alone. Others may misinterpret and condemn, but for all who wish to follow the Lamb wherever he goes, truth must be actively sought and not passively accepted. “Old Assumptions Are Corrected by New Light!”

Friends, thanks for your visit, until another day,” while we still have fallen natures this side of eternity, perfection is not conceivable, even among the most genuine of believers, yet we can learn and continue to learn. “The path of the just is like the shining sun, shining brighter and brighter until the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18).

Peace be with you and one another. (I put a few videos below that take a minute to load).

For your video library:

(1). All Christian denominations are explained in 12 minutes > 

All Christian denominations explained in 12 minutes

How The Megachurch Destroyed Christianity:

How The Megachurch Destroyed Christianity

Stay blessed and be at peace with one another. Love all!

The Peoples Servant:

 Norman G. Roy III

Author: Norman Roy

Hello, truth seekers! Norman G. Roy III, the digital dynamo igniting sparks of truth in the darkest corners of the internet, has the fervor of an adventurer and the precision of a hacker. Norman fearlessly hacks through the virtual jungle, uncovering hidden treasures of unfiltered reality. Armed with an arsenal of intellect and an unyielding commitment to authenticity, he embarks on electrifying quests through the tangled webs of deception. Each pulse-pounding expedition leads him deeper into the heart of the digital abyss, where he unearths revelations that send shockwaves through the online realm. In a world where every click holds the promise of discovery, Norman emerges as a modern-day hero, thrillingly dismantling falsehoods and delivering pulse-quickening insights to the internet community. Join Norman Roy on an adrenaline-fueled adventure into the electrifying unknown, where the truth awaits around every exhilarating twist and turn.

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