Another Gospel, Another God: The Satanic Roots of False Faiths:

“Welcome to our digital home of faith. We’re grateful for your visit and thank you for being a vital part of our spiritual journey.” Thank you for visiting! May you feel the warmth of our fellowship and the gentle embrace of God’s love as you explore. Today, this research will most likely land me in problems with some people. I apologize, but I’m not!

My responsibility is to warn and detect evils, as well as to alert and assist in our Lord’s methods. This post is not intended to hurt you but rather to alert you to hidden destruction that the adversary has veiled and disguised by concealing the reality of your beliefs. ‘ Don’t be irritated with the messenger. This revelation is inspired and motivated by a desire to protect.

Without fear, let’s get into what probably will be my condemnation, but yet not the stripes Jesus endured by the way of truth, can I compare from anyone that feels insulted. “TRUTH,” must be said for freedom from the abominable things of the Bible (6/7 things in Proverbs 6:16-19). And this is one of them, so let’s go…

Doctrines of Devils: How Demons Gave Birth to False Religions:

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” (1 Timothy 4:1). ‘Friends, From the dawn of human history, Satan and his fallen angels have sought to corrupt the true worship of God. Their methods are subtle yet devastating: twisting the truth, masquerading as light, and leading countless souls away from Jesus Christ.

The false religions of the world bear witness to this grand deception. Though each may claim to hold the key to spiritual enlightenment, they all ultimately deny the saving power of Jesus Christ, the one true God. This essay will expose the origins and dangers of ten major false religions:

Catholicism, Mormonism, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Scientology, Unitarianism, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. It will unveil how demons have used these systems to keep millions in spiritual bondage and reveal what must be communicated so that adherents may see the truth and be set free in Jesus Christ.

Catholicism: The Counterfeit Church:

Catholicism traces its roots to the early centuries after Christ, but its modern form emerged in the Roman Empire under Constantine’s rule. While it claims to be the true church, it is a religion riddled with unbiblical traditions, idolatry, and demonic deception. The veneration of Mary, prayers to saints, and belief in purgatory contradict God’s Word.

The Catholic Church has placed human tradition above Scripture (Mark 7:7-8) and has led many to trust in sacraments, works, and the Pope’s authority rather than in Christ alone. The Catholic Mass re-sacrifices Christ in contradiction to (Hebrews 10:10), which declares His sacrifice was once for all. To reach Catholics, one must emphasize the sufficiency of Christ’s atonement and the authority of Scripture over man-made traditions (2 Timothy 3:16).

Mormonism: The Angel of Light’s Deception:

Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, claimed an angel named Moroni gave him golden plates revealing a new gospel. This aligns with Paul’s warning in (Galatians 1:8), against false gospels brought by angels. Smith’s doctrine contradicts the Bible, teaching that God was once a man and that men can become gods.

Mormonism denies the biblical Jesus, replacing Him with a lesser being. It also promotes salvation through works rather than grace alone (Ephesians 2:8-9). Witnessing to Mormons requires exposing their extra-biblical revelations and leading them to the true gospel found in Christ.

Judaism: Rejecting the Messiah:

Though Judaism was once the faith given by God to Israel, it rejected its fulfillment in Jesus Christ, who is the promised Messiah (Isaiah 53). The Pharisees clung to their traditions and refused to acknowledge Him, leading the Jewish people into spiritual blindness (John 1:11).

Modern Judaism denies Christ’s deity and atonement, leaving its followers under the old law, which cannot save (Romans 3:20). The key to reaching Jews is showing them their own Scriptures point to Jesus as the Messiah (Luke 24:27).

Buddhism: The Path to Nowhere:

Founded by Siddhartha Gautama in the 5th century B.C., Buddhism teaches that enlightenment is reached through self-discipline and meditation. It denies the existence of a personal God and salvation through Christ.

Buddhism’s teachings contradict the Bible’s declaration that man is sinful and cannot achieve righteousness on his own (Romans 3:23). The only true path to peace is through Jesus Christ, who alone can offer eternal life (John 14:6).

Islam: The Crescent of Deception:

Islam, founded by Muhammad in the 7th century A.D., claims that Jesus was a mere prophet and that salvation comes through submission to Allah. The Quran denies Christ’s divinity and resurrection (1 John 2:22).

Islam enslaves its followers under legalism and denies the grace of God through Jesus Christ. The only way to reach Muslims is through the love and truth of the gospel, emphasizing Jesus’ atoning death and resurrection.

Hinduism: The Web of Many Gods:

Hinduism is one of the oldest religions, steeped in polytheism, reincarnation, and karma. It promotes self-deification, contradicting the Bible’s teaching that man is fallen and in need of a Savior (Romans 3:10-12).

Hinduism keeps people in bondage to endless cycles of suffering, while Christ offers true liberation (John 8:36). The gospel must be presented as the only way to eternal salvation.

Sikhism: A False Unity:

Founded in the 15th century by Guru Nanak, Sikhism blends elements of Hinduism and Islam, rejecting the unique deity of Christ. It teaches that all religions lead to the same God, a direct contradiction of (John 14:6). As proposed by Pope Francis, who have actively promoted interfaith dialogue and emphasized the commonalities between different religions.

In 2012 he brought leaders of different Faiths together to pray for a peaceful solution to the Middle East conflicts. Shortly after his election the Pope called for more interreligious dialogue as a way of “building bridges,” and establishing “true links of friendship between all people. But Sikhism’s emphasis on works-based righteousness must be countered with the truth that salvation comes only through Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Scientology: The Luciferian Lie:

L. Ron Hubbard’s (devil). Scientology is rooted in occultism, teaching that humans are trapped souls (thetans) who must achieve enlightenment through secret knowledge. It denies sin and salvation through Christ. Scientology’s Gnostic roots must be exposed, and its followers must be pointed to the one true source of freedom Jesus Christ (John 8:32).

Unitarianism: Denying the Trinity:

Unitarians reject the biblical doctrine of the Trinity, denying Christ’s deity. Without Jesus as God, there is no salvation (John 8:24). To reach Unitarians, one must show that the Bible clearly teaches the divinity of Christ (John 1:1, Colossians 2:9).

Jehovah’s Witnesses: A False Gospel:

Founded by Charles Taze Russell, Jehovah’s Witnesses deny Christ’s deity, teaching that He is merely an angel (Michael). Their New World Translation distorts Scripture. Jehovah’s Witnesses must be shown that Jesus is truly God (John 10:30) and that salvation is by grace, not works (Titus 3:5).

Seventh-day Adventism:

Was founded in the 19th century by Ellen G. White and others who emerged from the Millerite movement. White’s prophecies and writings became central to Adventist doctrine, elevating her as a prophetess despite contradictions with Scripture (Deuteronomy 18:22). One of the major doctrinal errors is their belief that Sabbath observance is required for salvation, contradicting the New Testament teaching that salvation is by grace through faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Additionally, Adventists promote the Investigative Judgment doctrine, which claims that Christ began reviewing believers’ lives in 1844 to determine their salvation status. This contradicts (Hebrews 10:14), which states that Christ’s sacrifice was once and for all. Their dietary restrictions and legalistic approach to faith burden followers with works-based righteousness, rather than resting in the sufficiency of Christ’s finished work (Galatians 2:16).

Believers must be warned that adherence to Adventist doctrines can lead to spiritual bondage, focusing on law rather than grace. The key is to guide Adventists to the true gospel—faith in Jesus Christ alone, apart from works of the law (Romans 3:28).

‘Friends, I have to be transparent in God’s ways about the importance of His children. It saddens Him some of the things that have been done, for example in (Genesis 6:6). He wants us protected because He loves and cares. Every false religion originates from Satan’s desire to divert mankind from the true worship of Jesus Christ.

The antidote to these lies is the gospel, which alone can set the captives free (Romans 1:16). The time is now to call those ensnared by falsehoods to repent and believe in the only name that saves—Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). The battle for souls is real, but Christ has already won the victory.

It is our duty to shine the light of truth into the darkness, that all may see and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. And this is why I am inspired without a quilt to warn and promote Christ to you. God bless and stay blessed, you are precious and honored in His sight “Honourable You,” said in (Isaiah 43:4 KJV).

Author and Servant: Norman G. Roy III

All religions explained in 10 minutes:

1 Religion DIFFERENT beliefs / The Truth Behind Their Beliefs:

Author: Norman Roy

Hello, truth seekers! Norman G. Roy III, the digital dynamo igniting sparks of truth in the darkest corners of the internet, has the fervor of an adventurer and the precision of a hacker. Norman fearlessly hacks through the virtual jungle, uncovering hidden treasures of unfiltered reality. Armed with an arsenal of intellect and an unyielding commitment to authenticity, he embarks on electrifying quests through the tangled webs of deception. Each pulse-pounding expedition leads him deeper into the heart of the digital abyss, where he unearths revelations that send shockwaves through the online realm. In a world where every click holds the promise of discovery, Norman emerges as a modern-day hero, thrillingly dismantling falsehoods and delivering pulse-quickening insights to the internet community. Join Norman Roy on an adrenaline-fueled adventure into the electrifying unknown, where the truth awaits around every exhilarating twist and turn.

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