“Join the Journey: Walking in Faith, Standing in Truth.” Hello again, friend! I hope your day is going well along with all those you love. Today’s topic is one that most adults would consider and feel at ease with when alone; they hear strange sounds and notice somewhat odd shadows, orbs, and things in motion. Yet why I’m writing about it, because it came my way that even grown folks even believe in a fictional ghost.
Today’s topic is one that most adults would consider and feel at ease with when alone; they hear strange sounds and notice somewhat odd shadows, orbs, and things in motion. Yet why I’m writing about it, because it came my way that even grown folks even believe in a fictional ghost. So let’s explore it so you can pass it down with “Truth” rather than the fictitious tale handed down. And we can learn who and what is responsible. C’mon, let’s go…
Throughout the centuries, ghost stories have captivated human imagination, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. Apparitions, hauntings, and spectral encounters have become cultural staples—often cited as evidence of a mysterious realm that coexists with our tangible reality. Yet, when examined under the scrutiny of biblical teaching, especially through the lens of the King James Version of the Holy Scriptures, it becomes evident that the phenomenon we call “ghosts” is not a genuine visitation of departed souls.
Instead, the myth of ghosts has roots in deception—a deception attributed to supernatural creatures whose true purpose is to obscure their nefarious actions against humanity. One of the foremost reasons the ghost myth falters when compared to biblical teaching is the clear outline provided by Scripture regarding what happens after death. The Bible delineates a process that leaves no room for wandering souls or spectral visitations. Consider the words found in (Ecclesiastes 12:7): “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”
This verse decisively teaches that upon death, the spirit of a person is reclaimed by God. There is no suggestion of the spirit remaining on earth to haunt or interact with the living. Instead, the natural order is restored—a process that brings finality to our earthly existence. Similarly, (Hebrews 9:27) states, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”
Here, the Apostle Paul emphasizes that human life is linear in nature: birth, death, and subsequent judgment. There is no intermediary stage where the soul lingers as a ghost. The notion that the departed might return to this world is, therefore, at odds with the scriptural teaching that our spirits are destined for an eternal destiny either in communion with God or separation from Him.
These scriptures provide a robust theological foundation that dismisses the possibility of ghosts as literal manifestations of deceased human beings. If our spirits are either with God or under judgment, then any encounter with an alleged ghost must be interpreted differently—likely as an intrusion from an external, deceptive source rather than the return of a departed soul.
The Origins of the Ghost Myth in Ancient Times:
The ghost myth, like many other cultural narratives, has its roots deep in ancient traditions and beliefs. Early civilizations often held that the souls of the dead could remain among the living, influencing events and interacting with the physical world. These beliefs were not unique to one culture but appeared in various forms across the globe. However, when viewed through a biblical lens, such interpretations of the afterlife are revealed as misconceptions.
In the ancient world, where scientific understanding was limited and natural phenomena were often shrouded in mystery, the concept of a spirit lingering after death was both comforting and terrifying. Yet, the Bible consistently warns against attributing too much significance to such spectral encounters. In (Deuteronomy 18:10–12), the Lord declares:
“There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord…”
These verses caution against engaging with or seeking out spirits—be they those of the dead or of any other nature. The biblical prohibition against consulting with familiar spirits is a strong indicator that any such encounter is not sanctioned by God, but rather is an aberration introduced by malevolent forces. Consequently, what many interpret as ghostly manifestations might very well be the result of forbidden practices or the deceptive workings of supernatural beings, rather than the benign return of a loved one’s spirit.
Supernatural Deception: Unmasking the True Nature of Apparitions:
Given the biblical framework for understanding life after death, how then do we account for the many reports of ghost sightings and hauntings? The answer lies in the realm of deception. Scripture teaches that there exists a host of supernatural entities—chief among them, unclean spirits—that seek to confuse, intimidate, and ultimately lead people away from the truth of God’s Word.
In (2 Corinthians 11:14), the Apostle Paul warns: “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” This statement is a stark reminder that not every phenomenon that appears to be divine or benign is truly so. Just as Satan can masquerade as an angel of light, so too can unclean spirits assume the guise of comforting or familiar presences. When these malevolent forces adopt the form of what we might call ghosts, they are not offering solace or guidance—they are perpetrating a grand deception.
Their aim is to obscure the clear biblical teaching on the afterlife and to manipulate humanity through fear and confusion. One biblical narrative that illustrates this deceptive strategy is found in (1 Samuel 28), commonly known as the account of the Witch of Endor. In this passage, King Saul, desperate for guidance, seeks out a medium to summon the spirit of the prophet Samuel.
However, rather than a genuine visitation from the prophet, many biblical scholars argue that what occurred was a demonic impersonation—a counterfeit appearance designed to mislead the king. The text reads (in part): “Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her and inquire of her. And his servants said unto him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor.” (1 Samuel 28:7).
Here, the medium’s interaction is not evidence of the dead returning but rather a grim demonstration of the dangers inherent in seeking forbidden knowledge. This account serves as a cautionary tale: ghostly encounters that defy the biblical order are not divine interventions but rather the deceptive acts of unclean spirits.
Scriptural Warnings Against False Spirits:
The Bible is replete with warnings regarding the dangers of interacting with or being deceived by supernatural entities. In addition to the prohibition found in (Deuteronomy 18), other passages call on believers to exercise discernment when confronted with phenomena that might appear to be spiritual in nature. (Isaiah 8:19) advises:
“And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and unto astrologers that make known what shall befall you; consult ye not them, nor ask; but seek thou the LORD.” This verse instructs believers to seek guidance from God rather than from mediums or astrologers—those who purport to have access to hidden, supernatural knowledge.
The implication is clear: any apparent visitation by a spirit should be viewed with suspicion, for it may very well be a ruse designed to lead one astray. Moreover, (Acts 16:16–18) provides an account of a slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination. Though not a ghost in the traditional sense, her spirit allowed her to predict the future, and her presence became a source of disturbance. Paul eventually cast out the spirit, demonstrating that not every supernatural occurrence is benign.
This narrative reinforces the idea that supernatural manifestations in the world are often the product of deceptive and unclean spirits working to subvert God’s truth. Believe it or not, it causes the misinterpretation of Biblical narratives and the role of imagination in ghost lore. It is worth noting that many biblical narratives have been misinterpreted or taken out of context, leading to the proliferation of ghost stories in both literature and popular culture.
The Bible often employs allegory, parables, and symbolic imagery to convey spiritual truths. When these elements are read literally, they can give rise to misconceptions about the nature of the spiritual realm. For example, Jesus’ parable of the rich man and Lazarus in (Luke 16:19–31) is sometimes mistakenly taken as a literal description of ghostly interaction between the living and the dead. In reality, Jesus uses the story to illustrate the finality of death and the importance of heeding God’s commandments.
The narrative is not an endorsement of the idea that the dead wander the earth; rather, it is a metaphorical exposition on divine justice and the separation between the blessed and the damned. The interplay between fact and fiction is evident not only in biblical texts but also in the way ghost stories have evolved over time. In literature and folklore, ghosts are often depicted as tragic figures—lost souls who cannot find rest.
While these tales can be moving and serve as moral allegories, they are, at their core, works of imagination. The biblical account, however, provides a more concrete reality: human souls, once departed, are either in the presence of God or subject to divine judgment. There is no intermediary state in which souls roam the earth.
This distinction is crucial. Ghost stories that populate modern culture—whether in novels, films, or urban legends—are more reflective of human fears and the need to explain the inexplicable than of any divine truth. They tap into our psychological responses to loss and the unknown, creating a rich tapestry of myth that, while compelling, lacks a foundation in scriptural reality.
Animals and Symbolism: The Hidden Players in the Ghostly Illusion:
An intriguing, though sometimes overlooked, aspect of ghost lore is the frequent association of spectral encounters with animal symbolism. In both biblical narrative and folklore, animals often serve as symbols or even as accomplices in the deception of unclean spirits. In the Bible, animals are sometimes used as metaphors for spiritual forces. The serpent in (Genesis 3), for example, is not merely a creature of the earth but a symbol of cunning and deception—a vessel through which evil first entered the human narrative.
Similarly, in Revelation, the “dragon” and the “beast” are portrayed using vivid, animalistic imagery to represent the forces of evil that oppose God (Revelation 12:9; 13:1). Although these passages are highly symbolic, they underscore a recurring theme: the natural world, including its creatures, can be co-opted by supernatural forces for purposes of deception. Moreover, in many ghost stories and accounts of hauntings, certain animals—such as black cats, ravens, or wolves—appear as harbingers or companions of ghostly phenomena.
While these associations may seem purely superstitious, they are deeply rooted in the symbolic language of ancient texts. The Bible does not directly state that animals are responsible for ghostly appearances; however, it does warn against placing undue significance on omens or signs that may be used to mask the true source of supernatural activity.For instance, the use of animal symbolism by demonic entities can serve to further obscure their true nature.
An unclean spirit might adopt the form of a spectral animal or use the animal as a medium for communication, thereby enhancing the illusion of a ghostly presence. The Bible’s admonitions against divination and the consultation of omens serve as a safeguard against such deceptions, reminding believers that true guidance comes only from God and not from the deceptive signs of the natural world.
There is an agenda:
At the heart of the ghost myth lies a deliberate and calculated agenda. The unclean spirits and demonic forces that seek to masquerade as ghosts have a singular purpose: to mislead humanity and undermine the divine order. (Ephesians 6:12) provides a sobering reminder of the true nature of our spiritual adversaries: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
This verse encapsulates the essence of the spiritual battle that rages unseen around us. The forces of darkness are not content with merely existing on the fringes of human perception; they actively engage in strategies designed to sow confusion, foster fear, and draw people away from the light of truth. One such strategy is the propagation of ghost myths and the manipulation of supernatural experiences.
By conjuring images of spectral apparitions, these deceptive forces tap into humanity’s primal fears of the unknown and the afterlife. They exploit our natural tendency to anthropomorphize and to seek explanations for the inexplicable. In doing so, they not only distract us from the clear teachings of Scripture regarding the finality of death and the eternal destiny of the soul but also create an environment in which false doctrines and practices can flourish.
The ultimate aim of these forces is to distort our understanding of reality. Instead of recognizing the eternal truths laid out by God—that we are destined for an everlasting relationship with our Creator or an eternal separation from Him—they become ensnared in a web of fear, superstition, and misinterpretation. This is why, time and again, the Bible warns against the allure of occult practices, divination, and the seeking of hidden knowledge through forbidden means.
When a ghostly apparition is encountered—whether in a haunted house, a forgotten cemetery, or even in a moment of intense personal grief—it is crucial to approach the experience with discernment. Rather than accepting the phenomenon at face value as the manifestation of a departed soul, one must consider the possibility that it is a ruse perpetrated by demonic entities. Their objective is clear: to lead the faithful astray, to engender doubt, and to keep the focus away from the redemptive power of God’s salvation.
Confronting the Interplay of Fact and Fiction:
In modern society, the ghost myth persists largely due to its powerful resonance in literature, film, and popular culture. The ghost story is an enduring narrative that has been reinterpreted countless times—each retelling adding layers of complexity and emotion. In works of fiction, ghosts are often portrayed as tragic, tormented souls caught between worlds. They become metaphors for unresolved grief, guilt, or the inescapability of fate.
However, the blending of fact and fiction in these portrayals can obscure the clear biblical narrative regarding the afterlife. While ghost stories may serve as allegories for human emotion and experience, they should not be conflated with the actual state of the soul after death as taught in Scripture. The Bible presents a stark contrast to the romanticized notion of wandering spirits. As previously discussed, Hebrews 9:27 and Ecclesiastes 12:7 remind us that the spirit returns to God, leaving no room for a transient existence on earth.
Authors Note:
‘Friends, as we end our journey about something that I didn’t think was a real thing, grown-ups believing in ghosts! Suspect the unsuspected with my experience with these creatures. Understanding the motivations of these deceptive supernatural beings is crucial in unraveling the ghost myth. Their actions are not random or innocuous; they are deliberate moves in a larger spiritual conflict. As described in (Ephesians 6:12), we are engaged in a cosmic battle against forces that operate in the realm of darkness.
These forces have a clear objective: to disorient, mislead, and ultimately subvert the divine order established by God. By understanding these motives, believers can better equip themselves to recognize and resist the influence of these deceptive forces. The Bible offers not only a diagnosis of the problem but also the remedy: a steadfast commitment to the truth of God’s Word and a life of vigilant discernment.
The myth of ghosts—a notion that the spirits of the departed linger among us is a powerful and enduring narrative. Yet, when examined in the light of the Scriptures, this myth is revealed as a deception—a sophisticated masquerade orchestrated by supernatural forces with an agenda to distract, deceive, and undermine the divine truth. The Bible teaches unequivocally that upon death, the spirit returns to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7) and that humanity faces a singular destiny of judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
There is no scriptural basis for the belief that souls remain on earth in a state of spectral limbo. Ghost sightings, apparitions, and the eerie phenomena that have been embraced by popular culture are best understood not as the genuine return of departed loved ones but as the cunning disguises of unclean spirits. These deceptive entities, much like Satan who is described as an “angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14), exploit our natural fears and emotional vulnerabilities to lead us away from the redemptive truth of God’s Word.
In a world where the line between reality and fantasy is increasingly blurred, it is more important than ever to hold fast to the truth. Ghosts, as popularly depicted, are not a genuine phenomenon but a spectral illusion—a mask worn by unclean spirits intent on deceiving humanity. The ultimate truth, however, remains steadfast in the Word of God: the dead are not wandering ghosts but are either in eternal communion with their Creator or awaiting His righteous judgment.
‘Friends, may this understanding empower readers to discern the difference between cultural myth and divine truth, and may it inspire a deeper commitment to the teachings of Scripture, ensuring that the light of truth dispels the shadows of deception once and for all. “God bless all!”
Author and Servant: Norman G. Roy III
Ghosts are not what you think | what the bible REALLY say About Ghost | The Truth | #godsword :