“The Spirit of God: Our Guide from Heaven”

Greetings, friends! “Hope is always open for business,” goes the saying for those who acknowledge and believe that a higher force from Heaven is at work in the hearts of those who are trying to grasp the mysteries of life existing. I hope this lesson may help!

The Holy Spirit: Heaven’s Gift to Humanity:

The Holy Spirit is a central figure in Christian theology, a divine presence deeply rooted in the Bible’s teachings. Understanding His origin, identity, and purpose allows us to grasp His role in creation, redemption, and our personal lives. This exploration will illuminate these aspects, drawing on Scripture to present a cohesive and accessible lesson.

The Origin of the Holy Spirit:

  1. ) The Holy Spirit is not a created being but rather the third Person of the Trinity, co-eternal and co-equal with God the Father and God the Son. The Bible’s opening verses introduce us to the Spirit’s active role in creation:
  2. ) “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters” (Genesis 1:2).
  3. ) The Hebrew term for “Spirit” here is ruach, meaning “breath” or “wind,” conveying the life-giving and dynamic essence of God. From the beginning, the Spirit is revealed as the One who brings order, life, and purpose.
  4. ) The Spirit’s eternal nature is further emphasized by Jesus in (John 16:13), where He describes the Holy Spirit as “the Spirit of truth” who will guide us into all truth, reflecting His timeless and divine nature.

Who Is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is a Person, not merely an abstract force or energy. He has intellect, emotion, and will, as evidenced by biblical texts:

  • Intellect: The Spirit searches the depths of God (1 Corinthians 2:10-11).
  • Emotion: He can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30).
  • Will: He distributes spiritual gifts as He determines (1 Corinthians 12:11).

As God, the Holy Spirit shares divine attributes: omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. For instance, Psalm 139:7-8 proclaims the Spirit’s omnipresence: “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.”

The Purpose of the Holy Spirit:

The Bible reveals the Holy Spirit’s purpose in four overarching roles / Creation, Revelation, Redemption, and Sanctification:

1. In Creation

The Spirit’s creative work is not confined to Genesis. He continues to sustain life:

“When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the ground” (Psalm 104:30).

Through the Spirit, God breathes life into humanity, enabling us to live in relationship with Him.

2. In Revelation

The Spirit reveals God’s truth to humanity. In the Old Testament, He inspired prophets to speak God’s Word (2 Peter 1:21). In the New Testament, the Spirit guided the apostles, ensuring that the message of salvation would be preserved and accurately communicated:

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (John 14:26).

The Spirit illuminates Scripture for believers, helping us understand and apply God’s Word in our lives.

3. In Redemption

The Holy Spirit was active in the life and ministry of Jesus. At His baptism, the Spirit descended like a dove, anointing Him for His mission (Luke 3:21-22). The Spirit empowered Jesus to perform miracles, preach the gospel, and fulfill God’s redemptive plan.

For believers, the Spirit is instrumental in our salvation:

  • Conviction of Sin: The Spirit exposes our need for a Savior (John 16:8).
  • Regeneration: He brings new spiritual life, making us a new creation in Christ (Titus 3:5).

4. In Sanctification

The Holy Spirit is the agent of sanctification, transforming believers into the image of Christ. He indwells us, producing spiritual fruit:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23).

Through His presence, we are empowered to resist sin, grow in holiness, and live out our faith.

The Holy Spirit’s Presence in Our Lives:

The Holy Spirit is not reserved for a select few; He is available to all who believe in Christ. On the day of Pentecost, Peter declared: “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38).

1. The Indwelling of the Spirit

Every believer receives the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of their salvation (Ephesians 1:13-14). This indwelling empowers us to live victoriously:

“You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you” (Romans 8:9).

2. The Spirit as Our Guide

The Holy Spirit leads and guides us in our daily lives. This guidance may come through Scripture, prayer, or an inner conviction. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord’s direction, which the Spirit facilitates.

3. The Spirit’s Gifts

The Holy Spirit equips believers with spiritual gifts for the building up of the Church (1 Corinthians 12:7-11). These gifts, ranging from wisdom to healing, demonstrate His power and purpose.

Examples of the Holy Spirit’s Work in Scripture:

  1. The Day of Pentecost (Acts 2): The Spirit’s descent marked the birth of the Church, empowering the apostles to boldly proclaim the gospel.
  2. Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40): The Spirit guided Philip to share the gospel with the eunuch, illustrating the Spirit’s role in evangelism.
  3. Paul’s Missionary Journeys (Acts 16:6-10): The Spirit directed Paul’s steps, closing doors in some regions and opening them in others, demonstrating divine guidance.

The Holy Spirit in Eternity:

The Holy Spirit’s work will culminate in eternity. Revelation speaks of the Spirit’s role in the Church’s final triumph and God’s eternal kingdom; “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come!’ Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life” (Revelation 22:17). This verse highlights the Spirit’s invitation to eternal life, offered freely to all who believe.

How to Cultivate a Relationship with the Holy Spirit:

  1. Prayer: Ask the Spirit to fill you, guide you, and empower you (Luke 11:13).
  2. Scripture: Allow the Spirit to illuminate God’s Word, making it alive and personal (Psalm 119:18).
  3. Obedience: Walk in step with the Spirit, yielding to His guidance (Galatians 5:25).
  4. Fellowship: Engage with other believers, as the Spirit works powerfully in community (Ephesians 4:3).

Author’s Note:

‘Friends, The Holy Spirit is a gift from heaven, sent to dwell within us and empower us to live for God. He convicts, regenerates, sanctifies, and equips us, enabling us to fulfill God’s purposes. By understanding His identity and purpose, we can experience the fullness of life in Christ. Be all you can be in the fight for right, in the Grace of Jesus Christ in your life. “Experience the possible Today.”

*God Bless All*

Servant; Norman G. Roy III

The Holy Spirit Loves These WORDS; But Few Christians Say Them:


THE TRUTH About Monitoring Spirits And How They Monitor You!


“Possessed by Power: The Spirits Behind Political Upheaval”

Hello, and welcome to everyone. Wow, what an election! I’m sure most of you have witnessed individuals behave out in alarming ways as a result of the overwhelming conclusion. Today, I’ll try to explain what happens behind the scenes so you may have a better understanding of the talking heads in Washington. I pray that the Holy Spirit would assist you in visualizing your current reality.

The Struggle of Spirits: A Parable of Power, Resistance, and Renewal:

Throughout human history, tales of disembodied spirits—forces untethered from flesh yet bound by their will—have stirred imaginations and seeded fear. In ancient texts, these spirits often symbolize the intangible but potent forces of influence: pride, greed, wrath, and ambition.

These forces manifest in societies, shaping destinies through the vessels they inhabit. When the time comes for such powers to wane or cede their dominance, their rage and resistance often become ferocious, with desperate attempts to cling to their waning dominion.

In America’s modern political landscape, the metaphor of disembodied spirits serves as a powerful lens through which we might interpret the struggles of a democratic body and the unelected bureaucrats nested and longly entrenched in governance. This metaphor also captures the tempestuous reaction to an election lost and the emergence of new leadership.

Disembodied Spirits and Their Reluctance to Relinquish Power:

The Bible speaks of spiritual battles: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12, KJV). This verse underscores a timeless truth; struggles for power often transcend the physical realm, delving into unseen forces of influence and control.

In this context, disembodied spirits are not merely as imagined ghostly apparitions; they are representations of ideologies, systems, and entrenched authorities that refuse to relinquish control. These entities, untethered to any singular person, infect institutions and individuals, perpetuating cycles of self-interest and division.

When faced with the loss of power, such spirits act with desperation. They sow discord, manipulating the emotions and fears of those they influence. Like the Pharisees of Jesus’s time, who saw their grip on religious authority threatened by Christ’s teachings of liberation and truth, these forces lash out, seeking to preserve their dominion at any cost.

For decades on and off, the governing body of the land had clung to power with an iron grip. While their banners bore the proud insignia of democracy, whispers of the awakened spoke of dark forces at play. An alliance, some murmured, not just of men, but of spirits—disembodied entities that thrived on chaos and fed on despair. These spirits, bound to the ambitions of the governing council, ensured the rulers’ continued dominance over the people.

This council, claimed to champion the people’s welfare. Yet, their policies had drained the coffers, inflated debt, and left the common folk struggling under the weight of their decrees. The Assembly’s power seemed unshakable until one fateful election—one that shattered decades of dominance.

The Democratic Body and the Election:

Consider a democratic governing body that has wielded power on and off for decades. This body, deeply entrenched, has developed an intricate web of influence. Its members, driven by the spirit of control, begin to see themselves not as servants of the people but as architects of their destiny. Over time, the governing body becomes more insular, its decisions less reflective of the populace’s will.

When an election threatens to disrupt this equilibrium, the disembodied spirits of ambition and pride rise to defend their stronghold. Claims of fraud, conspiracies, and stolen victories flood the discourse, eroding trust in the very institutions they once upheld. The spirits manipulate their hosts to cling to power, their whispers inciting defiance and indignation.

In this scenario, the victorious Republican leadership represents a threat to these spirits’ hold. The election’s outcome is not just a political shift; it is a spiritual upheaval, challenging entrenched systems of influence. The rage off the disembodied spirits manifests through protests, smear campaigns, and attempts to delegitimize the new leadership. These are not merely human actions but the outworking of a deeper spiritual rebellion.

As the “old guards defeat became evident,” a seismic shift rippled through America. Not only did the governing council rage at the loss of their power, but the unseen entities that had bolstered their reign stirred with wrath. Their connection to the Assembly was symbiotic; without influence over the people’s lives, the spirits’ power waned. Now untethered, they raged against the shift in balance.

The spirits turned their focus toward sabotaging the newly elected leadership. Through whispers of dissent, they sought to divide the land, inflame animosities, and sow distrust, attempting to cause world war III in their anger. “If They Could Not Have. No One Could!”

The Overspending and Its Impact:

Under the Assembly’s rule, financial irresponsibility had become the norm. Lavish spending on pet projects masked as “progressive reforms” left the treasury empty. Infrastructure projects were abandoned halfway, and welfare programs, though proclaimed as lifelines, often funneled funds into the hands of the family allies.

Careless spending has become the norm under the leadership of their Assembly. The coffers were empty as a result of lavish spending on pointless initiatives masquerading as “progressive reforms”. Although marketed as lifelines, aid programs often shifted funds to family supporters, infrastructure projects were halted in the midst, campaign donations were given in the millions to cult member artists and entertainers, and foreign interest was prioritized.

Ordinary citizens bore the brunt of this negligence. Farms failed under unfair regulations. Small businesses shuttered under exorbitant taxes. Families struggled to put food on the table, yet the Assembly continued to live in luxury. This disparity echoed the warnings of (Proverbs 29:2); “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”

A significant turning point was the election of the newly formed Reform Alliance, a combination of people friendly groups. The Alliance pledged to reestablish economic restraint, fortify the nation’s moral basis, and put the welfare of the populace first under the leadership of the charismatic “President Elect Donald Trump.

Yet, the path to change will be fraught with peril. Their Assembly’s refusal to cede influence led to obstruction at every turn. Their loyalists in the judiciary, bureaucracy, and media worked tirelessly to undermine the new leadership. Accusations of voter suppression, collusion, and corruption dominated the headlines. So sad in a country of the free.

The disembodied spirits, unable to directly control the government anymore, began targeting the culture with increase in border release of the dangerous kind. Through manipulation of art, education, and entertainment, they sought to reshape the people’s minds. Values once held dear—faith, family, and freedom—were ridiculed and replaced with confusion, division, and dependency.

This cultural war bore an uncanny resemblance to the warnings in (2 Timothy 3:1-5), describing a society filled with “lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant… disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy.” These spirits thrived on such chaos, knowing that a fractured people are easier to control.

The Struggle for Redemption:

Despite the obstacles, the Reform Alliance remained steadfast. Drawing on the faith and resilience of the people, they implemented policies to curb overspending, promote self-reliance, and empower local communities. Their efforts ignited a spiritual awakening among the populace, as churches filled and neighbors began to care for one another once more, with a happy sense of behavior.

This movement mirrored the biblical principle found in (2 Chronicles 7:14); “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

The Plans of the Spirits for America:

Disembodied spirits, resistant to change, often seek to divide and conquer. Their plans for the future of the American people might include:

  1. Division: Like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, who sowed doubt and division between Adam and Eve (Genesis 3), these spirits thrive on discord. They stoke partisan divides, making unity seem unattainable.
  2. Deception: False narratives become their tools, spreading misinformation to create confusion. As Jesus warned, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” (Matthew 7:15).
  3. Despair: By fostering hopelessness, these spirits aim to paralyze action and erode faith in progress. The Psalmist’s lament, “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me?” (Psalm 42:5), reflects the emotional toll of such spiritual oppression.

What Happens When These Spirits Manifest in Individuals?

When disembodied spirits of control, fear, or pride inhabit individuals, their actions reveal the spirits’ true nature. The possessed become consumed by the desire to retain power, often at the expense of integrity or common good. Biblical examples abound:

1) King Saul: Once anointed by God, Saul’s jealousy and paranoia over David’s rise led him to consult a medium, defying God’s law (1 Samuel 28). His desperation to hold onto power ultimately led to his downfall.

2) Pharaoh of Egypt: His refusal to release the Israelites, despite devastating plagues, exemplifies the hardening of a heart under the influence of pride and control (Exodus 7-12).

In the American context, individuals influenced by these spirits might resort to manipulation, fostering division among their peers and the public. The rage of these spirits is visible in personal attacks, also fear-mongering, hair cutting, separations from spouses and family, with the possibility of starting world war 3 and the rejection of collaboration.

The Path to Renewal:

Despite their fury, disembodied spirits cannot withstand truth and humility. The Bible offers hope: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). This truth applies both spiritually and politically.

For America to overcome the influence of such spirits, its people and leaders must:

  1. Embrace Humility: As Jesus taught, “Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else” (Mark 9:35). Leadership rooted in service disarms the spirits of pride and control.
  2. Seek Unity: Healing divisions requires intentional efforts to listen, understand, and reconcile. As Paul urged, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3).
  3. Stand for Truth: Lies cannot stand in the face of truth. Jesus declared, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Transparency and accountability are antidotes to the deception spread by disembodied spirits.
  4. Rely on Faith: Ultimately, spiritual battles require spiritual weapons. Paul advises, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11).

Authors Note:

The rage of disembodied spirits, whether viewed literally or metaphorically, highlights the resistance to change and the lengths to which entrenched powers will go to retain control. In America’s political struggles, these forces manifest in division, deception, and despair. Yet, hope remains. Through humility, unity, truth, and faith, the nation can overcome these challenges and emerge stronger. “God bless you and all who you love.”

Servant; Norman G. Roy III

The Truth About Evil Spirits And Demons – MOST PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW THIS:

Salt’s Power Against Evil: Defending Faith through Purity:

“Welcome! Your presence just made everything better.” There’s a topic today that many people might not be familiar with, or that some people may take for granted. It tells individuals who study the Bible about its importance and actual power. We are united with you at Christ’s Soldiers. We take the time to teach the Bible in order to safeguard everyone you care about.

Salt in the Bible: A Spiritual and Historical Exploration:

Authors Note:

Salt holds deep, multifaceted significance in the Bible, representing purity, preservation, and covenant faithfulness. While on the surface it seems simple, its uses and symbolism are profound, stretching from Old Testament sacrifices to Jesus’ own teachings. However, the Bible also suggests that Satan and his demons have sought to obscure and pervert salt’s significance to weaken its spiritual potential for believers.

This exploration will examine how salt’s symbolic purity and spiritual utility align with God’s design, and how Jesus invoked this symbolism in his teachings. ‘So, friends let’s dive into the Biblical narrative of salt, uncover its significance, and explore how its purity stands against any deceptive interference by the forces of darkness.

1). Salt as a Covenant Symbol:

Biblical Verses: Leviticus 2:13, Numbers 18:19, 2 Chronicles 13:5

Salt appears prominently in the Old Testament as a covenantal sign, symbolizing enduring relationships between God and His people. Leviticus 2:13 instructs, “And every oblation of thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt; neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy meat offering: with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt.” This command links salt with offerings, symbolizing a commitment that is preserved and unbreakable.

In this context, salt embodies God’s faithfulness, integrity, and enduring commitment. Numbers 18:19 further reinforces this in God’s declaration of an eternal covenant: “It is a covenant of salt for ever before the Lord unto thee and to thy seed with thee.” Such covenants were given to God’s chosen leaders, strengthening the spiritual integrity within God’s people. The covenant of salt is an eternal symbol of loyalty and unbreakable promise—qualities opposed by Satan, who attempts to disrupt divine-human bonds.

2). Salt as Preservation and Purification:

Biblical Verses: 2 Kings 2:19-22, Ezekiel 16:4

Salt’s purifying properties are another significant aspect, as demonstrated in the story of Elisha purifying Jericho’s waters. In 2 Kings 2:19-22, the prophet uses salt to cleanse the water, an act symbolizing spiritual healing and purification. Elisha’s action reveals how God works through salt to rid environments of curses and corruption, transforming them into blessings.

Ezekiel 16:4 also refers to salt in a newborn’s life, a symbol of ritual purity: “And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all.” The omission of salt in this instance implies neglect of a sacred rite, emphasizing its purifying role from birth.

In purity, salt symbolizes God’s desire to cleanse His people. However, Satan often misguides people to misuse or overlook salt’s pure, protective power, obscuring its role in maintaining spiritual sanctity.

3). Salt in Jesus’ Teachings:

Biblical Verses: Matthew 5:13, Mark 9:49-50, Luke 14:34-35

Jesus places profound emphasis on salt in his teachings, most famously in the Sermon on the Mount. He declares, “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men” (Matthew 5:13). This declaration symbolizes believers as preservers of faith, calling them to retain their spiritual vitality and purity.

In Mark 9:49-50, Jesus elaborates further: “For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt. Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.” Here, salt is both a purifier and a unifier, exhorting believers to remain spiritually potent in a world prone to decay.

Jesus’ emphasis on salt resonates as a call to maintain spiritual readiness and resist sin. Through these verses, we understand Satan’s intent to cause believers to lose “flavor” or effectiveness in God’s kingdom, reducing their ability to influence the world positively.

4). Satan’s Deception Surrounding Salt / Authors Note:

‘Friends, Satan and his forces are known for taking elements of God’s design and distorting them. Salt, a symbol of purity and divine covenant, poses a threat to Satan’s schemes. By downplaying salt’s significance, he tries to rob believers of its protective and sanctifying potential.

In Biblical times, salt was used to repel evil, a practice that has endured in various Christian traditions. Salt in prayer has symbolized resilience against curses and defilement. Satan’s efforts to obscure or misrepresent this has been an attempt to weaken believers’ defenses and to obscure salt’s role in invoking God’s covenantal presence.

5). Salt in Worship and Spiritual Defense / Authors Note:

‘Friends, Salt was used in offerings, as seen in the Old Testament, for establishing purity in worship. Its use within prayer and consecration reflects its innocence and humility before God—a substance that brings out the best in the faithful.

In ancient traditions, salt was sprinkled at entrances to guard homes against demonic forces. Such practices reflect how salt is seen as an agent of divine purity, preserving the soul against evil and signifying dedication to God’s presence. However, Satan’s interference obscures salt’s value, urging some to dismiss its spiritual utility.

6). Salt and the Believer’s Influence in the World:

As you have seen that Salt’s effect in a dish is transformative, just as believers are called to influence the world in Christ’s name. Jesus’ declaration, “Ye are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13), affirms the vital role of Christians to influence and preserve God’s truth. By seeking to remove “salt” from the lives of believers, Satan aims to diminish their influence, preventing them from fulfilling their divine calling.

7). Salt’s Role in Casting Away Curses:

Salt, with its purifying properties, is associated with the power to ward off curses and evil. This symbolism is central to spiritual warfare, and Satan’s aversion to salt stems from its ability to guard believers and sanctify spaces. The biblical use of salt for exorcism and cleansing rituals signifies its potency against demonic forces, making it a natural target for Satan’s deceptive ploys.

8). Salt as an Eternal Symbol in the New Covenant:

In the New Testament, salt represents purity, humility, and an unbroken relationship with God. Jesus’ words underscore salt’s innocence and its role in reminding believers of their calling. By maintaining their “saltiness,” Christians hold fast to God’s promises, reaffirming their place in His eternal plan.

‘Friends, through “God’s Holy Spirit,” The conclusion:

Is that the Bible presents salt as a humble yet powerful symbol of God’s covenant, purity, and spiritual resilience. Jesus’ teachings elevate salt’s importance, calling believers to embody its qualities and resist any distortion. Satan’s opposition to salt is rooted in its defensive strength in God’s worship. For believers, embracing salt’s symbolic and spiritual uses is part of upholding God’s covenant and standing firm against evil.

You will learn about its amazing features and applications stated in biblical scriptures, as well as how to use them with more information provided in a deeper revelation in the video below. So that you may utilize it in your life and share this new light with individuals whose light seems dim, illuminating their path with a tool that few have been motivated to learn and study. Friends, Satan has studied you to discourage you from accepting God’s gift of the knowledge of salt, another weapon that can keep him and his wickedness away from you and your family!

I hope you and yours are blessed daily!

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

IS SALT A SPIRITUAL WEAPON? The Hidden Truth Of SALT In The Bible | Bible Wisdom:

“The Silent War: How Satan Manipulates the World’s Systems”

“We’re so happy you made it—let’s dive in!” The Bible often describes the devil as a cunning and relentless adversary who employs countless devices to deceive mankind. These methods encompass both subtle and grand deceptions, influencing everything from personal choices to societal structures. In this narrative, I’ll explore how the devil and his forces utilize various tools—spiritual and material—to control people. By giving you an extended narrative, with in-depth descriptions and using biblical texts.

The Devices of the Devil: An Exploration/ Chapter 1. The Prince of the Power of the Air:

In this dimension, the devil dispatches his emissaries to spread confusion and anxiety. Weather is one such tool. In times of natural disasters—raging storms, hurricanes, droughts—men turn on each other, filled with fear and anger. Rather than seeking God in times of tribulation, many are led astray, questioning God’s sovereignty.

False prophets rise during these times, offering quick solutions and twisted interpretations of Scripture. As it is written, “For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect” (Mark 13:22). The devil exploits weather, weaving despair into the hearts of people and leading them into further deception.

But his subtlety in this domain isn’t limited to tempests. The very airwaves are infiltrated by the enemy. In our age of technology, media, radio, and internet become platforms for sowing division and spreading lies. As the populace consumes information, much of it unfiltered and biased, the devil smiles, knowing that few question what they hear. The devil’s favorite lie is the half-truth—close enough to sound right but ultimately damning.

Chapter 2: The Corruption of Food and Health:

Food, once created as a gift from God to sustain life (Genesis 1:29), is now a battleground where the devil seeks to destroy both body and soul. In this world, vast industries arise that manipulate and poison the food supply. The devil’s hand is behind genetically modified crops, additives, and chemicals that seem harmless but deteriorate human health. “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10), and in the food industries, the enemy steals humanity’s health, kills their bodies, and seeks to destroy their souls.

Not only does physical food become corrupted, but spiritual sustenance is also manipulated. Churches that should feed the flock with the “bread of life” (John 6:35) now offer diluted sermons and half-truths, leaving believers spiritually starved. Evangelists, some of whom once preached the pure gospel, are now pawns in the devil’s plan, preaching prosperity and worldly success over repentance and holiness. This is the spiritual junk food of our time.

The devil also infiltrates medicine. With the rise of pharmaceuticals, mankind places its faith in science and pills over divine healing. While medicine can be a gift from God, the devil twists this dependency into a form of idolatry. People now trust in prescriptions over prayer. Entire systems of healthcare are constructed to treat symptoms while ignoring the soul’s deeper wounds. As man turns to medicine for salvation, the devil whispers, “Who needs God when you have doctors?”

Chapter 3: The Use of Human Vessels:

The devil, though a spirit, finds his greatest successes through human vessels. He preys upon man’s weaknesses—pride, lust, greed—and offers them power in return for their souls. Just as Judas was tempted by thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:15), so too are many in positions of influence swayed by wealth and status.

In this world, evil politicians become puppets, manipulated by unseen spiritual forces. The devil knows that by controlling governments, he can influence the masses. Scripture warns that the rulers of this world often work in opposition to God: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world” (Ephesians 6:12).

Behind every election, there is a spiritual battle. The devil’s agents work tirelessly to ensure that those with ungodly agendas rise to power. Politicians may promise peace and prosperity, but many are deceivers, working to implement laws that drive society further from God’s design. Some nations are led into godlessness through policies that encourage abortion, sexual immorality, and secularism. These leaders are the wolves in sheep’s clothing that Jesus warned about (Matthew 7:15), furthering the devil’s agenda while claiming to serve the public good.

Chapter 4: The World of Evangelists and Religious Leaders:

Even within the church, the devil finds willing vessels. Religious leaders, once called to shepherd God’s people, are corrupted by pride and self-interest. They use their platforms to enrich themselves, twisting Scripture to suit their ambitions. Many are like the Pharisees, whom Jesus rebuked: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayer” (Matthew 23:14).

In this world, televangelists and mega-church pastors no longer preach repentance and holiness but instead focus on wealth, fame, and influence. They exploit the poor and vulnerable, promising them blessings in exchange for financial contributions. These religious leaders are nothing more than false prophets, deceiving many and leading them into spiritual ruin.

The devil uses these leaders to create confusion within the church. Doctrines are twisted, and many are led astray by false teachings. As Paul warned in (2 Timothy 4:3-4), “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

Chapter 5: Governments and Agencies of Deception:

The devil’s influence extends into global governance and international organizations. In this account, the United Nations and other global agencies are depicted as part of the devil’s grand scheme. They promise peace and unity but instead push an agenda of secularism and godlessness. Under the guise of progress, these organizations enact policies that remove God from public life, promoting values that directly contradict biblical teaching.

Global warming, climate change, and environmental concerns are weaponized by the devil to instill fear and drive humanity to place their trust in human institutions over divine providence. While the earth groans under the weight of sin, the devil twists this reality into a false narrative, making man believe he can solve it through his own wisdom. The focus shifts from repentance and turning back to God, to finding solutions in humanism and scientific progress.

Elections and politics become a theater of deception. Politicians make grand promises but fail to deliver, often because they are manipulated by unseen spiritual forces. “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work” (2 Thessalonians 2:7), and the devil’s agents are always plotting behind the scenes. Governments that should protect their people become oppressive regimes, pushing laws that suppress religious freedom, censor biblical truth, and promote moral decay.

Chapter 6: Fictional Space and the Globe Earth Deception:

One of the most elaborate deceptions in this fictional world is the manipulation of mankind’s understanding of the universe. The devil uses the idea of space exploration, the cosmos, and the globe earth theory to distract people from the truth of God’s creation. While the Bible speaks of a firmament (Genesis 1:6-8), modern science pushes a narrative that distances humanity from the divine. Space becomes the final frontier, where man seeks to find meaning and answers apart from God.

In this, the devil orchestrates elaborate space missions, convincing humanity that they are on the verge of discovering life on other planets, distracting them from the reality of their own sin and need for redemption. The idea of a universe without a Creator is promoted, leading many into atheism and nihilism. Instead of looking to God as the Creator, humanity becomes obsessed with space exploration, seeking answers in the stars while ignoring the truth that has been revealed to them through Scripture.

As it is written, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made” (Romans 1:20). Yet the devil blinds the minds of many, leading them to worship the creation rather than the Creator.

Chapter 7: The Deception of Modern Medicine and Science:

In this narrative, the devil continues to use the advancement of science and medicine to deceive mankind. Modern medicine, while providing some benefits, becomes an idol in itself. People put their faith in doctors, pharmaceuticals, and medical technologies rather than in God, the ultimate healer. This idolatry of medicine leads to a society where sickness and disease are treated solely with drugs, surgeries, and therapies, neglecting the spiritual root causes of suffering.

Scripture reminds us, “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?” (Jeremiah 8:22). But the devil convinces humanity that they can solve all their problems through human wisdom and medical breakthroughs, leaving no room for divine intervention.

The pharmaceutical industry becomes a tool of the enemy, promoting drugs that offer temporary relief but create dependency and addiction. Mental health disorders, rather than being understood as spiritual struggles, are treated solely with medication, further enslaving people to their ailments. The devil’s lie is that man can fix himself through science, ignoring the deeper need for spiritual healing.

Chapter 8: The End Game – Deception of the Elect:

The devil’s ultimate goal is to deceive even the elect, if possible (Matthew 24:24). In this evil world, the church faces an unprecedented attack. False teachers and prophets arise, preaching a gospel of tolerance, inclusion, and worldly success, rather than the gospel of Jesus Christ. The message of the cross is watered down, and the call to repentance is replaced with a message of self-empowerment and personal fulfillment.

The devil knows that his time is short (Revelation 12:12), and he intensifies his efforts to lead people astray. The final deception comes in the form of a one-world government and a false messiah who promises peace and security. Many are deceived, believing that this leader is the savior they’ve been waiting for, but in reality, it is the devil’s ultimate trap.

In the end, only those who are steadfast in their faith, grounded in the Word of God, and led by the Holy Spirit will be able to discern the truth. As Paul writes, “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved” (2 Thessalonians 2:10).

Authors Note; in my Conclusion:

The devil’s devices are many, and his deceptions vast. From the air we breathe to the food we eat, from governments to evangelists, from science to space, his influence permeates every aspect of human life. Yet, despite all these schemes, the truth of God remains. Those who seek Him, who are rooted in His Word, and who discern the spirits will not be led astray. The devil may be cunning, but his defeat is already sealed in the victory of Christ.

“For we are not ignorant of his devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11), and with the full armor of God, we can stand firm against the wiles of the enemy (Ephesians 6:11). In the end, the truth will prevail, and the deception of the devil will be exposed for what it truly is: a desperate attempt to destroy what God has already redeemed.

‘Friends, I hope that some light was given in the knowledge fed to those who seek food of this nature that has the natural fulfilment that a life with “Christ will bring in having a personal relationship with Him.” Knowing Him is better than Him saying “I never knew You!” (Matthew 7:22-23).

Thanks for your visit, I hope you open doors to be blessed in every good thing you do. “Amen!”

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

People Are Beginning To Change Because Of The Devil’s Deception:

SATAN’S GREATEST DECEPTION – Most People Believe It! Bible Study:

Bible Verses About Deception | What The Bible Has To Say About Being Deceived (POWERFUL SCRIPTURES):

“You’re exactly where you need to be—welcome!”

Hello to all of you. How is today going for everyone? As with all of God’s wonderful sons and daughters, I pray that everyone you love is doing well. My website is now undergoing some repair so that everyone who visits us can see it correctly. There are drawbacks to living in Florida near the Gulf of Mexico, and the recent hurricane that passed through has brought with it another one coming soon.

Please be patient with us and remember us in your prayers as we work to improve our platform so that we can speak the truth in places where others are afraid too. God bless you and your family as we work hard to be better as soon as we can. All of our videos and articles are still available, however our photographs have been removed and will soon need to be uploaded again. I apologize for any difficulty that you have experienced. May you and yours I hope be blessed daily for all your needs.

By Servant; Norman G. Roy III

NOAH’S ARK (Full Movie):

What Christians Don’t Understand About The Election:

“Heavens Under Siege “The skies, once seen as a symbol of God’s provision, have turned into weapons of destruction.”

“Welcome! Ready for an unforgettable time?” Greetings to all who have taken the time to stop by. This enemy’s trickery won’t be a secret today. We speak the unvarnished TRUTH to God’s listening audience, we do this with Christ’s soldiers each and every day. Geoengineering—the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the Earth’s atmospheric systems—serves as a tool in the devil’s growing arsenal.

But this manipulation of weather and natural forces is no accident. Since the dawn of time, Satan has sought to usurp the dominion that rightfully belongs to God (Isaiah 14:12-15). When technology was advanced and given enough for mankind to tinker with the very skies and climate, the devil saw an opportunity to entrap nations and individuals, advancing his goal of deception, domination, and destruction (John 10:10).

Satan and his fleshly henchmen plot to use geoengineering as a covert weapon, sowing chaos, suffering, and confusion across Gods earth, all while working behind the scenes to secure power over both spiritual and physical realms. .” “Friends, as I try to explain our enemy, I want you to hear what the army we face must sound like in Satan’s dark chambers in their language. Please listen with an open mind!”

Deep beneath a city lost to time, a clandestine meeting was held. The walls of the ancient underground chamber reverberated with whispers that spoke of ancient knowledge and sinister plans. Gathered around a stone table, surrounded by firelit sconces, stood Lucifer and his fleshly henchmen—leaders of secret organizations, top scientists, and corrupt politicians. Similar to the Bohemian Grove near San Francisco.

“My dominion over the earth is challenged at every turn,” Lucifer hissed, his voice echoing unnaturally through the chamber. “Humans, though weakened by sin, continue to seek ways to dominate what was never theirs to control.” One of his generals stepped forward, a human man whose eyes were cold and calculating. He was an influential figure, a man trusted by the world’s most powerful leaders. He spoke with confidence: “The technology is already in place, my lord.

With geoengineering, we can reshape not just nations, but the very forces of nature. The skies, the seas, the land—they will all bend to our will.” Satan smiled a crooked smile. “Then let us use their arrogance against them. Let them think they are in control, while it is we who pull the strings. They will manipulate the weather to suit their desires, but in doing so, they will unknowingly unleash forces beyond their control—forces that will weaken their resolve and make them vulnerable to our influence.”

As the meeting concluded, plans were set in motion. The human henchmen, possessed by greed and pride, would carry out the bidding of their spiritual overlords. Under the guise of “climate protection” and “sustainability,” they would build weapons out of the very atmosphere with the knowledge earned and given. Years passed, and the world began to notice peculiar changes in the climate.

Nations convened, baffled by unexpected shifts in weather patterns. Droughts ravaged once fertile lands, while torrential rains flooded others. Though many believed that these changes were due to natural causes or human error, a few began to suspect something darker at play. Friends, are you starting to get it! High above the clouds, the forces of darkness were hard at work.

 Lucifer’s henchmen had developed technologies capable of altering the weather. Chemically altered clouds, supercharged with energy, could now be steered toward nations that dared defy their global agenda. Weather warfare had become a reality. At first, the world did not see the connection between geoengineering and geopolitical power struggles. But in time, it became clear that certain nations were suffering disproportionate environmental devastation.

Crops withered in the field, water reserves dried up, and poverty spread like a plague. In desperation, the people turned to their governments for solutions, but the governments were in on the ruse. Unbeknownst to the masses, many of the leaders they trusted were under the devil’s control. They had sold their souls for power, wealth, and the promise of survival amidst the chaos they had secretly created.

Lucifer’s hand was guiding every decision, every covert experiment. The result was a world increasingly torn by weather warfare, a planet gradually being enslaved to Satan’s designs. At this time in their desperation, the people’s faith faltered.  Where was God amidst these storms, they asked? Why were nations, especially those known to uphold biblical values, suddenly collapsing under environmental catastrophes? 

Because the enemy had successfully sown doubt. As the prophet Daniel had warned, there would come a time when the enemy would seek to “wear out the saints of the Most High” (Daniel 7:25), and this was that time. I’m trying to make you feel as if this is happening right now. In a hidden facility on the outskirts of a major world power, a group of scientists convened.

The devil had infiltrated the highest levels of academia and technological development, giving rise to a new breed of technocrats—those who believed their superior intellect and innovation could control even the weather. Through advanced geoengineering technologies like cloud seeding, aerosol injection, and solar radiation management, these scientists believed they were saving the planet from climate disasters. But what they did not realize was that they were mere pawns in a much darker game.

Behind every calculation and experiment stood Lucifer and his demonic forces, guiding their actions toward global chaos. One of the leading scientists, had once been a person of faith. But over the years, she had fallen away, her heart hardened by pride in her own intelligence. She now fully embraced the idea that humanity could conquer nature. She spearheaded projects that manipulated the atmosphere to “combat climate change,” but in reality, these technologies were being weaponized to destabilize nations.

Lucifer whispered into the minds of the technocrats, convincing them that their work was noble and necessary. The more they played god, the more they distanced themselves from the true Creator. They were no longer stewards of the earth, as God had intended (Genesis 1:28); they had become its tyrants. The devil’s plan was unfolding perfectly. Not only were nations being crippled by environmental disasters, but humanity itself was being led away from God.

 As weather catastrophes increased, so did the belief that technology, not faith, would save them.  Elsewhere, hurricanes of unprecedented magnitude devastated coastal regions. The skies, once seen as a symbol of God’s provision, had turned into weapons of destruction.

Under the influence of Lucifer, the leaders of these nations were quick to offer solutions—solutions that only deepened their people’s enslavement. “Global cooperation” was their rallying cry, as they pushed for international agreements that centralized control over geoengineering technologies. The more power was consolidated, the more the devil’s influence spread.

What they did not know was that their government had secretly entered into an agreement with an international cabal—a cabal of fleshly henchmen, controlled by the devil himself. These leaders had long since abandoned their faith, trading it for political and economic gain.

Behind closed doors, they had agreed to allow certain weather manipulations to take place in exchange for protection and favors from more powerful nations. God’s earth had become a testing ground for geoengineering experiments, and the consequences were devastating as we experience today in real time.

‘Friends, geoengineering in this account is meant to mirror the way Satan deceives mankind by offering false solutions and empty promises. Just as the leaders in the story believe they are controlling the weather to save the planet, they are, in fact, being manipulated to further Lucifer’s ultimate goal; the destruction of God’s creation and the enslavement of human souls.

This parallels the real spiritual battles we face. Satan always seeks to convince humanity that we can be like God, that we can control the world around us without consequences. It began with the original temptation in Eden, where the serpent tempted Eve with the promise of knowledge and power (Genesis 3:4-5). That same lie is perpetuated today through human pride and reliance on technological advancements, which, though beneficial in some contexts, can be twisted into tools of oppression and manipulation.

The leaders, technocrats, and scientists believe they are helping humanity by controlling the weather, but their pride blinds them to the deeper truth. The Bible warns us that “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). Satan’s influence often works through human pride, convincing people that they have the power and intelligence to solve all problems, thereby pushing them further from reliance on God.

When humans attempt to take control over creation—whether through weather manipulation or other means—they are essentially attempting to displace God’s authority. This plays right into the devil’s hand, as his goal has always been to convince humanity that we can rule apart from God. When nations or individuals rely on technology, power, or intellect to control nature or the world, they often find themselves vulnerable to deeper spiritual manipulation.

God originally gave mankind dominion over the earth, instructing Adam and Eve to “subdue it” and rule over the creatures of the earth (Genesis 1:28). However, this dominion was meant to be exercised under God’s guidance and wisdom, as responsible stewards of His creation. Satan perverts this dominion, using geoengineering as a tool for destruction instead of stewardship. The manipulation of the weather becomes a metaphor for how the devil corrupts good gifts from God and turns them into weapons.

Instead of using technology to serve humanity, it becomes a means of control, oppression, and rebellion against God’s will. This perversion of dominion mirrors how sin corrupts everything it touches. What was once meant to sustain life and bring blessing (like the weather) is twisted into something harmful, creating fear, chaos, and despair.

Satan takes what is good and uses it for evil, just as he does with other aspects of creation, such as sex, wealth, or power. All of these things are gifts when used within God’s design but can become weapons of destruction when distorted by sin. Droughts, storms, and environmental disasters become the tools of their spiritual oppression, causing most to doubt God’s goodness and power. This echoes what happens in real life when people face suffering or injustice—many turn away from God, believing that He is either powerless or uninterested.

But the truth, as illustrated in the Bible, is that suffering is often used to draw people closer to God, refining their faith (Romans 5:3-5). The devil’s goal, however, is to turn that suffering into despair, to convince people that God has abandoned them. This is why I try to get you to see how important it is to recognize the spiritual warfare behind the physical and environmental crises we face.

Satan’s strategy is to use the visible circumstances of our world—whether personal suffering, political corruption, or natural disasters—to hide the deeper, invisible truth; that God is still in control and working all things together for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). This part of the story is a reflection of the ultimate spiritual deception. Throughout history, Satan has sought to raise up leaders, movements, and ideologies that promise salvation apart from God.

Whether through false religions, political systems, or now, in the form of technological control, the devil’s strategy remains the same: to draw humanity away from true worship and into allegiance with a false savior. The Bible warns us that in the last days, people will be led astray by these deceptions (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12). The Antichrist will appear to have control over the forces of nature, performing miracles that captivate the masses.

But this is all part of Satan’s final plan to bring as many souls into his rebellion against God as possible. Just as the false peace and order brought by the Antichrist collapses into more destruction, Jesus Christ will return to restore true order. (Revelation 19:11-16), describes Jesus’ triumphant return as the true King who will defeat the forces of darkness. He alone has the authority to judge and restore the earth, reversing the chaos and destruction caused by Satan.

This is a reminder that, no matter how chaotic the world becomes—whether through man-made disasters, technological manipulation, or spiritual oppression Jesus will ultimately triumph.

Authors Note:

This story serves as a powerful allegory for the spiritual battles we face in our world today. While geoengineering may be a Demonic example, the deeper truths about pride, control, deception, and faith are real and present in our everyday lives. Satan uses anything he can to draw humanity away from God, and technology or climate manipulation could certainly be part of that strategy in future scenarios.

As believers, we must be vigilant. The Bible urges us to put on the full armor of God so that we can stand against the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). We must recognize that the battle is not just against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).  Whether we are dealing with environmental issues, political unrest, or personal struggles, the real battle is for our faith and our souls.

“By trusting in Jesus, staying rooted in the Word of God, and relying on the Holy Spirit for guidance, we can withstand the devil’s deception and remain faithful, knowing that Christ will return and restore all things that is out of place!” In the end, geoengineering—or any other form of human control—cannot thwart God’s plan.

Satan’s downfall is already assured by Christ’s triumph on the cross, regardless of the seeming increase in his power or influence. This story may serve as a wake-up call to individuals who have closed their eyes and need to have them opened-up. It also offers the hope that all will be made right when Jesus returns.

Servant; Norman G. Roy III

When the US Government Tried to Control Hurricanes: Project Stormfury:

The Un exPlained: Weather Control Weaponized by World Military (Season 1) History Channel:

China’s Secretive Power: Controlling the Weather:

Deception Unveiled: The Devil’s Tactics Through the Ages:

“Come on in, make yourself at home!” I will soon go across time to expose the lies that the devil and his henchmen have perpetrated upon our world. Now that you’re aware of it, let’s get started. The account will focus on how Satan and his followers have used various methods to deceive and manipulate humanity throughout history, subtly infiltrating minds and hearts, drawing on relevant KJV texts to illuminate their actions and motivations.

Here’s an outline of how I could approach it; In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, all was good. But lurking in the shadows was one who had already fallen from grace. Satan, the once-glorious angel, was filled with pride and rebellion against God. Cast down from heaven, his desire was to corrupt and destroy what God had created.

His first act of deception was subtle, for in his cunning, he knew that a direct assault on God’s image-bearers would fail. Instead, he approached the woman, Eve, not as an enemy but as a serpent—a creature she would not immediately fear. As he slithered toward her, his voice was honeyed, his words twisted with lies.

The serpent questioned God’s command: “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” (Genesis 3:1). It was a simple question, but its purpose was to plant doubt in Eve’s heart. Satan’s tactic was not to deny God’s command outright, but to distort it. He wanted Eve to reconsider, to question God’s intentions.

When Eve responded, Satan saw his opportunity. “Ye shall not surely die,” he whispered (Genesis 3:4), contradicting God’s clear warning. “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5). Here, Satan dangled before her the false promise of divinity. He offered her the illusion of power, of knowledge that would elevate her to the level of God Himself.

This moment in the Garden of Eden marked the beginning of Satan’s long campaign against humanity. His tactics would remain consistent throughout history: distortion of God’s truth, appealing to human pride, and offering false promises of power and autonomy.

As human history unfolded, Satan refined his tactics, learning that the most effective lies were those that masqueraded as truth. He understood that outright rebellion would not always work—humans were too wary of the obvious enemy. Instead, he clothed himself and his followers in garments of righteousness, imitating the very servants of God.

In (2 Corinthians 11:14), Paul warns the church: “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” Here, Paul reveals a vital truth about the devil’s methods. Satan often appears not as a grotesque demon, but as a figure of light, offering wisdom, guidance, and even salvation—though all of it is counterfeit.

This tactic of deception has been one of Satan’s most potent tools. Throughout history, false prophets have arisen, claiming to speak for God, but in reality, serving the purposes of the devil. These men and women lead the faithful astray, spreading doctrines that seem godly on the surface but are filled with heresy and destruction.

The devil’s use of false teachers and prophets is a sophisticated strategy. The unsuspecting are easily led astray by those who appear knowledgeable and devout. Satan uses scripture itself, twisting it just enough to distort its meaning, leaving people vulnerable. This is how he plants seeds of doubt and confusion among the faithful, slowly leading them away from the true gospel and toward destruction.

One such example can be found in the prophet Micaiah’s story. In (1 Kings 22:21-23), a lying spirit volunteers to deceive King Ahab: “And the Lord said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.” Here, God permits a lying spirit to fulfill His judgment upon Ahab. But it is Satan’s forces, through manipulation and deceit, that carry out the plan. The prophets, whom the people trusted, became the devil’s instruments.

This method of deception has not faded with ancient Israel. Today, many continue to fall prey to charismatic leaders, prosperity preachers, and those who twist scripture for personal gain. These false prophets, unknowingly or willingly, serve as the devil’s mouthpieces, leading many astray.

Satan’s influence is not limited to individual souls. His reach extends to the highest realms of power—kings, emperors, and nations. Scripture tells us of spiritual forces that influence rulers, guiding them into wars, oppression, and acts of evil.

The prophet Daniel offers a glimpse into this cosmic struggle in (Daniel 10:13). As Daniel prayed, an angelic messenger was delayed by the “prince of the kingdom of Persia”—a demonic entity influencing the Persian empire. This passage reveals that behind the scenes of human history, spiritual forces are at work, manipulating the rulers of the earth.

Satan, the “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4), has long used governments and kingdoms to fulfill his purposes. From the tyrants of ancient Egypt and Babylon to modern-day dictators, he finds willing vessels among those who seek power and control. These rulers believe they are acting of their own accord, driven by ambition or ideology, but in truth, they are pawns in a greater spiritual war.

One of the most striking examples of Satan’s influence over earthly power is found in (Ezekiel 28:12-15), where the prophet addresses the king of Tyre, but the language transcends the earthly ruler and speaks of a being more ancient: Satan himself. “Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God… Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so.” The description of the king of Tyre’s pride and fall mirrors that of Lucifer, showing how Satan’s spirit can inhabit and guide earthly leaders into ruin.

Through the manipulation of kings and governments, Satan establishes systems of oppression, injustice, and war. Nations rise and fall, but behind the scenes, the same dark hand pulls the strings. Many rulers, thinking they are acting wisely, become agents of evil without even realizing it.

One of the most terrifying aspects of Satan’s work is his ability to possess and manipulate individuals, often without their awareness. Throughout the New Testament, we see examples of demon possession, where individuals are overtaken by evil spirits, their actions controlled, and their lives destroyed.

In (Mark 5:1-5), we meet the man possessed by a legion of demons. This man, living among the tombs, was beyond human help. He was tormented day and night, cutting himself with stones, driven mad by the forces that controlled him. This account reveals the sheer power and cruelty of demonic possession, as the man had lost all autonomy and lived in constant agony.

But not all demonic manipulation is as overt. Often, Satan’s influence is far more subtle. In many cases, people are unaware that their thoughts and actions are being guided by dark forces. They may believe they are following their own desires, but in reality, they are being led down a path of destruction.

One of the most striking examples of this is Judas Iscariot. In (Luke 22:3), we read: “Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.” Judas, who had walked with Jesus, listened to His teachings, and witnessed His miracles, became the unwitting instrument of Satan’s plan to betray the Son of God. Judas likely thought his betrayal was his own choice, driven by greed or disillusionment. But in truth, he had become a vessel for Satan’s dark will.

This theme of possession without awareness is a common thread throughout history. Many individuals, consumed by pride, greed, or lust for power, open themselves to spiritual influence. They act out Satan’s will, causing harm to others and themselves, all while believing they are in control. This is one of the devil’s most dangerous tricks—making people think they are acting of their own accord when, in reality, they are being manipulated by unseen forces.

In some cases, Satan uses individuals not only to carry out his will but also to speak directly through them. These individuals become “talking heads”—mouthpieces for the devil’s lies. The most insidious aspect of this tactic is that the person often believes they are speaking their own thoughts, unaware that they are being used as a vessel for deception, as most of your TV Prosperity preachers and other televangelists that are cloaked in the same darkness.

An example of this can be found in (1 Kings 22:21-23), where a lying spirit enters the mouths of the prophets of Ahab, leading him to his doom. These prophets, who should have been speaking the truth of God, instead became instruments of Satan’s plan, deceiving Ahab into going to war and ultimately to his death.

Conclusion: In modern times, this tactic continues. Influential figures—politicians, media personalities, even religious leaders—may become unwitting vessels for Satan’s lies. They speak confidently, convinced of their own righteousness, but their words lead others astray. These “talking heads” spread confusion, division, and false teachings, often with disastrous consequences.

Satan’s goal in using these individuals is to create chaos and division, leading people further away from the truth. The more prominent the individual, the more effective the deception, as entire nations or movements can be swayed by the words of a single person.

The devil’s ploys throughout history have been vast and varied, but always focused on one goal: leading humanity away from God and toward destruction. By twisting truth, manipulating human vessels, and crafting subtle traps, Satan has drawn countless souls into darkness. Yet, Scripture reveals his strategies, providing God’s people with the wisdom to stand firm.

As believers are reminded in Ephesians (6:11-12), “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

SATAN’S STRATEGY | Overcoming The Devil – Inspirational & Motivational Video

WARNING: The Devil’s Deception – How He Infiltrates Your Praise and Worship!

SATAN’S STRATEGY | Overcoming The Devils Deception Inspirational & Motivational Video:

“The Final Gathering”

Hello, a good day to all of the beautiful disciples of our “Lord Jesus Christ.” This is a fantastic day for redemption for everyone who comes to visit. An inspired day in which I will try and provide a comprehensive explanation of the Rapture.

The concept of the rapture is a significant doctrine within Christian eschatology, particularly among evangelical Christians. It refers to the event when Jesus Christ returns to take His followers out of the world before the tribulation period, a time of great suffering and divine judgment.

The rapture is seen as an event distinct from the Second Coming of Christ, where He returns to earth to establish His millennial kingdom. Below is an exploration of the rapture with relevant verses from the King James Version of the Bible. The primary passage that describes the rapture is found in Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians:

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
(1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

‘Friends, this passage outlines the sequence of events during the rapture. Christ will descend from heaven, the dead in Christ will rise first, and then believers who are alive will be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. “Gods loved ones,” the manner of Christ’s return is also emphasized in the book of Acts, where the angels spoke to the disciples as Jesus ascended into heaven:

“And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”
(Acts 1:9-11)

This passage reinforces the idea that Jesus will return in the same manner He ascended—bodily and visibly. ‘Friends, the doctrine of the rapture is closely tied to the idea of imminence, meaning that it could happen at any moment, and no one knows the exact time:

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”
(Matthew 24:36-44)

Here, Jesus compares His coming to the days of Noah, highlighting the suddenness and unexpected nature of the event. ‘Here friends, Paul speaks of the transformation that believers will undergo at the time of the rapture:

“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
(1 Corinthians 15:51-52)

‘Guys, this transformation refers to the glorification of the believers’ bodies, making them fit for eternal life with Christ. There is also a passage that speaks to the timing and events surrounding the rapture, including the coming of the “man of sin” (the Antichrist):

“Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.”
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-7)

This passage suggests that certain events must occur before the rapture, including a great apostasy and the revelation of the Antichrist. ‘Friends, the rapture is often referred to as the “blessed hope” of believers:”Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” (Titus 2:13) This verse captures the anticipation and hope that believers have for the return of Christ.

‘Finally, the doctrine of the rapture is meant to bring comfort and encouragement to believers:”Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”
(1 Thessalonians 4:18)This is a reminder that the rapture is not meant to instill fear but to provide assurance and hope.

‘Friends, for all who see this it would likely be a dramatic and awe-inspiring event, filled with supernatural elements and intense emotions. Imagine a scene where, in an instant, people around the world vanish, leaving behind their clothes, possessions, and anything they were carrying. Those taken would be lifted into the sky, drawn upward by an unseen force, while those left behind would be left in shock and confusion, trying to comprehend what just happened.

The sky darkened, and a powerful sound, like a trumpet blast, would resonate through the air, signaling the beginning of the rapture. Believers, both dead and alive, would rise, their bodies transformed into radiant, incorruptible forms. They would ascend through the clouds, where they would be greeted by a brilliant, divine light, representing the presence of Jesus Christ.

On the ground, scenes of chaos might unfold as people realize loved ones have disappeared. Some might fall to their knees in despair, while others might try to rationalize what they just witnessed. Governments and media could struggle to explain the phenomenon, leading to widespread panic or denial.

The rapture would be portrayed as both a moment of ultimate hope and joy for those taken and a time of deep sorrow and fear for those left behind, setting the stage for further dramatic events as the world grapples with the aftermath.

Authors Note;

‘God bless all of you, who have stayed with me while we discover that the rapture is a critical event in Christian eschatology, rooted in several key scriptures that describe its suddenness, the transformation of believers, and the glorious hope of being united with Christ.

By Servant; Norman G. Roy III

The Rapture According to the Bible!

Heaven’s Throne Hidden: How the Elites Mask God’s Nearness:

“Welcome! Your presence just made everything better.” See that thing above and that thing they call geostationary satellites. Well, you will be in for a surprise by learning in your one time opportunity to travel in this world in your human vessel, that you have been lied too, all of your life about that thing and the other up above. It’s another trick of the Devil and his minions. C’mon, let me tell you why!

The world believed in the grandeur of space travel, in the boundless frontier that lay beyond the firmament, where astronauts supposedly floated above Earth on the International Space Station (ISS), and geostationary satellites orbited in perfect synchronization. But few knew the truth, a dark conspiracy born of deception—one woven by forces beyond human understanding, forces masquerading as governments and scientists.

For centuries, the unseen had operated behind the veil, manipulating the public’s perception of the universe. Demons, fallen from their place in the heavens, took on new forms, cloaked in the guise of world leaders, scientists, and elite influencers. These beings knew that the key to keeping humanity from the truth was to distort their understanding of creation. What better way than to blind the masses with a narrative of an infinite universe, birthed from a chaotic explosion—the Big Bang—and filled with meaningless stars and galaxies?

In reality, the ISS was never in space at all. It was launched in secluded, highly restricted areas of the world—places inaccessible to the public, hidden away from prying eyes by international treaties and heavy military surveillance. Rather than reaching the vast expanses of outer space, these “space missions” involved simple, mechanical tricks, designed to fool the public. The truth was simpler, and more insidious: The ISS, along with geostationary satellites, was not floating in a vacuum. They were suspended by enormous, unseen balloons, drifting in the upper atmosphere.

These high-altitude platforms were equipped with sophisticated technology, designed to create the illusion of weightlessness and space travel. From their vantage points, far above the clouds but still well within the confines of Earth’s atmosphere, they broadcast images and data that perpetuated the grand lie. The media, carefully controlled by the same demonic entities, presented these images to the public as proof of humanity’s conquest of space.

Behind this grand deception was a sinister motive. The demons’ primary goal was to keep humanity blind to the reality of God’s creation. They crafted a narrative that framed the universe as vast, cold, and indifferent—a cosmos where humanity was insignificant, just a speck of dust born of random chance. By pushing this worldview, they sought to drive a wedge between God’s children and their Creator, making them believe that He was distant, unreachable, and uninterested in their lives.

But the truth was far more wondrous. Scripture revealed that God was near, intimately involved in the world He had created. In Revelation 4:3, the Apostle John described a vision of God’s throne, surrounded by the splendor of heavenly light: “And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.” This was no mere metaphor—John had glimpsed the very colors of the sky, the hues of divine presence, emanating from above.

God’s throne, positioned above the firmament, was visible to those who had eyes to see. The colors of the Aurora Borealis, which modern science explained away as a natural phenomenon caused by solar winds interacting with Earth’s magnetic field, were, in fact, glimpses of God’s radiant glory shining down from His seat. The elite, under demonic influence, spun this spectacle as pseudoscience to keep the world from recognizing it for what it truly was: a sign of God’s nearness and His watchful gaze upon his children and His Earth.

The lie of geostationary satellites furthered this deception. The truth was that no object was orbiting thousands of miles above the Earth. The technology that supposedly kept these satellites in perfect alignment with the Earth’s rotation was nonexistent. Instead, carefully timed signals and ground-based systems created the illusion that communication satellites were stationed far above. These “satellites” were tethered to the same high-altitude platforms that supported the fake ISS, drifting silently across the sky.

The elite worked tirelessly to maintain this façade. They knew that if humanity ever discovered the truth—that the stars were not distant suns but lights placed in the firmament to mark the times and seasons—it would shatter their carefully constructed worldview. People would realize that the Earth was not a speck in an endless void, but a special, created place, watched over by a loving God who was far closer than they had been led to believe.

In their arrogance, the elite believed that they could outsmart God’s children, but they underestimated the power of faith. As more began to question the official narratives of science and space, they started to see through the lies. The emerald hues in the sky, once dismissed as auroras, became reminders of the promise of Revelation, of the God who sat above them, watching with love and judgment.

The demons feared the day when humanity would collectively awaken and realize that God had always been near, not lost in the recesses of a distant universe but watching from His throne, high above the firmament. When that day came, their grand deception would crumble, and the people would turn back to the truth—that they were not insignificant, but beloved children of the Almighty, fearfully and wonderfully made in His image.

And so, the battle between truth and deception rages on. The demons know their time is short, and they doubled down on their efforts, using every tool at their disposal to keep the veil over humanity’s eyes. But for those who sought the truth, the light of God’s glory was already breaking through, shining brighter than any false vehicle or satellite ever could. A time when those that have eyes will be able to see the truth, and everyone who has ears will be able to hear it. Isaiah 32:3.

In the end, the veil will be lifted, and the truth revealed: humanity was never adrift in a cold, indifferent universe but always under the loving watch of the Creator. The deception, crafted by demons masquerading as elites, will crumble as the world awakens to the reality that God’s throne is near, His glory shining through the very skies they once believed to be empty. The grand lie of space and the vast cosmos was but a distraction to keep humanity from seeing their true significance—beloved children of a God who has never been far from them.

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

The God Made Firmament – FLAT EARTH:

Satellites on a FLAT EARTH:

The sun rises under the clouds at FL280:

“Empire of Shadows: The Devil’s Royal Bloodline”

“Welcome! Ready for an unforgettable time?” It’s possible to learn now. Friends we’re going down a dark path together. Rather than instilling terror in you, this essay should prepare you for the evil that’s veiled and has crept into our society and for the types of comparable attacks that God’s people, who will be the minority during the end times, are likely to face.

This evil will be presented in detail so that everyone may understand. The year was 1066. In the aftermath of William the Conqueror’s invasion, the Devil found an opening. Beneath the catacombs of the newly constructed Tower of London, a hidden chamber lay, older than time itself. It was here that Satan and his minions first laid their claim on the English throne.

William, the new king, believed himself to be anointed by God. But as the power of the monarchy grew, so did the influence of a darker force. Satan, cloaked in the form of an adviser—silent, unseen—began to whisper in the ears of kings. The royal bloodline, originally noble, would slowly be tainted by the Devil’s own seed. Every successive monarch, unbeknownst to the world, carried a part of this dark lineage.

The serpent’s seed was not just metaphorical but literal. Through hidden rituals and the deception of royal bloodlines, Satan inserted his demonic offspring into humanity’s most powerful families, with the English monarchy becoming his crowning achievement. By the 16th century, the serpent seed had fully manifested in King Henry VIII.

His thirst for power and indulgence in excess was the Devil’s hand at work. In his desire for control over the Church, he split England from Catholicism, further securing the monarchy’s allegiance to Satan. The break from Rome was not just a political or religious maneuver but a spiritual shift, severing England from the last vestiges of protection from God’s grace. The Devil was now the true ruler behind the throne, guiding monarchs to expand their empire and exploit the world.

But England was not enough. Satan’s ambition was global. Satan’s plot stretched far beyond Europe. His greatest atrocity would be the destruction of the Afro-Indigenous civilizations—civilizations rich in culture, history, and wisdom, long protected by their spiritual connection to the Earth and the Creator. These were the societies that Satan despised the most because they represented a direct link to the divine order.

As England’s empire expanded into Africa and the Americas, the Devil’s grip tightened. The transatlantic slave trade, driven by greed, was his most successful instrument of destruction. Entire tribes and nations were torn apart, their histories erased, and their people enslaved. Behind the scenes, the monarchs—now fully consumed by Satan’s influence—justified their actions under the guise of “civilizing” the so-called savages. But this was not civilization; it was the systematic eradication of divine order.

The Devil’s henchmen—the royal families, merchants, and soldiers—committed unspeakable war crimes. In Africa, the genocide of the Congolese people under King Leopold II’s rule was one of Satan’s crowning achievements. Millions were slaughtered, enslaved, and mutilated. The rubber trade was merely a front; the true objective was the spiritual annihilation of an entire people.

In the Americas, Afro-Indigenous civilizations faced a similar fate. From the great civilizations of the Maya and Inca to the powerful kingdoms of West Africa, Satan orchestrated their downfall. Disease, war, and slavery followed in the wake of European colonization. Entire civilizations were destroyed, and with them, the ancient knowledge that could have resisted Satan’s influence was lost.

Satan’s strategy was not only to destroy civilizations but to reshape the world in his image. Through centuries of conflict, war, and genocide, his forces broke the will of the Afro-Indigenous peoples. The genocide in Africa, such as the Herero and Namaqua genocide in German South-West Africa, was an echo of the Devil’s thirst for complete domination. Meanwhile, in the Caribbean, the indigenous Arawak and Taino people were wiped out by the Spanish colonizers, acting under the English monarchies influence in 1493.

The Devil’s seed had now spread through multiple empires. The English monarchy, in particular, became the torchbearer of Satan’s ambition, sponsoring voyages of “discovery” that led to the enslavement and murder of millions. Satan’s power had become entrenched in colonialism, and his henchmen were the captains of the empire, driven by greed, lust, and bloodshed.

As the 19th century dawned, the English monarchy had become a global power, and with it, Satan’s dominion over Earth. The Victorian era, often seen as a time of progress, was rife with occult rituals behind the closed doors of the monarchy. Queen Victoria herself was said to have participated in séances, unknowingly communicating with the Devil’s agents.

In the African colonies, Satan’s influence reached its peak. The British Empire’s exploitation of resources and people led to unimaginable suffering. The systematic rape, murder, and enslavement of African peoples were all part of the Devil’s plan to erase any trace of humanity’s divine connection.

In the Americas, the Devil’s influence continued as Afro-Indigenous peoples were further subjugated. The atrocities committed against the native populations, including forced labor and cultural erasure, ensured that Satan’s hold over the world was complete.

Let’s take a pause. As you can see, these atrocities are not being performed by people who appear to be you or me, but rather by what I refer to as the invisibles, or demons, who lurk and murmur suggestions to a weak vessel of Gods. A door left open to welcome a spiritual inhabitant. It is not only my responsibility to speak about us, but also to describe what can exist inside us. The spirit within me seeks to explain what is causing the horrors that have been mentioned. Acknowledging that it is real, but not human.

Okay, back to the objective; In the case of the English monarchy, this seed is woven into the royal bloodline, ensuring that Satan’s influence would remain uninterrupted for generations. These rulers, though outwardly appearing human, carry a spiritual corruption that distorts their moral compass and propels them to commit heinous acts against humanity.

The serpent seed could manifest physically through the rulers’ heightened intelligence, charisma, and ability to manipulate, but also spiritually, with darker inclinations such as cruelty, tyranny, and a thirst for control. They are not merely influenced by Satan; they are his progeny, designed to fulfill his agenda of destruction and domination.

Behind closed doors, the English monarchy engages in secret occult rituals, passed down through the ages as part of their pact with the Devil. These ceremonies, drawing upon ancient demonic powers, not only reinforce Satan’s influence over the monarchy but also maintain the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds.

These rituals may take place in secret chambers beneath castles or estates and could involve sacrifices, blood pacts, and invocations of demonic entities that further entrench Satan’s control. The monarchy’s involvement in these dark practices is not just a continuation of ancient traditions but a deliberate choice to wield power at any cost. Over time, this transforms the monarchy into an institution designed not to serve the people but to enact Satan’s will across the world.

England’s rise as a global power in the age of exploration and empire-building wasn’t merely driven by the greed of men but by Satan’s plan for global domination. The expansion into Africa, the Americas, and parts of Asia was part of his design to spread the serpent seed’s influence across continents, ensuring his grip on humanity.

This period of colonialism and imperialism wasn’t just about resource extraction or political control; it was about spiritual subjugation. Afro-Indigenous civilizations, which had remained spiritually connected to divine forces for millennia, posed a threat to Satan’s agenda.

These societies, rich in cultural, spiritual, and mystical traditions, were able to resist Satan’s influence more easily than European nations that had already fallen under his sway. By enslaving, massacring, and assimilating these peoples, the English monarchy and other European powers destroyed the spiritual knowledge that could have undermined Satan’s control over the world.

Satan did not work alone; his demonic forces and fallen angels also took physical form to aid in his conquests. In the guise of royal advisors, military generals, and religious leaders, these entities manipulated events to bring about genocide, war, and suffering. They were responsible for steering key moments in history, such as advising monarchs on brutal conquests, justifying the transatlantic slave trade, or inciting bloodshed in the name of empire.

In Africa, these demonic agents manipulated the course of history through European traders, missionaries, and colonial governors. They orchestrated tribal conflicts, manipulated local rulers, and pushed for the dehumanization of entire populations, ensuring that the brutal system of slavery would take hold. These demonic entities might be represented as shadowy, almost immortal figures whose influence over time is vast and far-reaching.

One of the most devastating effects of Satan’s war against Afro-Indigenous civilizations was the spiritual genocide that accompanied the physical atrocities. African civilizations had deep-rooted connections to the land, to ancestral spirits, and to nature itself.

These societies had spiritual systems that could tap into ancient powers, forces of light that had resisted the Devil’s influence for centuries. By wiping out these cultures through enslavement, warfare, and genocide, Through some of his schemes, Satan eliminated the wisdom and spiritual strength that would have opposed his methods.

This spiritual genocide is evident not only in the loss of ancient traditions and languages but also in the psychological trauma inflicted on the descendants of these civilizations. Satan’s power is not just physical domination; it’s a deeply ingrained spiritual and cultural erasure that leaves entire societies disconnected from their roots, their gods, and their sense of purpose. This sounds conflicting but not.

Although Satan’s grip on the English monarchy and global powers seemed absolute, resistance never ceased. Across Africa and the Americas, there were secret spiritual orders and movements that sought to preserve the ancient ways. These groups held on to knowledge of divine power, carefully passed down in secret. Some used art, storytelling, and oral traditions as covert ways to preserve this knowledge, while others engaged in clandestine spiritual warfare against the demonic entities that controlled the monarchs and colonizers.

Leaders of these resistance movements could be depicted as powerful mystics, warriors, and shamans—characters who understand the deep spiritual significance of the struggle. They may wield powers that come from their connection to ancient, divine forces, opposing Satan’s minions not just through physical combat, but through rituals, invocations, and battles in the spiritual realm. These characters would be central to the final battle, where the future of humanity’s soul is at stake.

As the article reaches the modern age, it’s clear that Satan’s influence over the world has not diminished, though it has become more covert. The English monarchy, though no longer an imperial power, still carries the serpent seed and maintains its occult ties. World leaders, corporations, and global institutions continue to enact the Devil’s will, promoting exploitation, war, and spiritual disconnect.

However, the seeds of resistance planted by the Afro-Indigenous civilizations have never fully died. In the modern world, descendants of these ancient peoples, as well as spiritual warriors from various traditions, gather to wage a final war against Satan’s empire in prayer. This battle is not just fought in the political or economic spheres but in the unseen spiritual realm, where the very fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

By controlling the English monarchy and other powers, Satan seeks to erase the divine nature of humanity, turning people into mere cogs in a machine of exploitation and destruction. His ultimate goal is to sever humanity’s connection to God, making humans into beings of pure materialism and despair.

Some monarchs could be portrayed as initially resistant to the Devil’s influence, but slowly corrupted over time. This introduces a tragic element to the story, showing how even well-meaning leaders are twisted into agents of evil through subtle manipulation and temptation.

You could explore “what-if” scenarios, where Satan’s conquest changed the course of history in significant ways. For example, a world where the Afro-Indigenous civilizations survived and thrived might look vastly different—more spiritually aware, in tune with nature, and resistant to Satan’s materialistic worldview.

My, ending story could touch on modern-day issues like systemic racism, global inequality, and environmental destruction, showing how these are all consequences of Satan’s plan, carried out by his descendants and institutions of power.

So in conclusion; As the final battle between light and darkness drew near, the ancient forces of resistance gathered, their power rekindled in the descendants of Afro-Indigenous civilizations and others who had long opposed Satan’s reign. The English monarchy, now fully consumed by the serpent seed, prepared to tighten its grip on the world one last time. But in the shadows, a spark of hope ignited—a power far older than the Devil’s influence “saw this!”

In a hidden chamber beneath the ruins of a long-forgotten temple, the last of the griots raised their voices, calling upon the divine forces that had protected humanity for millennia. As the darkness threatened to swallow the earth, a bright light tore through the sky. The time had come for the Devil’s empire to fall, and with it, the chains of corruption that had bound humanity for so long.

A day that has been waited on by a true Christian community of diverse brands. The final reckoning will arrive. And this time, the light would not falter. God bless, and surely keep your head to the sky!

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

How the Royal Family secretly owns the world:

In the hope, I pray that you understand what evil hides within types of people.