“The Two Faces of Time: From Babylon to Jesus, Janus; Tracing the Ancient Roots of New Year’s Celebrations”

Is there a hint of evil concealed in plain sight?

“Hello my Friends.” How are you doing, and how are those you care about? Glad you dropped by, and I’d want to clarify something for everyone who sees this: yes, I’m going to explain my title and its substance, and yes, it’s not going to be nice, and I know that those of you who have read any of my articles think they’re “doom and gloom.” That may be true, but I am not doing this to deceive you, but rather to alert you to our opponent “Satan’s trickery!

We’ll be pushing the “pedal to the metal” on this adventure! And provide you with an understanding of why, in your one chance in your spirit to have a human experience, you cannot just follow the herd on everything that seems exciting and fun without becoming an ignorant victim. Instead, we may go to the “big sleep” and wake up in the same manner you do every morning, even if you’ve been sleeping in your current condition for years. The living know, the dead know nothing. See (Ecclesiastes 9: 5-6). And you wake up in front of “The White Throne Judgement,” you are shocked because no one is guaranteed tomorrow (Proverbs 27:1).

And our Father responds, ” I never knew you,” this because of the devil’s cunning, you didn’t plan ahead and just followed the script, (“Do as the Romans do” or Monkey see, monkey do”), is the tail, not the head that will cause the majority of us to be a victim of this degradation. I’m not trying to take the fun out of everything we do, but just to warn about the days we are in and caution you on what seems harmless and right could be wrong considering your soul, if you care. We are living in the days where it seems wrong is right and right is wrong. Satan has flipped the script!

The Historical Origins of New Year’s Celebration:

The celebration of the New Year has a long and diverse history, with different cultures and civilizations marking the passage of time in various ways. One of the earliest recorded New Year celebrations was by the ancient Babylonians around 2000 BCE. They celebrated the New Year during the vernal equinox, which is around late March.

The ancient Egyptians also celebrated the New Year with the annual flooding of the Nile River, which marked the beginning of the agricultural season. Similarly, the Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar and is associated with the cycles of the moon.

The Roman God Janus:

In Roman mythology, Janus is a god with two faces, each looking in the opposite direction. He is often depicted as a symbol of transitions, passages, and doorways. Janus is considered the god of beginnings and endings, transitions, and time. His two faces represent looking back to the past and forward to the future, making him a fitting symbol for the turning of the calendar from one year to the next and itself omni-present trying to be like our Father God. What’s hidden, this is their counterfeit Jesus Christ.

The month of January is named after Janus, and the Romans celebrated the beginning of the year by offering sacrifices to him and exchanging gifts and offering drinks. They believed that Janus could provide blessings for the coming year and protect them from evil. But for those who don’t know, this is a curse throughout the New Years ritual disguised as pleasantries but is the opening of the door to capture the unlearned.

New Year’s Resolutions:

The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions can be traced back to ancient Babylonian and Roman times. Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of the year to return borrowed items and pay their debts. Similarly, the Romans made promises to Janus, seeking his favor for the year ahead but unknowingly gave homage too as we do to the demon!

Throughout history and throughout several cultures, people have made resolutions to better themselves or establish objectives for the upcoming year. It appeared to be a cultural and personal custom meant for self-improvement that is hidden as harmful to “God’s people!” Rather than having any connection to any particular religion or affiliations is a lie, this is another evil straight from hell.

The Transition to January 1st:

The shift of the New Year’s celebration to January 1st is linked to the Roman calendar. The Roman calendar originally had the New Year starting in March, but with the adoption of the Julian calendar by Julius Caesar in 45 BCE, January 1st became the official start of the year.

This change was part of an effort to align the calendar with the solar year, and it eventually gained widespread acceptance. However, it’s important to note that the association of Janus with the New Year predates this calendar change.

Pope Gregory XIII and the Gregorian Calendar:

While Pope Gregory XIII did introduce the Gregorian calendar in 1582 to reform the Julian calendar and correct inaccuracies in the calculation of leap years, this reform did not impact the celebration of the New Year on January 1st. The Gregorian calendar was designed to better align with the astronomical year, but it did not change the date of the New Year.

The celebration of January 1st as the New Year continued, and various cultures adopted the Gregorian calendar over time. The association of Janus with the New Year remains rooted in ancient Roman traditions.

The Modern Celebration of New Year’s:

Today, New Year’s celebrations vary worldwide. They often involve gatherings, festivities, fireworks, and the symbolic dropping of a ball in Times Square in New York City. While some people make resolutions for the coming year, others simply celebrate the passage of time with joy and optimism. Innocent victims of the unknowing. ‘Friends, this is ” His Mercy by His Warnings” of these things, that are unsuspected. ‘Hint, If it is making money from you, and a group party is involved, suspect it!

In conclusion:

Friends, I ask that you not give me credit. Even though leaving this message doesn’t seem enjoyable, don’t be shocked; you have another day for redemption. Look up, and thank God once more for His kindness that it’s you reading this and not in your deep slumber that is allotted to all of us at a time we don’t really know when.

The video I’ve included below won’t be as nice as what I’ve attempted to describe, but when you visit with me, you get the unvarnished truth, which you may discover in the video. Remember, there are good things in the world like, being not of the world, but peace inside, separation from disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty is His way, learning from the world will pull you down to the ground and deeper if you don’t try to understand your enemy.

‘Our, Father knows; For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. (2 Timothy 4:3). He knows most will accept what they like to see and hear and others are doing. Thank you for your time and if anyone in your family or friends even strangers that you think can be enlightened by my articles, please give them my link: https://storm.cw.center Too all a blessed day!

By Servant: Norman G. Roy III


“Celestial Betrayal: Watchers, Nephilim, and the Cosmic Flood”

Hello, friends I hope it’s a blessed day. What I like to talk about is a matter that most are confused about in the Book of Enoch that was mentioned in the Bible, but was hidden like many other mysteries from our life. It introduces the concept of the Watchers, a class of angels sent to watch over humans but who, led by their leader Semjaza, became enamored with human women. These angels descended on Mount Hermon, took human wives, and taught forbidden knowledge to humanity, leading to corruption and chaos.

The offspring of these unions were the Nephilim, described as giants with immense strength and evil tendencies. These Nephilim engaged in oppressive and violent behavior, causing havoc on Earth. Their actions, along with the corruption spread by the fallen angels, were considered major factors in God’s decision to bring about the flood to cleanse the world.

Once more, welcome, and maybe this information will help you better see the rationale for some of the crazy that exists in our days! The flood, as described in Genesis, was a divine judgment to wipe out the wickedness and corruption that had plagued the Earth. Noah and his family were spared, representing the remnant of righteousness. The floodwaters destroyed both the corrupted human population and the Nephilim.

It’s important to note that interpretations of these texts may vary, and not all religious traditions consider the Book of Enoch as canonical. Some see it as apocryphal or pseudopigraphical, meaning that its authorship is attributed to someone other than Enoch. And that’s why it’s not understood to most and is a mystery.

Long ago, in the time of ancient mysteries, the world was a place of divine order and beauty. Yet, beyond the realm of human understanding, celestial beings known as the Watchers existed. Tasked with observing and guiding humanity, these angels held a divine purpose, but their curiosity led them astray. In the celestial abode, on Mount Hermon, the Watchers, led by the charismatic Semjaza, began to succumb to desires forbidden. They gazed upon the daughters of men, captivated by their earthly allure. Against the divine decree, they descended from the heavens, drawn to the mortal realm.

The Book of Enoch tells of the forbidden unions between the Watchers and mortal women, giving birth to the Nephilim—mighty beings of immense strength and malevolence. These half-angelic, half-human creatures were the embodiment of chaos, spreading wickedness across the land.

In the Book of Genesis, cryptic verses allude to these events, where the “sons of God” saw the “daughters of men.” The mysterious union led to the birth of the Nephilim, giants whose presence brought corruption and violence to the world. The divine order was unraveling, and the Creator grieved over the wickedness that had taken root. As the Nephilim grew in number and strength, their deeds became increasingly malevolent. They tyrannized the inhabitants of the earth, oppressing them with their unnatural abilities and insatiable greed. The fallen angels, having imparted forbidden knowledge to humanity, watched as their creation wreaked havoc.

Enoch, a righteous man chosen by the divine, witnessed the unfolding chaos. Guided by celestial visions, he chronicled the wicked deeds of the Watchers and the Nephilim. His writings would later be compiled into the Book of Enoch, a testament to the cosmic struggle between the heavenly and the earthly. The corruption reached such depths that the Creator, in His sorrow and wrath, decided to cleanse the world. He summoned the floodwaters, a deluge that would wash away the sins of the Nephilim and purify the tainted earth. Only Noah, a man of righteousness, and his family were deemed worthy of salvation.

In the biblical account of Noah and the Ark, the divine intervention unfolded. The floodwaters rose, consuming the wickedness that had infested the world. The Nephilim, with their towering stature, were powerless against the wrath of the Creator. The ark sailed amidst the storm, carrying the remnants of a righteous lineage.

The floodwaters receded, leaving behind a cleansed world. The Nephilim were no more, their malevolent legacy erased by the divine flood. The Watchers, having witnessed the consequences of their transgressions, faced divine judgment. Some were imprisoned, and others scattered, their celestial nature forever tainted.

The tale of the Watchers, the Nephilim, and the flood became a cautionary legend—a reminder of the consequences of celestial beings meddling in the affairs of mortals. The Book of Enoch and the biblical scriptures intertwined to weave a narrative of divine justice, human frailty, and the enduring power of righteousness in the face of cosmic turmoil.

In the aftermath of the flood, a new era dawned upon the world. The waters receded, revealing a transformed landscape. Noah and his family, the chosen survivors, stepped onto the rejuvenated earth. As they gazed upon the remnants of a once-devastated world, the divine covenant was established—a promise that the earth would never again be purged by such a cataclysmic flood.

Yet, the echoes of the celestial transgressions lingered. The scattered Watchers, having tasted the bitter fruits of their rebellion, faced divine retribution. Some were bound in celestial chains, imprisoned in the darkest corners of the cosmos. Their celestial radiance dimmed, and their once-majestic forms were now distorted by the weight of their guilt.

In the Book of Enoch, Enoch himself undertook celestial journeys, witnessing the fate of the fallen angels. He beheld the imprisoned Watchers, their once-glorious presence reduced to shadows of their former selves. The cosmic order had been restored, but the scars of disobedience marked the celestial realm. The Nephilim, the giants born of forbidden unions, were no more. Their colossal forms, once agents of chaos, now lay silent beneath the earth. The floodwaters had cleansed the land of their malevolent influence, but the memory of their deeds lingered in the collective consciousness of humanity.

Generations passed, and the world flourished anew. The descendants of Noah spread across the earth, carrying with them the knowledge of the divine covenant and the lessons learned from the celestial rebellion. The Book of Enoch became a sacred text, preserving the chronicles of the Watchers and the Nephilim as a warning against the allure of forbidden knowledge and the consequences of cosmic hubris.

Yet, the story did not end with the flood. The celestial realms, though scarred by the rebellion, remained interconnected with the earthly domain. Celestial beings continued to watch over humanity, their role forever changed by the events of Mount Hermon. The divine order, while restored, now bore the indelible marks of a cosmic struggle that transcended mortal understanding.


The narrative of the Watchers, the Nephilim, and the flood became a tapestry woven into the fabric of human mythology and religious traditions. Across cultures and civilizations, echoes of this celestial drama found expression in various forms, shaping the collective consciousness of diverse societies. As the sun set on the epoch of divine judgment, a new dawn illuminated the potential for redemption and renewal. The celestial and earthly realms, forever intertwined, carried the enduring legacy of a cosmic tale—a tale of fallen angels, giants, and a flood that reshaped the destiny of both heaven and earth.

I hope for blessings, for all whom you love!

By: *Norman G. Roy III*

How The Sons of Fallen Angels Nearly Destroyed The World | The Book of Giants:

THE BOOK OF THE WATCHERS | Book of Enoch Part 1 | Full Audiobook with Read-Along Text:

THE TRUE STORY OF THE 4 FALLEN ANGELS Chained in the River Euphrates:

Be Good Too One Another:

Today’s Churches Have Sprung From The Same Root “As Paganism!”

Hello, Friends. I hope everything is fine with you and everyone you care about. Today I’d want to discuss something that is very important to all of us! Satan has built a complete system of “counterfeit Christianity.” His cunning guidance has enabled conceited religious leaders to subtly infiltrate utterly heathen ideas, rituals, and goals into “Christianity.” The majority of people believe that the religion of Jesus Christ is being presented since the term “christianity” is stamped on the exterior of the packaging.

In the realm of spiritual discernment, it is crucial to approach the subject of counterfeit Christianity with a vigilant and informed mindset. The roots of this issue trace back to the cunning influence of Satan. Many unsuspecting believers, seeing the label “Christianity,” assume they are following the religion of Jesus Christ.

However, they may be unaware that this term has been utilized to disguise erroneous ideas about God, Jesus Christ, His teachings, and the path to everlasting life. It is a cautionary tale, urging readers to be aware of the dangers posed by this “counterfeit” Christianity, which has led many astray and caused confusion, misery, and even death.

The historical context reveals that pagan creeds and ceremonies predated Christ’s arrival, and remarkably, they bore striking similarities to each other and even to true Christianity. This is not a mere coincidence but a deliberate incorporation of elements into the Christian tradition. Constantine, the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, played a pivotal role in this process.

Constantine’s influence is evident in the hybrid religion he crafted by incorporating pagan symbols, dates, and rituals into Christianity. This amalgamation sought to reconcile the diverse beliefs prevailing at the time. Paganism found its way into Christian symbolism, with contemporary depictions of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus drawing inspiration from ancient pictograms of Isis and Horus.

The parallels extend to various aspects of the Catholic rite, where elements such as the miter, altar, doxology, communion, and the concept of “eating God” were directly borrowed from preceding mystery religions. This mingling of heathen practices with Christian traditions raises questions about the authenticity of certain religious practices within the broader Christian spectrum.

Recognizing these historical entanglements is not an attempt to undermine faith but a call to discernment. It prompts individuals to scrutinize the beliefs and practices they adhere to, encouraging a deeper understanding of the origins and implications of their faith. The cautionary message resonates: be vigilant against the subtleties of counterfeit Christianity that can lead believers away from the true path and distort the essence of Christ’s teachings.

Relevant Scripture references:

(1 Ephesians 5:11 – “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”

(2 Matthew 7:15 – “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

(3 Colossians 2:8 – “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

(4 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 – “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works.”

In the realm of spiritual discernment, it is crucial to recognize the infiltration of counterfeit Christianity, a phenomenon guided by the cunning influence of Satan. Many, under the banner of “Christianity,” unknowingly embrace distorted beliefs about God, Jesus Christ, and the path to eternal life. This cautionary narrative delves into historical roots, highlighting the deliberate amalgamation of pagan elements into the Christian tradition.

In Summary:

The parallels between pagan and Christian practices, from symbols to rituals, raise questions about the authenticity of certain traditions within Christianity. Drawing inspiration from the King James Version of the Bible, relevant scriptures emphasize the need for discernment, warning against fellowship with darkness, false prophets, and the influence of deceptive teachings.

In essence, the message urges believers to scrutinize their faith, seeking a deeper understanding of its origins and implications. The call to vigilance resonates strongly: be aware of the subtleties of counterfeit Christianity that can lead astray, distorting the true essence of Christ’s teachings.

Special Thanks Too:

Roderick C. Meredith & Living Church of God for their research guidance for my studies!

*By: Norman G. Roy III*




Stay blessed, and Be at Peace with One Another!

*”Majestic Descent: The Heavenly Saga of God Incarnate”*

In the beginning, before time itself, God existed in the vastness of heaven, surrounded by celestial beings and the brilliance of divine light. His glory radiated in every corner of the celestial realm, and His wisdom surpassed the understanding of any created being. He was the Alpha and the Omega, the Creator of all things, the One who spoke the universe into existence.

In this heavenly abode, God’s love and compassion knew no bounds. He looked upon the Earth, a tiny blue in the cosmos, and saw the struggles, joys, and aspirations of the beings He had crafted. His heart overflowed with love for His creation, and a plan began to unfold—a plan that would bridge the gap between the divine and the mortal, the eternal and the temporal.

One day, as the heavenly hosts worshipped in unison, God announced His intention to manifest Himself on Earth. The angels, in awe of their Creator’s plan, eagerly awaited the unfolding of this divine drama. God, in His infinite wisdom, chose to make this manifestation through a vessel of purity and grace—a woman named Mary.

Mary, a humble maiden in the town of Nazareth, found favor in the eyes of the Almighty. One day, as she went about her daily routine, an angelic presence enveloped her, and the heavenly messenger spoke words that would forever change the course of human history.

“Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favor with God. And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great and shall be called the Son of the Highest.”

Mary, in awe of the celestial encounter, embraced her divine destiny with faith and humility. The Holy Spirit overshadowed her, and she conceived the Son of God in her womb. The heavenly plan was set in motion.

As Mary’s belly swelled with the miracle of life, the celestial realms rejoiced. Angels sang anthems of joy, and the very fabric of heaven seemed to vibrate with anticipation. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among men.

The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem marked the culmination of God’s divine plan. The shepherds in the fields witnessed a heavenly host proclaiming the good news, and wise men from the East followed a star that led them to the newborn King. The very heavens declared the glory of God as the Son of God lay in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes.

As Jesus grew, His divine nature and human essence intertwined in a seamless dance. He walked among the people, healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind, and bringing hope to the downtrodden. The crowds marveled at His teachings, for He spoke with authority and love. His miracles were a testament to His divine origin, and His compassion reflected the heart of the Heavenly Father.

Yet, the divine drama took a poignant turn as Jesus approached the culmination of His earthly mission. In the garden of Gethsemane, He prayed with such intensity that His sweat became drops of blood. The weight of humanity’s sin bore down upon Him, and He willingly embraced the cross for the redemption of mankind.

The Scriptures foretold this sacrificial act, as (Isaiah 53:5), proclaims, “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed.”

The crucifixion on Calvary’s hill was not the end but the beginning of a triumph that echoed through the heavenly realms. As Jesus breathed His last, darkness covered the land, and the veil in the temple tore in two. The earth quaked, and the very rocks cried out in witness to the cosmic significance of this divine moment.

But the story did not end at the cross. On the third day, the tomb was empty, and the risen Savior appeared to His disciples. Death could not hold Him captive, for He had conquered sin and death, offering the gift of eternal life to all who believe.

The resurrection of Jesus echoed the promise of victory found in (1 Corinthians 15:55-57), “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

In the final act of this divine narrative, Jesus ascended to heaven, where He sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding on behalf of those who trust in Him. The Holy Spirit, sent by the Father and the Son, continues to work in the hearts of believers, empowering them to live in the light of God’s love and truth.

Author’s Note:

And so, the story of God in heaven, who came to Earth in the flesh of a person as Jesus Christ, God’s extended essence of Himself, unfolds like an epic saga—a tale of love, redemption, and eternal hope. It is a story that transcends time and space, inviting all who hear its echoes to enter into the divine embrace of the One who is both Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.

By Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

Watch “If God Created Us, Then Who Created God” – Best Answer:

Christian Movie | How to Understand God Incarnate (Highlights)

Why Did the Son of God Become Man? (90 sec):

“Bible Myths Debunked: Unraveling Generational Deceptions” (KJV)

Hi there friends, I hope that everyone had a happy and safe Holiday season and is looking forward to achieving their objectives for the new year. In an effort to start the new year off right for everyone, I would like to let you know about a few things you should be aware of if you desire the truth about them. Please trust “Christ Soldier’s” to open your eyes to the unvarnished truth that cannot be controlled by human customs. I’m happy you’re here, let’s get going!

In a time when ancient wisdom and divine teachings were paramount, humanity embarked on a transformative journey away from the genuine messages of the Bible. The sacred scriptures, once pure and untarnished, became entangled with the threads of men’s traditions, opinions, and misinterpretations. This divergence led astray those seeking the true path, veiling the profound truths within layers of deception.

In the Bible, the concept of death is often described as a sleep until judgment day. There is no biblical support for the idea of departed souls visiting as ghostly apparitions. Familiar spirits, associated with occult practices, are considered demonic and deceptive according to biblical teachings. The belief in the resurrection and judgment day is central to understanding the biblical perspective on life after death.

Sleep Until Judgment Day:

(Ecclesiastes 9:5), “For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.”

(1 Thessalonians 4:13-17), “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.”

Warning Against Familiar Spirits:

(Leviticus 19:31), “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.

(Deuteronomy 18:10-12), “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.”

Resurrection and Judgment Day:

(1 Corinthians 15:51-52), “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”

(Revelation 20:12), “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.”

Friends, these verses reflect the biblical perspective on death, the afterlife, and the eventual resurrection and judgment as His instruction book tells us!

The concept of Hell” and its nature varies among different religious traditions, and interpretations of religious texts can also differ. The idea of Hell being a place of eternal torment is a common belief in some Christian denominations, but there are also differing views, such as hell mentioned, where Hell is seen as a place of ultimate destruction rather than eternal suffering.

The interpretation I described above aligns with the belief in annihilationism, which suggests that the wicked will be ultimately destroyed rather than experiencing eternal torment. This interpretation is not universally accepted within Christianity, as there are diverse perspectives on the nature of Hell. Things like this is what gets the pupil confused badly if not given time for researching the subject matter and just trusting without resourcing.

Here are some Bible verses that are often cited in discussions about the fate of the wicked:

(Malachi 4:1), “For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.”

(Matthew 10:28), “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

(2 Thessalonians 1:9), “Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.”

(Revelation 20:14-15), “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”

These verses are often interpreted by proponents of annihilationism as supporting the idea that the wicked will be consumed or destroyed, rather than facing eternal conscious torment. It’s important to note our God is more merciful than to let even the wicked torment forever or have people in heaven wondering about their loved ones burning everlasting in anguish of the fire, interpretations of these passages can vary, and different Christian denominations may have distinct beliefs about the nature of Hell and the fate of the wicked. At “Christ Soldiers” we want Bible truth!

 THE TRINITY/ Satan’s Ultimate Deception:

The concept of the Trinity is indeed a central tenet of Christian theology, emphasizing the belief in one God existing in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. This doctrine has been a subject of much discussion and debate throughout Christian history.

This passage referred to in, (John 4:24), the Bible, states, “God is a Spirit.” This verse is part of a conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman at the well. The emphasis on “God is a Spirit” underscores the spiritual nature of God, highlighting the transcendent and non-physical aspect of the divine.

It’s important to note that the traditional doctrine of the Trinity, as affirmed too many Christian denominations, asserts that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct persons within the unity of the Godhead. Each person is fully God, and yet there is only one God. The concept of the Trinity is complex to some who fails to relate to all the scriptures explaining God’s ways.

While the word “Trinity” is not found in the Bible, proponents of the doctrine point to various verses to support the idea. (John 1:1-14), “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.”This passage speaks of the Word (often interpreted as Jesus) being both with God and being God, emphasizing the divine nature of Jesus.

(John 10:30), “I and my Father are one.”Jesus declares unity with the Father, suggesting a oneness in essence. It’s important to note that the concept of the Trinity is a theological interpretation, and different Christian traditions may emphasize certain passages over others. Some denominations may have nuanced differences in their understanding of the Trinity, but these verses are commonly cited in support of the doctrine. So let’s get to the rub of understanding…

Who is the true God of the Bible?

Is the trinity the true God? All of Him! Is the Father alone the true God? Yes! The Father is the only true God of the Bible. (John 17:3), And this is life eternal, that they might know thee (the Father) the ONLY true God.

The doctrine of the Trinity teaches that there is but one God who eternally exists in three distinct persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Ghost. This is not merely a call to worship God in different names—it is a revelation of God’s very nature. Consider these KJV passages:

  • (Matthew 28:19):
    “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:”
    This command by Jesus clearly distinguishes the three persons, each integral to the one Godhead.
  • (John 1:1):
    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
    Here “the Word” (referring to Jesus) is affirmed as God, showing that the Son shares in the divine essence.
  • (John 10:30):
    “I and my Father are one.”
    Jesus emphasizes His unity with the Father, not by merging identities but by sharing the same divine nature.
  • (2 Corinthians 13:14):
    “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.”
    This benediction shows the distinct roles of each Person, yet it reflects the unified blessing from one God.

Clearing Up Misunderstandings:

Some people mistakenly believe that the Trinity only highlights that God should be worshipped in different ways, rather than describing His very nature. This misunderstanding often arises because:

  1. The Term “Trinity” is Not in Scripture:
    The Bible never uses the word “Trinity”; it is a term formulated later by church theologians to summarize the biblical teaching on God’s nature. When we see passages that list the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, they are not merely instructing on modes of worship but revealing the multi-personal existence of the one God.
  2. Language Limitations:
    Human language struggles to fully encapsulate the mystery of an infinite God. The Bible gives us glimpses of this mystery in various passages, which can lead to confusion if taken in isolation. When not studied in the full context of Scripture, these passages might be misinterpreted as referring only to the manner in which God is to be worshipped, rather than who God is.
  3. Historical and Doctrinal Development:
    Over time, early Christians reflected on the diverse scriptural testimonies and formulated the doctrine of the Trinity. Some later teachings may have overemphasized the practical aspects of worship, thereby obscuring the deeper revelation of God’s triune nature.

The Trinity is not just an abstract theological concept; it has profound practical implications for how we relate to God and to one another. The eternal relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost serves as the ultimate model for perfect unity and love. Their mutual indwelling and cooperation highlight a divine community where each Person works in perfect harmony. This dynamic unity calls believers to reflect that same self-giving love and community within the church.

Understanding the Trinity enriches our spiritual lives by reminding us that God is not distant or singularly impersonal but is instead relational and deeply involved in our lives. It teaches us that true worship and prayer engage with each distinct Person of the Godhead, leading to a fuller, more intimate relationship with the Creator. As the early church painstakingly sought to safeguard this revealed truth, so too are we invited to embrace it as the foundation of our faith—guiding our worship, our fellowship, and our daily walk with God.

As the misinterpretations continued to unravel, some were swayed into accepting the notion of a spherical Earth, despite the Bible’s apparent references to a flat plain. The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, orchestrated by Satan, presented a unique opportunity to see the deception. When Satan showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, it implied a level, panoramic view consistent with a flat Earth, challenging the prevailing modern day scientific narrative and religion of NASA.

And trillions of tons of water stuck on a sphere while butterflies and insects fly around freely with a so-called thing as “gravity”{ sounds like magic to me}, and airplanes not having to curve around the so-called spinning earth and not chase a runway to land at the speed NASA says the earth spins. And people not noticing when rockets take off that shortly they curve towards the oceans to fall out of eye-sight into the oceans. ‘And this is, because of indoctrinated beliefs in NASA’s pseudoscience CGIs (computer-generated imagery) of earth, planets, satellites, and fake space stations. Give us this mindset to believe in this strangeness!

Do your research and stop being bamboozled by deceived sectioned departmental evil workers. From young in Elementary school we all were indoctrinated into the globe way to manifest the Evolution (evilution) concept of us being an accident, then “through the zoo to make you.” An imagined pseudoscience fiction implanted by Satan in men to make God seem so far away!

The portrayal of Jesus through circulating images and art by the Europeans further contradicts the Bible’s teachings. Nowhere in the sacred scriptures is the physical appearance of Jesus described like something that’s portrayed in churches and homes, yet a false image has persisted throughout the generations. And helped promote the idea of impartial judgment by stereotypes and bigots demonically appointed in high places that deny the right of individual groups to be recognized and treated as individuals with unique characteristics of a different skin color. This deception underscores the imperative to question beliefs passed down through ancestors and to seek the unadulterated truth within the Bible.

Tithing and seeding, often misrepresented as monetary practices, have also been twisted over time. A careful examination of the scriptures reveals a different truth — the Bible does not command the giving of money but emphasizes a willingness to share one’s blessings unstressed, misled, and lied too. The perversion of these teachings has enriched some at the expense of the faithful, perpetuating a cycle of deceit by employing certain scriptural truth with lies.

Then comes the false mega-church money changers, I would love for Jesus to do what He did in the temple in (John 2: 15-17), by putting together a whip out of strips of leather and chase them out of their own modern day brick and mortar so-called churches. Making merchandise out of “God’s Words” into money!

The Sabbath, a day of rest and reverence to God, underwent a significant transformation. The shift from observing the seventh day to worshiping on Sunday the first day of the week instigated by the Papacy, of Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, has led many astray. The true Sabbath remains unaltered despite the deceptive teachings that have clouded its significance.

The theory of evolution or (evilution), a contentious subject, finds its roots in the same source that propagated other lies. The Papacy, which should be a red flag symbolizing deception, ironically has a telescope on Mount Graham in the U.S. named “Lucifer.” This connection raises questions about the motives behind the dissemination of false doctrines and the distortion of God’s creation.

Author’s Note:

Friends, it becomes evident that the path away from the true teachings of the Bible has been paved with deception and manipulation. The revelations presented here aim to immerse readers in a profound awareness of the ways in which they may have been misled by the cunning schemes of Satan and his minions.

It is a call to return to the unadulterated truth of the scriptures and to question the narratives that have been woven into the fabric of your beliefs. By believing in Christmas, Easter, Halloween and New Year’s makes you think God takes the fun out of things, but by not researching their origins, goes against everything His Bible tries to instruct us, to leave these pagan things alone. Friends, the closest thing I think men have come up to be friendly with is ” ThanksGiving.” And people wonder why most prayers are not answered…

Because he doesn’t know you, and you do not really know Him! And to keep His name out of those worldly holidays that people want to worship. ‘Friends, God’s constraints are not meant to hurt, but to protect us from those evil invisibles infiltrating your life, as well as your family and friends, and causing us harm!

With “Christ’s Soldier’s,” we will always do the research for you, so that on your one-time trip through your human self, you at least get to know the genuine and true facts of what appear to be the mysteries of the world we live in. We take for granted that tomorrow is guaranteed to us, but it is not (James 4:13-15), and death’s slumber might creep up on you with no opportunity for remorse or redemption before and during the “White Throne Judgement.”

Friends, I appreciate you coming to visit; if you are confused, don’t blame me. Our Father has consistently forewarned us against false prophets in His Word (1 John 4:1–6). Even the elect might be duped by them (Matthew 24:24). And please trust me when I say that Satan is an old and modern creature who, tempted Jesus in the wilderness in (Matthew 4:6), shows he knew the scriptures far better than any of us. (Psalm 91:11–12).

*Be Good Too Another/ God Bless To All*

By Author and Servant: Norman G. Roy III

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