Hello, my friends and seekers of the truth! One of “God’s Ten Commandments” is causing me great concern, and I hope it will cause you similar concern after reading this article. In today’s modern culture, there is a tremendous amount of disagreement about how to carry out this single commandment, and as you’ll see, it’s not by the design of Our Father in Heaven.

This is a lawless age, and crime and violence are spreading at an alarming rate because there is practically no regard for the law or constituted authority, even among lawgivers. Nations live in fear on the international stage because they know that so-called “guarantees and peace treaties” aren’t worth the paper they’re written on.

Men have lost any deep regard for the law because they have forgotten the source of all law and power: ‘Heaven! There is no respect for authority among the nations of the world. This is the world in which we live! Your Bible says: “There is one lawgiver who can save and destroy (James 4:12).” That lawgiver is “Almighty God!”

In their modern desire for a man-made “peace of mind” or a “satisfying religion,” men have completely forgotten about the tremendous “God who rules this part of His universe!” No wonder some of our young people—the leaders of tomorrow—have such a lawless mentality. When you leave the true “God out,” no real standard of behavior is left.

The end outcome is spiritual disorder, lawlessness, and wretchedness in human hearts. One cause for this is the desire to “modernize” and “democratize” God and abolish His right to manage His world, including us as His creatures. This trend can be seen in all the bewildering present-day religious denominations. There are indeed very few “God-fearing men and women” left on earth today.

Having made their imaginative pet “god” in their image, those of us awake certainly do not stand in awe and deep respect for such a “god,” and we definitely do not obey or worship this creature of their imagination, but sadly, many do! The main issue I am writing about today is the worship of this image. Once I reveal it, many will be mad, sad, or glad that the truth is not hidden anymore.

You’ll recognize it because you see it in churches, books, your home, and, in many cases, in your mind when you worship it! “Yes, millions of professing Christians worship images or representations of a so-called Jesus Christ!” To begin with, the use of anything that represents “God” or may readily be misunderstood as an object of worship is clearly prohibited by the Second Commandment.

This would explicitly prohibit any depiction or resemblance of His person! And, for those who want to “reason or dispute” about it, these so-called images of Christ bear no resemblance to the way Jesus Christ actually appeared! For many scholars who know and identify with (Revelation 1:14–15), it offers a clue that Jesus’ skin was a darker hue and that His hair was woolly in texture.

The hairs of His head, it says, “were white as white wool, white as snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and His feet were like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace. “Jesus, when in human flesh, was a Jew (Hebrews 7:14).The features in most of His supposed pictures are obviously not Jewish! Christ inspired the Apostle Paul to write: “Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? (1 Corinthians 11:14).

Nonetheless, these images always depict a man with long hair, gentle feminine features, and a tender, sanctimonious expression in His eyes. This is not the Christ of the Bible! For that historical period, Jesus would have looked incredibly masculine. He was a carpenter working outside as a young man. Even during His ministry, He spent the majority of His time outside. (In my research of this image, I found it to be a picture by Warner Elias Sallman an American painter from Chicago, best known for his works of Christian religious imagery).

The historical Israelites and/or Hebrews who spread Judaism were not just a homogeneous group united by a common ideology, that being the Jewish religion; they formed an ethnoreligious group from which the bulk of modern Jews are directly descended, and hence an ethnic form of Jewish identity exists as an example, “Black African Americans” Jews from the Mediterranean and North Africa who follow Sephardic religion.

Those in the know consider Jewishness to be primarily an issue of ancestry and culture rather than religion. As a result, most crucifixes, photos, and depictions of Jesus contradict every description provided of Him in God’s sacred word! Many will claim they do not worship these pictures, but that’s not the truth; the image has found a home in many because of the years of it’s indoctrination.

Please pray for strength to escape from this bondage. This image is dangerous idolatry that has caused great harm to a population group that shares a common cultural background and ancestry. An evil that allowed a certain mindset in the modern world—the ability to picture dominance over a population they thought less of because of the imagery that was promoted.

Brothers and sisters, this was on my heart, and I felt empowered through “God’s Holy Spirit” to help with releasing those minds from the affliction that has been seeded in generations past and present. Those devils I warn you about give a false impression of the true Jesus Christ in every respect. As a human being, Jesus was a normal, healthy young Jewish carpenter in His early thirties, full of earnestness and conviction.

However, if we think of Jesus’ appearance at all, we should think, in general terms at least, of the way He looks today. He has described this for us in (Revelation 1:14), “ His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength. Jesus’s face now shines with radiance and power.

And one more caution before I go: One of the most common forms of modern idolatry is making an idol out of one’s church or an agency in society. For many people, this world’s society, with its dictates, customs, and traditions, can become a literal god to them. Many people are desperately afraid of doing anything that might be regarded as different or odd.

They feel they must conform to this world and its ways. But God commands: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2). This command must seem very hard to obey for some people who get to thinking that other people must be right in what they think, say, and practice; don’t just listen to anybody, “even me.” Do as our Bible says: “Prove them or it yourself of all things; test (1 Thessalonians 5:21).”

The Bible shows that many people in Jesus’s day failed in their worship, for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God (John 12:43). If you blindly obey the customs and traditions of your family, your church, or society instead of the commands of the word of God, you are guilty of a form of idolatry.

So, “Stop giving away 10% of your money to your church, or any of it that hurts, by not paying your bills, and stop seeding; these things are not biblical; it’s to rob you like all the other 7-11’s on the corner. These are demonic principalities in brick and mortar, following the appetite of men’s traditions of (today’s modern 501 c-3s tax-exempt status, which created dark hearts and legal thievery).

Give when you can and more if you have it, for the true cause of Christ’s ministry and not society’s wickedness.

“That should make you smile.”

Stay blessed and be at peace with one another. Love all!

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

Black Jesus and Western Jesus: Uncovering the Ethiopian Bible’s Truth:

Author: Norman Roy

Hello, truth seekers! Norman G. Roy III, the digital dynamo igniting sparks of truth in the darkest corners of the internet, has the fervor of an adventurer and the precision of a hacker. Norman fearlessly hacks through the virtual jungle, uncovering hidden treasures of unfiltered reality. Armed with an arsenal of intellect and an unyielding commitment to authenticity, he embarks on electrifying quests through the tangled webs of deception. Each pulse-pounding expedition leads him deeper into the heart of the digital abyss, where he unearths revelations that send shockwaves through the online realm. In a world where every click holds the promise of discovery, Norman emerges as a modern-day hero, thrillingly dismantling falsehoods and delivering pulse-quickening insights to the internet community. Join Norman Roy on an adrenaline-fueled adventure into the electrifying unknown, where the truth awaits around every exhilarating twist and turn.

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