“You’re exactly where you need to be—welcome!”

Hello to all of you. How is today going for everyone? As with all of God’s wonderful sons and daughters, I pray that everyone you love is doing well. My website is now undergoing some repair so that everyone who visits us can see it correctly. There are drawbacks to living in Florida near the Gulf of Mexico, and the recent hurricane that passed through has brought with it another one coming soon.

Please be patient with us and remember us in your prayers as we work to improve our platform so that we can speak the truth in places where others are afraid too. God bless you and your family as we work hard to be better as soon as we can. All of our videos and articles are still available, however our photographs have been removed and will soon need to be uploaded again. I apologize for any difficulty that you have experienced. May you and yours I hope be blessed daily for all your needs.

By Servant; Norman G. Roy III

NOAH’S ARK (Full Movie):

NOAH'S ARK (Full Movie)

What Christians Don’t Understand About The Election:

What Christians Don’t Understand About The Election

“Heavens Under Siege “The skies, once seen as a symbol of God’s provision, have turned into weapons of destruction.”

“Welcome! Ready for an unforgettable time?” Greetings to all who have taken the time to stop by. This enemy’s trickery won’t be a secret today. We speak the unvarnished TRUTH to God’s listening audience, we do this with Christ’s soldiers each and every day. Geoengineering—the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the Earth’s atmospheric systems—serves as a tool in the devil’s growing arsenal.

But this manipulation of weather and natural forces is no accident. Since the dawn of time, Satan has sought to usurp the dominion that rightfully belongs to God (Isaiah 14:12-15). When technology was advanced and given enough for mankind to tinker with the very skies and climate, the devil saw an opportunity to entrap nations and individuals, advancing his goal of deception, domination, and destruction (John 10:10).

Satan and his fleshly henchmen plot to use geoengineering as a covert weapon, sowing chaos, suffering, and confusion across Gods earth, all while working behind the scenes to secure power over both spiritual and physical realms. .” “Friends, as I try to explain our enemy, I want you to hear what the army we face must sound like in Satan’s dark chambers in their language. Please listen with an open mind!”

Deep beneath a city lost to time, a clandestine meeting was held. The walls of the ancient underground chamber reverberated with whispers that spoke of ancient knowledge and sinister plans. Gathered around a stone table, surrounded by firelit sconces, stood Lucifer and his fleshly henchmen—leaders of secret organizations, top scientists, and corrupt politicians. Similar to the Bohemian Grove near San Francisco.

“My dominion over the earth is challenged at every turn,” Lucifer hissed, his voice echoing unnaturally through the chamber. “Humans, though weakened by sin, continue to seek ways to dominate what was never theirs to control.” One of his generals stepped forward, a human man whose eyes were cold and calculating. He was an influential figure, a man trusted by the world’s most powerful leaders. He spoke with confidence: “The technology is already in place, my lord.

With geoengineering, we can reshape not just nations, but the very forces of nature. The skies, the seas, the land—they will all bend to our will.” Satan smiled a crooked smile. “Then let us use their arrogance against them. Let them think they are in control, while it is we who pull the strings. They will manipulate the weather to suit their desires, but in doing so, they will unknowingly unleash forces beyond their control—forces that will weaken their resolve and make them vulnerable to our influence.”

As the meeting concluded, plans were set in motion. The human henchmen, possessed by greed and pride, would carry out the bidding of their spiritual overlords. Under the guise of “climate protection” and “sustainability,” they would build weapons out of the very atmosphere with the knowledge earned and given. Years passed, and the world began to notice peculiar changes in the climate.

Nations convened, baffled by unexpected shifts in weather patterns. Droughts ravaged once fertile lands, while torrential rains flooded others. Though many believed that these changes were due to natural causes or human error, a few began to suspect something darker at play. Friends, are you starting to get it! High above the clouds, the forces of darkness were hard at work.

 Lucifer’s henchmen had developed technologies capable of altering the weather. Chemically altered clouds, supercharged with energy, could now be steered toward nations that dared defy their global agenda. Weather warfare had become a reality. At first, the world did not see the connection between geoengineering and geopolitical power struggles. But in time, it became clear that certain nations were suffering disproportionate environmental devastation.

Crops withered in the field, water reserves dried up, and poverty spread like a plague. In desperation, the people turned to their governments for solutions, but the governments were in on the ruse. Unbeknownst to the masses, many of the leaders they trusted were under the devil’s control. They had sold their souls for power, wealth, and the promise of survival amidst the chaos they had secretly created.

Lucifer’s hand was guiding every decision, every covert experiment. The result was a world increasingly torn by weather warfare, a planet gradually being enslaved to Satan’s designs. At this time in their desperation, the people’s faith faltered.  Where was God amidst these storms, they asked? Why were nations, especially those known to uphold biblical values, suddenly collapsing under environmental catastrophes? 

Because the enemy had successfully sown doubt. As the prophet Daniel had warned, there would come a time when the enemy would seek to “wear out the saints of the Most High” (Daniel 7:25), and this was that time. I’m trying to make you feel as if this is happening right now. In a hidden facility on the outskirts of a major world power, a group of scientists convened.

The devil had infiltrated the highest levels of academia and technological development, giving rise to a new breed of technocrats—those who believed their superior intellect and innovation could control even the weather. Through advanced geoengineering technologies like cloud seeding, aerosol injection, and solar radiation management, these scientists believed they were saving the planet from climate disasters. But what they did not realize was that they were mere pawns in a much darker game.

Behind every calculation and experiment stood Lucifer and his demonic forces, guiding their actions toward global chaos. One of the leading scientists, had once been a person of faith. But over the years, she had fallen away, her heart hardened by pride in her own intelligence. She now fully embraced the idea that humanity could conquer nature. She spearheaded projects that manipulated the atmosphere to “combat climate change,” but in reality, these technologies were being weaponized to destabilize nations.

Lucifer whispered into the minds of the technocrats, convincing them that their work was noble and necessary. The more they played god, the more they distanced themselves from the true Creator. They were no longer stewards of the earth, as God had intended (Genesis 1:28); they had become its tyrants. The devil’s plan was unfolding perfectly. Not only were nations being crippled by environmental disasters, but humanity itself was being led away from God.

 As weather catastrophes increased, so did the belief that technology, not faith, would save them.  Elsewhere, hurricanes of unprecedented magnitude devastated coastal regions. The skies, once seen as a symbol of God’s provision, had turned into weapons of destruction.

Under the influence of Lucifer, the leaders of these nations were quick to offer solutions—solutions that only deepened their people’s enslavement. “Global cooperation” was their rallying cry, as they pushed for international agreements that centralized control over geoengineering technologies. The more power was consolidated, the more the devil’s influence spread.

What they did not know was that their government had secretly entered into an agreement with an international cabal—a cabal of fleshly henchmen, controlled by the devil himself. These leaders had long since abandoned their faith, trading it for political and economic gain.

Behind closed doors, they had agreed to allow certain weather manipulations to take place in exchange for protection and favors from more powerful nations. God’s earth had become a testing ground for geoengineering experiments, and the consequences were devastating as we experience today in real time.

‘Friends, geoengineering in this account is meant to mirror the way Satan deceives mankind by offering false solutions and empty promises. Just as the leaders in the story believe they are controlling the weather to save the planet, they are, in fact, being manipulated to further Lucifer’s ultimate goal; the destruction of God’s creation and the enslavement of human souls.

This parallels the real spiritual battles we face. Satan always seeks to convince humanity that we can be like God, that we can control the world around us without consequences. It began with the original temptation in Eden, where the serpent tempted Eve with the promise of knowledge and power (Genesis 3:4-5). That same lie is perpetuated today through human pride and reliance on technological advancements, which, though beneficial in some contexts, can be twisted into tools of oppression and manipulation.

The leaders, technocrats, and scientists believe they are helping humanity by controlling the weather, but their pride blinds them to the deeper truth. The Bible warns us that “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). Satan’s influence often works through human pride, convincing people that they have the power and intelligence to solve all problems, thereby pushing them further from reliance on God.

When humans attempt to take control over creation—whether through weather manipulation or other means—they are essentially attempting to displace God’s authority. This plays right into the devil’s hand, as his goal has always been to convince humanity that we can rule apart from God. When nations or individuals rely on technology, power, or intellect to control nature or the world, they often find themselves vulnerable to deeper spiritual manipulation.

God originally gave mankind dominion over the earth, instructing Adam and Eve to “subdue it” and rule over the creatures of the earth (Genesis 1:28). However, this dominion was meant to be exercised under God’s guidance and wisdom, as responsible stewards of His creation. Satan perverts this dominion, using geoengineering as a tool for destruction instead of stewardship. The manipulation of the weather becomes a metaphor for how the devil corrupts good gifts from God and turns them into weapons.

Instead of using technology to serve humanity, it becomes a means of control, oppression, and rebellion against God’s will. This perversion of dominion mirrors how sin corrupts everything it touches. What was once meant to sustain life and bring blessing (like the weather) is twisted into something harmful, creating fear, chaos, and despair.

Satan takes what is good and uses it for evil, just as he does with other aspects of creation, such as sex, wealth, or power. All of these things are gifts when used within God’s design but can become weapons of destruction when distorted by sin. Droughts, storms, and environmental disasters become the tools of their spiritual oppression, causing most to doubt God’s goodness and power. This echoes what happens in real life when people face suffering or injustice—many turn away from God, believing that He is either powerless or uninterested.

But the truth, as illustrated in the Bible, is that suffering is often used to draw people closer to God, refining their faith (Romans 5:3-5). The devil’s goal, however, is to turn that suffering into despair, to convince people that God has abandoned them. This is why I try to get you to see how important it is to recognize the spiritual warfare behind the physical and environmental crises we face.

Satan’s strategy is to use the visible circumstances of our world—whether personal suffering, political corruption, or natural disasters—to hide the deeper, invisible truth; that God is still in control and working all things together for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). This part of the story is a reflection of the ultimate spiritual deception. Throughout history, Satan has sought to raise up leaders, movements, and ideologies that promise salvation apart from God.

Whether through false religions, political systems, or now, in the form of technological control, the devil’s strategy remains the same: to draw humanity away from true worship and into allegiance with a false savior. The Bible warns us that in the last days, people will be led astray by these deceptions (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12). The Antichrist will appear to have control over the forces of nature, performing miracles that captivate the masses.

But this is all part of Satan’s final plan to bring as many souls into his rebellion against God as possible. Just as the false peace and order brought by the Antichrist collapses into more destruction, Jesus Christ will return to restore true order. (Revelation 19:11-16), describes Jesus’ triumphant return as the true King who will defeat the forces of darkness. He alone has the authority to judge and restore the earth, reversing the chaos and destruction caused by Satan.

This is a reminder that, no matter how chaotic the world becomes—whether through man-made disasters, technological manipulation, or spiritual oppression Jesus will ultimately triumph.

Authors Note:

This story serves as a powerful allegory for the spiritual battles we face in our world today. While geoengineering may be a Demonic example, the deeper truths about pride, control, deception, and faith are real and present in our everyday lives. Satan uses anything he can to draw humanity away from God, and technology or climate manipulation could certainly be part of that strategy in future scenarios.

As believers, we must be vigilant. The Bible urges us to put on the full armor of God so that we can stand against the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). We must recognize that the battle is not just against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).  Whether we are dealing with environmental issues, political unrest, or personal struggles, the real battle is for our faith and our souls.

“By trusting in Jesus, staying rooted in the Word of God, and relying on the Holy Spirit for guidance, we can withstand the devil’s deception and remain faithful, knowing that Christ will return and restore all things that is out of place!” In the end, geoengineering—or any other form of human control—cannot thwart God’s plan.

Satan’s downfall is already assured by Christ’s triumph on the cross, regardless of the seeming increase in his power or influence. This story may serve as a wake-up call to individuals who have closed their eyes and need to have them opened-up. It also offers the hope that all will be made right when Jesus returns.

Servant; Norman G. Roy III

When the US Government Tried to Control Hurricanes: Project Stormfury:

When the US Government Tried to Control Hurricanes: Project Stormfury

The Un exPlained: Weather Control Weaponized by World Military (Season 1) History Channel:

The UnxPlained: Weather Control Weaponized by World's Military (Season 1) | History
China’s Secretive Power: Controlling the Weather:
China's Secretive Power: Controlling the Weather

Deception Unveiled: The Devil’s Tactics Through the Ages:

“Come on in, make yourself at home!” I will soon go across time to expose the lies that the devil and his henchmen have perpetrated upon our world. Now that you’re aware of it, let’s get started. The account will focus on how Satan and his followers have used various methods to deceive and manipulate humanity throughout history, subtly infiltrating minds and hearts, drawing on relevant KJV texts to illuminate their actions and motivations.

Here’s an outline of how I could approach it; In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, all was good. But lurking in the shadows was one who had already fallen from grace. Satan, the once-glorious angel, was filled with pride and rebellion against God. Cast down from heaven, his desire was to corrupt and destroy what God had created.

His first act of deception was subtle, for in his cunning, he knew that a direct assault on God’s image-bearers would fail. Instead, he approached the woman, Eve, not as an enemy but as a serpent—a creature she would not immediately fear. As he slithered toward her, his voice was honeyed, his words twisted with lies.

The serpent questioned God’s command: “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” (Genesis 3:1). It was a simple question, but its purpose was to plant doubt in Eve’s heart. Satan’s tactic was not to deny God’s command outright, but to distort it. He wanted Eve to reconsider, to question God’s intentions.

When Eve responded, Satan saw his opportunity. “Ye shall not surely die,” he whispered (Genesis 3:4), contradicting God’s clear warning. “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5). Here, Satan dangled before her the false promise of divinity. He offered her the illusion of power, of knowledge that would elevate her to the level of God Himself.

This moment in the Garden of Eden marked the beginning of Satan’s long campaign against humanity. His tactics would remain consistent throughout history: distortion of God’s truth, appealing to human pride, and offering false promises of power and autonomy.

As human history unfolded, Satan refined his tactics, learning that the most effective lies were those that masqueraded as truth. He understood that outright rebellion would not always work—humans were too wary of the obvious enemy. Instead, he clothed himself and his followers in garments of righteousness, imitating the very servants of God.

In (2 Corinthians 11:14), Paul warns the church: “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” Here, Paul reveals a vital truth about the devil’s methods. Satan often appears not as a grotesque demon, but as a figure of light, offering wisdom, guidance, and even salvation—though all of it is counterfeit.

This tactic of deception has been one of Satan’s most potent tools. Throughout history, false prophets have arisen, claiming to speak for God, but in reality, serving the purposes of the devil. These men and women lead the faithful astray, spreading doctrines that seem godly on the surface but are filled with heresy and destruction.

The devil’s use of false teachers and prophets is a sophisticated strategy. The unsuspecting are easily led astray by those who appear knowledgeable and devout. Satan uses scripture itself, twisting it just enough to distort its meaning, leaving people vulnerable. This is how he plants seeds of doubt and confusion among the faithful, slowly leading them away from the true gospel and toward destruction.

One such example can be found in the prophet Micaiah’s story. In (1 Kings 22:21-23), a lying spirit volunteers to deceive King Ahab: “And the Lord said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.” Here, God permits a lying spirit to fulfill His judgment upon Ahab. But it is Satan’s forces, through manipulation and deceit, that carry out the plan. The prophets, whom the people trusted, became the devil’s instruments.

This method of deception has not faded with ancient Israel. Today, many continue to fall prey to charismatic leaders, prosperity preachers, and those who twist scripture for personal gain. These false prophets, unknowingly or willingly, serve as the devil’s mouthpieces, leading many astray.

Satan’s influence is not limited to individual souls. His reach extends to the highest realms of power—kings, emperors, and nations. Scripture tells us of spiritual forces that influence rulers, guiding them into wars, oppression, and acts of evil.

The prophet Daniel offers a glimpse into this cosmic struggle in (Daniel 10:13). As Daniel prayed, an angelic messenger was delayed by the “prince of the kingdom of Persia”—a demonic entity influencing the Persian empire. This passage reveals that behind the scenes of human history, spiritual forces are at work, manipulating the rulers of the earth.

Satan, the “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4), has long used governments and kingdoms to fulfill his purposes. From the tyrants of ancient Egypt and Babylon to modern-day dictators, he finds willing vessels among those who seek power and control. These rulers believe they are acting of their own accord, driven by ambition or ideology, but in truth, they are pawns in a greater spiritual war.

One of the most striking examples of Satan’s influence over earthly power is found in (Ezekiel 28:12-15), where the prophet addresses the king of Tyre, but the language transcends the earthly ruler and speaks of a being more ancient: Satan himself. “Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God… Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so.” The description of the king of Tyre’s pride and fall mirrors that of Lucifer, showing how Satan’s spirit can inhabit and guide earthly leaders into ruin.

Through the manipulation of kings and governments, Satan establishes systems of oppression, injustice, and war. Nations rise and fall, but behind the scenes, the same dark hand pulls the strings. Many rulers, thinking they are acting wisely, become agents of evil without even realizing it.

One of the most terrifying aspects of Satan’s work is his ability to possess and manipulate individuals, often without their awareness. Throughout the New Testament, we see examples of demon possession, where individuals are overtaken by evil spirits, their actions controlled, and their lives destroyed.

In (Mark 5:1-5), we meet the man possessed by a legion of demons. This man, living among the tombs, was beyond human help. He was tormented day and night, cutting himself with stones, driven mad by the forces that controlled him. This account reveals the sheer power and cruelty of demonic possession, as the man had lost all autonomy and lived in constant agony.

But not all demonic manipulation is as overt. Often, Satan’s influence is far more subtle. In many cases, people are unaware that their thoughts and actions are being guided by dark forces. They may believe they are following their own desires, but in reality, they are being led down a path of destruction.

One of the most striking examples of this is Judas Iscariot. In (Luke 22:3), we read: “Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.” Judas, who had walked with Jesus, listened to His teachings, and witnessed His miracles, became the unwitting instrument of Satan’s plan to betray the Son of God. Judas likely thought his betrayal was his own choice, driven by greed or disillusionment. But in truth, he had become a vessel for Satan’s dark will.

This theme of possession without awareness is a common thread throughout history. Many individuals, consumed by pride, greed, or lust for power, open themselves to spiritual influence. They act out Satan’s will, causing harm to others and themselves, all while believing they are in control. This is one of the devil’s most dangerous tricks—making people think they are acting of their own accord when, in reality, they are being manipulated by unseen forces.

In some cases, Satan uses individuals not only to carry out his will but also to speak directly through them. These individuals become “talking heads”—mouthpieces for the devil’s lies. The most insidious aspect of this tactic is that the person often believes they are speaking their own thoughts, unaware that they are being used as a vessel for deception, as most of your TV Prosperity preachers and other televangelists that are cloaked in the same darkness.

An example of this can be found in (1 Kings 22:21-23), where a lying spirit enters the mouths of the prophets of Ahab, leading him to his doom. These prophets, who should have been speaking the truth of God, instead became instruments of Satan’s plan, deceiving Ahab into going to war and ultimately to his death.

Conclusion: In modern times, this tactic continues. Influential figures—politicians, media personalities, even religious leaders—may become unwitting vessels for Satan’s lies. They speak confidently, convinced of their own righteousness, but their words lead others astray. These “talking heads” spread confusion, division, and false teachings, often with disastrous consequences.

Satan’s goal in using these individuals is to create chaos and division, leading people further away from the truth. The more prominent the individual, the more effective the deception, as entire nations or movements can be swayed by the words of a single person.

The devil’s ploys throughout history have been vast and varied, but always focused on one goal: leading humanity away from God and toward destruction. By twisting truth, manipulating human vessels, and crafting subtle traps, Satan has drawn countless souls into darkness. Yet, Scripture reveals his strategies, providing God’s people with the wisdom to stand firm.

As believers are reminded in Ephesians (6:11-12), “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

SATAN’S STRATEGY | Overcoming The Devil – Inspirational & Motivational Video

SATAN’S STRATEGY | Overcoming The Devil - Inspirational & Motivational Video

WARNING: The Devil’s Deception – How He Infiltrates Your Praise and Worship!

WARNING: The Devil's Deception – How He Infiltrates Your Praise and Worship!

SATAN’S STRATEGY | Overcoming The Devils Deception Inspirational & Motivational Video:

SATAN’S STRATEGY | Overcoming The Devils Deception   Inspirational & Motivational Video

“The Final Gathering”

Hello, a good day to all of the beautiful disciples of our “Lord Jesus Christ.” This is a fantastic day for redemption for everyone who comes to visit. An inspired day in which I will try and provide a comprehensive explanation of the Rapture.

The concept of the rapture is a significant doctrine within Christian eschatology, particularly among evangelical Christians. It refers to the event when Jesus Christ returns to take His followers out of the world before the tribulation period, a time of great suffering and divine judgment.

The rapture is seen as an event distinct from the Second Coming of Christ, where He returns to earth to establish His millennial kingdom. Below is an exploration of the rapture with relevant verses from the King James Version of the Bible. The primary passage that describes the rapture is found in Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians:

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
(1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

‘Friends, this passage outlines the sequence of events during the rapture. Christ will descend from heaven, the dead in Christ will rise first, and then believers who are alive will be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. “Gods loved ones,” the manner of Christ’s return is also emphasized in the book of Acts, where the angels spoke to the disciples as Jesus ascended into heaven:

“And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”
(Acts 1:9-11)

This passage reinforces the idea that Jesus will return in the same manner He ascended—bodily and visibly. ‘Friends, the doctrine of the rapture is closely tied to the idea of imminence, meaning that it could happen at any moment, and no one knows the exact time:

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”
(Matthew 24:36-44)

Here, Jesus compares His coming to the days of Noah, highlighting the suddenness and unexpected nature of the event. ‘Here friends, Paul speaks of the transformation that believers will undergo at the time of the rapture:

“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
(1 Corinthians 15:51-52)

‘Guys, this transformation refers to the glorification of the believers’ bodies, making them fit for eternal life with Christ. There is also a passage that speaks to the timing and events surrounding the rapture, including the coming of the “man of sin” (the Antichrist):

“Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.”
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-7)

This passage suggests that certain events must occur before the rapture, including a great apostasy and the revelation of the Antichrist. ‘Friends, the rapture is often referred to as the “blessed hope” of believers:”Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” (Titus 2:13) This verse captures the anticipation and hope that believers have for the return of Christ.

‘Finally, the doctrine of the rapture is meant to bring comfort and encouragement to believers:”Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”
(1 Thessalonians 4:18)This is a reminder that the rapture is not meant to instill fear but to provide assurance and hope.

‘Friends, for all who see this it would likely be a dramatic and awe-inspiring event, filled with supernatural elements and intense emotions. Imagine a scene where, in an instant, people around the world vanish, leaving behind their clothes, possessions, and anything they were carrying. Those taken would be lifted into the sky, drawn upward by an unseen force, while those left behind would be left in shock and confusion, trying to comprehend what just happened.

The sky darkened, and a powerful sound, like a trumpet blast, would resonate through the air, signaling the beginning of the rapture. Believers, both dead and alive, would rise, their bodies transformed into radiant, incorruptible forms. They would ascend through the clouds, where they would be greeted by a brilliant, divine light, representing the presence of Jesus Christ.

On the ground, scenes of chaos might unfold as people realize loved ones have disappeared. Some might fall to their knees in despair, while others might try to rationalize what they just witnessed. Governments and media could struggle to explain the phenomenon, leading to widespread panic or denial.

The rapture would be portrayed as both a moment of ultimate hope and joy for those taken and a time of deep sorrow and fear for those left behind, setting the stage for further dramatic events as the world grapples with the aftermath.

Authors Note;

‘God bless all of you, who have stayed with me while we discover that the rapture is a critical event in Christian eschatology, rooted in several key scriptures that describe its suddenness, the transformation of believers, and the glorious hope of being united with Christ.

By Servant; Norman G. Roy III

The Rapture According to the Bible!

The Rapture According to the Bible