“Unwrapping Deception: The Hidden Dangers of Christmas and Santa Claus.”

Hello, Friends and a safe holiday to everyone. ‘Okay, lets get to the rub. This article is not going to be too kind to this fellow pictured above. And not because I’m being a “Scrooge,” but to warn you about that day, along with my gift to you since we’re into the worldly season of giving, I did the research for you!

In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, amidst the festive lights and joyful carols, there exists a phenomenon that many Christians seem to overlook, the celebration of Christmas and the jolly figure of Santa Claus. This article aims to shed light on the potential dangers and spiritual implications of blindly embracing these traditions without questioning their origins and alignment with biblical principles. The intention is not to condemn but to encourage believers to exercise discernment, as the Apostle Paul urges in (1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV), “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”

The Lure of Tradition:

Many Christians adopt the celebration of Christmas and the inclusion of Santa Claus in their festivities without questioning the deeper implications of these traditions. The cultural pressure to conform to these practices is immense, and the allure of joy, gift-giving, and family gatherings often overshadows the need for discernment. However, blind conformity to traditions merely because they are widely accepted can be spiritually perilous.

The Danger of Laziness and Conformity:

A prevalent issue is the willingness of some Christians to adopt these traditions without scrutinizing their compatibility with biblical teachings. (Proverbs 14:15), warns, “The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.” Blindly following the majority without seeking to understand the roots of these practices can lead believers down a slippery slope of compromise and spiritual negligence.

The Biblical Perspective on Worldly Conformity:

The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the dangers of conforming to the world’s standards rather than adhering to God’s commands. (Romans 12:2), advises, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Christians are called to be set apart, and adherence to worldly customs without biblical foundation contradicts this principle.

The Deceptive Innocence of Christmas:

Friends, at first glance, the celebration of Christmas seems innocent and full of joy. Families come together, gifts are exchanged, and festive decorations adorn homes and streets. However, delving deeper into the history of Christmas reveals a complex interweaving of ancient pagan practices and Christian traditions, kinda confusing as one in the same.

The Pagan Roots of Christmas:

Christmas has roots in various pagan festivals, such as Saturnalia and the winter solstice celebrations. As Christians, it is essential to question the compatibility of these origins with the teachings of the Bible. In (Jeremiah 10:2-4), the Lord explicitly warns against adopting pagan customs: “Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen… For the customs of the people are vain.”

The Absence of Christmas in the Bible:

One of the fundamental issues with the celebration of Christmas is the absence of any biblical mandate for commemorating the birth of Jesus on December 25th. The Bible provides no specific date for Christ’s birth, and the early Christian Church did not observe the December celebration. Instead, the focus was on Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. Not a commercialized, monetized false rendition of the birth of Jesus.

The Deceptive Figure of Santa Claus:

While Santa Claus is often viewed as a harmless symbol of generosity and gift-giving, delving into its historical roots reveals a more troubling connection. The modern portrayal of Santa has evolved from various cultural influences, including the Norse god Odin, who was associated with Yule celebrations. Additionally, the figure of Santa Claus bears similarities to the ancient demonic entity known as Krampus.

The Hidden Demon: From Sacrifices to Santa Claus:

In ancient times, some cultures engaged in dark rituals, including child sacrifices, to appease demonic entities. The idea of offering gifts to a benevolent figure, such as Santa Claus, may unknowingly perpetuate this ancient practice. The Bible warns against participating in such rituals, as seen in (Deuteronomy 18:10-12); “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire…” And we let our most cherished ones sit on St. Clauses lap. Do any of you think that maybe our Savior may want you to leave him out of this worldly nonsense?

Biblical Discernment: Trying the Spirits:

In the midst of the deceptive allure of Christmas and Santa Claus, believers are called to exercise discernment. (1 John 4:1), instructs, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” This biblical principle emphasizes the need for believers to evaluate the origins and influences behind the traditions they embrace.

The Danger of Lukewarm Faith:

The lukewarm attitude towards Christmas and Santa Claus among some Christians reveals a deeper issue—a prioritization of worldly desires over a genuine relationship with God. (Revelation 3:15-16); warns against being lukewarm: “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”

The Call to Repentance and Transformation:

In light of these revelations, my article concludes with a heartfelt call to repentance and transformation. (James 4:8); It encourages believers to draw near to God and cleanse their hearts: “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded.” True worship involves a sincere commitment to seeking God’s will and conforming to His Word, rather than succumbing to worldly desires and traditions.

Authors Note:

Friends, you must truly realize that God’s constraints are meant to be helpful rather than hurtful, and that those who truly desire to follow the rules won’t have as much difficulty doing so. Those who truly love the world, on the other hand, are the ones who truly struggle within. They would understand why God condemns things better if they knew God rather than the many things of the world. And those who wonder why their prayers aren’t being answered—it’s because the Father doesn’t know who you are!!! You desire earthly rather than divine things.

Too, make this clear I hope you are aware that in addition to celebrating Christmas as Jesus’ birth, which is not mentioned anywhere in His Bible, there is no way after reading this can you claim ignorance when it comes time for the “White Throne Judgment.” The Bible advises people to test the spirit and not allow the evil spirit to continue convicting them in the eyes of the Lord, as well as to not blindly listen to everyone—even me, so do your due diligence with care and attention and test!

The celebration of Christmas and the inclusion of Santa Claus may seem harmless on the surface, but a closer examination reveals potential dangers and spiritual pitfalls. My article has sought to encourage believers to exercise discernment, question traditions, and align their lives with biblical principles. In (Jeremiah 10:1-5), describes the tradition of cutting down a tree from the forest, decorating it, and fastening it upright. The passage identifies this tradition as a “heathen custom” that should not be learned!

The call to repentance and transformation is a reminder that true worship involves a sincere commitment to God’s Word and a rejection of worldly conformity. As believers, the responsibility lies in seeking the truth, trying the spirits, and embracing a faith that stands firm on the unchanging foundation of God’s Word.

*May All Be Safe In These Confusing Times*

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

Christmas History: Bible & Pagans—The Truth:

“Under the Dome: Exploring the Depths of Flat Earth Realities”

Christ’s Soldiers” has existed with the intention of giving the greatest number of people access to the truth starting from the very beginning. Beyond that, proactively seek out the truth and disseminate it when it becomes available. “Christ’s soldiers” are free to ” prepare the people for the impending return of our Savior,” since we are not bound by any religious affiliations or government 501 (c- 3)s regulations to bide us from giving unfiltered truth.

A few things to consider; (1 Remaining receptive to new information. (2 Refusing to accept anything without doing extensive and cautious study. (3 Nothing inherently makes anything wrong just because it’s new. But a new notion has emerged; the “earth’s real shape.” This topic is unlike any others. At first look, no other truth investigated by the Christ’s Soldiers team appeared to so clearly contradict accepted scientific “fact.”

The idea that the earth is a globe that revolves around the sun is one that has been around for so long that it has been “grandfathered” in and is now taken for granted as “truth.” Thorough investigation has shown the startling reality that the earth is not a globe orbiting infinite space. But of science fiction created by Demonic NASA and its computer-generated imagery (CGI, special visual effects created using computer software) production.

The Bible is unquestionably a text about a flat world. So, it seems some sense to believe that the final events before the end of our age will be significantly influenced by the structure of the place we live.

It is not the open spherical globe that everyone has been taught for the past 500 years, even while it is not “flat” in the sense that one might walk up to the edge and fall off. Instead, it is precisely what the Bible and all the ancients taught it to be; large masses of land and oceans encircled by a dome of protection. Throughout history, cultures all throughout the world have documented and recorded the presence of a geocentric, fixed, flat earth. Egyptians, Indians, Mayans, Chinese, Native Americans, and virtually every other ancient culture on this falsely so-called planet always had a geocentric, flat-earth cosmology.

By using the globe, Satan was able to separate God from His creation, which caused many to deny the Bible creation of the probable Flat Earth. The Bible is no longer used when evaluating scientific claims. That because of early global hypnotized indoctrination in schools, it only seems a book of morals and enjoyable stories and cannot be utilized to explain the place where we truly live said in (Genesis: 1-31 KJV).

Before Pythagoras, there was no concept of a spinning ball on Earth, and even after Pythagoras, it remained an obscure, minority position until 2,000 years later, when Copernicus began revitalizing the heliocentric notion. I’m trying to warn you, friends; the public has been “bamboozled, fooled, lied too!” Satan uses extraordinary effects through human agencies (NASA), and prolonged indoctrination to ingrain individuals in their beliefs, leading them to accept the lie and defend it.  “Please Wake-Up!”

Satan’s triumph against God is just momentary. Because Jesus will destroy the Globe and utilize it to lure many more people to Him and His truth. It’s time to celebrate the incredible vault beneath which we dwell. According to the Bible, God’s boundless greatness is demonstrated by the formation of the solid dome that encloses His earth. The “(Firmament)” is the best example of God’s utter creative might. It is an enigma beyond description.

The man by himself could not pull off this and many other things I try and warn about. It’s all engineered by an ancient angelic creature that needs no sleep or anything to eat, with much more knowledge and power than we have, so he can inflict on us his deceit 24 hours of our days. We are not smart enough to do any of this and have the cooperation with the departmentalized selected worldly elites, it can only be done by a “supernatural entity.” We have to get in the right fight with Christ in our life.

And only then can His holy spirit intervene to keep us from further deception of a blinded common sense. After carefully examining the available astronomical and scientific facts, Christ Soldiers team came to the conclusion that the earth was confined and immobile. Although they are sometimes dismissed as poetic narratives, biblical arguments for a stationary earth have long existed. But overlooked by the fooled, meaning even the elect said in (Matthew. 24).

Friends, I know this is hard because it was hard on me until the Lord and his mercy removed the veil over my mind and eyes, so I could see wide open the ways of Satan and his minions, and sadly with the help of deceived people. God, “the Artist.” He employs His own set of scientific laws. Truth be told, astronomy, physics, and applied mathematics all favor a stationary earth encircled by a dome.

Think about it, you don’t have to chase a runway to land a plane but you would if it was exaggerated spinning at the high rate NASA says! Or trillions of tons of water curving around a ball, but butterflies and insects fly freely. Yet held by a demonic narrative of so-called gravity, that sounds like magic. With God’s world it’s always been “buoyancy and density,” He’s not the author of confusement as His Bible says in (1 Corinthians 14:33). Water always finds its level.

We at Christ’s Soldiers cordially encourage you to thoroughly examine the evidence for yourself. As you obtain further knowledge, it is OK to put the topic on hold. Furthermore, it is acceptable to acknowledge ignorance. However, please carefully consider all the relevant facts before magisterially ruling out this important subject matter. It’s at least worth it in our one time human experience to learn the truth about how all this began, why we are, and the real truth about where we live.

Yes, we all have the question “Why!” Would they lie about something like this, what’s the real reason? Because the devil and his helpers are trying to hide “God from you!” Making you think God is so far away and that we are an accident and insignificant and all along God has been sitting right over top of his creation and watching us daily in all we do. But seeing is believing too most, but even then you can’t trust that with what NASA is doing. If you’re going to believe anything, believe in black holes called NASA who sucks 150 million bucks per quarter from tax payers to produce science fiction earth, space stations, satellites, and colorful galaxies.

It’s not that new light is inherently dangerous because it’s new. A sincere searcher of the truth would never assume something so lukewarm or halfhearted. The risk is in the emotional and even psychological strain of adjusting to a completely new and dissimilar worldview. It might cause mental turmoil and a somber resolve to never fall for such trickery again. The temptation is to reject everything of one’s beliefs, even the knowledge of previously existing truths. Recognize this response for what it is—a self-defense mechanism—and do not hastily disregard other accepted realities.

(1 Thessalonians 5:21-28 KJV) says, Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Friends, I’m not going to try and spend a lot of time trying to convince you of this, because I know that a person is able to be deceived faster, than to be convinced that they have been deceived. So that’s why I always have videos as a backup to not deceive but relieve doubt about the truth. You will see the links below my article. Thank you, for your visit and I hope that all I try to do will bless you with the knowledge to help you on your journey towards the truth about the mysteries of the life we live in.

*Be Good To One Another*

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

FLATTEN the CURVE The Documentary in 4K. – Flat Earth:

Our Flat Earth Journey by Taboo Conspiracy ii MUST SEE!:

ODD TV’s Flat Earth Trilogy | True World, Learning Curve and Epic Deception:

One Shot at Redemption Documentary:

200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball HD Remastered (8):

*I Hope All Who You Love Are Blessed Daily*

“The Paradox of Our Souls: Darkness, Demons, and the Dawn Of Redemption”

In the complex drapery of human existence, there lies a darker thread woven into the very fabric of our being. This thread, often obscured by the intricacies of our day-to-day lives, represents the inherent sin nature that dwells within each one of us. This profound aspect of human existence, deeply rooted in the collective human experience, manifests in ways that leave us vulnerable to both inflicting harm upon others and enduring the wounds caused by those we love.

Exploring the depths of this darkness, we seek to understand the raw, unfiltered reality of our sinful nature, as well as the transformative power of redemption as illuminated by the teachings of the Bible.

The Darkness Within:

To comprehend the darkness that resides within us, it is imperative to acknowledge the profound implications of our sin nature. The Bible, as a guide to the human condition, provides insight into the depths of our depravity. In the book of Genesis, the origin of sin is narrated through the story of Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden:

(Genesis 3:6 KJV), “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” This disobedient act marked the introduction of sin into the human experience, forever altering the course of our collective history. The consequences of this rebellion reverberate through the generations, creating a predisposition towards darkness within the human soul.

The Vulnerability to Attack:

The sinister nature of our sinful inclinations exposes us to vulnerabilities, both as perpetrators and victims. In the realm of relationships, the people we hold dear become unwitting targets of our internal struggles. The Bible, with its profound wisdom, articulates the dangers of succumbing to the darker aspects of our nature: (James 4:1), “From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?”

Additionally, the vulnerability to being attacked extends beyond personal relationships to the broader societal context. Acts of injustice, violence, and cruelty perpetrated by humans against their fellow beings attest to the pervasive influence of the dark nature within. The prophet Jeremiah encapsulates the depth of this darkness: (Jeremiah 17:9), “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”Jeremiah’s lamentation underscores the innate wickedness that resides within the human heart, a wickedness that can manifest in harm not only to others but also to ourselves.

The Mirror of Self-Reflection:

Confronting the darker aspects of our nature requires a courageous gaze into the mirror of self-reflection. It is in this introspective examination that we come face to face with the person we often strive to conceal – a person marred by sin, prone to rebellion, and susceptible to the influence of darkness. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, vividly describes this internal struggle: (Romans 7:18-19), “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.”

Paul’s candid admission captures the essence of the internal conflict between the desire for good and the propensity for evil that resides within each human soul. This struggle, often invisible to the external observer, unfolds within the chambers of our hearts and minds, shaping our thoughts, actions, and relationships.

The Demon Influence:

This vivid imagery portrays the relentless and predatory nature of demonic influence. The devil, symbolized as a roaring lion, seeks to exploit the weaknesses within us, luring us into the depths of darkness and separation from the divine. Understanding the demonic influence requires acknowledging the subtlety with which it operates. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, highlights the deceptive nature of these influences.

(2 Corinthians 11:14), “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” The devil’s ability to masquerade as an angel of light underscores the insidious nature of his influence. It is in the guise of seemingly good intentions and appealing choices that the demonic forces work to lead us astray, amplifying the darkness within.

The Struggle for Liberation:

Amidst the bleak panorama of human depravity, the Bible offers a glimmer of hope – a pathway to liberation from the clutches of our sinful nature. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, declares the possibility of freedom through the redemptive power of Christ: (Romans 7:24-25),”O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.”

Paul’s acknowledgment of his wretched state is followed by an expression of gratitude for the deliverance offered through Jesus Christ. This proclamation unveils the transformative potential of faith, pointing to a way out of the darkness that plagues the human soul.

The Path of Redemption:

The path to redemption is intricately woven into the fabric of biblical teachings, guiding individuals towards a renewed and righteous existence. The Apostle John, in his gospel, encapsulates the essence of this redemption: (John 8:12),”Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.”

In declaring Himself as the light of the world, Jesus offers a profound metaphor for the transformative power of His teachings. The light dispels darkness, providing clarity, guidance, and salvation to those who choose to follow Him.The transformative journey is not merely a theological concept but a practical reality that requires a conscious commitment to align one’s life with the teachings of Christ. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, emphasizes the process of renewal through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

(2 Corinthians 5:17), “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” This promise of becoming a new creation in Christ underscores the radical transformation that occurs when individuals surrender to the divine influence. It signifies a departure from the old, sinful nature and a rebirth into a life guided by the principles of righteousness and love.

The Mercy of Redemption:

Central to the concept of redemption is the abundant mercy extended by the divine. The Bible, throughout its pages, reverberates with the theme of God’s mercy as a beacon of hope for those ensnared by the darkness within. The Psalms, a poetic expression of the human experience, articulate the depth of God’s mercy: (Psalm 103:8), “The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.” This verse encapsulates the essence of divine mercy – a mercy that is abundant, patient, and overflowing. It is this mercy that provides a lifeline to those grappling with the consequences of their sinful nature, offering forgiveness and the possibility of reconciliation.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son, as narrated by Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, vividly illustrates the compassionate mercy of God! (Luke 15:20-24), “And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.” The father’s compassionate response to the wayward son mirrors the boundless mercy of God. Despite the son’s rebellion and waywardness, the father’s love transcends judgment, welcoming the prodigal home with open arms.

My, friends in conclusion:

In the exploration of the darker aspects of human nature, illuminated by the teachings of the Bible, a profound paradox emerges. Within the depths of our sinful nature lies the potential for redemption, a redemption that is not earned but freely given through the mercy and grace of God. The vulnerability to darkness, the impact on relationships, and the subtle influence of demonic forces all find their counterbalance in the transformative power of faith in Christ.

The mirror of self-reflection, though revealing the stark reality of our flawed nature, also reflects the hope of renewal and transformation. The struggle against the darkness within is not futile; it is a journey towards liberation and reconciliation with the divine. In the words of the Apostle Paul: (Philippians 4:13),”I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Through Christ, the light that dispels darkness, we find the strength to confront the shadows within and embrace the path of redemption. The mercy of God, extended to each repentant soul, becomes the catalyst for a new life – a life free from the chains of sin and imbued with the transformative power of divine love.

Keep Your Head Towards The Sky For The Answers You Seek ???

By Norman G. Roy III

If God Created Satan Perfect, Where Did Evil Come From? God is Good, How Did Evil Enter the World?


Paul Baloche – God of Wonders:

*Be Good To One Another / By Helping Someone Two Can Smile*

“From Curse to Redemption: Breaking the Spell of False Traditions”

In the intricate canvas of human history, traditions have woven themselves into the very fabric of societies, shaping beliefs and ideologies that persist across generations. However, not all traditions are benign, and some may carry the weight of deception that has endured for centuries. This phenomenon can be likened to a curse, a chain that binds the human race to the lies propagated by forefathers and, in most cases, by the influence of demonic forces.

The Scriptures, as found in the King James Version of the Bible, shed light on the consequences of false teachings and the importance of discernment. Let us delve into the Word of God to explore the roots of this curse and discover the path to liberation.

The Danger of False Traditions:

The Bible warns against blindly following traditions that deviate from the truth. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for prioritizing their traditions over God’s commandments. In (Matthew 15:3 KJV), He says, “But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?” This sets the stage for understanding that not all traditions align with God’s will.


The danger lies in elevating human traditions to the same level or even above divine principles. When traditions become a means of control or manipulation, they can deviate from God’s truth, leading people astray. This deviation is what perpetuates the curse through generations as individuals unwittingly pass down false teachings to their descendants.

Breaking Free Through Truth:

The path to liberation begins with recognizing the truth that sets us free. (John 8:32), declares, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” By seeking the truth in God’s Word, we can break the chains of deceptive traditions that bind us. This requires a willingness to question and examine the beliefs handed down to us, aligning them with the unchanging truth found in Scripture.


The truth spoken of in this scripture is not merely factual information but a deep understanding of God’s will and His divine principles. Liberating oneself from the chains of false traditions involves a sincere pursuit of God’s truth, allowing the Holy Spirit to illuminate the Word and guide individuals into a deeper relationship with Him.

Guarding Against Deception:

The deceptive nature of traditions lies in their ability to disguise themselves as truth. By incorporating philosophy and worldly wisdom, false traditions can infiltrate belief systems, leading individuals away from the pure message of Christ. Discernment, fueled by prayer and a solid foundation in Scripture, acts as a safeguard against falling victim to these deceptive influences.

Overcoming Generational Curses:

Generational curses can be perpetuated through false traditions, but the Bible assures us that through repentance and turning to God, individuals can break free from the sins of the past. Each person is accountable for their own choices, and through the transformative power of Christ, they can overcome the burdens passed down through generations.

Renewing the Mind with God’s Word:

Transformative change comes through the renewal of the mind. (Romans 12:2), encourages believers, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”


To break free from the chains of deceptive traditions, individuals must actively engage in renewing their minds with the truth of God’s Word. This involves a commitment to studying and internalizing Scripture, allowing it to shape one’s thoughts, beliefs, and actions. The renewal of the mind is a continual process that empowers believers to discern and reject falsehoods.

The Role of Wisdom:

(Proverbs 4:7) declares, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with all thy getting, get understanding.” Wisdom, rooted in God’s Word, is essential for discerning between truth and deception. It enables individuals to navigate the complexities of tradition and recognize when a practice aligns with God’s will or veers into the realm of falsehood.


Wisdom goes beyond knowledge; it involves the practical application of God’s truth in daily life. By acquiring wisdom, individuals can break free from the bondage of deceptive traditions and guide future generations toward the light of God’s Word. Wisdom equips believers to dismantle the strongholds of falsehood and establish a foundation built on the unchanging principles of the Kingdom.

Author’s Note:

In conclusion, the curse of deceptive traditions can be broken through a committed pursuit of God’s truth, discernment, individual accountability, the renewal of the mind, and the acquisition of wisdom. The Scriptures serve as a timeless guide, offering insights into the pitfalls of false traditions and providing a roadmap for liberation.

As believers embark on this journey of unraveling the web of deception, they can step into the freedom and abundant life promised by Christ, breaking the chains that have bound generations. May the truth of God’s Word shine brightly, dispelling the darkness of false traditions and illuminating the path to true freedom in Christ.

By Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

Breaking Bloodline and Generational Curses and Patterns | Your Entire Family Needs To Hear This!

How Christianity Adopted Pagan Practices and Holidays – The False Church Deception Exposed:

Unmasking the Devil’s Agents in Your Life – Beware of These People!

“Temporal Treasures, Eternal Truths: Unveiling the Illusion”

Hello, friends, and a lovely day, as well as another day for redemption. That is, no one is guaranteed tomorrow. (James 4:13-15 KJV), and 18 other passages state the same thing: “tomorrow is not promised to anyone, and, sadly, a large percentage of us take it for granted.”

Knowing this, have you ever thought that you may not have the relationship with “Jesus that you think you have?” How much of “God things do you think about other than the temporal things of the world? For example, your shelter, utilities, food, clothes, money. Believe it or not this is most people’s god! The wants and needs that please the flesh, but no redemption for the flesh.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to become ensnared by the temporal aspects of our existence—shelter, utilities, food, clothes, and the pursuit of material desires. However, as the scripture wisely reminds us, “Tomorrow is not promised to anyone” (James 4:13–15). This serves as a poignant reminder of the transient nature of our earthly journey and challenges us to contemplate the depth of our relationship with the divine.

The Illusion of Security:

In the pursuit of worldly comforts, we often build a false sense of security. The tangible things around us—the roofs over our heads, the food on our tables—seemingly provide stability. Yet, the scripture urges us to reconsider where we place our trust. “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal” (Matthew 6:19). This prompts us to question whether our priorities align with eternal values or if we are ensnared by the ephemeral allure of material possessions.

The God of Wants and Needs:

Reflecting on our prayers, aspirations, and concerns, it becomes evident that our focus often revolves around fulfilling the desires of the flesh. These temporal wants and needs, while essential for survival, can sometimes dominate our thoughts and actions. “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary to the other” (Galatians 5:17). This dichotomy challenges us to strike a balance between the necessities of life and the pursuit of a more profound, spiritual connection.

True Redemption Beyond the Flesh:

As we navigate the intricacies of our daily existence, the concept of redemption takes center stage. The temporal nature of the flesh is undeniable, and the pursuit of worldly pleasures may offer momentary satisfaction but falls short of providing true redemption. “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Matthew 16:26). This scriptural wisdom prompts us to consider the eternal implications of our choices and actions.

Shifting Perspectives:

Shifting our perspective from the temporal to the eternal involves a conscious effort to prioritize spiritual growth and deepen our connection with the divine. This requires a reevaluation of our priorities and a sincere examination of the motives that drive our daily decisions. “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:2). By aligning our desires with heavenly pursuits, we open ourselves to a transformative journey toward true redemption.

The Role of Faith:

At the heart of this introspective journey lies faith—an unwavering belief in the unseen and a profound trust in the divine. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). This profound definition challenges us to transcend the limitations of the visible world and embrace a spiritual understanding that extends beyond the tangible.

Author’s Note:

In a world dominated by the temporal and the fleeting, the scriptures beckon us to rise above the transient and fix our gaze on the eternal. Tomorrow’s uncertainty serves as a potent reminder that our earthly journey is finite, urging us to seek a relationship with the divine that surpasses the temporal. As we navigate the intricacies of life, let us heed the call to prioritize the eternal over the temporal, finding true redemption in a faith that transcends the limitations of the flesh.

By Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

How To Store Up Treasure In Heaven | Luke 12:16-21 & Matthew 6:19-21 | KingdomNomics:

Storing treasures in Heaven – LUMO

Spiritual civilization is more important than material civilization.