Celestial Lies* Unmasking the Conspiracy of the Rounded Earth:

“Friends, your presence is a reminder of the unity we share in Christ—thank you for visiting!” I’m sure all who visit and read my articles know that I write a lot about demons because I’m a demonologist, and my charge is to study the enemy and alert and warn you of the false belief system of lies by them. I write about demons because I believe they pose a real threat that many overlook.

In my investigation, these forces operate in subtle ways that can cause profound harm to people’s lives—often without them even realizing it. I feel compelled to share this knowledge because I love and care about others deeply; I see it as my responsibility to warn them so they can recognize and protect themselves against these dangers. Ultimately, my writing is a heartfelt effort to bring awareness and safeguard those who might otherwise remain vulnerable. Our Father’s spirit gives me direction to warn. So let’s begin…

I. The Genesis of a Cosmic Ruse:

In a time before the age of modern science, when humanity’s eyes were fixed upon the heavens in wonder and fear, there emerged a subtle, malignant influence. Some ancient scribes, inspired by divine revelation and shadowed by forces unseen, recorded the true nature of our cosmos—a flat plain, encircled by an immense, unyielding barrier. In the King James Bible, it is written in (Genesis 1:6–8):

“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
And God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament, and it was so.
And God called the firmament Heaven.” This passage, echoed through the ages, was meant to convey a universe crafted with clear, tangible boundaries.

Yet as centuries turned and empires rose, so too did a conspiracy that would cloud mankind’s vision. The ancient texts whispered of a celestial order that was betrayed by dark forces—the devils of old, who would weave deception into the very fabric of human understanding.

II. The Illusion of the Curved Cosmos:

It began subtly. In an era when artisans and craftsmen were revered as keepers of both knowledge and mystery, master glassmakers produced instruments—telescopes and lenses—that seemed to unveil the secrets of the heavens. But what if these instruments were not neutral windows to truth but cleverly designed contraptions meant to distort reality?

Imagine for a moment that the artisans were, in fact, unwitting or even complicit in a grand deception. Their glass, painstakingly curved and polished, did not simply reveal the shape of the earth but actively fashioned an image—a globe. In this narrative, the very curvature of these lenses conspired with the printed word and the illuminated page to forge a lie: that our world was a spinning sphere, adrift in a sea of cosmic uncertainty.

The devils, ever the cunning architects of chaos, saw in this a golden opportunity. They planted the seeds of doubt and false wonder in the hearts of scholars and navigators alike. The result? A transformation of the ancient, flat earth into a globe—an orb whose spin concealed the true nature of the world beneath the firmament. Through the artifice of science and the manipulation of perspective, generations of men were seduced by a lie, one that turned the natural order on its head.

III. The Fictitious Space Race and the Celestial Mirage:

As modernity dawned, so too did a new chapter in the saga of deception—a chapter writ large in the annals of the “space race.” In this narrative, the competition to reach the stars was not merely a triumph of human ingenuity but a carefully choreographed performance—a grand illusion staged on the cosmic stage.

Under the polished surfaces of government agencies and scientific institutions lurked a secret narrative: that the race to space was a fabrication, a diversion devised by those in power to obscure the timeless truth of our flat earth. NASA, along with its international counterparts, would deploy a dazzling array of computer-generated imagery—pictures of planets, galaxies, and man-made satellites orbiting our supposed sphere.

Yet in this tale, these images are nothing more than spectral phantoms, conjured by expert illusionists to keep the masses entranced and ignorant. Consider, for instance, the satellites. The narrative contends that these devices, often portrayed as sophisticated machines in orbit, are in reality nothing more than balloons—launches from clandestine facilities hidden deep within secret bases.

They rise not by the force of rocket science but by the gentle lift of lighter-than-air gas, tethered by human ingenuity to the world below. Their purpose is to sustain a digital mirage, a celestial pantomime that perpetuates the myth of an orbiting globe. In our Father’s account, the entire space race is revealed as an elaborate ruse, a cosmic theater where fact and fabrication dance in tandem.

The images of distant planets and glittering stars, the so-called expeditions to the moon, are all part of a grand deception, meticulously orchestrated to keep humanity in thrall to a false narrative. Why not conquer the actual universe off the coasts of our land masses if you wish to explore one? Although people appear to believe their method of entering the universe is more realistic than God’s method described in His book, wonderful things may always be found in the waters provided by our God in heaven. They plotted to turn his actuality into fiction.

IV. The Enigma of the Firmament and the Frozen Frontier:

The true nature of our world, as whispered by ancient prophets and recorded in venerable scripture, is that of a flat plain and the four corners of earth that can’t be on something round (Isaiah 11:12, Ezekiel 7:2, and Revelations 7:1). Overhead, a mighty firmament spans the heavens—a hard, unyielding dome, beyond which lies the mystery of the waters above. This image, as presented in the Bible, speaks of a universe bound by clear, immutable laws—a stark contrast to the fluid, ever-changing cosmos proposed by modern science.

Within this narrative, the edge of the earth is not an endless abyss but a definitive boundary—a 360-degree wall of ice encircling the flat plain. Antarctica, in this account, is not a remote, uncharted continent but a carefully constructed barrier. Its icy ramparts prevent the curious from venturing into the unknown; its chilling embrace is maintained by powerful military forces determined to keep the truth hidden.

The ice wall stands as a symbol that has been lied about—a frozen frontier designed to thwart discovery. Rumors persist, passed along in hushed tones in secretive circles, that this wall is patrolled by forces both earthly and otherworldly. Air and sea are barred from approaching it, ensuring that the grand deception remains intact. In this version of events, the isolation of Antarctica is not a matter of logistical difficulty but a deliberate act of concealment—a silencing of truth by those who would have us forget our ancient heritage.

V. The Tools of Deception: Glass, CGI, and the Modern Oracle:

As the narrative unfolds, one must consider the myriad instruments by which the cosmic deception is maintained. The glass instruments of old have evolved into modern oracles—computers, satellites, and digital imagery—that purport to reveal the universe’s secrets. Yet behind the veil of technology lies a tapestry of misdirection and artifice.

The artisans of the past, who once fashioned telescopes with a subtle curvature, are echoed in today’s digital wizards. With the flick of a switch and the tap of a keyboard, CGI (computer-generated imagery) is deployed to create landscapes of stars and nebulas that exist only in the virtual realm. It is a high-tech sleight of hand—a magic trick for the modern age. The truth, however, remains obscured: these images, as stunning as they appear, are but illusions, crafted to distract and deceive.

Imagine a secret meeting of high-ranking officials and occult practitioners, plotting beneath shadowed corridors of power. They decide, with chilling precision, that the true nature of the earth—a flat, unyielding plain beneath a celestial dome—must remain hidden from the public eye. Their arsenal is not one of overt violence but of subtler means: the recalibration of scientific instruments, the careful editing of images, and the suppression of dissenting voices.

In this truth, the devices of modern exploration are repurposed as tools of deception. The so-called satellite imagery, the images of Earth from space, is nothing more than a digital chimera—a fantastical projection designed to enthrall and mislead. The viewers, dazzled by the spectacle of swirling galaxies and vibrant nebulae, are lulled into a false sense of wonder, their senses dulled by the brilliance of manufactured luminaries in the sky.

VI. The Devil’s Blueprint: Dark Design in a Shrouded Age:

At the heart of this grand deception is an even darker scheme—a blueprint laid out by malevolent forces determined to subvert truth and steer humanity away from its divine heritage. The narrative suggests that the devils, those eternal adversaries of light and truth, played a pivotal role in engineering this cosmic hoax.

Their strategy was as old as time: to corrupt the natural order, to replace clear, divinely ordained boundaries with a mutable, confusing illusion. The devils whispered into the ears of the powerful, seducing them with promises of progress and enlightenment. Yet, behind the veneer of scientific advancement lay a carefully constructed web of lies—a network of misinformation designed to trap the unwary in a labyrinth of half-truths and distortions.

Scripture, too, hints at this eternal conflict. In (Job 38:4–7), we read of the foundations of the earth laid by a power beyond mortal ken—a reminder that there exists an order beyond human understanding, one that has been corrupted by rebellious forces. The narrative casts the modern space race as a manifestation of this rebellion: a symbolic journey into darkness, where the quest for knowledge is used not to illuminate but to conceal.

The devils’ plan was diabolical in its simplicity: to replace the ancient truth—a flat earth beneath a firmament—with a fabricated cosmos that could be manipulated and controlled. By doing so, they would forever bind humanity in a cycle of ignorance and dependence, ensuring that the divine message hidden in the scriptures would be silenced beneath layers of technological artifice.

VII. The Final Curtain: Awakening to the Hidden Truth:

As our truth reaches its climax, the reader is left to ponder the implications of such a grand deception. The narrative is not merely one of conspiracy but a call to awaken from a long, imposed slumber—a plea to cast off the veils of illusion and seek a deeper, truer understanding of our place in the cosmos.

The hidden truth, as our story contends, is written not in the data streams of satellites or the polished images on a computer screen but in the ancient texts and in the very structure of creation. The King James Bible, with its vivid accounts of the firmament and the waters above, offers clues to a reality that modern science has so deftly obscured.

Consider again the words of (Genesis 1:6–8), which describe a firmament—solid, vast, and purposeful. They speak of a world divided, where the waters above and the waters below are kept in their proper places by a divine decree. In our narrative, this is not a poetic allegory but a literal description—a cosmic blueprint that has been tampered with by forces determined to rewrite the truth.

‘Friends, please believe beyond the magic of your TV, they have never been to the moon or any other place. Because of the “barrier of the Firmament,” not the imagined “Van Allen radiation belt,” but a solid dome-like structure that separates the earthly realm from the heavenly waters above. At the edges of this flat plain lies the 360-degree ice wall, the sentinel of the forbidden frontier. For generations, rumors have persisted: whispered accounts of military interventions at sea and air, of secret bases hidden in the frozen wastes where the curious dare not tread.

These stories, passed down in coded language among those who suspect the grand deception, hint at a reality far removed from the glossy narratives of mainstream science. It is in the spirit of inquiry—a burning desire to reclaim one’s birthright of knowledge—that this narrative urges the reader to question the accepted dogma. To look beyond the CGI illusions and the manufactured marvels, and to seek the ancient wisdom that has been obscured by modern deceit. For, as it is written in (Psalm 19:1):

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.” ‘Please, wake-up! This verse, reinterpreted in our truth, becomes a rallying cry—a reminder that the true handiwork of creation lies not in the swirling mists of distant galaxies, but in the solid, unyielding truth of a flat earth beneath a majestic, protective dome. It is difficult for a grown man or woman to acclimate to this reality. It asks for the wearing of tin foil headgear due to the mindset fostered by foul-disgusting devils under Satan’s orders! (X operation fishbowl) for more truth!

VIII. The Confluence of Fact, Fiction, and Faith:

In weaving this narrative, we are reminded that human understanding has always been a tapestry—a blend of empirical observation, ancient myth, and spiritual insight. The modern world, with all its technological marvels and scientific breakthroughs, stands on the shoulders of millennia of human thought and belief. Yet, as our truth account suggests, this very progress can sometimes mask a deeper, more troubling reality.

The tools of the modern age—satellites, telescopes, and computers—are themselves instruments of interpretation. They are designed not only to reveal but also to obscure. Their images, though striking and seemingly irrefutable, are filtered through layers of human interpretation and, in our narrative, deliberate obfuscation. The cosmic deception, then, is not merely one of technology but of perception—a war of images waged in the hearts and minds of those who would seek the truth.

Imagine, for a moment, that gravity—the force we credit with keeping the oceans bound to our Earth and enabling the effortless flight of birds and insects—is not a naturally occurring phenomenon but an elaborate artifice. According to this narrative, the mysterious force that tethers water to a supposed globe and yet allows delicate creatures to soar is not the product of nature’s design but of a carefully engineered illusion, demon unusual.

In our truth, the story goes like this: long ago, when the boundaries of human knowledge were still being drawn, a cabal of influential figures—composed of secretive scientists, powerful government figures, and shadowy occult practitioners devised a grand deception. Their objective was to reshape human understanding of the cosmos. Rather than accepting the ancient, straightforward view of the world as a flat, stable plain beneath a solid firmament, they introduced the concept of gravity as an all-encompassing, universal force.

This “law” was heralded as the mechanism by which an unfathomable amount of water could be held in place on a spinning sphere, while simultaneously permitting birds and insects to rise against its pull through the counteracting forces of buoyancy and density. In this imaginative framework, the artificial nature of gravity is revealed by the seeming paradox of nature’s design. How can an invisible force so potent that it binds oceans to a globe be reconciled with the ease with which small creatures defy it?

Our truth suggests that the answer lies in the duality engineered by those who concocted the myth. They selectively applied the principles of buoyancy—where a body immersed in a fluid experiences an upward thrust—and density, properties that naturally allow lighter-than-air objects to ascend, or heavier to fall, to create a world where gravity’s grip is not uniform but strategically manipulated, by it’s deception.

The creators of this grand deception, as their story tells it, are none other than the architects of modern science. They capitalized on the brilliance of figures like Sir Isaac Newton, whose formulation of gravitational theory was elevated to the status of natural law. Yet, in our truth, Newton’s insights were but one part of an intricate tapestry woven by an elite consortium. This cabal, blending ancient esoteric wisdom with modern technological prowess, propagated the concept of gravity as a means to control and mislead the masses.

Their goal was to obscure a simpler truth: that the Earth is not a spinning sphere but a flat plain sheltered under a firm, vaulted dome—a truth preserved in the ancient texts and long forgotten by contemporary society.

According to this truth account, the artificial nature of gravity was designed to maintain the illusion of a rounded, spinning Earth. The seemingly miraculous retention of the world’s waters, the controlled dynamics of flight for birds and flies, and the observable properties of buoyancy and density are all manipulated pieces in a cosmic conundrum. The secret architects—shadowy figures who remain hidden behind the veil of modern institutions—crafted this narrative to perpetuate their control over human thought.

They used advanced technologies, computer-generated imagery, and carefully calibrated scientific experiments to reinforce a lie that has been taught in schools and enshrined in textbooks for generations. In essence, this conspiratorial perspective argues that the force we call gravity is not an inherent, natural property of the universe. It is an engineered illusion, a carefully constructed myth intended to keep humanity from questioning the true nature of God’s earth.

The paradox of water clinging to our planet while the air remains open for flight is presented not as a scientific marvel but as evidence of selective manipulation—a cosmic sleight of hand designed to distract us from a more straightforward, ancient truth. While mainstream science explains gravity as the curvature of spacetime around mass, our truth dares to ask a different question.

Who benefits from maintaining this grand illusion? And the answer, within this mythic framework, points to those in power—the secretive architects of modern knowledge—who have long manipulated our perceptions of reality. Ultimately, whether one accepts this narrative or the conventional understanding of gravity, the story serves as a metaphor for the broader struggle between established authority and the quest for hidden truths.

It challenges wake-up, and to question what we take for granted, inviting us to peer behind the curtains of accepted wisdom and to imagine a world where the natural order is not as it seems, but the result of an ancient, deliberate conspiracy. Throughout the ages, there have been those who have dared to question the established order—philosophers, mystics, and even renegade scientists.

They have sensed that beneath the polished surface of modernity lies a secret, a truth so profound that it challenges the very foundations of accepted knowledge. Our story celebrates these seekers of truth, urging them to peer behind the curtain of illusion and to reclaim the lost wisdom of the ancients. Yet, as with all great myths and conspiracies, the line between fact and fiction is a fragile one.

The truth of a flat earth, guarded by a 360-degree ice wall and manipulated by otherworldly forces, is a story that resonates on many levels. It is a parable of human vulnerability—the ease with which we can be seduced by simple explanations for complex mysteries—and a cautionary tale about the power of authority to shape our perceptions.

IX. A Call to Discernment in an Age of Illusion:

As I draw this story to a close, my reader is left with a challenge—a call to discernment in an age when images flash before our eyes and digital illusions can rival the clarity of the ancient word. The story of the devil’s deception, the fabricated space race, and the hidden ice wall is not offered as incontrovertible fact but as an invitation to question, to explore, and to think independently.

It is a reminder that truth is a multifaceted gem, one that can be seen from many angles and that sometimes the most startling revelations come not from the loud proclamations of modern institutions but from the quiet, persistent whispers of ancient wisdom. For every image of a spinning globe projected onto a screen, there is a counter-narrative—a mythic vision of a flat, unyielding world as ordained by a divine hand and guarded by eternal forces.

In our modern age, where the spectacle of space exploration is celebrated as the pinnacle of human achievement, it is all too easy to forget the simple, grounding truths of old. The story here is a plea to remember that beneath the veneer of progress, the core of our understanding remains intimately tied to the earth we tread, the heavens that arch overhead, and the ancient words that have guided us through the ages.

X. Epilogue: The Endless Quest for Truth:

The tale of cosmic deception is one that invites endless reinterpretation. Like the vast, uncharted spaces of the night sky, it contains mysteries that can be approached from countless angles. Whether one views the earth as a spinning sphere or a flat plain beneath a celestial dome, the enduring message is clear: never accept the surface of things without questioning what lies beneath.

Because of the veiled deceit, “I go for you,” to the pits and bowels of the rabbit hole to get the truth, bring it up, and present it UNFILTERED to whoever visits and reads! In this truth account, the devils’ intricate scheme—to lead mankind astray through a labyrinth of glass, CGI, and military secrecy—is laid bare as a metaphor for the dangers of complacency and blind faith.

It is an allegory for the struggle between genuine enlightenment and the seductive allure of comfortable falsehoods. It challenges us to look beyond the dazzling illusions of modernity and to search for that deeper, sometimes inconvenient truth that has been obscured by layers of artifice. Most common sense is broken when specific kinds of glass are created and placed in a plane window to simply demonstrate the illusions of a curve.

And so, dear reader, as you review this story and return to your own journey through life, remember the words of (Psalm 19:1) once more: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” May these words, whether taken as poetic metaphor or as a literal truth from an ancient text, inspire you to question, to explore, and to never cease in your quest for understanding.

For in the interplay of fact and fiction, of light and shadow, lies the enduring mystery of our existence—a mystery that invites each of us to seek out our own truth, no matter how deeply it may be hidden behind the veil of deception. Even listening to me should help you along a path for your investigation to see how real the truth can be covered -up!

This narrative is a work of truth over fiction. It synthesizes disparate ideas, historical curiosities, and biblical language into a story that explores the themes of deception, belief, and the nature of truth. Readers are encouraged to approach the narrative as a literary exploration on the nature of our world. Imagine, for a moment, that gravity—the force we credit with keeping the oceans bound to our Earth and enabling the effortless flight of birds and insects—is not a naturally occurring phenomenon but an elaborate artifice.

Authors Note:

According to this narratives falsehood, the mysterious force that tethers water to a supposed globe and yet allows delicate creatures to soar is not the product of nature’s design but of a carefully engineered illusion, again demon unusual. In essence, this conspiratorial perspective argues that the force we call gravity is not an inherent, natural property of the universe. It is an engineered illusion, a carefully constructed myth intended to keep humanity from questioning the true nature of God’s great work for us.

‘Friends, I ask you to please peer behind the curtains of accepted wisdom and to imagine a world where the natural order is not as it seems, but the result of an ancient, deliberate conspiracy orchestrated through demon occupied talking heads of people in authority. Thanks for your time and visit. “God bless you all!

Author and Servant: Norman G. Roy III

The Greatest Deception – (2019 Documentary):

Heliosorcery (2022) | Exposing the Occult Origins of Heliocentrism | Full Documentary (16):

200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball HD Remastered:

From Shadows to Scripture* Exposing the Myth of Ghosts through Biblical Wisdom.

“Join the Journey: Walking in Faith, Standing in Truth.” Hello again, friend! I hope your day is going well along with all those you love. Today’s topic is one that most adults would consider and feel at ease with when alone; they hear strange sounds and notice somewhat odd shadows, orbs, and things in motion. Yet why I’m writing about it, because it came my way that even grown folks even believe in a fictional ghost.

Today’s topic is one that most adults would consider and feel at ease with when alone; they hear strange sounds and notice somewhat odd shadows, orbs, and things in motion. Yet why I’m writing about it, because it came my way that even grown folks even believe in a fictional ghost. So let’s explore it so you can pass it down with “Truth” rather than the fictitious tale handed down. And we can learn who and what is responsible. C’mon, let’s go…

Throughout the centuries, ghost stories have captivated human imagination, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. Apparitions, hauntings, and spectral encounters have become cultural staples—often cited as evidence of a mysterious realm that coexists with our tangible reality. Yet, when examined under the scrutiny of biblical teaching, especially through the lens of the King James Version of the Holy Scriptures, it becomes evident that the phenomenon we call “ghosts” is not a genuine visitation of departed souls.

Instead, the myth of ghosts has roots in deception—a deception attributed to supernatural creatures whose true purpose is to obscure their nefarious actions against humanity. One of the foremost reasons the ghost myth falters when compared to biblical teaching is the clear outline provided by Scripture regarding what happens after death. The Bible delineates a process that leaves no room for wandering souls or spectral visitations. Consider the words found in (Ecclesiastes 12:7): “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”

This verse decisively teaches that upon death, the spirit of a person is reclaimed by God. There is no suggestion of the spirit remaining on earth to haunt or interact with the living. Instead, the natural order is restored—a process that brings finality to our earthly existence. Similarly, (Hebrews 9:27) states, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”

Here, the Apostle Paul emphasizes that human life is linear in nature: birth, death, and subsequent judgment. There is no intermediary stage where the soul lingers as a ghost. The notion that the departed might return to this world is, therefore, at odds with the scriptural teaching that our spirits are destined for an eternal destiny either in communion with God or separation from Him.

These scriptures provide a robust theological foundation that dismisses the possibility of ghosts as literal manifestations of deceased human beings. If our spirits are either with God or under judgment, then any encounter with an alleged ghost must be interpreted differently—likely as an intrusion from an external, deceptive source rather than the return of a departed soul.

The Origins of the Ghost Myth in Ancient Times:

The ghost myth, like many other cultural narratives, has its roots deep in ancient traditions and beliefs. Early civilizations often held that the souls of the dead could remain among the living, influencing events and interacting with the physical world. These beliefs were not unique to one culture but appeared in various forms across the globe. However, when viewed through a biblical lens, such interpretations of the afterlife are revealed as misconceptions.

In the ancient world, where scientific understanding was limited and natural phenomena were often shrouded in mystery, the concept of a spirit lingering after death was both comforting and terrifying. Yet, the Bible consistently warns against attributing too much significance to such spectral encounters. In (Deuteronomy 18:10–12), the Lord declares:

“There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord…”

These verses caution against engaging with or seeking out spirits—be they those of the dead or of any other nature. The biblical prohibition against consulting with familiar spirits is a strong indicator that any such encounter is not sanctioned by God, but rather is an aberration introduced by malevolent forces. Consequently, what many interpret as ghostly manifestations might very well be the result of forbidden practices or the deceptive workings of supernatural beings, rather than the benign return of a loved one’s spirit.

Supernatural Deception: Unmasking the True Nature of Apparitions:

Given the biblical framework for understanding life after death, how then do we account for the many reports of ghost sightings and hauntings? The answer lies in the realm of deception. Scripture teaches that there exists a host of supernatural entities—chief among them, unclean spirits—that seek to confuse, intimidate, and ultimately lead people away from the truth of God’s Word.

In (2 Corinthians 11:14), the Apostle Paul warns: “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” This statement is a stark reminder that not every phenomenon that appears to be divine or benign is truly so. Just as Satan can masquerade as an angel of light, so too can unclean spirits assume the guise of comforting or familiar presences. When these malevolent forces adopt the form of what we might call ghosts, they are not offering solace or guidance—they are perpetrating a grand deception.

Their aim is to obscure the clear biblical teaching on the afterlife and to manipulate humanity through fear and confusion. One biblical narrative that illustrates this deceptive strategy is found in (1 Samuel 28), commonly known as the account of the Witch of Endor. In this passage, King Saul, desperate for guidance, seeks out a medium to summon the spirit of the prophet Samuel.

However, rather than a genuine visitation from the prophet, many biblical scholars argue that what occurred was a demonic impersonation—a counterfeit appearance designed to mislead the king. The text reads (in part): “Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her and inquire of her. And his servants said unto him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor.” (1 Samuel 28:7).

Here, the medium’s interaction is not evidence of the dead returning but rather a grim demonstration of the dangers inherent in seeking forbidden knowledge. This account serves as a cautionary tale: ghostly encounters that defy the biblical order are not divine interventions but rather the deceptive acts of unclean spirits.

Scriptural Warnings Against False Spirits:

The Bible is replete with warnings regarding the dangers of interacting with or being deceived by supernatural entities. In addition to the prohibition found in (Deuteronomy 18), other passages call on believers to exercise discernment when confronted with phenomena that might appear to be spiritual in nature. (Isaiah 8:19) advises:

“And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and unto astrologers that make known what shall befall you; consult ye not them, nor ask; but seek thou the LORD.” This verse instructs believers to seek guidance from God rather than from mediums or astrologers—those who purport to have access to hidden, supernatural knowledge.

The implication is clear: any apparent visitation by a spirit should be viewed with suspicion, for it may very well be a ruse designed to lead one astray. Moreover, (Acts 16:16–18) provides an account of a slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination. Though not a ghost in the traditional sense, her spirit allowed her to predict the future, and her presence became a source of disturbance. Paul eventually cast out the spirit, demonstrating that not every supernatural occurrence is benign.

This narrative reinforces the idea that supernatural manifestations in the world are often the product of deceptive and unclean spirits working to subvert God’s truth. Believe it or not, it causes the misinterpretation of Biblical narratives and the role of imagination in ghost lore. It is worth noting that many biblical narratives have been misinterpreted or taken out of context, leading to the proliferation of ghost stories in both literature and popular culture.

The Bible often employs allegory, parables, and symbolic imagery to convey spiritual truths. When these elements are read literally, they can give rise to misconceptions about the nature of the spiritual realm. For example, Jesus’ parable of the rich man and Lazarus in (Luke 16:19–31) is sometimes mistakenly taken as a literal description of ghostly interaction between the living and the dead. In reality, Jesus uses the story to illustrate the finality of death and the importance of heeding God’s commandments.

The narrative is not an endorsement of the idea that the dead wander the earth; rather, it is a metaphorical exposition on divine justice and the separation between the blessed and the damned. The interplay between fact and fiction is evident not only in biblical texts but also in the way ghost stories have evolved over time. In literature and folklore, ghosts are often depicted as tragic figures—lost souls who cannot find rest.

While these tales can be moving and serve as moral allegories, they are, at their core, works of imagination. The biblical account, however, provides a more concrete reality: human souls, once departed, are either in the presence of God or subject to divine judgment. There is no intermediary state in which souls roam the earth.

This distinction is crucial. Ghost stories that populate modern culture—whether in novels, films, or urban legends—are more reflective of human fears and the need to explain the inexplicable than of any divine truth. They tap into our psychological responses to loss and the unknown, creating a rich tapestry of myth that, while compelling, lacks a foundation in scriptural reality.

Animals and Symbolism: The Hidden Players in the Ghostly Illusion:

An intriguing, though sometimes overlooked, aspect of ghost lore is the frequent association of spectral encounters with animal symbolism. In both biblical narrative and folklore, animals often serve as symbols or even as accomplices in the deception of unclean spirits. In the Bible, animals are sometimes used as metaphors for spiritual forces. The serpent in (Genesis 3), for example, is not merely a creature of the earth but a symbol of cunning and deception—a vessel through which evil first entered the human narrative.

Similarly, in Revelation, the “dragon” and the “beast” are portrayed using vivid, animalistic imagery to represent the forces of evil that oppose God (Revelation 12:9; 13:1). Although these passages are highly symbolic, they underscore a recurring theme: the natural world, including its creatures, can be co-opted by supernatural forces for purposes of deception. Moreover, in many ghost stories and accounts of hauntings, certain animals—such as black cats, ravens, or wolves—appear as harbingers or companions of ghostly phenomena. 

While these associations may seem purely superstitious, they are deeply rooted in the symbolic language of ancient texts. The Bible does not directly state that animals are responsible for ghostly appearances; however, it does warn against placing undue significance on omens or signs that may be used to mask the true source of supernatural activity.For instance, the use of animal symbolism by demonic entities can serve to further obscure their true nature.

An unclean spirit might adopt the form of a spectral animal or use the animal as a medium for communication, thereby enhancing the illusion of a ghostly presence. The Bible’s admonitions against divination and the consultation of omens serve as a safeguard against such deceptions, reminding believers that true guidance comes only from God and not from the deceptive signs of the natural world.

There is an agenda:

At the heart of the ghost myth lies a deliberate and calculated agenda. The unclean spirits and demonic forces that seek to masquerade as ghosts have a singular purpose: to mislead humanity and undermine the divine order. (Ephesians 6:12) provides a sobering reminder of the true nature of our spiritual adversaries: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

This verse encapsulates the essence of the spiritual battle that rages unseen around us. The forces of darkness are not content with merely existing on the fringes of human perception; they actively engage in strategies designed to sow confusion, foster fear, and draw people away from the light of truth. One such strategy is the propagation of ghost myths and the manipulation of supernatural experiences.

By conjuring images of spectral apparitions, these deceptive forces tap into humanity’s primal fears of the unknown and the afterlife. They exploit our natural tendency to anthropomorphize and to seek explanations for the inexplicable. In doing so, they not only distract us from the clear teachings of Scripture regarding the finality of death and the eternal destiny of the soul but also create an environment in which false doctrines and practices can flourish.

The ultimate aim of these forces is to distort our understanding of reality. Instead of recognizing the eternal truths laid out by God—that we are destined for an everlasting relationship with our Creator or an eternal separation from Him—they become ensnared in a web of fear, superstition, and misinterpretation. This is why, time and again, the Bible warns against the allure of occult practices, divination, and the seeking of hidden knowledge through forbidden means.

When a ghostly apparition is encountered—whether in a haunted house, a forgotten cemetery, or even in a moment of intense personal grief—it is crucial to approach the experience with discernment. Rather than accepting the phenomenon at face value as the manifestation of a departed soul, one must consider the possibility that it is a ruse perpetrated by demonic entities. Their objective is clear: to lead the faithful astray, to engender doubt, and to keep the focus away from the redemptive power of God’s salvation.

Confronting the Interplay of Fact and Fiction:

In modern society, the ghost myth persists largely due to its powerful resonance in literature, film, and popular culture. The ghost story is an enduring narrative that has been reinterpreted countless times—each retelling adding layers of complexity and emotion. In works of fiction, ghosts are often portrayed as tragic, tormented souls caught between worlds. They become metaphors for unresolved grief, guilt, or the inescapability of fate.

However, the blending of fact and fiction in these portrayals can obscure the clear biblical narrative regarding the afterlife. While ghost stories may serve as allegories for human emotion and experience, they should not be conflated with the actual state of the soul after death as taught in Scripture. The Bible presents a stark contrast to the romanticized notion of wandering spirits. As previously discussed, Hebrews 9:27 and Ecclesiastes 12:7 remind us that the spirit returns to God, leaving no room for a transient existence on earth.

Authors Note:

‘Friends, as we end our journey about something that I didn’t think was a real thing, grown-ups believing in ghosts! Suspect the unsuspected with my experience with these creatures. Understanding the motivations of these deceptive supernatural beings is crucial in unraveling the ghost myth. Their actions are not random or innocuous; they are deliberate moves in a larger spiritual conflict. As described in (Ephesians 6:12), we are engaged in a cosmic battle against forces that operate in the realm of darkness.

These forces have a clear objective: to disorient, mislead, and ultimately subvert the divine order established by God. By understanding these motives, believers can better equip themselves to recognize and resist the influence of these deceptive forces. The Bible offers not only a diagnosis of the problem but also the remedy: a steadfast commitment to the truth of God’s Word and a life of vigilant discernment.

The myth of ghosts—a notion that the spirits of the departed linger among us is a powerful and enduring narrative. Yet, when examined in the light of the Scriptures, this myth is revealed as a deception—a sophisticated masquerade orchestrated by supernatural forces with an agenda to distract, deceive, and undermine the divine truth. The Bible teaches unequivocally that upon death, the spirit returns to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7) and that humanity faces a singular destiny of judgment (Hebrews 9:27).

There is no scriptural basis for the belief that souls remain on earth in a state of spectral limbo. Ghost sightings, apparitions, and the eerie phenomena that have been embraced by popular culture are best understood not as the genuine return of departed loved ones but as the cunning disguises of unclean spirits. These deceptive entities, much like Satan who is described as an “angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14), exploit our natural fears and emotional vulnerabilities to lead us away from the redemptive truth of God’s Word.

In a world where the line between reality and fantasy is increasingly blurred, it is more important than ever to hold fast to the truth. Ghosts, as popularly depicted, are not a genuine phenomenon but a spectral illusion—a mask worn by unclean spirits intent on deceiving humanity. The ultimate truth, however, remains steadfast in the Word of God: the dead are not wandering ghosts but are either in eternal communion with their Creator or awaiting His righteous judgment.

‘Friends, may this understanding empower readers to discern the difference between cultural myth and divine truth, and may it inspire a deeper commitment to the teachings of Scripture, ensuring that the light of truth dispels the shadows of deception once and for all. “God bless all!”

Author and Servant: Norman G. Roy III

Ghosts are not what you think | what the bible REALLY say About Ghost | The Truth #godsword :

The War for America’s Soul* Republicans & Democrats*The Separation of “Wheat from Tares.”

“Thank you for spending time with us—together, we’re soldiers for His kingdom!” “We’re honored to have you here—your faith fuels our purpose. ‘Friends welcome. Let’s enter a day-and-night zone that places us in a fictitious division of complete nonsensical reality here in the United States. A decision that the majority of us have made and would fight against if someone has a different mindset than we do.

Our Father has a purpose for this, and I’m happy to be motivated to explain it and the others involved to give a simple perspective of our end-time scenario. This was biblically said by our Father—what He was going to let happen and do at a period of our condemnation. Those warnings from His book are not surprising to the awakened.

He says it in (Matthew 13:24 vs. 30), “Let both grow together until the harvest; and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn. ‘Friends, this is part of the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, which is a metaphor for God separating believers from non-believers in the final judgment.

So let’s expand and tell who put most of us in this position: a farmer sows good seeds in his field, but an enemy sows weeds among the wheat. Now the story begins…

From the dawn of civilization, Satan and his fallen legion have waged war against humanity, twisting truth into deception, morality into perversion, and unity into division. The United States of America, once a beacon of hope founded upon Godly principles, now finds itself at the center of this cosmic battle.

The adversary has devised a masterful deception—a system that appears to empower the people with the right to choose but, in reality, is a carefully orchestrated snare meant to divide and conquer. ‘Friends, even if you’re on the left, please listen to me with an open mind so that you might overcome the enemy’s sorcery and harm of your fractured common sense. The Democratic Party, in particular, has been the primary vessel for advancing the devil’s agenda, corrupting God’s creation, and leading a nation down the path of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Divide: A Satanic Scheme:

“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falleth.” (Luke 11:17, KJV). The political rift in the United States is not a mere consequence of differing opinions but rather a calculated spiritual warfare strategy. The adversary seeks to pit brother against brother and sister against sister, replacing righteous discourse with hatred and deception. The Democratic Party, influenced by forces unseen, has aggressively pushed for the normalization of abominable practices, distorting the very essence of God’s natural order.

Reader, look at this clearly in a Godly sense, no matter what party you may favor. “Crossdressers reading to innocent schoolchildren, the perversion of gender identity, the desecration of God’s rainbow,” LGBTQ—these are not coincidences but strategic demonic maneuvers to mock and defile the Almighty. And many have fallen for it and protected and promoted it as “evil as good and good as bad” (Isaiah 5:20).

The Devil’s Party: A Manifestation of Wickedness:

Jesus Christ made it clear: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.” (John 8:44). The modern Democratic Party has exhibited behaviors that align disturbingly with the works of Satan: deception, theft, destruction, and perversion. They’re angry because of exposure and to be held accountable. What was done in the dark came to the light (Luke 12:2).

1. Corrupting the Youth:

One of the gravest offenses is the attempt to corrupt the minds of children. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6). Yet, the left has defied this wisdom, exposing young minds to sexual confusion and perverse ideologies. Schools, once institutions of knowledge and virtue, now indoctrinate children with the delusions of gender fluidity and moral relativism, and its sad that they may not be at a level to read or spell a few of the words in this article.

2. Defiling God’s Covenant: The Rainbow Reversed:

The rainbow, a divine symbol of God’s covenant with Noah (Genesis 9:13–17), has been hijacked to promote lifestyles condemned in Scripture. Instead of signifying God’s mercy and promise, it has been turned into a banner of rebellion against Him. Satan, in his eternal mockery of the Creator, has manipulated the Democratic ideology to embrace and exalt that which God calls an abomination (Leviticus 18:22).

3. Stealing From the People:

Taxpayer dollars, meant to serve the common good, are funneled into corrupt schemes, unnecessary foreign entanglements, and the pockets of power-hungry elites. The Democrats have mastered the art of deception, using the guise of social programs to enslave the people in dependency while enriching themselves. This is nothing new, for Satan himself is the father of lies and theft (John 10:10).

The Republican Resistance: A Last Stronghold?

While not perfect, the Republican Party has, in this scenario, emerged as the defender of biblical truth. Upholding the sanctity of life, resisting the normalization of perversion, and fighting for religious freedom, they stand in opposition to the demonic forces seeking to engulf the nation. If most people could awaken from the enemy’s enchantment that has blinded them spiritually, not physically, to the fact that our Father has heard the numerous pleas and repentances of His people in this nation and has come down to display His mercy and cast His Grace against the condemnation of Evil.

The Illusion of Choice: A Satanic Deception:

Satan’s greatest trick is to make people believe they are free while subtly enslaving them. The political system, in its current state, gives the illusion of choice while ensuring that the moral decay continues. Those who vote for the Democrats believe they are advocating for progress, but in reality, they are merely instruments in Satan’s grand deception. ‘Friends, I can only tell the truth from who’s in me, and if it looks like a wolf and growls like a wolf, it’s a wolf. > LGBTQ, pray for them to wake up!

The Biblical Warning and Call to Action:

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness.” (Isaiah 5:20). The battle is not merely political; it is spiritual. It is time for Christians and righteous Americans to awaken to the truth, resist the demonic agenda, and stand firm in the faith. If America does not repent and return to its biblical roots, the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah awaits.

The war for America’s soul is far from over. Satan and his henchmen continue their assault, but those who stand with God will ultimately triumph. The question remains: will the people of this nation heed the warning, or will they fall deeper into deception? The choice is before them, but only one path leads to righteousness and salvation, and that’s “Jesus Christ” in your life.

Authors Note:

‘Friends, as I conclude this message, thanks for your time, and I hope you got a better understanding of how true the evil has seeped into so many weak minds and continues to confuse right from wrong. The Parable of the Wheat and Tares (Matthew 13:24–30) is a fitting analogy for the current state of division in America. Jesus describes how the enemy sowed tares among the wheat, causing them to grow together until the time of harvest, when they would be separated—the wheat gathered into the barn and the tares burned.

In the same way, the righteous and the wicked coexist in America, but a time of reckoning is inevitable. The actions of those who align with God’s Word will be set apart from those who embrace deception and corruption. Just as the tares were sown by the enemy, so too has Satan planted seeds of division, immorality, and confusion through political and societal means. But God’s justice will prevail, ensuring that righteousness endures while evil is cast away. We can “greatly thank Him” for hearing us because the devil and his minions had done some work on the blind. Pray for our leader and be at peace with one another. God bless!

Author and Servant: Norman G. Roy III

Thank God, they are exposing and getting it done with God’s speed. “AMEN.”

The Parable of the Wheat and Tares—The Bible:

Some of the Most Chilling Warnings From The Apostles In The Bible:

The Mark of Pharmakia* How the Medical Industry Prepares the World for the Beast:

“With open arms and a “spirit-lifting welcome in Christ.” ‘Friends, discover His truth, embrace His love. You Are Home! Get thrilled today because I was prompted by our Father’s Spirit to provide a comprehensive depiction of another huge deception cloaked in Satan’s toolbox, that today’s preachers and instructors are unwilling to discuss, teach, or warn. Our responsibility as Christ’s Soldiers, however, is to alert you to his malevolent schemes. So let’s get started!

The Biblical Warnings Against Pharmakia:

The term “Pharmakia” appears in the Bible as a warning against sorcery, enchantments, and mind-altering substances. Derived from the Greek word φαρμακεία (pharmakeia), it is translated in the King James Version as “sorcery” or “witchcraft.” Throughout the scriptures, the practice of Pharmakia is condemned as a work of the flesh, a deception used by Satan to lead humanity into spiritual bondage.

In this essay, we will explore the relevant biblical verses on Pharmakia, the sinister reality of pharmaceutical control, and the underlying occult symbolism of the modern medical industry. Furthermore, we will delve into the dark directives of Satan as he commands his demonic legions to infiltrate human health and well-being through the deceptive use of pharmaceuticals.

Biblical References to Pharmakia and Their Meaning:

  1. (Galatians 5:19-21), “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft (φαρμακεία), hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like, of which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”

Here, “witchcraft” is translated from “Pharmakia,” showing that the use of potions, drugs, or mind-altering substances is inherently linked to the works of darkness. This suggests that Satan and his forces use drugs to entrap souls, cloud judgment, and separate individuals from God. Satan educates and departmentalizes his initiates to resist the use of earthly remedies (teas, herbs, and food) and any supernatural remedies (prayer), referred to patients as non-sense given to us.

‘Friends, remember about all the home cures your grandparents, mothers, and fathers gave you—drink, eat, or rub—that were presented to solve your condition. Natural pharmaceuticals that didn’t destroy but employed cure or relief. It’s true that contemporary doctors who fabricate things have a place in hell, but they usually use lab-created materials that aren’t inherent to God’s creation. When our passed generation had control of our food, plants, and remedies, in my opinion they lived longer!

I’m not advocating disengagement, but rather learning more about the many medications that are combined with one another. Records indicate that overdose fatalities happen often, but they aren’t sufficiently covered by the devil-owned media.

2). (Revelation 9:21), “Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries (φαρμακεία), nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.”

In this passage, the context reveals that sorcery (Pharmakia) is one of the grave sins that persist in the end times. It suggests that widespread deception through drugs will be a key feature of the world under Satan’s influence.

3). (Revelation 18:23), “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (φαρμακεία) were all nations deceived.”

This passage explicitly states that the “great men of the earth” deceive the nations through sorcery (Pharmakia). Could this refer to modern pharmaceutical industries and their global influence (vaccines)?

Satan’s Plan/The Role of Pharmakia in End Times Deception:

Satan’s demonic hierarchy operates in darkness, and one of his greatest tools is deception. Through Pharmakia, he seeks to weaken humanity, dull spiritual awareness, and open doors for demonic oppression. The over-reliance on pharmaceuticals has replaced faith in God’s healing, leading many to trust in chemical solutions rather than divine intervention in natural healing. This deception has created a world where;

A). People depend on drugs to manage emotions and mental states rather than seeking God’s peace.

B). Harmful medications are disguised as “cures” while causing more sickness.

C). Mind-altering substances are used to open spiritual gateways, allowing demonic influence.

The Serpent Symbol: A Satanic Mark on Medicine:

The modern medical industry prominently displays the Rod of Asclepius (a serpent-entwined staff) and the Caduceus (two snakes around a pole). While these symbols are attributed to ancient healing practices, their connection to the serpent in the Garden of Eden should not be ignored.

1). (Genesis 3:1), “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.”

2). (John 3:14), “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up.”

While God commanded Moses to use the bronze serpent as a temporary symbol of healing (Numbers 21:9), Satan has twisted this imagery into an idol for the modern medical system. The snake, historically a symbol of deception, has become an emblem of pharmaceuticals, subtly proclaiming Satan’s authority over a world deceived by drugs.

A Demon’s Directive to Enchant the Masses:

(Examine this picture), In the depths of the underworld, a demon named Pharmakos kneels before Lucifer. The fallen prince of darkness smiles wickedly. “You have done well, Pharmakos,” Lucifer hisses.  “Your concoctions have dulled their minds, sickened their bodies, and bound their souls. They no longer seek the Creator’s healing—they run to our altars of science, worshiping pills and injections.”

Pharmakos bows. “Master, I have ensured that our sorceries are irresistible. Through the merchants of the earth, I have deceived all nations.” Lucifer’s eyes gleamed. “Good, but we must go further. Make them trust our remedies. Let them see our serpents and believe in their power. Let them bow at the altars of medicine and forget the Great Physician.”

Authors Note/Breaking Free from the Chains of Pharmakia:

‘Friends, understanding the biblical significance of Pharmakia is crucial in these times. Satan’s plan to deceive through drugs and modern medicine is a reality that aligns with biblical prophecy. The serpentine symbols, the global pharmaceutical influence, and the suppression of natural healing all point to a deeper spiritual battle. To combat this deception, believers must;

1). Seek divine healing (consult more with natural cures) rather than blindly trusting pharmaceutical solutions.

2). Pray for discernment in health decisions.

3). Expose the deception behind the pharmaceutical industry’s dark roots.

4). Return to biblical wisdom on healing, trusting that God provides what we need.

We have been convinced that the devil’s magic is helpful, and certainly, there is a place for it to be done right with God’s hand in it. They have yet to use more plant-based ingredients over their unnatural lab synthetics. However, we have not been mostly informed that they are only treating; no real cures have been honestly suggested. A disgrace and a witchery to the temples of God!

As people awaken to the deception of Pharmakia, many are turning to natural and holistic healing methods rooted in biblical principles. Herbs, fasting, prayer, and faith-based healing have long been used to restore the body without the need for sorcerous interventions. It’s just been deceptive to the masses. The Bible provides guidance for true healing:

A). (Psalm 103:2-3), “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.”

B). (James 5:14-15), “Is anyone sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.”

‘Friends, as I close the spirits message, the Bible warns us of the works of darkness, and Pharmakia is one of the greatest tools of Satan’s deception. By recognizing the truth and turning to Christ, we can break free from the chains of pharmaceutical sorcery and walk in divine wisdom. Satan and his deceived and misled apprentices (spirits and flesh), have cruelly taught God’s creation from His true reality. Let those with ears to hear awaken to the truth before it is too late (Matthew 11:15).

Author and Servant: Norman G. Roy III

For those convinced not to believe. Medicine is Witchcraft/ The Bible translates sorcery from pharmacies, but Apothecary is A-OK:

The Great Falling Away ~How Society Rejects Biblical Truth~Modern Culture Fulfills Prophecy:

“We are walking together in faith. Welcome to our online fellowship. God’s word, your journey. A warm Christian welcome too you. Hello friends, we are delighted with your visit. We feel that the information we provide today will help you have a better grasp of your current situation in our world. It’s not pretty, but that’s not why you’re here. It’s the “TRUTH UNFILERED!”

Deception in the Last Days: A Biblical Perspective on Truth and Lies; The Forewarning of Christ:

Jesus Himself warned about widespread deception in the last days. In (Matthew 24:4-5). He said, “Take heed that no man deceives you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many.”

The key phrase is “shall deceive many.” Deception will not be minor—it will be widespread, engulfing entire nations, cultures, and belief systems. False messiahs, counterfeit teachings, and corrupt leaders will arise, pulling people away from biblical truth.

The end-times deception is not a single event but a carefully constructed system built over centuries. It involves spiritual corruption, political and economic control, and a final act of deception led by the Antichrist. Each of these elements, Mystery Babylon, the Strong Delusion, and the Antichrist—plays a role in leading humanity away from God and preparing the world for Satan’s final rebellion.

The Spirit of Antichrist and Cultural Corruption:

(1 John 2:18) states: “Little children, it is the last time; and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” The spirit of Antichrist is already at work, reshaping morality, truth, and reality.

Society has embraced ideologies that contradict God’s design, just as Satan twisted the truth in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1–5). Today, media, politics, education, and even religious institutions promote doctrines that stand in opposition to biblical teachings.

The Days of Noah and Lot: A Parallel to Today: Jesus compared the end times to the days of Noah and Lot (Luke 17:26–30). What were those days like?

A) The Days of Noah (Genesis 6:5-11): The earth was filled with corruption and violence, and people had abandoned righteousness. Nephilim (fallen angel hybrids) walked the earth, and genetic corruption threatened God’s creation.

B) The Days of Lot (Genesis 19:1-29): Sodom and Gomorrah were marked by rampant sin, particularly sexual perversion, rejection of God’s order, and a hostility toward righteousness.

Today, we see similar patterns:

  1. Moral decay is promoted through entertainment, social norms, and legislation.
  2. Transhumanism and genetic manipulation echo the corruption of Noah’s time.
  3. Sexual immorality and gender confusion reflect the sins of Sodom.

The Great Falling Away and the Strong Delusion:

(2 Thessalonians 2:3) warns, “Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there comes a falling away first, and that man of sin will be revealed, the son of perdition.” This prophecy speaks of an apostasy, where people abandon biblical truth. We see this today as churches compromise on doctrine to align with worldly values. This paves the way for the “man of sin” (the Antichrist) to rise.

Furthermore, (2 Thessalonians 2:10-11) says: “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” A “strong delusion” is upon the world. People are increasingly unable to see reality as it is. What is false is accepted as truth, and what is true is labeled as evil (Isaiah 5:20).

This may contain: a person standing in front of a purple background with the words, strong delusioni

It says in the last days of Christ’s return that there would be a great apostasy, a falling away from the faith! Well look around, it is true!

Mystery Babylon: The System of Global Deception:

(Revelation 17), describes a global system called “Mystery Babylon,” which is a hub of spiritual deception, economic power, and moral corruption. It is described as a woman who rides the beast (the Antichrist’s empire). This system deceives the nations (Revelation 18:23) and is responsible for leading people away from Christ.

Modern culture aligns with this prophetic system in many ways:

  1. Entertainment glorifies sin and distracts people from seeking God.
  2. Financial and political systems manipulate and enslave people.
  3. Religious apostasy has merged paganism with Christianity.

How to Stand Firm Against Deception:

(Ephesians 6:11-12), tells believers to “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” To resist deception, we must:

  1. Stay in the Word of God (Psalm 119:105)—Scripture is our guide.
  2. Discern through the Holy Spirit (John 16:13)—The Spirit leads us into truth.
  3. Reject false teachings (Galatians 1:8). Any gospel contrary to Christ is accursed.
  4. Endure persecution (Matthew 5:10–12): Standing for truth will bring opposition.
  5. Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayer strengthens our faith.

The term “Mystery Babylon” appears in (Revelation 17-18), describing a powerful, corrupt entity that influences the world’s governments, economies, and religions. It is symbolized as a woman riding a beast, drunk with the blood of saints (Revelation 17:3-6).

The Real Identity of Mystery Babylon:

There is much debate about what exactly Mystery Babylon represents. Some theories suggest:

  • A Religious System: A one-world apostate religion that unites all faiths under a false gospel.
  • A Political Empire: A global superpower controlling nations through deception and oppression.
  • An Economic Power: A system of financial control that enslaves people through debt, materialism, and commerce.
  • A Combination of All Three: A satanic network that merges false spirituality, corrupt politics, and economic enslavement.

The characteristics of Mystery Babylon:

  1. Controls Global Commerce (Revelation 18:3, 11-13) It thrives on material wealth and trade.
  2. Persecutes True Believers (Revelation 17:6) It is responsible for the blood of martyrs.
  3. Promotes Sexual and Spiritual Corruption (Revelation 17:2)
  4. Kings Ultimately Falls by God’s Judgment (Revelation 18:8) It is destroyed suddenly.

‘Friends, ask yourself. Is Mystery Babylon active today?

Many see parallels between Mystery Babylon and modern global systems that promote sin, materialism, and control. Consider:

A) The United Nations and globalism are attempting to unify the world under a single system.
B) The financial elites who manipulate economies and debt.
C) The entertainment industry is corrupting moral values worldwide.
D) The interfaith movement, blending religions into one universal belief system.

Mystery Babylon is already rising, preparing the world for the final deception under the Antichrist. The Strong Delusion/ Why People Believe in the Lie/ Biblical Prophecy of the Strong Delusion:

 (Thessalonians 2:10-12) warns:

“And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie.
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

Again, this passage reveals that in the last days, God Himself will allow people to be deceived because they rejected the truth.

Once again, what is the “Strong Delusion?”

The Strong Delusion is not just a lie—it is the ultimate deception, a belief so powerful that it blinds people completely. Some possible interpretations include:

  1. The Lie That the Antichrist is God—The world will worship the Beast (Revelation 13:8).
  2. The Lie That Sin is Good and Righteousness is Evil—(Isaiah 5:20), warns of a time when good is called evil and evil is called good.
  3. The Lie That Man Can Become Like God. A deception that began in (Genesis 3:5) when Satan told Eve, “Ye shall be as gods.”

The Evidence of the Strong Delusion Today-We are seeing a massive rejection of truth across the world:

  • Moral Confusion: People reject biological reality, redefining fundamental truths about life, gender, and identity.
  • Religious Deception: Many churches preach prosperity, inclusion of sin, and self-worship instead of repentance and faith in Christ.
  • Trust in Technology Over God: Transhumanism, AI, and digital control are replacing faith with reliance on human power.

This delusion is preparing humanity to accept the ultimate deception—the Antichrist’s rule. The Antichrist’s Role in Deception:

The Antichrist is the final world leader who will unite the nations, establish a false peace, and claim to be divine. His deception will be so powerful that even the elect would be deceived if it were possible (Matthew 24:24).

A) The Antichrist’s Rise to Power:

(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) describes Him: “Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there comes a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”

His rise includes:

  1. A Great Falling Away – The world will reject biblical truth, embracing a new order.
  2. A False Peace – He will solve global crises and be seen as a hero.
  3. Signs and Wonders – (2 Thessalonians 2:9) says he will perform false miracles.
  4. Worship and Control – He will demand worship and enforce the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-17).

B) The False Prophet and Religious Deception:

(Revelation 13:11–15) describes another figure, the False Prophet, who will lead a global religious movement to promote the Antichrist.

  1. He will perform miracles to deceive people.
  2. He will cause people to worship the Beast.
  3. He will mandate the Mark of the Beast for economic survival.

C) The Final Deception: The Image of the Beast:

  1. An AI-powered entity, deceiving people through technology.
  2. A cloned or resurrected body, mimicking Christ’s resurrection.
  3. A holographic projection, controlling masses through illusion.

The deception will be so strong that people will willingly worship the Beast and receive the Mark, sealing their fate.

Authors Note:

Jesus warned; “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” (Luke 21:36).

1)Believers must; Stay Rooted in Scripture – The Bible is the only source of truth.

2) Discern the Times – Recognize deception and expose falsehood.

3) Reject Worldly Systems – Do not conform to Mystery Babylon’s corruption.

4) Endure Persecution – Standing for truth will bring opposition.

5) Trust in Jesus Christ Alone – He is the only way to salvation (John 14:6).

‘Friends, I trust the Holy Spirit has made it plain what time we are in and how perilous things will become. This message was not meant to terrify you, but to prepare you for what is to come.

The world is rapidly aligning with biblical prophecy. Mystery Babylon’s system is rising, deception blinds the masses, and technology prepares the way for the Beast’s rule. Now is the time to remain vigilant, discerning, and firmly rooted in Christ.

God bless you, and hold on to those you love!

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

“The End of World Powers and the Rise of the Antichrist”

Signs Of The Soon Coming Appearance Of The Antichrist:

The Antichrist’s Religious System Is Here—And No One Sees It:

“Giants in the Forest: Bigfoot, the Watchers, and the Cover-Up of the Ages”

‘Friends, “Welcome to Christ’s Soldiers. A home for faith and fellowship.” “Embracing You in Christ: A Heartfelt Christian Welcome” Today’s journey may seem odd, but it is a mystery in our reality because of too many unanswered questions. This is a topic I felt compelled to write about, not because of skepticism, questioning, or doubting, but because it is a reality felt by the minority of believers who have seen these creatures that have imposed questioned sanity and beliefs alone, of the unknown.

I’m one of the people who has heard, smelled, seen, and fled something remarkable and rare. However, this is not my story; this begins with Beasts of the Fallen, the hidden truth about Sasquatch and their “Dark Origins.” There has been a veil of secrecy over America’s forests. For centuries, legends of large, hairy, human-like creatures have persisted among the indigenous tribes of North America.

Known as Sasquatch or Bigfoot, these beings have been encountered in the deep woods of the Pacific Northwest, the dense forests of Appalachia, and even in isolated regions from coast to coast. Even despite countless eyewitness reports of the Skunk Ape of Florida, the government refuses to acknowledge their existence. Could it be because these creatures are not natural but rather the offspring of an ancient evil that still haunts the earth?

The Bible warns of strange beings that once walked among men, beings that were neither fully human nor fully angelic. In (Genesis 6:4 KJV), we read: “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown.”

Could it be that Sasquatch is not merely an undiscovered species of primate but a remnant of this corrupted lineage, a creation of the fallen Watchers of Mount Hermon?

Let’s talk about it, The Watchers’ Sin/Breeding Beasts for Dominion:

In the apocryphal Book of Enoch, we learn that 200 rebellious angels, led by a being named Semyaza, descended upon Mount Hermon and took human wives. Their unholy union produced the Nephilim, giants who were destroyed in the Great Flood (Genesis 6:17). However, their influence did not end there. The Watchers also corrupted nature itself, twisting the creation of God to make monstrous hybrids.

“And they sinned against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish…” (Book of Enoch 7:5). This verse suggests genetic manipulation, an unholy tampering with the creatures of the earth. If the Nephilim were wiped out by the flood, might their subhuman offspring’s wicked spirit have survived and had a role in the remote and hidden species found across the world?

The answer may be found in the mysterious disappearances within our National Parks. “Vanishing without a trace—what the government won’t say.” The sheer number of unexplained disappearances from national forests is staggering. Hikers, hunters, and even children have vanished without a trace, often under bizarre circumstances.

Some who are found alive describe an overwhelming sense of being watched, hearing heavy footsteps in the night, or even encountering giant, foul-smelling figures lurking in the woods. Could these be the offspring of the Watchers, lurking in remote regions where human activity is sparse?

Their ability to vanish quickly, their immense strength, and their terrifying cries all point to something beyond the natural world. The government has long known about these beings but refuses to acknowledge them. Is it out of fear, or are they complicit in keeping the existence of these creatures a secret? Or financial, to avoid limiting access due to exposure?

Biblical Warnings About Creatures in the Wilderness:

The Bible speaks of creatures dwelling in desolate places, often associating them with demonic entities. In (Isaiah 13:21-22), we read: “But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there.” The term “satyr” refers to a wild, beastly being, half-man and half-animal.

Some biblical scholars suggest these passages may be referring to creatures like Sasquatch—spiritual abominations tied to fallen angels. This is a “Stench of the Unholy. A mark of the damned! One of the most common reports about Sasquatch is its unbearable stench, often described as a mix of sulfur, rotting flesh, and wet animal fur.

Sasquatch and Interdimensional Travel:

1) Many reports suggest Sasquatch can vanish instantly, leaving no trace. Could this indicate they have the ability to phase between dimensions?

2) Some Native American tribes, such as the Lakota and the Cherokee, believe these beings are “spirit walkers” that exist in both physical and spiritual realms.

3) The Bible speaks of the Nephilim being “mighty men of old” (Genesis 6:4), and Enoch describes fallen angels who taught forbidden knowledge. Could these abilities include travel between realms?

The Watchers’ abominations continue to roam, and their very presence exudes the stench of corruption. Why would the government conceal something as foul-smelling as these? And maintain their silence. It is no secret that the government has concealed major discoveries from the public. When it comes to Sasquatch, the question is “Why?” If these beings were mere animals, why the secrecy? Why do reports from park rangers, military personnel, and even law enforcement officials get buried?

The Connection Between Sasquatch and Missing 411 Cases:

A) Researcher David Paulides has documented thousands of baffling disappearances in National Parks.

B) Victims often vanish without a sound, their clothes are found neatly folded, and no trace of struggle is seen—pointing to an intelligence at work.

C) Demonic abductions have historically been linked to fallen entities. Are Sasquatch responsible for these vanishings, either as hunters or guardians of hidden knowledge?

The ‘Watcher’ Connection and Secret Government Research:

1) The Book of Daniel (4:13) describes “watchers” who influence human affairs.

2) Could our government have recovered physical evidence of Sasquatch and be keeping it classified due to its supernatural implications?

3) The Smithsonian and other institutions have long been accused of suppressing evidence of giants and strange beings.

The answer is unsettling, acknowledging Sasquatch means admitting that the Bible’s account of the fallen is true. To reveal their existence would be to expose the spiritual war that rages unseen. The elite of this world, many of whom serve the enemy, prefer to keep people ignorant.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12). This great deception is preparing for a final confrontation. The truth about Sasquatch is not merely about a hidden species—it is about the ongoing struggle between good and evil.

The presence of these creatures hints at the ancient corruption that has never fully left the earth. They are remnants of a darker age, awaiting their time to rise again and a wake-up to those who doubt the unseen. The truth is, when you are unsure about your thoughts or ideas, the outcome is uncertain if you do not follow up and discover the truth about your convictions of others.

This is among the factors contributing to the large number of fake prophets who are disseminating inaccurate divine revelations. Because false opinions have been propagated and spoken without investigation. Individuals like myself find it difficult to discuss such a sensitive topic with just anybody. So glad for our Lord and Savior!

He gives us somebody to tell and talk to. To all those who do not believe in extraordinary experiences of the unusual. What can they do? For those who don’t know and do know and believe in the Word of God, the answer is simple: stay vigilant, pray for discernment, and never venture into the wilderness unprepared. The beasts of the fallen are still here, waiting in the shadows, and their secret is carefully guarded by those who wish to keep the world in darkness.

(Psalm 91:11-12), gives us assurance: “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.” The battle is real, the danger is real, but so is the protection of the Almighty. The beasts of the fallen may roam, but they will not have the final say. God’s truth will prevail.

Exposing the Sasquatch’s secret truth, their sinister beginnings, and the spiritual conflict that surrounds their existence is the goal of this article. Regardless of one’s beliefs, it is impossible to disregard the facts and biblical warnings. There are also theories that Sasquatch may be linked to underground tunnel networks spanning across North America, potentially connecting ancient sites where dark rituals once took place.

Some believe these tunnels are remnants of pre-flood civilizations where Nephilim or their offspring sought refuge. Additionally, electromagnetic anomalies have been reported in areas with high Sasquatch activity, suggesting a possible connection between these beings and energy manipulation. These aspects further deepen the mystery surrounding their existence.

Furthermore, some researchers speculate that Sasquatch may have an inherent ability to cloak themselves using vibrational frequencies, aligning with reports of them appearing and disappearing instantly. There are also links between Sasquatch sightings and ley lines—powerful energy currents running through the Earth—which could explain why certain areas experience heightened supernatural activity.

Authors Note:

Could these creatures be guarding ancient knowledge, or are they simply remnants of a bygone era left to wander in secrecy? Whatever it may be, we are not alone in many ways. When you start to uncover the knowledge that’s in His Bible, then a lot of things will not seem too much of a mystery concerning the fallen.

In the end, Sasquatch may be more than just an undiscovered creature; they could be remnants of a dark past, a warning of the corruption that once plagued the earth. Whether hidden by government secrecy or spiritual deception, their existence challenges our understanding of the natural and supernatural worlds.

As we seek truth, we must remain vigilant, relying on the wisdom of Scripture and the protection of the Almighty, for the battle between light and darkness is far from over. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Cor. 4:18).

Be a faithful steward of God’s land and comfort those in need! May the love of Christ find and stay with those you love. God bless and love for all!

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

Bigfoot Proof…Undeniable Evidence (and What’s Being Hidden):

The Bigfoot Experience: Truth Seekers and Real Encounters:

A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed:

Exposing the Leftist Deep State: How America’s Wealth Funds Foreign Agendas*Instead of Its Own People:

Greetings, friends”Your presence is a reminder of the unity we share in Christ. Thank you for visiting!” By seeking the truth in an era of mystery and absurdity, we provide everything we have to greet your visit. I constantly respond to the Lord’s spirit’s cries, which serve as a reminder of my responsibility to you; (Luke 12:35) states, “Keep your lamps burning and be dressed for service.”

Like in the past, God has answered the prayers of millions of people today. You perceive Him in a similar fashion to how He assisted the Israelites whenever they prayed and repented. Now that we are in His bosom, get ready for a strange change that will be explained today!

Throughout history, civilizations have risen and fallen based on their leadership, morality, and the stewardship of their resources. The United States, once a beacon of prosperity and freedom, now finds itself shackled by an insidious force that seeks to drain its wealth, weaken its people, and dismantle its foundation.

This force, a modern-day equivalent of the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, and Herodians, operates within the unelected chambers of the Deep State. These bureaucratic cabals, hidden from public scrutiny, manipulate life-destroying demonic agendas, pervert truth with ideologies that defy reason and nature, and reroute taxpayer wealth into foreign interests rather than prioritizing the American people.

The Word of God warns us about such deception: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12, KJV). The Deep State is a manifestation of these dark forces, working tirelessly to obscure truth, erode faith, and replace divine order with chaos.

 Their schemes mirror the strategies of ancient religious factions that cloaked their evil in robes of piety but served only themselves and their hidden masters. Which sets the stage for demon agendas and the “War on Truth.” The Leftist Deep State, with its ties to globalist entities like the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and shadowy non-governmental organizations, advances an agenda that contradicts God’s created order.

This includes the promotion of gender ideologies that defy biological reality, a direct rebellion against the Creator who made man and woman in His image (Genesis 1:27). By dismantling family structures and traditional values, they create confusion and division, rendering society vulnerable to control.

The push for these gender ideologies is not about equality or freedom but about dismantling the truth itself. A society that cannot define basic biological facts is easily manipulated. Isaiah prophesied such times: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”  (Isaiah 5:20).

This inversion of reality is a signature tactic of Satan and his earthly vessels, ensuring that confusion reigns and God’s natural order is mocked. Rather than investing in the well-being of American citizens, the Deep State funnels billions of taxpayer dollars into initiatives disguised as humanitarian aid, climate efforts, and global development.

These funds often end up in the pockets of leftist elites, their family members, and foreign allies who serve as mere conduits for money laundering. A lot of Americans don’t even know this hidden stealth is engaged against them. However, thanks to God’s intervention, President Trump and his avengers are opening the books that reveal institutions with them in their pockets. They are worried that the American people will find out about this.

Consider the billions sent to Ukraine with little accountability, while American cities crumble, veterans remain homeless, and the working class struggles under economic burdens. Meanwhile, politicians and their relatives mysteriously benefit from these foreign engagements hidden in the Department of USAID (the United States Agency for International Development).

Controls the purse strings of our tax payers’ money and is an independent organization that has been trusted to act in a good rather than a harmful way. Nehemiah witnessed a similar betrayal in ancient Israel: “But the former governors that had been before me were chargeable unto the people, and had taken of them bread and wine, beside forty shekels of silver; yea, even their servants bare rule over the people; but so did not I, because of the fear of God” (Nehemiah 5:15).

The corruption of today mirrors the exploitation of old, where leaders enriched themselves while neglecting their people. The hidden bureaucratic chambers of the Deep State operate much like ancient cultic orders, with secret rituals and allegiances to dark forces. The Bible speaks of secret dealings and wicked plots: “For they have consulted together with one consent; they are confederate against thee” (Psalm 83:5).

The globalist elites congregate in places like the U.N. secret meditation room, eerily resembling an altar of pagan worship, where a black stone rests as an object of devotion. Similar to the ancient worship of Baal, these modern rulers seek power from entities that stand in opposition to God. Just as the Israelites were warned not to partake in idol worship, America is being led down a path of spiritual and economic destruction.

God’s Deliverance and the Role of Righteous Leaders:

Despite these dark times, history shows that God intervenes when His people earnestly seek Him. The rise of King David was a response to Saul’s failures; Cyrus of Persia was used to liberate Israel from Babylonian captivity. In more recent times, America has seen unexpected leaders rise against the tide of corruption when the people humbled themselves and prayed.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

When the deception of the Leftist Deep State became too blatant to ignore, the prayers of the faithful led to an awakening, lifting the veil and exposing the corruption within. This is not a battle fought with mere political strategies but with faith, discernment, and persistence in truth.

‘Friends, I appreciate your time and visit for a call to action. America stands at a crossroads. The Deep State, like the hidden factions of old, operates in darkness, siphoning resources, promoting confusion, and enforcing globalist dictates over national interest. Yet, as history and Scripture remind us, when the righteous cry out, God answers.

The responsibility now falls upon those who see the truth to act. This means praying fervently, rejecting the lies of the enemy, and electing leaders who fear God rather than the approval of international elites. Just as the Israelites needed a Joshua to lead them into the Promised Land after Moses died (see Joshua. 1–5).

America needs men and women who will stand boldly against the Deep State’s wicked schemes and reclaim the nation for righteousness. Let the words of Paul be our charge: “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Ephesians 5:11). The time for silence is over. The enemy has been exposed. Now is the time to act.

Oh, I’m excited about the topic just given, knowing our Lord has taken the prayers of the people to the Father, and He has this day in real-time put America in His bosom for redemption. A moment to reflect on and prepare for what is ahead. Stay in prayer; God bless you and the ones you love!

Author and Servant: Norman G. Roy III

Beyond the Myths: The Biblical Mary Magdalene:

Hello! Step into His light and let His truth guide your heart. We’re thrilled you’re here!” “This is a place of hope, healing, and faith. May your time here be a blessing!” ‘Friends, outside of the Bible, this woman has been misrepresented numerous times.” We shall make restitution for those people who have spread false information about her today. Let’s get this done!

Mary Magdalene is one of the most prominent women mentioned in the New Testament, particularly in the four Gospels. She is often associated with Jesus’ ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection. According to (Luke 8:2), she was a woman “out of whom went seven devils,” indicating that she had been possessed but was healed by Jesus.

She was a devoted follower of Christ, providing for Him and His disciples (Luke 8:1-3). She is one of the few who remained at the foot of the cross (Matthew 27:55-56; John 19:25). Her most significant moment came when she became the first to witness the resurrected Christ (Mark 16:9; John 20:11-18).

Now, let’s delve into a comprehensive essay that covers her experiences with Jesus: Mary Magdalene, “The First Witness of the Resurrected Christ:”

Throughout the Bible, certain figures emerge whose lives are transformed through divine intervention. Among them is Mary Magdalene, a woman whose journey from possession to proclamation embodies the essence of redemption. She is often misunderstood, yet the Gospels present her as one of Jesus Christ’s most faithful disciples. Her encounters with the Lord, her unwavering support at His crucifixion, and her pivotal role in the resurrection narrative elevate her as a figure of great spiritual significance.

Deliverance: Jesus Heals Mary Magdalene:

The first direct mention of Mary Magdalene occurs in (Luke 8:2), where she is described as the woman “out of whom went seven devils.” Though the Bible does not elaborate on the nature of her affliction, it is evident that she endured intense spiritual torment. In the ancient world, demonic possession was often linked to physical, emotional, and mental suffering.

These afflictions isolated people from society, rendering them outcasts. However, Jesus Christ, in His boundless compassion, cast out the seven devils, restoring Mary to health and dignity. This event marked the beginning of her deep devotion to the Lord. Unlike others who received healing and returned to their previous lives, Mary followed Jesus and became one of His most devoted supporters.

A Faithful Disciple and Witness to Christ’s Ministry:

Mary Magdalene was part of a group of women who provided for Jesus and His disciples out of their own resources (Luke 8:3). This reveals her financial independence and willingness to support the work of the Kingdom. Unlike the Twelve Apostles, who often struggled to understand Christ’s mission, Mary’s devotion was unwavering.

Her love for Jesus was not based on miracles alone; rather, it stemmed from a deep gratitude for her deliverance. She did not seek a position of authority or recognition but instead demonstrated her faith through humble service.

At the Foot of the Cross: The Crucifixion:

While many of Jesus’ disciples fled in fear during His crucifixion, Mary Magdalene remained steadfast. (Matthew 27:55-56); states that she was among the women who watched from afar, and (John 19:25), places her at the very foot of the cross alongside Mary, the mother of Jesus.

This moment is significant because it illustrates the depth of her devotion. Despite the horror of witnessing Jesus’ suffering, she did not abandon Him. Her presence at Golgotha demonstrated a loyalty that surpassed fear, aligning her with the faithful few who truly understood Christ’s sacrifice.

The First Witness: Mary Magdalene and the Resurrection:

Mary Magdalene’s most extraordinary moment comes after Jesus’ burial. Early on the first day of the week, she went to His tomb to anoint His body with spices, as was the Jewish custom (Mark 16:1). However, she found the stone rolled away and the tomb empty.

According to (John 20:11-18), she remained outside the tomb, weeping. When she looked inside, she saw two angels who asked why she was crying. She responded, “Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him” (John 20:13).

Turning around, she saw a man standing nearby but did not recognize Him at first. Thinking He was the gardener, she pleaded, “Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away” (John 20:15).

It was then that Jesus spoke her name: “Mary.” At that moment, she recognized Him and exclaimed, “Rabboni!” (which means “Master”). This is significant for several reasons:

  1. Jesus first revealed Himself not to a king, priest, or one of the apostles, but to Mary Magdalene—a woman once possessed by seven devils.
  2. By calling her by name, He affirmed that He had not abandoned His followers.
  3. She was entrusted with the first proclamation of the Gospel, as Jesus instructed her, “Go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God” (John 20:17).

This moment was the fulfillment of Jesus’ words in (John 10:3), where He said, “He calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.”

Mary Magdalene’s Legacy: A Testimony for All Generations:

Mary Magdalene’s testimony is one of transformation, faith, and devotion. She was a woman who had been oppressed by demonic forces, yet through Jesus Christ, she was made whole. She was not merely a passive follower but an active disciple who stood at the cross when others fled. And she was chosen as the first witness of the Resurrection—the most pivotal moment in Christian history.

Her life reminds believers that Jesus does not measure worth by social status, gender, or past sins but by faith and devotion. Her story also demonstrates the power of deliverance from evil and the reward of steadfast faith.

The Church, throughout history, has sometimes mischaracterized Mary Magdalene, confusing her with other women or diminishing her role. However, when we examine the true biblical account, we see a woman of extraordinary faith, one who loved the Lord with all her heart and was entrusted with the first message of His resurrection.

‘Friends, as I conclude this message, Mary Magdalene’s journey from possession to proclamation reflects the very essence of Christ’s mission—to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). She was delivered from demonic oppression, followed Jesus with unwavering loyalty, and was honored as the first to witness His resurrection. Her life is a testament to the power of grace and the deep personal relationship that believers can have with Christ.

Mary Magdalene’s story is not just about her—it is about the transformative power of Jesus Christ and His ability to redeem and restore. I hope that you may have a better understanding of her role in the ancient world, which was not accurately described during the time of the Bible’s actual instructions for her story. One example of someone who remained faithful throughout the Lord’s ascent to heaven is Mary Magdalene, who remained beneath His feet when everyone else fled from the cross.

I hope you and yours are blessed daily. If so, then help the needy, not the greedy!

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

Banned: The Gospel of Mary Magdalene | Full Movie | Analysis:

Magdalena: A Jesus Story | English | Official Full Movie:

Jude 1:9 Unveiled: Why Satan Fought Michael for Moses’ Body:

“Hello and blessings! May this visit bring you closer to God’s love and wisdom.” Today is a good day from my heart. I felt motivated to write an essay on a mystery that will be revealed. Our goal for today is the title shown above, so fasten your seatbelts and let’s get going!

‘Friends, In the book of Jude, a single verse alludes to one of the most enigmatic conflicts in biblical history: “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil, he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation but said, The Lord rebuke thee” (Jude 1:9, KJV).

This verse raises several profound questions: Why did Satan desire Moses’ body? What was the nature of the contention between him and Michael? And what might the devil have planned had he succeeded in his endeavor? While the Bible does not explicitly answer these questions, yet by examining scripture, biblical themes, and theological implications, we may uncover possible reasons behind this celestial confrontation.

Moses: A Man of Unparalleled Significance:

Moses was no ordinary prophet; he was the mediator of the Old Covenant, the lawgiver of Israel, and the one who spoke with God face to face (Exodus 33:11). His unique relationship with the Almighty made him an irreplaceable figure in the history of salvation. (Deuteronomy 34:5–6) tells us.

“So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord. And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Bethpeor; but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day.”

The secrecy surrounding Moses’ burial was deliberate. Unlike the graves of the patriarchs, which became sites of reverence, Moses’ resting place remained hidden. It is within this context that Jude’s revelation becomes significant. If no man knew where Moses was buried, how and why did Satan seek his body?

Satan’s Motives: Why Contend for Moses?

  1. A Tool for Deception:

One of Satan’s greatest strategies is deception (John 8:44). If he had gained possession of Moses’ body, he could have used it to mislead the Israelites into idolatry. Consider how the Israelites, in Moses’ absence, turned to worship the golden calf (Exodus 32:1-4). Had Satan presented them with a preserved body of Moses—or worse, animated it—he could have inspired a perverse form of worship, leading Israel into apostasy.

2) A Challenge to God’s Sovereignty:

Satan is the perpetual adversary of God’s divine order. The fact that God Himself buried Moses implies divine intention and protection. Satan’s attempt to claim Moses’ body can be viewed as an affront to God’s authority. By contending with Michael, Satan may have sought to demonstrate power over life, death, and divine destiny.

3) Preventing Moses’ Future Role:

Moses appears again in the New Testament, standing alongside Elijah during Jesus’ transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-3). This suggests that Moses had a divinely ordained role beyond his earthly life. If Satan had taken his body, could he have attempted to thwart God’s future plans for Moses?

4) The Corruption of a Holy Vessel:

In the Old Testament, bodily remains often carried spiritual significance. The bones of Joseph were carried to the Promised Land (Exodus 13:19), and Elisha’s bones revived a dead man (2 Kings 13:21). If Satan had possessed Moses’ body, he could have corrupted or defiled it, perverting God’s intended purpose.

The Role of Michael the Archangel:

Michael, as depicted in the Bible, is the great warrior angel who defends God’s people against demonic forces (Daniel 10:13, Revelation 12:7). That Michael was the one contending with Satan underscores the importance of the conflict. He did not engage in direct accusation but simply declared, “The Lord rebuke thee.”  This response reveals that the battle was ultimately God’s, and Satan had no rightful claim over Moses.

What Would Satan Have Done With Moses’ Body? If Satan had succeeded, what could he have done with Moses’ remains? Some possibilities include:

A) Creating an Object of Worship: He could have turned Moses’ tomb into a shrine, causing Israel to fall into necromantic practices or ancestor worship, violating God’s commandments (Deuteronomy 18:10-12).

B) A Counterfeit Resurrection: Satan, in his deceptive nature, might have sought to counterfeit a resurrection, much like he will do with the Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

C) Desecration: By corrupting the body, Satan might have attempted to dishonor Moses’ legacy and defile what was once sacred. In the desert, Moses upset God over water from the rocks by not talking to them; rather, hitting the rocks caused Moses not to get to go to the long-awaited promise land! The body of the accused was attempted to be located by Satan, who would have preferred to hurl it to hell.

Theological Implications of the Conflict/ This battle over Moses’ body reveals deep spiritual truths:

  1. God Guards His Saints Even in Death; The secret burial of Moses and God’s intervention against Satan show that the Lord preserves His own, even beyond the grave.

2) Satan’s Limitations:

Though powerful, Satan cannot override divine will. His contention with Michael was unsuccessful, reinforcing that God remains sovereign over both life and death.

3) The Nature of Spiritual Warfare:

The struggle over Moses reminds us that spiritual battles occur beyond human perception. Ephesians 6:12 states:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

‘Friends, as I conclude, thank you for those who are still with me. The dispute between Michael and Satan over Moses’ body remains one of the most mysterious events in scripture. Although the Bible provides no exhaustive explanation, yet by examining biblical themes, we can infer that Satan sought to use Moses’ body for deception, idolatry, and rebellion against God. Yet, God’s power prevailed, demonstrating His supreme authority over both the living and the dead.

In the end, the battle over Moses was not merely about a corpse but about the greater war between God’s kingdom and the forces of darkness. And as believers, we can take comfort in knowing that just as God protected Moses, He watches over His people, ensuring that His divine plans will never be thwarted by the adversary.

Thank you for your time. God bless and love one another!

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

This Is Why MICHAEL Fought SATAN For The Body Of Moses! (Jude 1:9 Explained):

“Global Governance or Elite Domination? The World Economic Forum Exposed”

“Blessings to you! May you find encouragement and spiritual growth in every page you explore.” You are not here by accident—God has a plan and purpose for your visit. “Welcome to the battlefield, information arming you against Satan’s lies.” . Equip yourself with truth. Victory in Christ Begins Here—Uncovering Satan’s Lies Ends Here.

“Friends, strengthening faith through knowledge; by exposing Satan’s devices is what Christ Soldiers does with our honor badge, to journey into the rabbit holes of deception.” We are firmly rooted in Christ and marching fearlessly in the truth, recognizing the strategies of the devil. And with this is our message to everyone who visits today!

Unveiling the Shadow: The World Economic Forum’s Satanic Agenda:

‘Friends, in the halls of luxury and secrecy, where the elites gather in their dark robes and perform ceremonial rites of decision-making, lies an agenda shrouded in shadows—the agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF). As a gathering of the world’s most powerful entities, the WEF projects a façade of economic stewardship and global unity.

Yet beneath this mask lies a terrifying truth; their actions betray the influence of an ancient and malevolent force. The Bible, in its timeless wisdom, warns against such schemes: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12, KJV). This essay seeks to expose the sinister demands of the WEF, its impact on society, and the hidden spiritual forces behind it.

The Disguised Agenda: Unity or Enslavement?

The Bible provides a lens through which to view such claims. In (2 Corinthians 11:14), Paul warns, “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” The WEF’s proposals—universal digital currencies, global surveillance, and centralized governance—echo this warning. These are not steps toward liberation but chains of digital enslavement. The promises of equity are but veils for consolidating control.

Black Robes and Hidden Powers:

The imagery of the WEF’s leaders gathering in black robes is no accident. Black has long been a symbol of authority and secrecy, but in spiritual terms, it also represents an alignment with darkness. These robes, donned in solemn chamber sessions, symbolize not just power but submission to an unseen hierarchy.

The Bible speaks of such symbolism in (Zechariah 3:1-2); “And he shewed me Joshua, the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.” The WEF’s chambers, adorned with symbols of progress, are reminiscent of a spiritual battlefield where ancient forces exert influence over earthly decisions.

The secrecy surrounding their decisions—sealed meetings, non-disclosure agreements, and guarded venues—further highlights the malevolent undertones. What are they hiding? The answer lies in their spiritual identity. As ancient spirits—fallen angels and their earthly emissaries—they operate behind the veil, influencing human vessels to enact their will.

Economic Manipulation: The Devil’s Playground:

One of the WEF’s most insidious tactics is economic manipulation. Through alliances with central banks, multinational corporations, and tech giants, they orchestrate crises that force nations into compliance. The COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, served as a testing ground for lockdowns, digital tracking, and financial dependence on global institutions.

(Revelations 13:16-17), warns of such times: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark.” This “mark” is not merely a metaphor.

The rise of digital IDs, biometric verification, and cashless economies aligns disturbingly with this prophecy. The WEF’s push for universal digital currencies under the guise of financial inclusion is a Trojan horse, paving the way for absolute economic control. By digitizing wealth, they can track and restrict individuals who resist their agenda.

Population Control: A Satanic Objective:

At the heart of the WEF’s agenda lies a chilling focus on population control. Through policies advocating for reduced carbon footprints and sustainable living, they covertly promote depopulation. The elites have long viewed humanity as a scourge upon the Earth, a sentiment that aligns with Satan’s disdain for mankind, created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27).

Abortion, euthanasia, and sterilization campaigns are masked as “reproductive rights” and “healthcare initiatives.” However, these are tools of spiritual warfare, aimed at erasing generations of God’s children. In (John 10:10), Jesus warns, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” The WEF’s policies fulfill this warning, diminishing the sanctity of life under the pretense of progress.

Environmental Deception: Worshipping Creation Over the Creator:

The WEF’s environmental agenda is another layer of their deception. While stewardship of the Earth is a biblical principle, their approach distorts it into idolatry. (Romans 1:25), describes this tendency: “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator.” For example, NASA’s falsehoods regarding God’s earth and our entry point rather than the outside cosmos, which contradict God’s words in Genesis!

By elevating nature above humanity and imposing draconian measures to combat climate change, they replace God’s dominion with their own. This includes geoengineering, weather manipulation, and resource hoarding—all under the guise of saving the planet. These actions not only disrupt natural balances but also serve as a warning of their ultimate goal: to replace divine authority with their own.

The Spiritual Forces at Play:

To understand the WEF’s actions, one must look beyond the physical. Their decisions are influenced by spiritual wickedness, as Paul describes in (Ephesians 6:12). These are not mere human schemes but the manifestations of ancient spirits—fallen angels who rebelled against God and now seek to corrupt His creation.

Satan, their master, uses deceit to achieve his ends. In (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10), Paul writes, “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish.” These “lying wonders” are intended to mislead mankind and lead to a “One World Government.”

Which is a setup for the Anti-Christ Regime, as forewarned in (Revelation 13:1–13:18). These are the WEF’s promises of a utopian future to their initiates, modern day (Eastern Stars, Masons, Shriners, etc). Moving undetected within innocent families in our modern communities.

Resisting the Darkness:

Despite the overwhelming influence of the WEF, there is hope. The Bible equips believers with the tools to resist such schemes. (Ephesians 6:13) urges, “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” This armor includes truth, righteousness, faith, and the Word of God.

Author’s Note:

Awareness is the first step in resistance. By exposing the WEF’s true nature and the spiritual forces behind them, believers can stand firm. Prayer, community, and reliance on God’s promises are vital in this battle. In (James 4:7) the Bible assures us, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

‘Friends, as I close this message, remember that we can’t modify what God’s word says about the end-of-the-world prophecy, but we can do our bit to wake up the sleepers and keep them up to date on the current state of our Biblical world.

“The battle is the Lord’s.” The World Economic Forum’s agenda is not merely a human endeavor but a spiritual war against God’s creation. Through economic control, population manipulation, and environmental idolatry, they serve the agenda of their unseen master, Satan. Yet, as dark as their plans may seem, the light of Christ shines brighter. It’s said in (John 16:33) “I have overcome the world.” A teaching of encouragement, remembrance, and warning!

In (Revelation 20:10), we are reminded of Satan’s ultimate fate: “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.” This assurance gives hope that no matter how pervasive the darkness, God’s justice will prevail. By standing firm in faith and exposing the truth, we can resist the schemes of the enemy and proclaim the victory of the Lamb.

*God Bless To All—And Forgive To Live*

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III


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