*Ambassadors of Christ*

Hello friends, How is your relationship with God going? How do you think God feels about you right now? Do you sense the tranquility or calmness? If not, certain areas that need improvement for a good transformation may be the focus of this word from His spirit.

Today, this is about a difficulty that most people have in their lives that prevents them from establishing a genuine connection with Christ and His Gospel. Why people cling to the material world rather than recognizing the spiritual truths of the Bible is a serious issue for me.

“His Spirit” aches me at 3:42 in the morning so that I may give a thorough overview and in-depth analysis, highlighting important passages and delving into the theological and psychological ramifications of this trend among his people. Humanity has long grappled with the tension between the material and spiritual realms.

This dichotomy is central to many religious traditions, including Christianity, which emphasizes the spiritual teachings found in the Bible. Yet, despite these teachings, many people find themselves more attached to the material world. This message will explore the various reasons for this attachment, I’ll be drawing on biblical scriptures to offer a deeper understanding.

I) The Nature of Materialism

A. Definition and Understanding:

  1. Materialism – An emphasis on physical goods and wealth.
  2. Biblical View – The Bible often warns against excessive attachment to material things.

B. Historical and Cultural Context:

  1. Consumerism – In modern society, consumerism has become a dominant ideology.
  2. Historical Examples – Throughout history, wealth and power have often been closely linked.

C. Psychological Aspects:

  1. Security and Comfort – Material possessions offer a sense of security.
  2. Status and Identity – People often define themselves by their possessions.

II) Biblical Teachings on Materialism:

A. The Teachings of Jesus:

1 Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:19-21) – “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth.

2 “Rich Young Ruler (Matthew 19:16-24) – The challenge of wealth and entering the Kingdom of Heaven.

B. Warnings in the Epistles:

1 Timothy 6:10 – “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.”

2 James 5:1-6 – The dangers of hoarding wealth.

III. Reasons for Clinging to the Material World:

A. Fear and Insecurity:

1 Lack of Trust in God – Fear of the unknown and mistrust in divine providence.

2 Economic Stability – The belief that wealth provides security.

B. Cultural and Societal Pressures:

1 Societal Values – The cultural emphasis on success and material achievements.

2 Media and Advertising – Constant exposure to materialistic values.

C. Lack of Spiritual Awareness:

1 Spiritual Blindness (2 Corinthians 4:4) – The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers.

2 Neglect of Spiritual Disciplines – The absence of prayer, meditation, and scripture reading.

D. The Deceptive Nature of Wealth:

1 Illusion of Control – Belief that wealth can solve all problems.

2 Satisfaction – Material things offer temporary joy but not lasting fulfillment.

IV. The Spiritual Call in the Bible:

1 Philippians 4:11-13 – Learning to be content in all circumstances.

2 Hebrews 13:5 – “Keep your lives free from the love of money.

You have the Promise of Eternal Life: 1 John 5:13-15

Author’s Note:

The attachment to the material world is a complex issue influenced by fear, societal pressures, and a lack of spiritual awareness. However, the Bible offers a clear call to focus on spiritual riches rather than material wealth. By understanding these teachings and implementing practical steps, believers can cultivate a life oriented towards eternal values rather than transient possessions.

This message provides a thorough exploration of my time to the topic, combining theological insights with practical advice. Focusing on the material world to survive is often seen as contrary to the teachings of Christianity because it places emphasis on temporary, earthly concerns rather than eternal, spiritual truths.

Brothers and Sisters, Jesus and the scriptures emphasize that while practical needs like food, clothing, and shelter are important, they should not become our primary focus or source of security. Here’s a deeper exploration of why this is not considered “the Lord’s way,” along with scriptural references:

Matthew 6:25-34 is a key passage where Jesus teaches about reliance on God rather than on worldly concerns. He tells His followers not to worry about their lives, what they will eat or wear, because their Heavenly Father knows they need these things. Jesus emphasizes that life is more than food and the body more than clothing. He points to the birds of the air and the lilies of the field as examples of God’s provision.

Matthew 6:33: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” This verse encapsulates the principle that when we prioritize our relationship with God and His will, our material needs will be met. The Bible frequently reminds us that earthly possessions are temporary and cannot provide true security or fulfillment.

In 1 John 2:15-17, we are warned not to love the world or anything in the world, as the world and its desires pass away, but the person who does the will of God lives forever. Matthew 6:19-21: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Please, my friends, Christians are called to live in the world but not be of it. This means engaging with the world and its needs but not being conformed to its values or driven by its materialistic goals. Romans 12:2: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

The focus on material needs can distract from spiritual growth and maturity. Jesus often emphasized the importance of spiritual over physical needs, as in His response to Satan during His temptation in the wilderness. Placing our trust in God’s sovereignty means believing that He is in control and that He cares for us. It requires faith to believe that God will provide, even when circumstances seem uncertain.

Philippians 4:19: “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Focusing on material wealth often leads to selfishness and greed, while the Bible calls Christians to be generous and to care for others.

This message seems like it’s coming to an end at 5:32 a.m. I think you can see that I’m willing to do anything because I believe that no matter the day or time of day, it is crucial to be committed to the cause and a part of something amazing without making excuses. Being readily available, prompt, efficient, present, and responsible! While it is natural and necessary to attend to our material needs, the Bible teaches that these should not be our primary focus or source of security.

I hope that you will be at that point in your life that you are tired of being tired of the world beating you-up, that you will have faith to trust in God’s provision, prioritizing spiritual growth, and living according to His will are central to the Christian faith.

Being “in the world but not of it” means engaging with the world while maintaining a perspective that values eternal truths over temporary, material concerns. By putting God first, believers can trust that He will provide for their needs in His perfect timing and way.

As I said above, being “in the world but not of it” means engaging responsibly with the world while keeping an eternal perspective, focusing on building spiritual treasures rather than accumulating earthly wealth.

By seeking God’s kingdom first, believers can experience peace and assurance, knowing that God will meet their needs according to His will and timing. This approach not only aligns with God’s teachings but also leads to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

The Bible teaches that God’s provision is sufficient, and trusting in Him frees us from anxiety over daily needs like food, clothing, and shelter. Jesus’ teachings, such as in the Sermon on the Mount, emphasize seeking God’s kingdom first, promising that all necessary things will be provided.

Being “in the world but not of it” involves participating in daily life while resisting the allure of materialism and the cultural pressure to equate success with wealth. Instead, Christians are called to be generous, prioritize spiritual growth, and cultivate a deep relationship with God.

Even though our morning visit has been enjoyable, I must admit that, as a mortal, I do need sleep to keep my human condition (lol). But I sincerely hope that everyone who reads this knows what a relationship entails and the responsibility that goes along with it.

This spiritual focus not only provides true fulfillment and peace but also aligns with the biblical call to live by faith, trusting in God’s plan and provision. By doing so, believers live a life that reflects God’s love and grace, contributing positively to the world while holding a hope that transcends it. God bless everyone you care for, and hope comes in the form of our “Lord Jesus!”

By Servant; Norman G. Roy III

TRUST GOD IN UNCERTAIN TIMES | Hope In Hard Times – Inspirational & Motivational Video:

TRUST GOD IN UNCERTAIN TIMES | Hope In Hard Times - Inspirational & Motivational Video

Because Of Your Faith God Will Answer | Inspirational & Motivational:

Because Of Your Faith God Will Answer | Inspirational & Motivational

God Is With You | Nothing Can Be Against You (Inspirational and Motivational):

God Is With You | Nothing Can Be Against You (Inspirational and Motivational)

“Warfare of the Wicked: God’s People Under Siege”

Hi there pals, I’m overjoyed right now. The explanation is that the Holy Spirit has a unique plan for us today—a vision from behind the scenes that He wants me to share with you. An awareness of something more real than what you see when you glance in the mirror. It’s not looking at yourself today, but things happening around yourself that you pay more attention too!

‘Then, the real thing that’s really happening around you. So let’s catch you up. In the annals of Christian theology, the narrative of Satan and his fallen angels orchestrating malevolent schemes against humanity is a recurring theme. This tale, interwoven with the threads of scripture and historical observation, paints a picture of a cosmic struggle between good and evil.

This account delves into the various ways Satan and his minions have influenced and manipulated human society through the ages, employing social engineering and dark sorcery to perpetuate their nefarious aims.

The Fall and the Beginning of Evil:

The story begins with the fall of Lucifer, a once-illustrious angel in Heaven. Scriptures in (Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:12-17) detail his pride and subsequent fall; “How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!” (Isaiah 14:12, NIV).

“Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.” (Ezekiel 28:17, NIV). Lucifer, now known as Satan, was cast out of Heaven along with a third of the angels, who chose to follow him. This marked the beginning of a cosmic rebellion, with Satan setting his sights on corrupting God’s creation—humanity.

The Garden of Eden: The First Deception:

The first recorded instance of Satan’s direct influence on humanity is found in (Genesis 3). Disguised as a serpent, Satan deceives Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, leading to the fall of mankind:

“Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, ‘Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?’” (Genesis 3:1, NIV). This act of deception introduced sin into the world, fundamentally altering the course of human history. Theologians argue that this was the first instance of social engineering, as Satan manipulated Eve’s perception of reality, casting doubt on God’s command and appealing to her desire for wisdom.

Antediluvian World: Dark Sorcery and Corruption:

As humanity multiplied, so did its corruption. (Genesis 6:1-4) speaks of the Nephilim, offspring of the “sons of God” and the “daughters of humans.” Many interpret the “sons of God” as fallen angels who intermingled with humans, producing a race of giants renowned for their wickedness.

“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” (Genesis 6:4, NIV).

The pre-flood world was rife with violence and moral decay, prompting God to cleanse the earth with the Great Flood. Some scholars suggest that dark sorcery and occult practices, introduced by these fallen beings, played a significant role in the pervasive evil of that era.

Babel and the Birth of Nations:

After the flood, humanity attempted to build the Tower of Babel, seeking to make a name for themselves and avoid being scattered across the earth. This act of defiance was led by Nimrod, a figure often associated with rebellion against God; “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” (Genesis 11:4, NIV)

God confused their language, scattering them across the globe. This event is seen as Satan’s attempt to unify humanity under a single, ungodly purpose, fostering rebellion against divine authority.

Ancient Civilizations and Pagan Religions:

As humanity spread and formed civilizations, Satan and his angels continued their influence through the development of pagan religions and idolatry. The worship of false gods and the practice of occult rituals became widespread, with civilizations such as Egypt, Babylon, and Greece each having pantheons of deities that diverted worship from the one true God. ‘Friends, please listen!

The book of Daniel provides insight into the spiritual warfare behind these empires. (Daniel 10:13), mentions the “prince of the Persian kingdom” opposing the angel sent to Daniel, suggesting demonic forces at work behind earthly powers; “But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.” (Daniel 10:13, NIV).

The Ministry of Jesus: Confronting Evil:

The arrival of Jesus Christ marked a significant turning point in the battle against evil. Throughout His ministry, Jesus confronted demonic forces directly, casting out demons and freeing those oppressed by evil spirits; “When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick.” (Matthew 8:16, NIV).

Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection dealt a decisive blow to Satan’s plans, offering redemption and the promise of eternal life to humanity. (Colossians 2:15) speaks of Jesus’ victory over the powers of darkness; “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” (Colossians 2:15, NIV).

Early Church and Roman Persecution:

In the centuries following Christ’s ascension, Satan sought to undermine the spread of Christianity through persecution and heresy. The Roman Empire’s brutal treatment of Christians, as well as the rise of Gnostic sects that distorted Christian teachings, are seen as attempts to stamp out the fledgling faith. The apostle Paul warned of this ongoing battle in (Ephesians 6:12).

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12, NIV).

The Middle Ages: Sorcery and Superstition:

The medieval period was marked by widespread superstition and fear of the supernatural. The Church often found itself combating pagan practices and witchcraft, which were believed to be influenced by demonic forces. The infamous witch hunts of this era, while often misguided and brutal, were fueled by a genuine belief in the presence and power of dark sorcery.

The Enlightenment and Modernity / Subtle Deceptions:

With the advent of the Enlightenment of secret societies, the overt influence of dark sorcery gave way to more subtle forms of deception. Rationalism and secularism began to erode religious belief, shifting the focus from spiritual truths to human reason and empirical evidence. Some theologians argue that this shift represents a more sophisticated form of social engineering, as it gradually distances humanity from a reliance on God.

The Twentieth Century: Ideological Warfare:

The 20th century witnessed some of the most profound and destructive ideological movements in history. Totalitarian regimes, such as those led by Hitler and Stalin, unleashed unprecedented atrocities. Theologians often interpret these movements as manifestations of Satanic influence, harnessing human ambition and ideology to bring about immense suffering.

Contemporary Society: Technology and Moral Relativism:

‘Truth seekers,’ in the present day, the rapid advancement of technology and the rise of moral relativism pose new challenges. The pervasive influence of media and the internet can spread both enlightenment and misinformation, shaping societal values and norms. Some see the increasing acceptance of practices contrary to biblical teachings, such as moral relativism and the erosion of traditional family structures, as indicative of ongoing spiritual warfare.

Author’s Note:

Friends, throughout history, Satan and his fallen angels have employed various tactics to influence and corrupt humanity. From direct deception in the Garden of Eden to the subtle manipulations of contemporary society, their goal remains the same; to lead humanity away from God. Yet, despite these efforts, the promise of redemption through Jesus Christ offers hope and assurance of ultimate victory over the forces of darkness.

I feel my charge is to alert and educate not indoctrinate you with un-truths but unfiltered truth. In navigating the complexities of our world, it is crucial for believers to remain vigilant, grounded in scripture, and steadfast in faith, recognizing that the battle against evil is both a historical reality and a present-day challenge.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, it is crucial to remain discerning and spiritually vigilant. The forces of darkness have adapted their strategies, utilizing technology, media, and cultural shifts to further their agenda. Yet, the core of their deception remains the same; to lead humanity away from God and into moral and spiritual decay.

Believers, you are called to engage with the world through a lens of faith, continually seeking God’s wisdom and guidance. By fostering a deep, personal relationship with Christ and grounding oneself in biblical truth, Christians can stand firm against the subtle and overt tactics of the enemy.

The spirit inside me seeks to provide a straightforward and understandable interpretation of Satan and his angels’ tale as one of unrelenting hostility to God’s purpose for mankind. Through deception, corruption, and manipulation, they have sought to undermine God’s creation and lead humanity astray. Yet, the narrative of Scripture and the witness of history affirm that God’s redemptive power is greater than any force of darkness.

By embracing the full armor of God and remaining steadfast in faith, us Christians can help the lost navigate the spiritual challenges of our age with confidence and hope, knowing that the ultimate victory belongs to the Lord. As history marches towards its culmination in the return of Christ, believers are called to be both vigilant warriors and compassionate witnesses, proclaiming the truth of the gospel in a world desperately in need of redemption.

Thank you for your visit, may all whom you care for I hope are blessed daily in Christ. Enjoy your videos:

Servant; Norman G. Roy III

Catholicism EXPOSED: The TRUTH About ISLAM in Vatican II and the Early Church Fathers!

Catholicism EXPOSED: The TRUTH About ISLAM in Vatican II and the Early Church Fathers!

The Gospel Jesus Preached Is Different than What Most Have Been Taught:

The Gospel Jesus Preached Is Different than What Most Have Been Taught

The Final Battle Between God & Satan:

The Final Battle Between God & Satan

“The Architects of Control: Inside the World of the Ruling Class Families”

Greetings to all of my friends and those who are searching for the truth behind riddles that have been kept from you. Now is the right moment to lift the veil and make public any information that is either secret or unknown, and bring to light the significance of strange things that have dumbed the public down to the point of losing their common sense. And by that I mean Satan engineered.

These things will come to an end today; the curtain has fallen on Satan’s tools who have bred and infiltrated evil in the guise of flesh into our society through the 13 ruling class families. They want you to think that the idea that a few linked families control a large portion of the riches, power, and influence in the globe is a conspiracy theory, and that they don’t actually exist.

Well friends, if you don’t know you will learn something today! These families, sometimes referred to as the “Illuminati,” “global elites,” or simply the “ruling class,” are believed to manipulate global events to maintain and expand their control over global economies and populations.

The concept of a secretive group of elites controlling world affairs has roots in various historical and literary sources.The beginnings of the “Theory,” as they like to term it, to make us believe that what elites do is in our imagination.

Historical Context:

Freemasonry: Freemasonry, a fraternal organization dating back to the 14th century, has often been linked with conspiracy theories due to its secretive nature and influential members.

The Illuminati: The Bavarian Illuminati was a secret society founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, with the goal of promoting Enlightenment values and undermining the influence of religious and political authorities. Despite being disbanded in the late 18th century, the Illuminati became a symbol in popular culture for shadowy elite groups.

Literary Influences:

Fiction and Pop Culture: Books like “1984” by George Orwell and “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, along with movies and television shows, have depicted dystopian futures controlled by elite groups, feeding into the narrative of a powerful ruling class.

“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”: This infamous forged document, published in the early 20th century, falsely claimed to reveal a Jewish conspiracy for global dominance. It has been discredited as anti-Semitic propaganda but has influenced this, according to a lot of contemporary conspiracy theories, is the reason for the chaos we currently live in.

Modern Developments:

Economic Globalization: The rise of multinational corporations and global financial institutions has led to concerns about a concentration of power and wealth.

Political Events: Events such as the establishment of the Federal Reserve, the formation of the European Union, and international summits like the Bilderberg meetings have fueled suspicions of a coordinated effort by elites to control global affairs.

The 13 Ruling Class Families:

According to the belief, these families acquire their strength from a variety of sources, but before we go into them, keep in mind that humans are not as knowledgeable as you may think; the majority of them (1%) learn from the four princes of demons: Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan, and Belial. Without them, they’d be the same ignorant mortal sellouts.

  1. Rothschild Family / Trillionaires:

Influence: The Rothschilds are often cited as the most influential family of demonic royal blood or status, which they call again a theory, with historical involvement in European banking and financing wars and governments. Sources of Power; Banking and finance.

2. Rockefeller Family; / Multi-billionaires:

Influence: Founders of Standard Oil, significant influence in American politics, philanthropy through foundations shaping education and public policy. Sources of Power: Oil, banking, and philanthropy.

3. Morgan Family:

Influence: J.P. Morgan’s role in shaping the American financial system, including the creation of the Federal Reserve. Sources of Power/ Banking and finance.

4. DuPont Family:

Influence: Significant contributions to the American industrial sector and political donations. Sources of Power / Chemicals and industrial innovation.

Bush Family: Influence: Two U.S. Presidents, extensive political connections, involvement in the oil industry. Sources of Power / Politics, oil, and banking.

6. Bundy Family:

Influence: Key roles in U.S. government during the Cold War, influence in academic and policy-making institutions. Sources of PowerPolitics and academia.

7. Collins Family:

Influence: Less clear, but often cited in conspiracy theories for their supposed hidden power. Sources of Power: Controversial claims of occult practices and hidden influence, Astral witches.

8. Kennedy Family:

Influence: Prominent roles in American politics, including the presidency, and significant influence in Democratic Party politics. Sources of Power / Politics and business.

9. Li Family:

Influence: Control over large Chinese conglomerates, significant political influence within China. Sources of Power / Business and politics in China.

10. Onassis Family:

Influence: Vast wealth from shipping enterprises, connections to global elites through marriage and business dealings. Sources of Power / Shipping and business.

11. Astor Family:

Influence: Significant real estate holdings, influence in American society and politics. Sources of Power / Real estate and fur trade. 

12. Van Duyn Family:

Influence: Often mentioned in conspiracy theories for their supposed secretive influence. Source of Power / Controversial claims similar to the Collins family.

13. Freeman Family:

Influence: Mentioned in conspiracy theories without concrete evidence of significant influence. Source of Power / Various, often less clear.

Platforms and Foundations of Power:

‘Friends, over all as they like us to not believe, the supposed sources of power for these families include:

Masses of Wealth for them and their Families:

Wealth is often accumulated through banking, industrial ventures, real estate, and global trade. Control over vast financial resources allows these families to influence governments, media, and economies.

Political Influence:

Their influence extends to international organizations and summits where global policies are discussed.

Friends, I tried to provided you with enough knowledge on why our world’s economies are changing so dramatically that most of us can’t grasp the manipulation of a few who believe they have a birthright as our rulers. And wish to grab everything valuable from land, manufacturing, society, air, and water. There is no God in these happenings, just wickedness.

I hope the videos below will help you realize the actual battle we are all fighting. And what we all are up against. So, in Jesus Christ our Lord, learn how to fight the right fight.

By Servant; Norman G, Roy III

The Richest And Most Powerful Families In The World:

The Richest And Most Powerful Families In The World

This Family Secretly Rules The World:

This Family Secretly Rules The World

This Company Secretly Rules The World:

This Company Secretly Rules The World