Celestial Lies* Unmasking the Conspiracy of the Rounded Earth:

“Friends, your presence is a reminder of the unity we share in Christ—thank you for visiting!” I’m sure all who visit and read my articles know that I write a lot about demons because I’m a demonologist, and my charge is to study the enemy and alert and warn you of the false belief system of lies by them. I write about demons because I believe they pose a real threat that many overlook.

In my investigation, these forces operate in subtle ways that can cause profound harm to people’s lives—often without them even realizing it. I feel compelled to share this knowledge because I love and care about others deeply; I see it as my responsibility to warn them so they can recognize and protect themselves against these dangers. Ultimately, my writing is a heartfelt effort to bring awareness and safeguard those who might otherwise remain vulnerable. Our Father’s spirit gives me direction to warn. So let’s begin…

I. The Genesis of a Cosmic Ruse:

In a time before the age of modern science, when humanity’s eyes were fixed upon the heavens in wonder and fear, there emerged a subtle, malignant influence. Some ancient scribes, inspired by divine revelation and shadowed by forces unseen, recorded the true nature of our cosmos—a flat plain, encircled by an immense, unyielding barrier. In the King James Bible, it is written in (Genesis 1:6–8):

“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
And God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament, and it was so.
And God called the firmament Heaven.” This passage, echoed through the ages, was meant to convey a universe crafted with clear, tangible boundaries.

Yet as centuries turned and empires rose, so too did a conspiracy that would cloud mankind’s vision. The ancient texts whispered of a celestial order that was betrayed by dark forces—the devils of old, who would weave deception into the very fabric of human understanding.

II. The Illusion of the Curved Cosmos:

It began subtly. In an era when artisans and craftsmen were revered as keepers of both knowledge and mystery, master glassmakers produced instruments—telescopes and lenses—that seemed to unveil the secrets of the heavens. But what if these instruments were not neutral windows to truth but cleverly designed contraptions meant to distort reality?

Imagine for a moment that the artisans were, in fact, unwitting or even complicit in a grand deception. Their glass, painstakingly curved and polished, did not simply reveal the shape of the earth but actively fashioned an image—a globe. In this narrative, the very curvature of these lenses conspired with the printed word and the illuminated page to forge a lie: that our world was a spinning sphere, adrift in a sea of cosmic uncertainty.

The devils, ever the cunning architects of chaos, saw in this a golden opportunity. They planted the seeds of doubt and false wonder in the hearts of scholars and navigators alike. The result? A transformation of the ancient, flat earth into a globe—an orb whose spin concealed the true nature of the world beneath the firmament. Through the artifice of science and the manipulation of perspective, generations of men were seduced by a lie, one that turned the natural order on its head.

III. The Fictitious Space Race and the Celestial Mirage:

As modernity dawned, so too did a new chapter in the saga of deception—a chapter writ large in the annals of the “space race.” In this narrative, the competition to reach the stars was not merely a triumph of human ingenuity but a carefully choreographed performance—a grand illusion staged on the cosmic stage.

Under the polished surfaces of government agencies and scientific institutions lurked a secret narrative: that the race to space was a fabrication, a diversion devised by those in power to obscure the timeless truth of our flat earth. NASA, along with its international counterparts, would deploy a dazzling array of computer-generated imagery—pictures of planets, galaxies, and man-made satellites orbiting our supposed sphere.

Yet in this tale, these images are nothing more than spectral phantoms, conjured by expert illusionists to keep the masses entranced and ignorant. Consider, for instance, the satellites. The narrative contends that these devices, often portrayed as sophisticated machines in orbit, are in reality nothing more than balloons—launches from clandestine facilities hidden deep within secret bases.

They rise not by the force of rocket science but by the gentle lift of lighter-than-air gas, tethered by human ingenuity to the world below. Their purpose is to sustain a digital mirage, a celestial pantomime that perpetuates the myth of an orbiting globe. In our Father’s account, the entire space race is revealed as an elaborate ruse, a cosmic theater where fact and fabrication dance in tandem.

The images of distant planets and glittering stars, the so-called expeditions to the moon, are all part of a grand deception, meticulously orchestrated to keep humanity in thrall to a false narrative. Why not conquer the actual universe off the coasts of our land masses if you wish to explore one? Although people appear to believe their method of entering the universe is more realistic than God’s method described in His book, wonderful things may always be found in the waters provided by our God in heaven. They plotted to turn his actuality into fiction.

IV. The Enigma of the Firmament and the Frozen Frontier:

The true nature of our world, as whispered by ancient prophets and recorded in venerable scripture, is that of a flat plain and the four corners of earth that can’t be on something round (Isaiah 11:12, Ezekiel 7:2, and Revelations 7:1). Overhead, a mighty firmament spans the heavens—a hard, unyielding dome, beyond which lies the mystery of the waters above. This image, as presented in the Bible, speaks of a universe bound by clear, immutable laws—a stark contrast to the fluid, ever-changing cosmos proposed by modern science.

Within this narrative, the edge of the earth is not an endless abyss but a definitive boundary—a 360-degree wall of ice encircling the flat plain. Antarctica, in this account, is not a remote, uncharted continent but a carefully constructed barrier. Its icy ramparts prevent the curious from venturing into the unknown; its chilling embrace is maintained by powerful military forces determined to keep the truth hidden.

The ice wall stands as a symbol that has been lied about—a frozen frontier designed to thwart discovery. Rumors persist, passed along in hushed tones in secretive circles, that this wall is patrolled by forces both earthly and otherworldly. Air and sea are barred from approaching it, ensuring that the grand deception remains intact. In this version of events, the isolation of Antarctica is not a matter of logistical difficulty but a deliberate act of concealment—a silencing of truth by those who would have us forget our ancient heritage.

V. The Tools of Deception: Glass, CGI, and the Modern Oracle:

As the narrative unfolds, one must consider the myriad instruments by which the cosmic deception is maintained. The glass instruments of old have evolved into modern oracles—computers, satellites, and digital imagery—that purport to reveal the universe’s secrets. Yet behind the veil of technology lies a tapestry of misdirection and artifice.

The artisans of the past, who once fashioned telescopes with a subtle curvature, are echoed in today’s digital wizards. With the flick of a switch and the tap of a keyboard, CGI (computer-generated imagery) is deployed to create landscapes of stars and nebulas that exist only in the virtual realm. It is a high-tech sleight of hand—a magic trick for the modern age. The truth, however, remains obscured: these images, as stunning as they appear, are but illusions, crafted to distract and deceive.

Imagine a secret meeting of high-ranking officials and occult practitioners, plotting beneath shadowed corridors of power. They decide, with chilling precision, that the true nature of the earth—a flat, unyielding plain beneath a celestial dome—must remain hidden from the public eye. Their arsenal is not one of overt violence but of subtler means: the recalibration of scientific instruments, the careful editing of images, and the suppression of dissenting voices.

In this truth, the devices of modern exploration are repurposed as tools of deception. The so-called satellite imagery, the images of Earth from space, is nothing more than a digital chimera—a fantastical projection designed to enthrall and mislead. The viewers, dazzled by the spectacle of swirling galaxies and vibrant nebulae, are lulled into a false sense of wonder, their senses dulled by the brilliance of manufactured luminaries in the sky.

VI. The Devil’s Blueprint: Dark Design in a Shrouded Age:

At the heart of this grand deception is an even darker scheme—a blueprint laid out by malevolent forces determined to subvert truth and steer humanity away from its divine heritage. The narrative suggests that the devils, those eternal adversaries of light and truth, played a pivotal role in engineering this cosmic hoax.

Their strategy was as old as time: to corrupt the natural order, to replace clear, divinely ordained boundaries with a mutable, confusing illusion. The devils whispered into the ears of the powerful, seducing them with promises of progress and enlightenment. Yet, behind the veneer of scientific advancement lay a carefully constructed web of lies—a network of misinformation designed to trap the unwary in a labyrinth of half-truths and distortions.

Scripture, too, hints at this eternal conflict. In (Job 38:4–7), we read of the foundations of the earth laid by a power beyond mortal ken—a reminder that there exists an order beyond human understanding, one that has been corrupted by rebellious forces. The narrative casts the modern space race as a manifestation of this rebellion: a symbolic journey into darkness, where the quest for knowledge is used not to illuminate but to conceal.

The devils’ plan was diabolical in its simplicity: to replace the ancient truth—a flat earth beneath a firmament—with a fabricated cosmos that could be manipulated and controlled. By doing so, they would forever bind humanity in a cycle of ignorance and dependence, ensuring that the divine message hidden in the scriptures would be silenced beneath layers of technological artifice.

VII. The Final Curtain: Awakening to the Hidden Truth:

As our truth reaches its climax, the reader is left to ponder the implications of such a grand deception. The narrative is not merely one of conspiracy but a call to awaken from a long, imposed slumber—a plea to cast off the veils of illusion and seek a deeper, truer understanding of our place in the cosmos.

The hidden truth, as our story contends, is written not in the data streams of satellites or the polished images on a computer screen but in the ancient texts and in the very structure of creation. The King James Bible, with its vivid accounts of the firmament and the waters above, offers clues to a reality that modern science has so deftly obscured.

Consider again the words of (Genesis 1:6–8), which describe a firmament—solid, vast, and purposeful. They speak of a world divided, where the waters above and the waters below are kept in their proper places by a divine decree. In our narrative, this is not a poetic allegory but a literal description—a cosmic blueprint that has been tampered with by forces determined to rewrite the truth.

‘Friends, please believe beyond the magic of your TV, they have never been to the moon or any other place. Because of the “barrier of the Firmament,” not the imagined “Van Allen radiation belt,” but a solid dome-like structure that separates the earthly realm from the heavenly waters above. At the edges of this flat plain lies the 360-degree ice wall, the sentinel of the forbidden frontier. For generations, rumors have persisted: whispered accounts of military interventions at sea and air, of secret bases hidden in the frozen wastes where the curious dare not tread.

These stories, passed down in coded language among those who suspect the grand deception, hint at a reality far removed from the glossy narratives of mainstream science. It is in the spirit of inquiry—a burning desire to reclaim one’s birthright of knowledge—that this narrative urges the reader to question the accepted dogma. To look beyond the CGI illusions and the manufactured marvels, and to seek the ancient wisdom that has been obscured by modern deceit. For, as it is written in (Psalm 19:1):

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.” ‘Please, wake-up! This verse, reinterpreted in our truth, becomes a rallying cry—a reminder that the true handiwork of creation lies not in the swirling mists of distant galaxies, but in the solid, unyielding truth of a flat earth beneath a majestic, protective dome. It is difficult for a grown man or woman to acclimate to this reality. It asks for the wearing of tin foil headgear due to the mindset fostered by foul-disgusting devils under Satan’s orders! (X operation fishbowl) for more truth!

VIII. The Confluence of Fact, Fiction, and Faith:

In weaving this narrative, we are reminded that human understanding has always been a tapestry—a blend of empirical observation, ancient myth, and spiritual insight. The modern world, with all its technological marvels and scientific breakthroughs, stands on the shoulders of millennia of human thought and belief. Yet, as our truth account suggests, this very progress can sometimes mask a deeper, more troubling reality.

The tools of the modern age—satellites, telescopes, and computers—are themselves instruments of interpretation. They are designed not only to reveal but also to obscure. Their images, though striking and seemingly irrefutable, are filtered through layers of human interpretation and, in our narrative, deliberate obfuscation. The cosmic deception, then, is not merely one of technology but of perception—a war of images waged in the hearts and minds of those who would seek the truth.

Imagine, for a moment, that gravity—the force we credit with keeping the oceans bound to our Earth and enabling the effortless flight of birds and insects—is not a naturally occurring phenomenon but an elaborate artifice. According to this narrative, the mysterious force that tethers water to a supposed globe and yet allows delicate creatures to soar is not the product of nature’s design but of a carefully engineered illusion, demon unusual.

In our truth, the story goes like this: long ago, when the boundaries of human knowledge were still being drawn, a cabal of influential figures—composed of secretive scientists, powerful government figures, and shadowy occult practitioners devised a grand deception. Their objective was to reshape human understanding of the cosmos. Rather than accepting the ancient, straightforward view of the world as a flat, stable plain beneath a solid firmament, they introduced the concept of gravity as an all-encompassing, universal force.

This “law” was heralded as the mechanism by which an unfathomable amount of water could be held in place on a spinning sphere, while simultaneously permitting birds and insects to rise against its pull through the counteracting forces of buoyancy and density. In this imaginative framework, the artificial nature of gravity is revealed by the seeming paradox of nature’s design. How can an invisible force so potent that it binds oceans to a globe be reconciled with the ease with which small creatures defy it?

Our truth suggests that the answer lies in the duality engineered by those who concocted the myth. They selectively applied the principles of buoyancy—where a body immersed in a fluid experiences an upward thrust—and density, properties that naturally allow lighter-than-air objects to ascend, or heavier to fall, to create a world where gravity’s grip is not uniform but strategically manipulated, by it’s deception.

The creators of this grand deception, as their story tells it, are none other than the architects of modern science. They capitalized on the brilliance of figures like Sir Isaac Newton, whose formulation of gravitational theory was elevated to the status of natural law. Yet, in our truth, Newton’s insights were but one part of an intricate tapestry woven by an elite consortium. This cabal, blending ancient esoteric wisdom with modern technological prowess, propagated the concept of gravity as a means to control and mislead the masses.

Their goal was to obscure a simpler truth: that the Earth is not a spinning sphere but a flat plain sheltered under a firm, vaulted dome—a truth preserved in the ancient texts and long forgotten by contemporary society.

According to this truth account, the artificial nature of gravity was designed to maintain the illusion of a rounded, spinning Earth. The seemingly miraculous retention of the world’s waters, the controlled dynamics of flight for birds and flies, and the observable properties of buoyancy and density are all manipulated pieces in a cosmic conundrum. The secret architects—shadowy figures who remain hidden behind the veil of modern institutions—crafted this narrative to perpetuate their control over human thought.

They used advanced technologies, computer-generated imagery, and carefully calibrated scientific experiments to reinforce a lie that has been taught in schools and enshrined in textbooks for generations. In essence, this conspiratorial perspective argues that the force we call gravity is not an inherent, natural property of the universe. It is an engineered illusion, a carefully constructed myth intended to keep humanity from questioning the true nature of God’s earth.

The paradox of water clinging to our planet while the air remains open for flight is presented not as a scientific marvel but as evidence of selective manipulation—a cosmic sleight of hand designed to distract us from a more straightforward, ancient truth. While mainstream science explains gravity as the curvature of spacetime around mass, our truth dares to ask a different question.

Who benefits from maintaining this grand illusion? And the answer, within this mythic framework, points to those in power—the secretive architects of modern knowledge—who have long manipulated our perceptions of reality. Ultimately, whether one accepts this narrative or the conventional understanding of gravity, the story serves as a metaphor for the broader struggle between established authority and the quest for hidden truths.

It challenges wake-up, and to question what we take for granted, inviting us to peer behind the curtains of accepted wisdom and to imagine a world where the natural order is not as it seems, but the result of an ancient, deliberate conspiracy. Throughout the ages, there have been those who have dared to question the established order—philosophers, mystics, and even renegade scientists.

They have sensed that beneath the polished surface of modernity lies a secret, a truth so profound that it challenges the very foundations of accepted knowledge. Our story celebrates these seekers of truth, urging them to peer behind the curtain of illusion and to reclaim the lost wisdom of the ancients. Yet, as with all great myths and conspiracies, the line between fact and fiction is a fragile one.

The truth of a flat earth, guarded by a 360-degree ice wall and manipulated by otherworldly forces, is a story that resonates on many levels. It is a parable of human vulnerability—the ease with which we can be seduced by simple explanations for complex mysteries—and a cautionary tale about the power of authority to shape our perceptions.

IX. A Call to Discernment in an Age of Illusion:

As I draw this story to a close, my reader is left with a challenge—a call to discernment in an age when images flash before our eyes and digital illusions can rival the clarity of the ancient word. The story of the devil’s deception, the fabricated space race, and the hidden ice wall is not offered as incontrovertible fact but as an invitation to question, to explore, and to think independently.

It is a reminder that truth is a multifaceted gem, one that can be seen from many angles and that sometimes the most startling revelations come not from the loud proclamations of modern institutions but from the quiet, persistent whispers of ancient wisdom. For every image of a spinning globe projected onto a screen, there is a counter-narrative—a mythic vision of a flat, unyielding world as ordained by a divine hand and guarded by eternal forces.

In our modern age, where the spectacle of space exploration is celebrated as the pinnacle of human achievement, it is all too easy to forget the simple, grounding truths of old. The story here is a plea to remember that beneath the veneer of progress, the core of our understanding remains intimately tied to the earth we tread, the heavens that arch overhead, and the ancient words that have guided us through the ages.

X. Epilogue: The Endless Quest for Truth:

The tale of cosmic deception is one that invites endless reinterpretation. Like the vast, uncharted spaces of the night sky, it contains mysteries that can be approached from countless angles. Whether one views the earth as a spinning sphere or a flat plain beneath a celestial dome, the enduring message is clear: never accept the surface of things without questioning what lies beneath.

Because of the veiled deceit, “I go for you,” to the pits and bowels of the rabbit hole to get the truth, bring it up, and present it UNFILTERED to whoever visits and reads! In this truth account, the devils’ intricate scheme—to lead mankind astray through a labyrinth of glass, CGI, and military secrecy—is laid bare as a metaphor for the dangers of complacency and blind faith.

It is an allegory for the struggle between genuine enlightenment and the seductive allure of comfortable falsehoods. It challenges us to look beyond the dazzling illusions of modernity and to search for that deeper, sometimes inconvenient truth that has been obscured by layers of artifice. Most common sense is broken when specific kinds of glass are created and placed in a plane window to simply demonstrate the illusions of a curve.

And so, dear reader, as you review this story and return to your own journey through life, remember the words of (Psalm 19:1) once more: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” May these words, whether taken as poetic metaphor or as a literal truth from an ancient text, inspire you to question, to explore, and to never cease in your quest for understanding.

For in the interplay of fact and fiction, of light and shadow, lies the enduring mystery of our existence—a mystery that invites each of us to seek out our own truth, no matter how deeply it may be hidden behind the veil of deception. Even listening to me should help you along a path for your investigation to see how real the truth can be covered -up!

This narrative is a work of truth over fiction. It synthesizes disparate ideas, historical curiosities, and biblical language into a story that explores the themes of deception, belief, and the nature of truth. Readers are encouraged to approach the narrative as a literary exploration on the nature of our world. Imagine, for a moment, that gravity—the force we credit with keeping the oceans bound to our Earth and enabling the effortless flight of birds and insects—is not a naturally occurring phenomenon but an elaborate artifice.

Authors Note:

According to this narratives falsehood, the mysterious force that tethers water to a supposed globe and yet allows delicate creatures to soar is not the product of nature’s design but of a carefully engineered illusion, again demon unusual. In essence, this conspiratorial perspective argues that the force we call gravity is not an inherent, natural property of the universe. It is an engineered illusion, a carefully constructed myth intended to keep humanity from questioning the true nature of God’s great work for us.

‘Friends, I ask you to please peer behind the curtains of accepted wisdom and to imagine a world where the natural order is not as it seems, but the result of an ancient, deliberate conspiracy orchestrated through demon occupied talking heads of people in authority. Thanks for your time and visit. “God bless you all!

Author and Servant: Norman G. Roy III

The Greatest Deception – (2019 Documentary):

Heliosorcery (2022) | Exposing the Occult Origins of Heliocentrism | Full Documentary (16):

200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball HD Remastered:

Author: Norman Roy

Hello, truth seekers! Norman G. Roy III, the digital dynamo igniting sparks of truth in the darkest corners of the internet, has the fervor of an adventurer and the precision of a hacker. Norman fearlessly hacks through the virtual jungle, uncovering hidden treasures of unfiltered reality. Armed with an arsenal of intellect and an unyielding commitment to authenticity, he embarks on electrifying quests through the tangled webs of deception. Each pulse-pounding expedition leads him deeper into the heart of the digital abyss, where he unearths revelations that send shockwaves through the online realm. In a world where every click holds the promise of discovery, Norman emerges as a modern-day hero, thrillingly dismantling falsehoods and delivering pulse-quickening insights to the internet community. Join Norman Roy on an adrenaline-fueled adventure into the electrifying unknown, where the truth awaits around every exhilarating twist and turn.

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