“Jesus Christ: His Life, His Message, and His Modern Relevance”

A hearty, “God blessed” greeting to everyone you care about in the Holy family of Christ and most of all, those that are lost my friends. When we awaken from our night’s sleep, we are always relieved to see the dawn, knowing that we have another day to redeem ourselves. Because tomorrow is nothing to boast about for you know not what the day might bring. Each day could be our last day and as believers, knowing this should change how we spend our daily lives. Remember, that tomorrow isn’t promised to anybody (Proverbs 27:1).

The life of Jesus Christ is one of the most remarkable narratives in human history. Born into humble circumstances in the small town of Bethlehem, Jesus’ influence has transcended the millennia, shaping cultures, societies, and individuals in profound ways. Despite facing significant adversity, his life and teachings have had a lasting impact that continues to resonate in the modern world. This exploration will delve into the extraordinary aspects of Jesus’ life, the adversities he overcame, and how his legacy continues to affect people today in this short overview.

Early Life and Background:

Jesus of Nazareth, commonly known as Jesus Christ, was born around 4 BCE in Bethlehem, in a region that is now part of modern-day Israel. His birth is celebrated by Christians worldwide on December 25th, a date that has become a cornerstone of Western culture but is an abomination because of speculation, no where in the Bible does it say the date of His birth. Born to Mary and Joseph, Jesus’ early life was spent in the modest town of Nazareth, where he was raised in a Jewish household. His humble beginnings did not hint at the profound impact he would have on the world.

Ministry and Teachings:

At around the age of 30, Jesus began his public ministry, which lasted approximately three years. His teachings were revolutionary, emphasizing love, forgiveness, and the Kingdom of God. Jesus often taught through parables, simple stories with deep moral and spiritual lessons. These teachings attracted a diverse following, from fishermen and tax collectors to women and the poor, highlighting his message’s universal appeal.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Jesus’ ministry was his miracles. According to the Gospels, he performed numerous miraculous acts, including healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, and even raising the dead. These miracles were not just displays of power but were deeply tied to his message of compassion and divine love. The feeding of the 5,000, the healing of lepers, and the resurrection of Lazarus are just a few examples of the wonders attributed to him.

Overcoming Adversity:

Jesus’ life was not without significant challenges. From the outset, he faced skepticism and opposition from various quarters. The political and religious leaders of the time viewed him with suspicion and hostility. His radical teachings challenged the status quo, questioning the authority of religious leaders and advocating for a more personal and compassionate understanding of God’s will.

One of the most poignant aspects of Jesus’ adversity was his trial and crucifixion. Betrayed by one of his own disciples, Judas Iscariot, Jesus was arrested and subjected to a series of unjust trials. Despite his innocence, he was sentenced to death by crucifixion, a brutal and humiliating form of execution reserved for the worst criminals. His suffering on the cross, as recounted in the Gospels, is a testament to his unwavering commitment to his mission and his willingness to endure immense pain for the sake of humanity.

Resurrection and Ascension:

According to Christian belief, Jesus’ story did not end with his death. Three days after his crucifixion, he rose from the dead, an event celebrated as Easter which is another abomination because of its roots to paganism with nothing Holy. God would rather we leave His stuff to Him and pay more attention to His Holy Spirit that can improve misconceptions. But yet the resurrection is considered the cornerstone of Christian faith, symbolizing victory over sin and death. Jesus appeared to his disciples and many others over a period of forty days before ascending into heaven. This event, known as the Ascension, marked the culmination of his earthly ministry and the beginning of the Christian church.

Lasting Impact on History and Civilization:

The impact of Jesus Christ on history and civilization is profound and multifaceted. His teachings laid the foundation for Christianity, which has grown to become one of the world’s largest religions, with over two billion adherents. Christianity has shaped the cultural, social, and political landscapes of many nations, influencing laws, ethical standards, and societal norms.

Influence on Western Civilization:

In Western civilization, Jesus’ teachings have been a major influence on the development of moral and ethical systems. Concepts such as the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, the importance of charity and compassion, and the value of forgiveness and reconciliation are deeply rooted in Christian ethics. These principles have been instrumental in shaping Western legal systems, social services, and educational institutions.

The arts and literature have also been profoundly influenced by Jesus and his teachings. But needed no help from the tradition of men the themes of art such as Masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” Michelangelo’s “Pieta,” and Handel’s “Messiah.”

And the western portrait of Jesus, are just a few examples of how Jesus’ life and message have inspired artistic expression in a way that is spiritual, but not ethnically with reference to birth, origins, or cultural, yet is a racially and ethnically diverse representation.

“Jesus had nothing to do with this.” This was a demonically inspired “stinkin thinkin” thing done by men. Our Father in Heaven is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33)!

Social and Humanitarian Impact:

Jesus’ emphasis on compassion and care for the marginalized has inspired numerous social and humanitarian efforts throughout history. Many hospitals, orphanages, and charitable organizations have been founded by Christians motivated by Jesus’ example. Figures such as Mother Teresa, who dedicated her life to serving the poor in India, and Martin Luther King Jr., who fought for civil rights in the United States, drew inspiration from Jesus’ teachings.

The concept of social justice, which is a cornerstone of many modern movements, is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus. His advocacy for the poor, the outcast, and the oppressed resonates with contemporary efforts to address inequality and promote human rights. The parable of the Good Samaritan, which teaches the importance of loving and helping others regardless of their background, continues to inspire acts of kindness and solidarity across the globe.

Modern Religious and Spiritual Significance:

In the modern world, Jesus’ life and teachings continue to hold significant religious and spiritual meaning for millions of people. Christianity, as a faith tradition, remains vibrant and diverse, but with numerous denominations of confusing expressions of faith. The central tenets of Jesus’ teachings—love, forgiveness, and yet hope—continue to provide spiritual guidance and comfort to believers, is darkly shadowed by today’s prosperity preachers so far from the real gospel of Christ.

Personal Transformation:

For many individuals, a relationship with Jesus Christ is a source of personal transformation. Stories of people finding new purpose, overcoming addiction, and experiencing profound inner peace are common among Christians. The belief in Jesus as a savior who offers redemption and a new beginning is a powerful motivator for personal change.

The teachings of Jesus encourage self-examination and a commitment to ethical living. The Sermon on the Mount, with its emphasis on humility, mercy, and peacemaking, serves as a moral compass for many. This personal transformation often extends to how individuals interact with others, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

Interfaith Dialogue and Global Influence:

Jesus’ teachings have also influenced other religious traditions and interfaith dialogue. While Christianity remains distinct, elements of Jesus’ message of love and compassion resonate with the core values of many world religions. This common ground has facilitated conversations and cooperation between different faith communities, promoting peace and understanding.

In a globalized world, the figure of Jesus transcends cultural and national boundaries. His message of universal love and the inherent worth of every individual continues to inspire people from diverse backgrounds. Whether in the bustling cities of the West or the remote villages of the Global South, Jesus’ teachings find relevance and application.

Author’s Note:

The life of Jesus Christ is a testament to the power of love, compassion, and unwavering faith. Despite facing immense adversity, his teachings have endured and continue to shape the lives of individuals and societies. From the early days of his ministry to the present, the impact of Jesus Christ is undeniable. His message of love, forgiveness, and hope offers a path to personal and collective transformation, inspiring countless acts of kindness, justice, and peace.

In the modern world, the legacy of Jesus Christ is evident in the ongoing efforts to address social injustices, the pursuit of ethical living, and the quest for spiritual fulfillment. His teachings provide a timeless guide for navigating the complexities of human existence, offering a vision of a world marked by love and compassion. Whether one approaches Jesus as a historical figure, a religious leader, or a spiritual guide, his life and message continue to inspire and challenge, calling humanity to a higher standard of living and being.

By; Norman G. Roy III

Who is Jesus? (Inspiration video) Billy Graham:

Understand How the Holy Spirit Works in the Bible:

Because Of Your Faith God Will Answer | Inspirational & Motivational:

“The Melanated Messiah: Honoring Jesus’ True Identity”

Hello, and I’m delighted you are here today. God has given me a revelation via His Holy Spirit for everybody to hear and comprehend, and those with egos should set them aside for this time of reasoning and clarity of the truth.

The truth is similar to the image above, “Christ’s Soldiers” will not be led by illusions of images created by men of egos and their own sense of worth and curse of propaganda. The portrayal of the real Jesus Christ as a white man with blue eyes and long, hair is a relatively recent and culturally specific depiction after ancient biblical times that does not accurately reflect His likely historical appearance.

Here we do Bible truth in words and images. This image has been popularized in Western art and culture, but historical and anthropological evidence suggests that Jesus, being of Middle Eastern descent, would have had features more typical of the people in that region which seems to be to hard for a western people to, “ingest and let alone to digest!”

The Middle East is a geopolitical region encompassing the Arabian Peninsula, the Levant, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, and Iraq. The term came into widespread usage as a replacement of the term Near East as opposed to the Far East beginning in the early 20th century.

Ideally, the Middle East is generally considered to be part of the larger region of Africa and hints of Asia. Thousands of years ago, the Middle East (as well as the Arabian Peninsula, including the Levant, where Israel is) was indeed part of the continent of Africa. Later, the European powers colonized one Islamic country after another. 

Jesus was born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth, both located in the region of Galilee, which is part of modern-day Israel/Palestine. This area has historically been inhabited by Semitic people. As a Hebrew man of the first century, Jesus would have had physical characteristics typical of Middle Eastern Jews of that time.

People of the Middle Eastern region during the time of Jesus typically had olive to darker skin tones, dark hair, and dark eyes. Considering the climate and much of His work was outside in this geographical location, it is reasonable to assume that Jesus had a complexion suited to this environment, which would be darker than the depictions found in much Western art.

However, certain passages in our Bible give indirect hints. For example, in the Book of Revelation, Jesus is described symbolically in a vision: (Revelation 1:14-15:) “His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.”

While this passage is highly symbolic, the description of feet like “bronze glowing in a furnace” suggests a darker hue. It’s so sad that the devil has us so apart that we have to reach-out to forensic anthropologist Richard Neave, using historical data and remains from the period, a more accurate representation of Jesus would depict Him with a Middle Eastern appearance: dark skin, dark eyes, and short, curly hair.

To be taught wrong for generations is not a modern day’s fault, Jesus said how clever the devil and his imps (lesser beings) would be, you have been tricked to fall for European Influence, the popular image of Jesus with European features emerged during the Renaissance period when European artists began to depict Him in a way that reflected their own societies.

And does it matter? It does because it has been a thorn in the hip of the original people of the time and area by being pictured as lesser of men. This “Eurocentric portrayal” was further spread through colonialism and missionary work, becoming the dominant image in many parts of the world. To all people, the truth has to be known, and not stay in the lie, or protect it and the liars.

There has been a growing movement to re-examine and correct these historical inaccuracies. Efforts are being made to depict Jesus in ways that are more historically and ethnically accurate. And not have the last generation at the end of days worshiping an image influenced and engineered by the devil, that have divided God’s people from the natural order of things.

An accurate representation of Jesus is significant not just for historical accuracy but also for theological inclusivity. It helps people from diverse backgrounds relate to Him and understand His message in the context of their own cultures. ‘Come-on now, understanding Jesus as a Middle Eastern man challenges the often implicit biases and promotes a more universal understanding of His teachings and identity.

Considering the environmental conditions of the Middle East, it is plausible to think that God created people with darker skin tones (more melanin) to protect them from the harsh sun and potential sun-related illnesses. By understanding the historical and geographical context of Jesus’ life, we can appreciate a more accurate depiction of His appearance, moving away from the culturally biased images that have dominated for centuries, and allowed generational curses on the deceived.

It’s time, I truly believe our Father in heaven would like for it to be clearly explained that the commonly depicted image of Jesus as a white man with European features, is to see this as a historical development rather than an accurate representation. Jesus has been depicted in various cultures around the world, these representations often reflect the local populations and their understanding of Jesus.

Jesus is for All! Jesus’ teachings and message are universal and not confined to any particular ethnicity or race. But the truth and accurate representation can help people from diverse backgrounds feel more connected to Him. Unfortunately cultural depictions have shaped perceptions.

In my heart I felt I had to challenge the traditional Western depiction because I knew it was not true, but many did and it was the time to “STOP!” And have compelling evidence to make the case and just engage with a broad audience and encourage respectful conversations on this matter.

Dear Friends, In our journey of faith, it is important to seek the truth and embrace a more accurate understanding of Jesus Christ. Recent historical and anthropological research provides us with a clearer picture of what Jesus, a first-century Middle Eastern Jew, likely looked like. He would have had darker skin, dark hair, and dark eyes, reflecting the people and environment of His time and place.

For centuries, the image of Jesus as a white man with European features has been popularized through Western art and culture. While these depictions were shaped by their historical context, they do not accurately represent the true appearance of Jesus. Understanding Jesus in His authentic cultural and historical context enriches our faith and fosters a more inclusive and universal view of His teachings.

Christ’s Soldiers, cordially invites you to go deeper into this comprehension and with us in recognizing the various ways that Jesus is portrayed in various cultural contexts. By doing this, we respect the real meaning of His teachings and celebrate the diversity of our international religious community.

Moreover, understanding Jesus’ authentic appearance fosters a deeper appreciation for the diversity of humanity and the inclusive nature of His message. By recognizing and celebrating the diverse ways in which Jesus is depicted across cultures, we honor the richness of our global faith community and reaffirm the universal relevance of His teachings.

As we continue this journey of discovery, let us remain open to new perspectives and committed to truth, unity, and love. May our exploration of Jesus’ identity inspire us to embrace diversity, challenge misconceptions, and cultivate a deeper connection to the Son of God and each other.

Lastly, brothers and sisters, in our pursuit of understanding and honoring Jesus, it’s crucial to acknowledge the historical context of His life and teachings. While traditional depictions have shaped our perceptions, embracing the reality of Jesus as a Middle Eastern man with darker features enriches our understanding of His universal message.

By recognizing and celebrating the diversity of His image across cultures, we move closer to a more authentic and inclusive portrayal of the Son of God. Let’s continue this journey of discovery with open hearts and minds, guided by a commitment to truth, unity, and love.

Let us all come together in this journey of discovery, guided by a commitment to truth and inclusivity.

Author and Servant:

Norman G. Roy III

Why the Truth About Black Jesus Will Change Your Understanding of Christianity!

What Happens When You Discover The Real Jesus Was Black?

The late Dr. Billy Graham can shed some light on this widespread misperception.

“Occult Puppeteers: Demons and Their Modern-Day Influence on Humanity”

Hello, and thank you for visiting. I hope everything is well with you and the people you care about. Since you’ve come here, I’m guessing you want to learn something today about our adversary Satan and his demons. After reading this article and watching the videos, I hope you understand how you may defend yourself and others from them.

‘They are nasty because they only know the time of their  beginning, which will soon be their end!  It makes them more dangerous in several ways during the last generation. First and foremost, we belong to God; second, we are able to atone for our sins, they cannot; third, Satan deceived them; and fourth, God sent them here on earth to be imprisoned till their appointed time. “And yes, we have to deal with them.” That’s why it’s important to learn about them and their ways!

Now let us go out on this adventure to discover how our adversary targets you and your loved ones in several covert way’s, working around the clock, 24 hours a day. Demons, as understood in various religious, mythological, and occult traditions, are often depicted as malevolent supernatural beings that seek to manipulate, harm, or corrupt humans.

The concept of demons using humans against themselves involves a blend of theological, psychological, and sociopolitical elements. Here’s an exploration of these ideas, including how governments, secret organizations, and rituals might be involved:

1. Manipulation of Governments and Secret Organizations:

In many conspiracy theories and mythologies, demons are believed to influence governments and secret organizations to spread chaos, corruption, and control which any awake person knows is true. The idea is that by infiltrating or manipulating these powerful institutions, demons can indirectly cause widespread harm and foster environments where evil can thrive.

Governments: Demons corrupt political leaders, instigating wars, oppression, and policies that lead to suffering. This aligns that power can be a corrupting influence and that those in power can make decisions that have devastating consequences for large populations.

Secret Organizations: Groups such as the Illuminati, Freemasons, or other shadowy cabals are often accused of being puppets of demonic forces. These organizations are said to engage in covert activities that destabilize societies, promote immoral agendas, and erode individual freedoms.

2. Rituals and Occult Practices:

Rituals and occult practices are commonly associated with the invocation of demons. These ceremonies are believed to be used to summon or appease demonic entities, granting power, knowledge, or favors in return for loyalty or sacrifices.

Rituals: Ritualistic practices can involve complex ceremonies, often depicted as involving dark symbols, incantations, and sometimes human or animal sacrifices. The purpose of these rituals is usually to gain power or insight, often at a significant moral and spiritual cost.

Occult Practices: Practices like black magic, necromancy, and sorcery are associated with the manipulation of demonic forces. Practitioners believe they can control or bargain with demons to achieve their desires, although such dealings are typically portrayed as ultimately self-destructive.

3. Psychological Manipulation:

Demons are also thought to exploit human weaknesses and psychological vulnerabilities. This manipulation can manifest as:

Temptation: Demons are said to tempt individuals into committing sins or engaging in self-destructive behavior. This can include fostering addiction, greed, lust, and other vices.

Possession: In many religious traditions, demonic possession involves a demon taking control of an individual’s body and mind, leading them to act against their will and moral beliefs. Exorcisms are rituals intended to expel these entities.

Influence: Beyond possession, demons might subtly influence thoughts, emotions, and decisions, leading individuals to make harmful choices or to harm others.

4. Sociocultural Impact:

The idea of demonic influence extends to societal and cultural realms. Demons might be seen as responsible for:

Cultural Decay: Promoting moral decay, encouraging hedonism, and undermining traditional values. This can include the spread of materialism, the breakdown of family structures, and the promotion of unethical behavior in media and entertainment.

Conflict and Division: Sowing discord and division among people, leading to social unrest, prejudice, and violence. This aligns with the notion of “divide and conquer,” where societal fragmentation weakens collective resilience.

5. Symbolism and Allegory:

In many cases, the depiction of demons using humans against themselves is symbolic. It represents the internal and external struggles that individuals and societies face against corruption, immorality, and the darker aspects of human nature.

Internal Struggle: The battle between good and evil within an individual, where demons symbolize the darker, base impulses that must be resisted to maintain moral integrity.

External Influence: The impact of external corrupting influences, be they political, social, or cultural, that must be recognized and opposed to preserve collective well-being.

The concept of demons using humans against themselves is a multifaceted idea encompassing direct supernatural influence, psychological manipulation, and symbolic representations of moral and ethical struggles. Whether taken literally or metaphorically, these narratives reflect deep-seated fears about power, corruption, and the battle between good and evil in human society.

To delve deeper into how demons are believed to use humans against themselves, it’s helpful to consider specific examples and themes from various traditions, beliefs, and narratives. Here are additional details that might provide further clarification:

1. Historical and Religious Contexts / Christianity

Possession and Exorcism: Demonic possession is a significant theme in Christianity, where individuals are believed to be overtaken by demons, leading to erratic and harmful behavior. Exorcisms, performed by priests, are rituals intended to expel these demons. The Gospels recount several instances where Jesus casts out demons, emphasizing the struggle between divine and demonic forces.

Temptation of Christ: The story of Jesus being tempted by Satan in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1–11) illustrates the idea of demons trying to lead individuals astray by exploiting their desires and weaknesses.


Jinn: In Islamic tradition, jinn are supernatural beings that can be good or evil. Evil jinn, akin to demons, can influence humans, leading them to stray from the path of righteousness. The Qur’an contains numerous references to jinn and their interactions with humans.


Dybbuk: In Jewish folklore, a dybbuk is a malicious spirit believed to possess individuals, causing mental and physical distress. The concept emphasizes the need for spiritual purity and the dangers of straying from religious teachings.

2. Modern Interpretations and Psychological Perspectives / Psychological Manipulation:

Mental Health: Some modern interpretations suggest that what we historically considered demonic possessions might be manifestations of psychological disorders. Conditions like dissociative identity disorder (DID) and schizophrenia can exhibit symptoms that mimic those described in possession cases. However, just like in Jesus’ days, we see the same demoniac symptoms that those with a paper education urge us not to trust, claiming that they are clinical. This raises the question of whether they are indeed the ones sick.

Influence Through Culture:

Media and Propaganda: Demons in modern narratives can symbolize the corrupting influence of media and propaganda. The spread of misinformation, fear-mongering, and the glorification of immoral behavior in popular culture can be seen as ways in which “demons” manipulate society.

3. Occult Practices and Secret Society / Rituals:

Black Mass: Alleged secret rituals like the Black Mass, a supposed inversion of the Christian Mass, are said to be conducted by occult groups to invoke demonic powers. These rituals are often depicted as involving desecration, blasphemy, and sacrifices.

Secret Societies / The Illuminati:

About them, people who go deeper than the surface media, like myself, discover that not everything is a conspiracy theory. It’s  frequently charged that the Illuminati direct world events to establish a new global order through demonic power.

But yet the powers that be, work so hard to have you believe they are theories, the hidden things that suggest participants participate in covert rites in an effort to seize authority and influence international affairs. Seems like a page of events happening in the world today. Engineered by Satan and his helpers demonic and human!

4. Cultural and Literary Depictions Literature:

“The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis:

This book is a series of fictional letters from a senior demon, Screwtape, to his nephew, Wormwood, a junior tempter. It provides an insightful and often satirical look at how demons might manipulate humans by exploiting their weaknesses, doubts, and desires.

Film and Television:

“The Exorcist”:

This iconic film portrays a young girl possessed by a demon, with the subsequent exorcism highlighting the clash between faith and malevolence. It’s a stark depiction of the fear and horror associated with demonic possession.


The TV series frequently explores themes of demonic influence, possession, and the battle between good and evil. It blends various mythological and religious elements to depict how demons manipulate humans and events. Although most may see it as fiction yet they are telling you what without being openly acknowledged but displayed to those that have the invisible veil removed from their eyes and ears. 

5. Symbolism and Metaphor / Internal Conflict:

Good vs. Evil: Demons often symbolize the internal struggle between good and evil within individuals. This duality can represent the moral choices and ethical dilemmas people face daily.

Societal Commentary:

Corruption and Power: Demons can be a metaphor for the corrupting influence of power and the moral compromises that come with it. Stories of demonic influence often critique those in power who exploit others for personal gain.

The depiction of demons using humans against themselves spans various cultures, religions, and modern interpretations. These narratives often serve as allegories for real-world issues such as psychological struggles, the corrupting influence of power, and the moral dilemmas faced by individuals and societies. Whether viewed through a supernatural lens or a symbolic one, these stories highlight the ongoing battle between good and evil, both within and around us.

Come on, lets delve deeper into specific examples, themes, and perspectives that further illuminate how demons are believed to use humans against themselves. This exploration will include more detailed cases, theological discussions, cultural narratives, and the psychological underpinnings of these beliefs.

1. Detailed Case Studies of Demonic Influence / Possession and Exorcism in Christianity:

Anneliese Michel: 

One of the most well-documented cases of demonic possession is that of Anneliese Michel, a German woman who underwent 67 exorcism sessions in the 1970s. Her story, which ended tragically with her death, has been interpreted as a severe case of mental illness misunderstood as possession. It highlights the thin line between spiritual beliefs and psychological conditions.

Islamic Perspectives:

The Story of King Solomon:

In Islamic tradition, King Solomon (Sulayman) is believed to have had control over the jinn, both good and evil. This story emphasizes the idea that humans can wield power over supernatural beings through wisdom and divine favor, contrasting with the notion of humans being used by these entities.

2 Theological Discussions / Christian Demonology:

Hierarchy of Demons:

Many Christian demonologists, such as the 16th-century theologian Johann Weyer, have proposed elaborate hierarchies of demons, with different ranks and roles. These hierarchies often mirror human social structures, suggesting a complex organization aimed at corrupting humanity on multiple levels.

The Role of Free Will:

A critical theological point in Christianity is the emphasis on free will. Demons can tempt and manipulate, but ultimately, individuals have the choice to resist or succumb. This perspective underscores personal responsibility and the power of faith and virtue.

Buddhist Views:

Mara the Tempter:

In Buddhism, Mara is the demon who attempted to obstruct Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) from attaining enlightenment. This figure symbolizes the internal and external obstacles to spiritual progress, including temptation, fear, and doubt.

3 Cultural Narratives and Folklore / African Traditions:

Witchcraft and Spirit Possession: In many African cultures, belief in witchcraft and spirit possession is prevalent. Spirits, both ancestral and malevolent, are thought to influence individuals and communities. Rituals, often led by shamans or spiritual leaders, are performed to appease or expel these spirits.

East Asian Beliefs / Hungry Ghosts:

In Chinese and Japanese traditions, the concept of hungry ghosts (pretas) represents the spirits of those who died with unresolved desires or grievances. These spirits can haunt the living, causing misfortune and requiring rituals to be appeased or pacified.

4 Modern Interpretations and Psychological Underpinnings / Psychology of Demonic Belief Carl Jung’s Archetypes:

Jungian psychology offers a framework for understanding demons as archetypes representing the darker aspects of the human psyche, such as the Shadow. These elements of the unconscious mind can project outward, manifesting as perceived external threats or influences.

Cognitive Dissonance and Projection / Externalizing Internal Conflict:

Psychological theories suggest that beliefs in demonic influence can be a way to externalize internal conflicts. Individuals struggling with guilt, shame, or forbidden desires might perceive these feelings as caused by external malevolent forces, thus reducing cognitive dissonance.

5 Literary and Artistic Depictions / Classic Literature:

“Faust” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:

The tale of Faust, who makes a pact with the demon Mephistopheles, explores themes of ambition, desire, and the moral consequences of seeking power through demonic means. It illustrates the idea of humans willingly entering into dangerous bargains for short-term gains.

Contemporary Media:

“The Witch” (2015 film): This horror film depicts a Puritan family in 17th-century New England dealing with the presence of a witch and the Devil. The film explores themes of religious fanaticism, fear of the unknown, and the psychological unraveling of individuals under the pressure of perceived demonic threats.

6 Philosophical and Ethical Considerations / The Problem of Evil:

Theodicy: Philosophers and theologians have long debated the problem of evil—why a good and omnipotent God would permit evil to exist. Demons are often invoked in these discussions as agents of evil, testing human faith and virtue. Various theodicies propose that encountering and resisting evil is essential for moral and spiritual development.

Moral Ambiguity / Sympathetic Demons:

Some modern narratives present demons in a more nuanced light, suggesting that they might embody necessary aspects of human experience, such as rebellion and questioning authority. Works like Neil Gaiman’s “Sandman” series explore the complexities of demonic characters who defy traditional moral categorizations.

Author’s Note:

The idea of demons using humans against themselves is rich with cultural, religious, psychological, and philosophical dimensions. These narratives serve various purposes; they explain the presence of evil, offer a means to externalize internal conflicts, critique social and political systems, and explore the boundaries of human morality and free will. Whether through historical case studies, theological debates, or modern psychological interpretations, the concept remains a potent symbol of the eternal struggle between good and evil within the human condition.

To fully appreciate the complex and multifaceted nature of the concept of demons using humans against themselves, here are some additional perspectives and insights that might help you round out your understanding.

1 Interdisciplinary Approaches: / Comparative Religion:

Syncretism: Studying how different cultures and religions syncretize their beliefs about demons can provide a richer understanding. For example, Vodoo blends African, Caribbean, and Catholic elements, resulting in unique perspectives on spirits and demonic influence.


Cultural Practices: Anthropological studies of rituals and belief systems around the world can shed light on how societies understand and cope with the concept of evil. Fieldwork in communities that believe in spirit possession or witchcraft can reveal how these beliefs function in social cohesion and conflict resolution.

2 Scientific Explanations / Neurology and Psychiatry

Epilepsy and Temporal Lobe Activity: Historically, conditions like epilepsy have been misinterpreted as demonic possession. Modern neuroscience shows that temporal lobe seizures can produce intense religious and mystical experiences, which might have been construed as supernatural in the past.

Sleep Paralysis:

Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic States: Episodes of sleep paralysis often come with vivid hallucinations of malevolent beings. This phenomenon might explain historical and contemporary reports of demonic encounters, highlighting the role of brain states in shaping supernatural experiences.

3 Modern Cultural Impact / Popular Culture:

Horror Genre: The portrayal of demons in movies, TV shows, and books influences public perception. Understanding these depictions as reflections of societal fears and anxieties can offer insights into contemporary attitudes toward evil and the supernatural.

 Digital Age:

Digital Age: Internet and Memes: The internet has transformed how demonology and related conspiracies spread. Online communities often blend fact, fiction, and folklore, creating modern mythologies that can influence beliefs and behaviors on a global scale that makes it hard for the truth to prevail.

4 Philosophical and Ethical Dimensions / Existential Questions:

Nature of Evil: Philosophical inquiries into the nature of evil can provide deeper insights. Is evil an external force, an intrinsic part of human nature, or a consequence of free will? Different philosophical traditions offer varied answers, each contributing to a broader understanding of demonic influence. Yet our Bible says we are all born in sin (Psalm 51:5).

Moral Responsibility:

Ethics of Blame: Attributing actions to demonic influence can raise ethical questions about personal responsibility. While demonic narratives can explain harmful behavior, they can also be misused to absolve individuals of accountability or to stigmatize mental health issues. Remember this; there are rules to “personal invasions,” you have to open doors to allow admittance.

5 Personal and Societal Reflection / Self-Reflection:

Inner Demons: Exploring the concept of “inner demons” as psychological and emotional struggles can be therapeutic. Recognizing and confronting one’s fears, desires, and weaknesses is a crucial aspect of personal growth and resilience. Most people who don’t believe in the spiritual world, other than so-called ghosts, can’t see Dominic activity is because demons walk around looking like you and me. They are hiding in weak people who have opened the doors to invisible beings.

Collective Challenges: On a societal level, demonic metaphors can reflect collective challenges such as corruption, inequality, and moral decay. Addressing these “demons” involves not only understanding their symbolic representations but also taking concrete actions to foster justice, compassion, and integrity.

Demonic territory is not so much geographic locations but places within human beings. The Kingdom of darkness looks for what we call “OPEN DOORS” to gain entrance into a life. Satan has no authority to demonise a person unless he is given the legal right to do so. To believe and agree with the devil’s lies is effectively making an agreement with him to enter.

Sometimes the “OPEN DOOR” is not of your choosing as you may have been subjected to it involuntarily such as when a child is exposed to demonic activity by their parents. Yet demons are legalists, they can only operate within the confounds of their authority which is minimal because it has been stripped by Jesus being on the cross. And because of this “you” saying in Jesus name can remove the legal right, you can force demons to vacate a marked -off ‘private space’ you have allowed.

But the truth is many, many people throughout the earth have “OPEN DOORS” to get demonized and in many cases were ignorant to these “OPEN DOORS.” So take note; in a big sense the Bible is the safety instruction book to protect you from the invisibles in your life. To help guide you in this area of “OPEN DOORS,” and what we must do to close them, and keep them shut and drive out whatever is occupying an area within your life.

By knowing these “OPEN DOORS” we can accurately identify how Demons or curses got in, what we must do to remove them and keep them out. What we know from the Gospels is that Jesus dealt with “CURSES and DEMONIC SPIRITS” on a daily basis within His ministry. And you do too, most are just ignorant to it! “CURSES must be broken and DEMONS must be driven out, there is no other way but by the power of our saviour “Jesus Christ’s name.

Both Jesus and we are engaged in conflict. Most significantly, He was conquering formerly devil-held territory as He grew and spread via the gospel’s proclamation. I’m going to list 7 areas in our lives that will show signs we need deliverance.

1 Emotional Problems: A constant feeling of confusion, Loneliness, feeling unloved, Ongoing sadness, feeling of sorrow and grief, Insomnia and restlessness.

2 Mental Problems: Fear and anxiety, Confusing thoughts, Heaviness of mind, Feelings of paranoia, Hearing voices, Making no sense in thinking and actions.

3 Speech Problems: Constant negative talk, Uncontrollable swearing, Using the Lord’s name in vain, Cursing people and things, Filthy talk and rude joking, Argumentative.

4 Sexual Problems: Fornication (Sex outside of marriage), Lust for constant sex, Adultery, Homosexual tendencies, Pornography addiction, Perverted desires(Pedopilia, Bestiality), Gender confusion.

5 Addictions: Alcoholism, Smoking, Illegal drugs, Sex, Gluttony (Over eating), Gambling Gaming(Electronic devices).

6 Physical Infinities: Weakness, Some diseases, Reoccurring illnesses, Undiagnosed sicknesses, Symptoms with no apparent cause, Rashes that comes and go for no reason.

7 Religious Error: Unable to believe God, Hatred towards Jesus, Unbelief towards the Holy Bible, Desires for the Occult and witchcraft, Paranormal experiences or abilities. Seeing spirits or hearing voices.

Author’s Note:

Demonisation usually occurs when a person is at their weakest point. In other words, when the defences are down they become vulnerable to attack and demons are masters of intrusion and lurk waiting for an opportunity. So be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour!

Understanding the concept of demons using humans against themselves is a journey through various disciplines, including theology, psychology, anthropology, and philosophy. It’s a rich tapestry of beliefs, symbols, and narratives that reflect human attempts to grapple with the presence of evil and suffering. By not considering scientific explanations, but cultural impacts, and personal reflections, you can develop a well-rounded perspective that respects the complexity of this subject, by “Bible Reading and Study.

Ultimately, whether viewed through a supernatural lens or a symbolic one, the study of demonic influence invites us to confront fundamental questions about human nature, morality, and the struggle between good and evil. This holistic approach ensures that the subject is not only comprehensively understood but also placed in a broader context that resonates with both individual experiences and collective human history. https://storm.cw.center

A special thanks to https://www.awesomechurch.com/ for their brief but appreciated contribution.

By; Norman G. Roy III

5 Signs You Are Under Demonic Attack:

PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO CHANGE – The Bible Warned This Would Happen:

*God’s Real Time Clock:*

Creator's Luni-Solar Calendar

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath.” (Exodus 20:8-10).

Greetings and good day to all of our guests; we are glad to have you here. We have a special day for our topic. The theme for today is the True Creator’s Calendar, as you can see above. For people wanting to obey the Bible commandments, the question is: “Which is day one?”

All can count to seven, but where does the count begin? How can you know which is the true seventh day? The Creator Who made the week also designed a month in which to place that week. The calendar of Creation begins with New Moon Day followed by four complete weeks. Each week contains six work days and a seventh-day Sabbath rest.

In the beginning, the Creator designed the movement of the sun and the moon to measure time. “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for religious gatherings, and for days, and years: . . . Two great lights [were set] . . . in the firmament of the heaven . . . to rule over the day and over the night.” (Genesis 1:14, 16-18).

Time can be measured only by movement. The revolution of the sun measures a day. In 365 and a quarter days, the sun returns to the same relative position above the earth. This is one solar year. The moon’s 29 and a half day cycle measure a lunation, which is the basis of the month. Twelve and a third lunations are the same length as a solar year.

There are three basic calendar formats using the movements of the sun and the moon:

  1. Solar: Solar calendars use the sun for measuring the length of the year only. Months of arbitrary length have no link to nature. On the Gregorian solar calendar, weeks cycle continuously. Even leap day, every four years, does not disrupt the continuous weekly cycle.
  2. Lunar: Lunar calendars are based strictly on the cycles of the moon. Months, which begin the first dawn after conjunction, cycle continuously without adjustment to the solar year. Because 12 lunations are 11 days shorter than a solar year, lunar months float through the seasons.
  3. Luni-solar: The sun and the moon functioning together make a luni-solar calendar. Lunations are adjusted to the longer solar year by adding a 13th month seven times in 19 years. The weekly cycle restarts with every new moon. Each lunation has four complete weeks.

The calendar established at Creation is luni-solar. It is the most accurate and precise of all time-keeping systems.

In Scripture, each lunation starts with the celebration of a special day of worship: New Moon Day. Because it is a worship day, it cannot be counted as part of the 6 work days in the first week of each month. New Moon Day starts with the first dawn after the astronomical new moon also known as the conjunction.

Six work days follow and then a seventh-day Sabbath on the eighth of the month. Three more weeks follow, ending on the 29th. Through measurement and calculation in the days leading up to the 29th, the time of conjunction is revealed so one can determine if the month has 29 or 30 days. No month ever has more than 30 days.

The true luni-solar calendar is very user-friendly. Days of the week always fall on the same dates of the month. Every time a seventh-day Sabbath in Scripture is assigned a date, it always falls on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of the month. Scripture states that the moon was created specifically to measure times for worship.

He appointed [created] the moon for seasons; worship times.” (Psalm 104:19). Creation week ended with a Sabbath day’s rest. Exodus 31 states that the Sabbath is to be kept throughout all generations. Verily My sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am Yahuwah that doth sanctify you. (See Exodus 31:13.).

The seventh-day Sabbath was designed by the Creator to be the sign of loyalty between Himself and His people. The enemy, Lucifer, has changed the civil calendar and stolen the worship due to the Creator. Through tradition and assumption, Lucifer has united the world in using a solar calendar with continuously cycling weeks. When one worships reveals whom he worships. All who use a solar calendar for calculating their days of worship are, unknowingly, giving their allegiance and worship to the great Deceiver.

Those desiring to show their allegiance to the Creator will worship Him on the day He has designated. To find the correct day of worship, the luni-solar calendar established at Creation must be used. Not Sunday as you have been taught to suppose, so breakout of the world systems bondage and come back to worship on the day our Father meant for us all!

Scripture reveals that the calendar used for worship throughout all eternity will be based upon the new moon: “And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me.” (Isaiah 66:23). Whom do you worship? To whom to do you give your allegiance? The calendar you use to measure time for worship reveals the deity you worship.

Brothers and Sisters; Remember this; Satan is utilizing the resources at his disposal to use us against us and that the Papacy and men’s customs are all part of his scheme to drive you farther away from the Father!

*Special Thanks Too* “Worlds Last Chance” for their gift of knowledge we have received today. Their mission is truth for understanding.

By Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

”Saturday is the Sabbath” is FAKE NEWS!

Understanding New Moons & Translation Days:

*May Who And All You Love I Hope Stay Blessed Daily*

“The Two Faces of Time: From Babylon to Jesus, Janus; Tracing the Ancient Roots of New Year’s Celebrations”

Is there a hint of evil concealed in plain sight?

“Hello my Friends.” How are you doing, and how are those you care about? Glad you dropped by, and I’d want to clarify something for everyone who sees this: yes, I’m going to explain my title and its substance, and yes, it’s not going to be nice, and I know that those of you who have read any of my articles think they’re “doom and gloom.” That may be true, but I am not doing this to deceive you, but rather to alert you to our opponent “Satan’s trickery!

We’ll be pushing the “pedal to the metal” on this adventure! And provide you with an understanding of why, in your one chance in your spirit to have a human experience, you cannot just follow the herd on everything that seems exciting and fun without becoming an ignorant victim. Instead, we may go to the “big sleep” and wake up in the same manner you do every morning, even if you’ve been sleeping in your current condition for years. The living know, the dead know nothing. See (Ecclesiastes 9: 5-6). And you wake up in front of “The White Throne Judgement,” you are shocked because no one is guaranteed tomorrow (Proverbs 27:1).

And our Father responds, ” I never knew you,” this because of the devil’s cunning, you didn’t plan ahead and just followed the script, (“Do as the Romans do” or Monkey see, monkey do”), is the tail, not the head that will cause the majority of us to be a victim of this degradation. I’m not trying to take the fun out of everything we do, but just to warn about the days we are in and caution you on what seems harmless and right could be wrong considering your soul, if you care. We are living in the days where it seems wrong is right and right is wrong. Satan has flipped the script!

The Historical Origins of New Year’s Celebration:

The celebration of the New Year has a long and diverse history, with different cultures and civilizations marking the passage of time in various ways. One of the earliest recorded New Year celebrations was by the ancient Babylonians around 2000 BCE. They celebrated the New Year during the vernal equinox, which is around late March.

The ancient Egyptians also celebrated the New Year with the annual flooding of the Nile River, which marked the beginning of the agricultural season. Similarly, the Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar and is associated with the cycles of the moon.

The Roman God Janus:

In Roman mythology, Janus is a god with two faces, each looking in the opposite direction. He is often depicted as a symbol of transitions, passages, and doorways. Janus is considered the god of beginnings and endings, transitions, and time. His two faces represent looking back to the past and forward to the future, making him a fitting symbol for the turning of the calendar from one year to the next and itself omni-present trying to be like our Father God. What’s hidden, this is their counterfeit Jesus Christ.

The month of January is named after Janus, and the Romans celebrated the beginning of the year by offering sacrifices to him and exchanging gifts and offering drinks. They believed that Janus could provide blessings for the coming year and protect them from evil. But for those who don’t know, this is a curse throughout the New Years ritual disguised as pleasantries but is the opening of the door to capture the unlearned.

New Year’s Resolutions:

The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions can be traced back to ancient Babylonian and Roman times. Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of the year to return borrowed items and pay their debts. Similarly, the Romans made promises to Janus, seeking his favor for the year ahead but unknowingly gave homage too as we do to the demon!

Throughout history and throughout several cultures, people have made resolutions to better themselves or establish objectives for the upcoming year. It appeared to be a cultural and personal custom meant for self-improvement that is hidden as harmful to “God’s people!” Rather than having any connection to any particular religion or affiliations is a lie, this is another evil straight from hell.

The Transition to January 1st:

The shift of the New Year’s celebration to January 1st is linked to the Roman calendar. The Roman calendar originally had the New Year starting in March, but with the adoption of the Julian calendar by Julius Caesar in 45 BCE, January 1st became the official start of the year.

This change was part of an effort to align the calendar with the solar year, and it eventually gained widespread acceptance. However, it’s important to note that the association of Janus with the New Year predates this calendar change.

Pope Gregory XIII and the Gregorian Calendar:

While Pope Gregory XIII did introduce the Gregorian calendar in 1582 to reform the Julian calendar and correct inaccuracies in the calculation of leap years, this reform did not impact the celebration of the New Year on January 1st. The Gregorian calendar was designed to better align with the astronomical year, but it did not change the date of the New Year.

The celebration of January 1st as the New Year continued, and various cultures adopted the Gregorian calendar over time. The association of Janus with the New Year remains rooted in ancient Roman traditions.

The Modern Celebration of New Year’s:

Today, New Year’s celebrations vary worldwide. They often involve gatherings, festivities, fireworks, and the symbolic dropping of a ball in Times Square in New York City. While some people make resolutions for the coming year, others simply celebrate the passage of time with joy and optimism. Innocent victims of the unknowing. ‘Friends, this is ” His Mercy by His Warnings” of these things, that are unsuspected. ‘Hint, If it is making money from you, and a group party is involved, suspect it!

In conclusion:

Friends, I ask that you not give me credit. Even though leaving this message doesn’t seem enjoyable, don’t be shocked; you have another day for redemption. Look up, and thank God once more for His kindness that it’s you reading this and not in your deep slumber that is allotted to all of us at a time we don’t really know when.

The video I’ve included below won’t be as nice as what I’ve attempted to describe, but when you visit with me, you get the unvarnished truth, which you may discover in the video. Remember, there are good things in the world like, being not of the world, but peace inside, separation from disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty is His way, learning from the world will pull you down to the ground and deeper if you don’t try to understand your enemy.

‘Our, Father knows; For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. (2 Timothy 4:3). He knows most will accept what they like to see and hear and others are doing. Thank you for your time and if anyone in your family or friends even strangers that you think can be enlightened by my articles, please give them my link: https://storm.cw.center Too all a blessed day!

By Servant: Norman G. Roy III


“Celestial Betrayal: Watchers, Nephilim, and the Cosmic Flood”

Hello, friends I hope it’s a blessed day. What I like to talk about is a matter that most are confused about in the Book of Enoch that was mentioned in the Bible, but was hidden like many other mysteries from our life. It introduces the concept of the Watchers, a class of angels sent to watch over humans but who, led by their leader Semjaza, became enamored with human women. These angels descended on Mount Hermon, took human wives, and taught forbidden knowledge to humanity, leading to corruption and chaos.

The offspring of these unions were the Nephilim, described as giants with immense strength and evil tendencies. These Nephilim engaged in oppressive and violent behavior, causing havoc on Earth. Their actions, along with the corruption spread by the fallen angels, were considered major factors in God’s decision to bring about the flood to cleanse the world.

Once more, welcome, and maybe this information will help you better see the rationale for some of the crazy that exists in our days! The flood, as described in Genesis, was a divine judgment to wipe out the wickedness and corruption that had plagued the Earth. Noah and his family were spared, representing the remnant of righteousness. The floodwaters destroyed both the corrupted human population and the Nephilim.

It’s important to note that interpretations of these texts may vary, and not all religious traditions consider the Book of Enoch as canonical. Some see it as apocryphal or pseudopigraphical, meaning that its authorship is attributed to someone other than Enoch. And that’s why it’s not understood to most and is a mystery.

Long ago, in the time of ancient mysteries, the world was a place of divine order and beauty. Yet, beyond the realm of human understanding, celestial beings known as the Watchers existed. Tasked with observing and guiding humanity, these angels held a divine purpose, but their curiosity led them astray. In the celestial abode, on Mount Hermon, the Watchers, led by the charismatic Semjaza, began to succumb to desires forbidden. They gazed upon the daughters of men, captivated by their earthly allure. Against the divine decree, they descended from the heavens, drawn to the mortal realm.

The Book of Enoch tells of the forbidden unions between the Watchers and mortal women, giving birth to the Nephilim—mighty beings of immense strength and malevolence. These half-angelic, half-human creatures were the embodiment of chaos, spreading wickedness across the land.

In the Book of Genesis, cryptic verses allude to these events, where the “sons of God” saw the “daughters of men.” The mysterious union led to the birth of the Nephilim, giants whose presence brought corruption and violence to the world. The divine order was unraveling, and the Creator grieved over the wickedness that had taken root. As the Nephilim grew in number and strength, their deeds became increasingly malevolent. They tyrannized the inhabitants of the earth, oppressing them with their unnatural abilities and insatiable greed. The fallen angels, having imparted forbidden knowledge to humanity, watched as their creation wreaked havoc.

Enoch, a righteous man chosen by the divine, witnessed the unfolding chaos. Guided by celestial visions, he chronicled the wicked deeds of the Watchers and the Nephilim. His writings would later be compiled into the Book of Enoch, a testament to the cosmic struggle between the heavenly and the earthly. The corruption reached such depths that the Creator, in His sorrow and wrath, decided to cleanse the world. He summoned the floodwaters, a deluge that would wash away the sins of the Nephilim and purify the tainted earth. Only Noah, a man of righteousness, and his family were deemed worthy of salvation.

In the biblical account of Noah and the Ark, the divine intervention unfolded. The floodwaters rose, consuming the wickedness that had infested the world. The Nephilim, with their towering stature, were powerless against the wrath of the Creator. The ark sailed amidst the storm, carrying the remnants of a righteous lineage.

The floodwaters receded, leaving behind a cleansed world. The Nephilim were no more, their malevolent legacy erased by the divine flood. The Watchers, having witnessed the consequences of their transgressions, faced divine judgment. Some were imprisoned, and others scattered, their celestial nature forever tainted.

The tale of the Watchers, the Nephilim, and the flood became a cautionary legend—a reminder of the consequences of celestial beings meddling in the affairs of mortals. The Book of Enoch and the biblical scriptures intertwined to weave a narrative of divine justice, human frailty, and the enduring power of righteousness in the face of cosmic turmoil.

In the aftermath of the flood, a new era dawned upon the world. The waters receded, revealing a transformed landscape. Noah and his family, the chosen survivors, stepped onto the rejuvenated earth. As they gazed upon the remnants of a once-devastated world, the divine covenant was established—a promise that the earth would never again be purged by such a cataclysmic flood.

Yet, the echoes of the celestial transgressions lingered. The scattered Watchers, having tasted the bitter fruits of their rebellion, faced divine retribution. Some were bound in celestial chains, imprisoned in the darkest corners of the cosmos. Their celestial radiance dimmed, and their once-majestic forms were now distorted by the weight of their guilt.

In the Book of Enoch, Enoch himself undertook celestial journeys, witnessing the fate of the fallen angels. He beheld the imprisoned Watchers, their once-glorious presence reduced to shadows of their former selves. The cosmic order had been restored, but the scars of disobedience marked the celestial realm. The Nephilim, the giants born of forbidden unions, were no more. Their colossal forms, once agents of chaos, now lay silent beneath the earth. The floodwaters had cleansed the land of their malevolent influence, but the memory of their deeds lingered in the collective consciousness of humanity.

Generations passed, and the world flourished anew. The descendants of Noah spread across the earth, carrying with them the knowledge of the divine covenant and the lessons learned from the celestial rebellion. The Book of Enoch became a sacred text, preserving the chronicles of the Watchers and the Nephilim as a warning against the allure of forbidden knowledge and the consequences of cosmic hubris.

Yet, the story did not end with the flood. The celestial realms, though scarred by the rebellion, remained interconnected with the earthly domain. Celestial beings continued to watch over humanity, their role forever changed by the events of Mount Hermon. The divine order, while restored, now bore the indelible marks of a cosmic struggle that transcended mortal understanding.


The narrative of the Watchers, the Nephilim, and the flood became a tapestry woven into the fabric of human mythology and religious traditions. Across cultures and civilizations, echoes of this celestial drama found expression in various forms, shaping the collective consciousness of diverse societies. As the sun set on the epoch of divine judgment, a new dawn illuminated the potential for redemption and renewal. The celestial and earthly realms, forever intertwined, carried the enduring legacy of a cosmic tale—a tale of fallen angels, giants, and a flood that reshaped the destiny of both heaven and earth.

I hope for blessings, for all whom you love!

By: *Norman G. Roy III*

How The Sons of Fallen Angels Nearly Destroyed The World | The Book of Giants:

THE BOOK OF THE WATCHERS | Book of Enoch Part 1 | Full Audiobook with Read-Along Text:

THE TRUE STORY OF THE 4 FALLEN ANGELS Chained in the River Euphrates:

Be Good Too One Another:

Today’s Churches Have Sprung From The Same Root “As Paganism!”

Hello, Friends. I hope everything is fine with you and everyone you care about. Today I’d want to discuss something that is very important to all of us! Satan has built a complete system of “counterfeit Christianity.” His cunning guidance has enabled conceited religious leaders to subtly infiltrate utterly heathen ideas, rituals, and goals into “Christianity.” The majority of people believe that the religion of Jesus Christ is being presented since the term “christianity” is stamped on the exterior of the packaging.

In the realm of spiritual discernment, it is crucial to approach the subject of counterfeit Christianity with a vigilant and informed mindset. The roots of this issue trace back to the cunning influence of Satan. Many unsuspecting believers, seeing the label “Christianity,” assume they are following the religion of Jesus Christ.

However, they may be unaware that this term has been utilized to disguise erroneous ideas about God, Jesus Christ, His teachings, and the path to everlasting life. It is a cautionary tale, urging readers to be aware of the dangers posed by this “counterfeit” Christianity, which has led many astray and caused confusion, misery, and even death.

The historical context reveals that pagan creeds and ceremonies predated Christ’s arrival, and remarkably, they bore striking similarities to each other and even to true Christianity. This is not a mere coincidence but a deliberate incorporation of elements into the Christian tradition. Constantine, the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, played a pivotal role in this process.

Constantine’s influence is evident in the hybrid religion he crafted by incorporating pagan symbols, dates, and rituals into Christianity. This amalgamation sought to reconcile the diverse beliefs prevailing at the time. Paganism found its way into Christian symbolism, with contemporary depictions of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus drawing inspiration from ancient pictograms of Isis and Horus.

The parallels extend to various aspects of the Catholic rite, where elements such as the miter, altar, doxology, communion, and the concept of “eating God” were directly borrowed from preceding mystery religions. This mingling of heathen practices with Christian traditions raises questions about the authenticity of certain religious practices within the broader Christian spectrum.

Recognizing these historical entanglements is not an attempt to undermine faith but a call to discernment. It prompts individuals to scrutinize the beliefs and practices they adhere to, encouraging a deeper understanding of the origins and implications of their faith. The cautionary message resonates: be vigilant against the subtleties of counterfeit Christianity that can lead believers away from the true path and distort the essence of Christ’s teachings.

Relevant Scripture references:

(1 Ephesians 5:11 – “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”

(2 Matthew 7:15 – “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

(3 Colossians 2:8 – “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

(4 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 – “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works.”

In the realm of spiritual discernment, it is crucial to recognize the infiltration of counterfeit Christianity, a phenomenon guided by the cunning influence of Satan. Many, under the banner of “Christianity,” unknowingly embrace distorted beliefs about God, Jesus Christ, and the path to eternal life. This cautionary narrative delves into historical roots, highlighting the deliberate amalgamation of pagan elements into the Christian tradition.

In Summary:

The parallels between pagan and Christian practices, from symbols to rituals, raise questions about the authenticity of certain traditions within Christianity. Drawing inspiration from the King James Version of the Bible, relevant scriptures emphasize the need for discernment, warning against fellowship with darkness, false prophets, and the influence of deceptive teachings.

In essence, the message urges believers to scrutinize their faith, seeking a deeper understanding of its origins and implications. The call to vigilance resonates strongly: be aware of the subtleties of counterfeit Christianity that can lead astray, distorting the true essence of Christ’s teachings.

Special Thanks Too:

Roderick C. Meredith & Living Church of God for their research guidance for my studies!

*By: Norman G. Roy III*




Stay blessed, and Be at Peace with One Another!

*”Majestic Descent: The Heavenly Saga of God Incarnate”*

In the beginning, before time itself, God existed in the vastness of heaven, surrounded by celestial beings and the brilliance of divine light. His glory radiated in every corner of the celestial realm, and His wisdom surpassed the understanding of any created being. He was the Alpha and the Omega, the Creator of all things, the One who spoke the universe into existence.

In this heavenly abode, God’s love and compassion knew no bounds. He looked upon the Earth, a tiny blue in the cosmos, and saw the struggles, joys, and aspirations of the beings He had crafted. His heart overflowed with love for His creation, and a plan began to unfold—a plan that would bridge the gap between the divine and the mortal, the eternal and the temporal.

One day, as the heavenly hosts worshipped in unison, God announced His intention to manifest Himself on Earth. The angels, in awe of their Creator’s plan, eagerly awaited the unfolding of this divine drama. God, in His infinite wisdom, chose to make this manifestation through a vessel of purity and grace—a woman named Mary.

Mary, a humble maiden in the town of Nazareth, found favor in the eyes of the Almighty. One day, as she went about her daily routine, an angelic presence enveloped her, and the heavenly messenger spoke words that would forever change the course of human history.

“Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favor with God. And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great and shall be called the Son of the Highest.”

Mary, in awe of the celestial encounter, embraced her divine destiny with faith and humility. The Holy Spirit overshadowed her, and she conceived the Son of God in her womb. The heavenly plan was set in motion.

As Mary’s belly swelled with the miracle of life, the celestial realms rejoiced. Angels sang anthems of joy, and the very fabric of heaven seemed to vibrate with anticipation. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among men.

The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem marked the culmination of God’s divine plan. The shepherds in the fields witnessed a heavenly host proclaiming the good news, and wise men from the East followed a star that led them to the newborn King. The very heavens declared the glory of God as the Son of God lay in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes.

As Jesus grew, His divine nature and human essence intertwined in a seamless dance. He walked among the people, healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind, and bringing hope to the downtrodden. The crowds marveled at His teachings, for He spoke with authority and love. His miracles were a testament to His divine origin, and His compassion reflected the heart of the Heavenly Father.

Yet, the divine drama took a poignant turn as Jesus approached the culmination of His earthly mission. In the garden of Gethsemane, He prayed with such intensity that His sweat became drops of blood. The weight of humanity’s sin bore down upon Him, and He willingly embraced the cross for the redemption of mankind.

The Scriptures foretold this sacrificial act, as (Isaiah 53:5), proclaims, “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed.”

The crucifixion on Calvary’s hill was not the end but the beginning of a triumph that echoed through the heavenly realms. As Jesus breathed His last, darkness covered the land, and the veil in the temple tore in two. The earth quaked, and the very rocks cried out in witness to the cosmic significance of this divine moment.

But the story did not end at the cross. On the third day, the tomb was empty, and the risen Savior appeared to His disciples. Death could not hold Him captive, for He had conquered sin and death, offering the gift of eternal life to all who believe.

The resurrection of Jesus echoed the promise of victory found in (1 Corinthians 15:55-57), “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

In the final act of this divine narrative, Jesus ascended to heaven, where He sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding on behalf of those who trust in Him. The Holy Spirit, sent by the Father and the Son, continues to work in the hearts of believers, empowering them to live in the light of God’s love and truth.

Author’s Note:

And so, the story of God in heaven, who came to Earth in the flesh of a person as Jesus Christ, God’s extended essence of Himself, unfolds like an epic saga—a tale of love, redemption, and eternal hope. It is a story that transcends time and space, inviting all who hear its echoes to enter into the divine embrace of the One who is both Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.

By Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

Watch “If God Created Us, Then Who Created God” – Best Answer:

Christian Movie | How to Understand God Incarnate (Highlights)

Why Did the Son of God Become Man? (90 sec):

“Bible Myths Debunked: Unraveling Generational Deceptions” (KJV)

Hi there friends, I hope that everyone had a happy and safe Holiday season and is looking forward to achieving their objectives for the new year. In an effort to start the new year off right for everyone, I would like to let you know about a few things you should be aware of if you desire the truth about them. Please trust “Christ Soldier’s” to open your eyes to the unvarnished truth that cannot be controlled by human customs. I’m happy you’re here, let’s get going!

In a time when ancient wisdom and divine teachings were paramount, humanity embarked on a transformative journey away from the genuine messages of the Bible. The sacred scriptures, once pure and untarnished, became entangled with the threads of men’s traditions, opinions, and misinterpretations. This divergence led astray those seeking the true path, veiling the profound truths within layers of deception.

In the Bible, the concept of death is often described as a sleep until judgment day. There is no biblical support for the idea of departed souls visiting as ghostly apparitions. Familiar spirits, associated with occult practices, are considered demonic and deceptive according to biblical teachings. The belief in the resurrection and judgment day is central to understanding the biblical perspective on life after death.

Sleep Until Judgment Day:

(Ecclesiastes 9:5), “For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.”

(1 Thessalonians 4:13-17), “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.”

Warning Against Familiar Spirits:

(Leviticus 19:31), “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.

(Deuteronomy 18:10-12), “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.”

Resurrection and Judgment Day:

(1 Corinthians 15:51-52), “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”

(Revelation 20:12), “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.”

Friends, these verses reflect the biblical perspective on death, the afterlife, and the eventual resurrection and judgment as His instruction book tells us!

The concept of Hell” and its nature varies among different religious traditions, and interpretations of religious texts can also differ. The idea of Hell being a place of eternal torment is a common belief in some Christian denominations, but there are also differing views, such as hell mentioned, where Hell is seen as a place of ultimate destruction rather than eternal suffering.

The interpretation I described above aligns with the belief in annihilationism, which suggests that the wicked will be ultimately destroyed rather than experiencing eternal torment. This interpretation is not universally accepted within Christianity, as there are diverse perspectives on the nature of Hell. Things like this is what gets the pupil confused badly if not given time for researching the subject matter and just trusting without resourcing.

Here are some Bible verses that are often cited in discussions about the fate of the wicked:

(Malachi 4:1), “For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.”

(Matthew 10:28), “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

(2 Thessalonians 1:9), “Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.”

(Revelation 20:14-15), “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”

These verses are often interpreted by proponents of annihilationism as supporting the idea that the wicked will be consumed or destroyed, rather than facing eternal conscious torment. It’s important to note our God is more merciful than to let even the wicked torment forever or have people in heaven wondering about their loved ones burning everlasting in anguish of the fire, interpretations of these passages can vary, and different Christian denominations may have distinct beliefs about the nature of Hell and the fate of the wicked. At “Christ Soldiers” we want Bible truth!

 THE TRINITY/ Satan’s Ultimate Deception:

The concept of the Trinity is indeed a central tenet of Christian theology, emphasizing the belief in one God existing in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. This doctrine has been a subject of much discussion and debate throughout Christian history.

First, to those who believe in the “oneness” of GOD, hopefully, this will reaffirm their faith. Second, to those who believe in the Trinity ” keep reading!”

This passage referred to in, (John 4:24), the Bible, states, “God is a Spirit.” This verse is part of a conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman at the well. The emphasis on “God is a Spirit” underscores the spiritual nature of God, highlighting the transcendent and non-physical aspect of the divine.

The argument I presented suggests from Bible resources that, instead of viewing the Trinity as a division of God into three separate entities, it should be understood as an expansion or manifestation of God’s oneness. In this interpretation, the Father, and Holy Spirit represent different expressions or modes of the one divine essence rather than distinct persons.

This perspective aligns with a theological position known as Modalism or Sabellianism, which historically has been considered a heresy by mainstream Christian denominations. Modalism teaches that God exists in different modes or manifestations at different times, rather than as three co-eternal persons.

It’s important to note that the traditional doctrine of the Trinity, as affirmed too many Christian denominations, asserts that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct persons within the unity of the Godhead. Each person is fully God, and yet there is only one God. The concept of the Trinity is complex and often described using analogies (such as the analogy of the sun, where the sun itself represents God and its light and heat represent the Son and Holy Spirit).

While the word “Trinity” is not found in the Bible, proponents of the doctrine point to various verses to support the idea. Some key passages include; You will see it as it seems for the baptismal formula in ( Matthew 28:19). Theological discussions about the nature of the Trinity continue to be nuanced and vary across Christian traditions, and different denominations may have diverse perspectives on this confused doctrine.

(John 1:1-14), “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.”This passage speaks of the Word (often interpreted as Jesus) being both with God and being God, emphasizing the divine nature of Jesus.

(John 10:30), “I and my Father are one.”Jesus declares unity with the Father, suggesting a oneness in essence.

(John 15:26), “But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.”This verse mentions the Father sending the Holy Spirit, reinforcing the idea too most of distinct persons within the Godhead. But truly meaning Him sending Himself apart from Jesus.

(2 Corinthians 3:17), “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”Some interpret this verse as equating the Lord (Jesus) with the Spirit, implying a unity.

It’s important to note that the concept of the Trinity is a theological interpretation, and different Christian traditions may emphasize certain passages over others. Some denominations may have nuanced differences in their understanding of the Trinity, but these verses are commonly cited in support of the doctrine. So let’s get to the rub of understanding…

Neither the word trinity nor the concept of it is in the Bible. Even though the word “Trinity” never appears in any Bible verses. God reveals himself throughout Scripture as one being. The “oneness” of GOD is what is emphasized throughout the scriptures. “Hear O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD” (Deuteronomy 6:4). “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Yahushua” (I Timothy 2:5). “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble”(James 2:19).

(2 Corinthians 13:14), “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.”(John 14:16-17), “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”

“Ye shall be as gods.” Satan introduced the idea of a plurality or multiplicity of gods in (Genesis 3:5), as told to Eve in the Garden, of which the Trinity is most common. Satan gave man the idea that he could elevate himself into an alternative to the one, true, living GOD YAHUWAH. When everyone thinks like that, you end up with many gods (plural). “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened” (Romans 1:21).

Through Satan’s influence, man started making false gods and setting up religious systems to support them. It did not find a place formally in the theology of the church till the 4th century. “Much of this in our generation comes from the Papacy.” I’m not saying anything about the Catholic people, God loves them, it’s just the system that calls him a spiritual holy father and Mary the mother of God and the change of God’s Sabbath day to the Lord’s day, is why we worship on Sunday.

Which is not the Biblical 7th day of our God. And the forgiving of sins is “blaspheming in the Bible.” (Hebrew 9:22). Most modern churches follow the lead of the Catholic traditions which most are men’s traditions that our Bible also warns about (Mark 7:7-13). Babylon was the beginning of organized pagan religious systems. Over the years, these systems have been predominantly polytheistic.

They have major and minor gods. And the major gods get narrowed down to a trinity at the top. A trinity is involved in a national religion (Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome) or a cultural religion (Hindu, Norse, Platonic Christianity). Whether it is worded as three persons = one person, or three persons are co-equal, it is still a trinity.

Does a trinity sound like the words of Isaiah? “Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last, and beside me, there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6). “Fear ye not, neither be afraid; have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any” (Isaiah 44:8). Isaiah, like many other Bible writers, emphasized the “oneness” of Yahuwah.

“The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is not taught in the Old Testament.” Neither the word Trinity nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament. “Yahushua Christ never mentioned such a phenomenon, and nowhere in the New Testament does the word ‘Trinity’ appear. The idea was only adopted by the Church three hundred years after the death of our Lord.” Fourth Century Trinitarianism did not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on the contrary, a deviation from this teaching.”

“From the middle of the 4th century onward, however, Christian thought was strongly influenced by Neo-platonic philosophy and mysticism.” “If Paganism was conquered by Christianity, it is equally true that Christianity was corrupted by Paganism. The pure Deism of the first Christians … was changed, by the Church of Rome, into the incomprehensible dogma of the Trinity. Many of the pagan tenets, invented by the Egyptians and idealized by Plato, were retained as being worthy of belief.”

Compare the above statements to the Apostle Paul’s warning: “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, and after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ” (Colossians 2:8). The trinity is the embodiment of philosophy, tradition, and deceit.

One more bit of history. You have probably heard the Code of Justinian. It was an update of earlier Roman law that has influenced international law to the present time. Justinian was much like Constantine and Nimrod; force a particular set of religious beliefs on the people at large.


This is what the Papacy’s arrogant system says; We should believe that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit constitute a single Deity, endowed with equal majesty, and united in the Holy Trinity. We order all those who follow this law to assume the name of Catholic Christians and consider others as demented and insane, We order that they shall bear the infamy of heresy. “

This is part of the very first law in the Code; which shows that the trinity was the cornerstone of the Roman religious system. Forced to believe in the Trinity, or you were a criminal in the eyes of the Roman Empire! Does this sound like worshipping Yahuwah willfully, lovingly, and correctly? No! It is coercion and control in the tradition of Babylon, home of the original Trinitarian religion.

This part of the Code was finished in 529 AD. Is it coincidence or not that within a dozen years of this coercive law going into effect the first significant outbreak of bubonic plague wreaked havoc on Europe and the Dark Ages began? Interestingly, the plague was brought to Europe on grain ships from Egypt; home of one of the best-known ancient Trinitarian religious systems. “Yea, God!”

So, if the Trinity is the “central dogma of faith” for Christianity, why is it NOT mentioned in the Bible? If it is so important, shouldn’t it be mentioned; frequently and in some detail? No, it is NOT the Trinity mentioned in the Bible; it is the “oneness” of Yahuwah (Our God)! Frequently and in detail. In the Old Testament, this “oneness” differentiated the actual, living Yahuwah from all the false gods of mankind’s imagination. Contributed by-WLC article by John Fyfe.

Who is the true God of the bible

Is the trinity the true God? No. Is the Father alone the true God? Yes! The Father is the only true God of the Bible. (John 17:3), And this is life eternal, that they might know thee (the Father) the ONLY true God. To believe in the trinity, we have to reject the Father as God alone, which is to reject the only true God. Idolatry is a sin that will prevent us from entering into the kingdom of God.

The Father demands that we worship only him as God. It is the first commandment. (Deut 5:9), Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God. (Deut 11:16), Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside and serve other Gods, and worship them. (Psalm 81:9), There shall no strange god be in thee; neither shalt thou worship any strange god.

The whole premise of the trinity is false….the Father is not the first person of the trinity, and Yahushua (Jesus) is not the second person. The holy spirit is not the third person of the Trinity. I know too much of you, this sounds crazy and I should be wearing a tin cap, but from the beginning of “Christ’s Soldiers” we were to give truth unfiltered as we do by Bible not man. I always said that during the last days knowledge will increase affirmed by (Daniel 12: 1-13). The Father is not just part of God, but He is all of God with no equal to His oneness!

(1 Cor 8:6), yet unto us is there but ONE God, which is the Father, (Eph 4:6), ONE God and Father of all, who is above all, (1Tim 2:5), For there is ONE GOD (the Father), and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Yahushua. (Malachi 2:10), Have we not all ONE FATHER? hath not ONE GOD created us? (Psalm 86:10), For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone, (John 17:3), And this is life eternal, that they might know thee (the Father) the ONLY true God. The holy spirit is not a separate person from the Father, but the Father is the holy spirit.

Yahushua is not God but the SON OF Yahuwah. God is He in Himself in the Son of man, His spirit born in the flesh. (John 10:36), say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I AM THE SON OF GOD? THERE can be no compromise with Yahuwah’s truths. Hence, to worship Yahuwah on his terms means to reject the Trinity doctrine. When asked by one of His disciples how to pray, Jesus said in (Matthew 6: 9- 13)

“The Lord’s Prayer,” starts with our Father and ends with forever. Amen,” not in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! It contradicts what the prophets, Yahushua, the apostles, and the early Christians believed and taught. (1 Corinthians 14:33), “God is not the author of confusion.” God had to put it in a way for you to understand and not to misunderstand, it’s this way because His ways are not our ways, and our ways of imagination and misinterpretation are not His ways!

The New Testament contains several Trinitarian formulas, including Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14, Ephesians 4:4-6, 1 Peter 1:2, and Revelation 14:4-6. It truly may seem like three to the mind, but it is only one in His essence of Himself only! “Meaning, it is absolutely necessary in order for this particular action to be successful!” ‘Friends, pray before you read His Bible, too not allow your flesh to interpret, but allow His Holy Spirit in to give full meaning to His words of direction for you!

It contradicts what Yahuwah says about himself in his own inspired Word. Thus, he counsels: “Acknowledge that I alone am God and that there is no one else like me.”>(Isaiah 46:9). Yahuwah’s interests are not served by making him confusing and mysterious. Instead, the more people that become confused about Yahuwah and his purposes, the better it suits Yahuwah’s Adversary, Satan the Devil, the ‘god of this world.’ It is he who promotes such false doctrines to ‘blind the minds of unbelievers.’ (2 Corinthians 4:4). And in a lot cases believers!

As the misinterpretations continued to unravel, some were swayed into accepting the notion of a spherical Earth, despite the Bible’s apparent references to a flat plain. The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, orchestrated by Satan, presented a unique opportunity to see the deception. When Satan showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, it implied a level, panoramic view consistent with a flat Earth, challenging the prevailing modern day scientific narrative and religion of NASA.

And trillions of tons of water stuck on a sphere while butterflies and insects fly around freely with a so-called thing as “gravity”{ sounds like magic to me}, and airplanes not having to curve around the so-called spinning earth and not chase a runway to land at the speed NASA says the earth spins. And people not noticing when rockets take off that shortly they curve towards the oceans to fall out of eye-sight into the oceans. ‘And this is, because of indoctrinated beliefs in NASA’s pseudoscience CGIs (computer-generated imagery) of earth, planets, satellites, and fake space stations. Give us this mindset to believe in this strangeness!

Do your research and stop being bamboozled by deceived sectioned departmental evil workers. From young in Elementary school we all were indoctrinated into the globe way to manifest the Evolution (evilution) concept of us being an accident, then “through the zoo to make you.” An imagined pseudoscience fiction implanted by Satan in men to make God seem so far away!

The portrayal of Jesus through circulating images and art by the Europeans further contradicts the Bible’s teachings. Nowhere in the sacred scriptures is the physical appearance of Jesus described like something that’s portrayed in churches and homes, yet a false image has persisted throughout the generations. And helped promote the idea of impartial judgment by stereotypes and bigots demonically appointed in high places that deny the right of individual groups to be recognized and treated as individuals with unique characteristics of a different skin color. This deception underscores the imperative to question beliefs passed down through ancestors and to seek the unadulterated truth within the Bible.

Tithing and seeding, often misrepresented as monetary practices, have also been twisted over time. A careful examination of the scriptures reveals a different truth — the Bible does not command the giving of money but emphasizes a willingness to share one’s blessings unstressed, misled, and lied too. The perversion of these teachings has enriched some at the expense of the faithful, perpetuating a cycle of deceit by employing certain scriptural truth with lies.

Then comes the false mega-church money changers, I would love for Jesus to do what He did in the temple in (John 2: 15-17), by putting together a whip out of strips of leather and chase them out of their own modern day brick and mortar so-called churches. Making merchandise out of “God’s Words” into money!

The Sabbath, a day of rest and reverence to God, underwent a significant transformation. The shift from observing the seventh day to worshiping on Sunday the first day of the week instigated by the Papacy, of Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, has led many astray. The true Sabbath remains unaltered despite the deceptive teachings that have clouded its significance.

The theory of evolution or (evilution), a contentious subject, finds its roots in the same source that propagated other lies. The Papacy, which should be a red flag symbolizing deception, ironically has a telescope on Mount Graham in the U.S. named “Lucifer.” This connection raises questions about the motives behind the dissemination of false doctrines and the distortion of God’s creation.

Friends, it becomes evident that the path away from the true teachings of the Bible has been paved with deception and manipulation. The revelations presented here aim to immerse readers in a profound awareness of the ways in which they may have been misled by the cunning schemes of Satan and his minions.

It is a call to return to the unadulterated truth of the scriptures and to question the narratives that have been woven into the fabric of your beliefs. By believing in Christmas, Easter, Halloween and New Year’s makes you think God takes the fun out of things, but by not researching their origins, goes against everything His Bible tries to instruct us, to leave these pagan things alone. Friends, the closest thing I think men have come up to be friendly with is ” ThanksGiving.” And people wonder why most prayers are not answered…

Because he doesn’t know you, and you do not really know Him! And to keep His name out of those worldly holidays that people want to worship. Friends, God’s constraints are not meant to hurt, but to protect us from those evil invisibles infiltrating your life, as well as your family and friends, and causing us harm!

With “Christ’s Soldier’s,” we will always do the research for you, so that on your one-time trip through your human self, you at least get to know the genuine and true facts of what appear to be the mysteries of the world we live in. We take for granted that tomorrow is guaranteed to us, but it is not (James 4:13-15), and death’s slumber might creep up on you with no opportunity for remorse or redemption before and during the “White Throne Judgement.”

Friends, I appreciate you coming to visit; if you are confused, don’t blame me. Our Father has consistently forewarned us against false prophets in His Word (1 John 4:1–6). Even the elect might be duped by them (Matthew 24:24). And please trust me when I say that Satan is an old and modern creature who, tempted Jesus in the wilderness in (Matthew 4:6), shows he knew the scriptures far better than any of us. (Psalm 91:11–12).

*Be Good Too Another/ God Bless To All*

By Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

People Are Beginning To Change Because Of The Devil’s Deception:

Demons Don’t Want You To Watch This BEFORE 2024:


Friends, after you click on the link below it will take a few seconds before it loads:


“Unwrapping Deception: The Hidden Dangers of Christmas and Santa Claus.”

Hello, Friends and a safe holiday to everyone. ‘Okay, lets get to the rub. This article is not going to be too kind to this fellow pictured above. And not because I’m being a “Scrooge,” but to warn you about that day, along with my gift to you since we’re into the worldly season of giving, I did the research for you!

In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, amidst the festive lights and joyful carols, there exists a phenomenon that many Christians seem to overlook, the celebration of Christmas and the jolly figure of Santa Claus. This article aims to shed light on the potential dangers and spiritual implications of blindly embracing these traditions without questioning their origins and alignment with biblical principles. The intention is not to condemn but to encourage believers to exercise discernment, as the Apostle Paul urges in (1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV), “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”

The Lure of Tradition:

Many Christians adopt the celebration of Christmas and the inclusion of Santa Claus in their festivities without questioning the deeper implications of these traditions. The cultural pressure to conform to these practices is immense, and the allure of joy, gift-giving, and family gatherings often overshadows the need for discernment. However, blind conformity to traditions merely because they are widely accepted can be spiritually perilous.

The Danger of Laziness and Conformity:

A prevalent issue is the willingness of some Christians to adopt these traditions without scrutinizing their compatibility with biblical teachings. (Proverbs 14:15), warns, “The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.” Blindly following the majority without seeking to understand the roots of these practices can lead believers down a slippery slope of compromise and spiritual negligence.

The Biblical Perspective on Worldly Conformity:

The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the dangers of conforming to the world’s standards rather than adhering to God’s commands. (Romans 12:2), advises, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Christians are called to be set apart, and adherence to worldly customs without biblical foundation contradicts this principle.

The Deceptive Innocence of Christmas:

Friends, at first glance, the celebration of Christmas seems innocent and full of joy. Families come together, gifts are exchanged, and festive decorations adorn homes and streets. However, delving deeper into the history of Christmas reveals a complex interweaving of ancient pagan practices and Christian traditions, kinda confusing as one in the same.

The Pagan Roots of Christmas:

Christmas has roots in various pagan festivals, such as Saturnalia and the winter solstice celebrations. As Christians, it is essential to question the compatibility of these origins with the teachings of the Bible. In (Jeremiah 10:2-4), the Lord explicitly warns against adopting pagan customs: “Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen… For the customs of the people are vain.”

The Absence of Christmas in the Bible:

One of the fundamental issues with the celebration of Christmas is the absence of any biblical mandate for commemorating the birth of Jesus on December 25th. The Bible provides no specific date for Christ’s birth, and the early Christian Church did not observe the December celebration. Instead, the focus was on Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. Not a commercialized, monetized false rendition of the birth of Jesus.

The Deceptive Figure of Santa Claus:

While Santa Claus is often viewed as a harmless symbol of generosity and gift-giving, delving into its historical roots reveals a more troubling connection. The modern portrayal of Santa has evolved from various cultural influences, including the Norse god Odin, who was associated with Yule celebrations. Additionally, the figure of Santa Claus bears similarities to the ancient demonic entity known as Krampus.

The Hidden Demon: From Sacrifices to Santa Claus:

In ancient times, some cultures engaged in dark rituals, including child sacrifices, to appease demonic entities. The idea of offering gifts to a benevolent figure, such as Santa Claus, may unknowingly perpetuate this ancient practice. The Bible warns against participating in such rituals, as seen in (Deuteronomy 18:10-12); “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire…” And we let our most cherished ones sit on St. Clauses lap. Do any of you think that maybe our Savior may want you to leave him out of this worldly nonsense?

Biblical Discernment: Trying the Spirits:

In the midst of the deceptive allure of Christmas and Santa Claus, believers are called to exercise discernment. (1 John 4:1), instructs, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” This biblical principle emphasizes the need for believers to evaluate the origins and influences behind the traditions they embrace.

The Danger of Lukewarm Faith:

The lukewarm attitude towards Christmas and Santa Claus among some Christians reveals a deeper issue—a prioritization of worldly desires over a genuine relationship with God. (Revelation 3:15-16); warns against being lukewarm: “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”

The Call to Repentance and Transformation:

In light of these revelations, my article concludes with a heartfelt call to repentance and transformation. (James 4:8); It encourages believers to draw near to God and cleanse their hearts: “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded.” True worship involves a sincere commitment to seeking God’s will and conforming to His Word, rather than succumbing to worldly desires and traditions.

Authors Note:

Friends, you must truly realize that God’s constraints are meant to be helpful rather than hurtful, and that those who truly desire to follow the rules won’t have as much difficulty doing so. Those who truly love the world, on the other hand, are the ones who truly struggle within. They would understand why God condemns things better if they knew God rather than the many things of the world. And those who wonder why their prayers aren’t being answered—it’s because the Father doesn’t know who you are!!! You desire earthly rather than divine things.

Too, make this clear I hope you are aware that in addition to celebrating Christmas as Jesus’ birth, which is not mentioned anywhere in His Bible, there is no way after reading this can you claim ignorance when it comes time for the “White Throne Judgment.” The Bible advises people to test the spirit and not allow the evil spirit to continue convicting them in the eyes of the Lord, as well as to not blindly listen to everyone—even me, so do your due diligence with care and attention and test!

The celebration of Christmas and the inclusion of Santa Claus may seem harmless on the surface, but a closer examination reveals potential dangers and spiritual pitfalls. My article has sought to encourage believers to exercise discernment, question traditions, and align their lives with biblical principles. In (Jeremiah 10:1-5), describes the tradition of cutting down a tree from the forest, decorating it, and fastening it upright. The passage identifies this tradition as a “heathen custom” that should not be learned!

The call to repentance and transformation is a reminder that true worship involves a sincere commitment to God’s Word and a rejection of worldly conformity. As believers, the responsibility lies in seeking the truth, trying the spirits, and embracing a faith that stands firm on the unchanging foundation of God’s Word.

*May All Be Safe In These Confusing Times*

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

Christmas History: Bible & Pagans—The Truth: