“Prophecy Twisted: Israel, the UN, and the Rothschilds’ Hidden Agenda”

Hi, my friends! How are things going for you and your loved ones? I hope everything is ok. For most of you, today’s experience will come as a shock or a deception that has been fed to a populace that has been duped by evil masquerading as good, hiding their true nature as a demonic force residing in influential people.

The narrative surrounding the Rothschilds, the United Nations, and the modern State of Israel, particularly in relation to the claim that its inhabitants are not the “true Jews” of the Bible, involves a complex mix of history, theology, and conspiracy theories. I’ll break down these topics step by step, providing and incorporating relevant Bible verses.

The Rothschild Influence:

The Rothschild family has often been linked to financial power and influence in Europe and beyond. There are claims, especially within certain conspiracy circles, that the Rothschilds were instrumental in the establishment of Israel. This theory is rooted in historical events like the Balfour Declaration of 1917, in which the British government expressed support for a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine.

Some argue that influential Zionist figures, including members of the Rothschild family, played a significant role in shaping this declaration. The Balfour Declaration, which resulted in a significant upheaval in the lives of Palestinians, was issued on November 2, 1917. The declaration turned the Zionist aim of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine into a reality when Britain publicly pledged to establish “a national home for the Jewish people” there.

The pledge is generally viewed as one of the main catalysts of the Nakba – the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948 – and the conflict that ensued with the Zionist state of Israel. It is regarded as one of the most controversial and contested documents in the modern history of the Arab world and has puzzled historians for decades.

The Balfour Declaration (“Balfour’s promise” in Arabic) The statement came in the form of a letter from Britain’s then-foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour, addressed to Lionel Walter Rothschild, a figurehead of the British Jewish community. It was made during World War I (1914-1918) and was included in the terms of the British Mandate for Palestine after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.

The so-called mandate system, set up by the Allied powers, was a thinly veiled form of colonialism and occupation. The system transferred rule from the territories that were previously controlled by the powers defeated in the war – Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria – to the victors. The declared aim of the mandate system was to allow the winners of the war to administer the newly emerging states until they could become independent.

The case of Palestine, however, was unique. Unlike the rest of the post-war mandates, the main goal of the British Mandate there was to create the conditions for the establishment of a Jewish “national home” – where Jews constituted less than 10 percent of the population at the time.

Upon the start of the mandate, the British began to facilitate the immigration of European Jews to Palestine. Between 1922 and 1935, the Jewish population rose from nine percent to nearly 27 percent of the total population. Though the Balfour Declaration included the caveat that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”, the British mandate was set up in a way to equip Jews with the tools to establish self-rule, at the expense of the Palestinian Arabs.

The document was controversial for several reasons. Firstly, it was, in the words of the late Palestinian-American academic Edward Said, “made by a European power … about a non-European territory … in a flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority resident in that territory”. In essence, the Balfour Declaration promised Jews a land where the natives made up more than 90 percent of the population.

Secondly, the declaration was one of three conflicting wartime promises made by the British. When it was released, Britain had already promised the Arabs independence from the Ottoman Empire in the 1915 Hussein-McMahon correspondence. The British also promised the French, in a separate treaty known as 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement, that the majority of Palestine would be under international administration, while the rest of the region would be split between the two colonial powers after the war.

The declaration, however, meant that Palestine would come under British occupation and that the Palestinian Arabs who lived there would not gain independence. Finally, the declaration introduced a notion that was reportedly unprecedented in international law – that of a “national home”. The use of the vague term “national home” for the Jewish people, as opposed to “state”, left the meaning open to interpretation.

Earlier drafts of the document used the phrase “the reconstitution of Palestine as a Jewish State”, but that was later changed. In a meeting with Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann in 1922, however, Arthur Balfour and then-Prime Minister David Lloyd George reportedly said the Balfour Declaration “always meant an eventual Jewish state”.

The question of why the Balfour Declaration was issued has been a subject of debate for decades, with historians using different sources to suggest various explanations. While some argue that many in the British government at the time were Zionists themselves, others say the declaration was issued out of an anti-Semitic reasoning, that giving Palestine to the Jews would be a solution to the “Jewish problem”.

How was it received by Palestinians and Arabs?

In 1919, then-US President Woodrow Wilson appointed a commission to look into public opinion on the mandatory system in Syria and Palestine. In 1919, then-US President Woodrow Wilson appointed a commission to look into public opinion on the mandatory system in Syria and Palestine. In 1920, the Third Palestinian Congress in Haifa decried the British government’s plans to support the Zionist project and rejected the declaration as a violation of international law and of the rights of the indigenous population

However, the other important source for insight into Palestinian opinion on the declaration – the press – was closed down by the Ottomans at the start of the war in 1914 and only began to reappear in 1919, but under British military censorship. In November 1919, when the al-Istiqlal al-Arabi (Arab independence) newspaper, based in Damascus, was reopened, one article said in response to a public speech by Herbert Samuel, a Jewish cabinet minister, in London on the second anniversary of the Balfour Declaration: “Our country is Arab, Palestine is Arab, and Palestine must remain Arab.” 

Even prior to the Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate, pan-Arab newspapers warned against the motives of the Zionist movement and its potential outcomes in displacing Palestinians from their land. Increased Jewish immigration under the mandate created tensions and violence between the Palestinian Arabs and the European Jews. One of the first popular responses to British actions was the Nebi Musa revolt in 1920 that led to the killing of four Palestinian Arabs and five immigrant Jews. 

What impact did it have on Palestinians?

The Balfour Declaration is widely seen as the precursor to the 1948 Palestinian Nakba when Zionist armed groups, who were trained by the British, forcibly expelled more than 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland. Despite some opposition within the War Cabinet predicting that such an outcome was probable, the British government still chose to issue the declaration. 

While it is difficult to imply that the developments in Palestine today can be traced back to the Balfour Declaration, there is no doubt that the British Mandate created the conditions for the Jewish minority to gain superiority in Palestine and build a state for themselves at the expense of the Palestinian Arabs. 

When the British decided to terminate their mandate in 1947 and transfer the question of Palestine to the United Nations, the Jews already had an army that was formed out of the armed paramilitary groups trained and created to fight side by side with the British in World War II.

More importantly, the British allowed the Jews to establish self-governing institutions, such as the Jewish Agency, to prepare themselves for a state when it came to it, while the Palestinians were forbidden from doing so – paving the way for the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The British government remains unrepentant after all these years. It has yet to take any measure of moral responsibility, however symbolic, for what it has done to the Palestinians.

The Debate Over “True Jews”

Some groups assert that the modern inhabitants of Israel are not the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but rather people who adopted Judaism later on, notably the Khazars, a Turkic people who converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Proponents of this theory often argue that these modern Jews are “impostors,” while the true Israelites are either lost or hidden among other peoples, such as the African diaspora or other ethnic groups.

In the 19th century, European Jews faced persecution, particularly in Eastern Europe and Russia. Zionism emerged as a political movement advocating for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire. Figures like Theodor Herzl led the charge, organizing the First Zionist Congress in 1897.

‘Friends, imagine a scenario in which the demonic Rothschilds, seeing Zionism as a way to solidify their influence and create a haven for Jews in a politically volatile Europe, threw their financial weight behind the movement. Baron Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934) prince demon, a known supporter of Zionist causes, invested in early Jewish settlements in Palestine.

The Rothschild family, hellish, diabolical, fiendish, infernal, satanic, unholy in their quality, are wielding significant banking power, quietly influenced key European governments. Their ultimate goal was not only to establish a Jewish state but also to secure a strategic foothold in the Middle East, a region rich in resources and pivotal in global politics. But don’t forget that all of this is a design of Satan in destruction of a Biblical people that has been lied to and about.

Friends, I’m pulling back the curtain on the British government, which is the Seed of the Serpent in real time. Like most governments, it is made up of serpent seeds that masquerade in human flesh, with aristocrat, Lord, noble, and patrician titles among its high hierarchy. These seeds conceal their true nature as demonic war forces living in powerful people.

This is real, there are whispers of an alien invasion, and friends they are walking among us disguised in the flesh of weak and deceived people, deceiving a populace with propaganda and massive resources of human agencies and financial assets, blinding a public that is unaware of its detention. There is an invasion, and it is demonic!

Biblical Reference: Isaiah 66:8

“Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once?…”
This verse is often cited by those who believe that the rapid establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948 was a fulfillment of prophecy. However, critics argue that the Jews who returned to Israel were not the “true Israelites.”

Imagine again that the Rothschilds, with their vast financial networks, leveraged their influence to ensure that Britain and other Allied powers would support the Zionist cause. In return, they promised political and financial backing for the war effort, including ensuring that Jewish bankers in the U.S. continued to finance the Allied cause.

The Rothschild family orchestrated behind-the-scenes deals with key players in the British government to secure the Balfour Declaration. This was not merely a political move but part of a larger plan to bring about the establishment of a Jewish state in the Holy Land, fulfilling what they believed (or claimed) was their divine right.

Biblical Reference: Jeremiah 30:3

“For, lo, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the Lord: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.”

Proponents of modern Israel often cite this verse as evidence that the return of Jews to Israel is a prophetic fulfillment. However, those who doubt the legitimacy of modern Jews argue that this prophecy refers to the true descendants of the ancient Israelites, not the Khazars or other converts.

The Holocaust and the Formation of the United Nations (1945-1947):

The Holocaust, in which six million Jews were killed by Nazi Germany, galvanized global support for the Zionist cause. The establishment of the United Nations after World War II provided an international forum through which the question of a Jewish homeland could be addressed.

Again, picture a scenario where the Rothschilds, using their financial and political networks, influence the newly formed United Nations. Through discreet negotiations and financial incentives, they push for international recognition of a Jewish state. Their goal is to create a politically powerful Israel that can serve as a key player in the Middle East, aligning with their broader geopolitical interests.

Key UN officials, pressured by both the Rothschilds and their own guilt over the Holocaust, pass Resolution 181 on 3rd of September 1947, which leads to the partition of Palestine. What that did was to divide Palestine into two states, one Arab and one Jewish, with Jerusalem placed under a special international regime. The Rothschilds ensure that their influence reaches both American and Soviet policymakers, securing widespread support for the resolution.

Biblical Reference: Ezekiel 36:24

“For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.”
Many see the Holocaust and the subsequent establishment of Israel as part of this prophetic fulfillment, though critics argue that the true Jews remain scattered, and the inhabitants of modern Israel are not the rightful heirs of this promise.

The Declaration of the State of Israel (1948):

On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of the State of Israel. This was followed by immediate recognition from major powers, including the United States as U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day as the Soviet Union. The Arab states, however, rejected the partition and launched a war against the new state, the Arab-Israeli War of 1948.

The Rothschilds continue to exert influence over Israel’s politics, using their financial resources to support key political figures like Ben-Gurion. Behind the scenes, they ensure that Israel aligns with Western interests, particularly in its relationship with the U.S., which soon becomes its primary ally.

The Rothschilds also play a role in shaping Israel’s economic policies, ensuring that it becomes a technologically advanced, militarily powerful state, capable of exerting control over its neighbors and maintaining the strategic interests of the West.

Biblical Reference: Deuteronomy 30:3-5

“Then the Lord thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations… And the Lord thy God will bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess it…”

Supporters of modern Israel often cite this as evidence of God’s divine plan for the Jews. However, those skeptical of the modern state argue that the true descendants of Israel are not represented by the current inhabitants of Israel.

The Question of the “True Jews”:

The crux of the debate over the legitimacy of modern Israel often centers on the question of whether the Jews living there today are the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Those who support this theory typically reference the following arguments;

1) Theory; This theory claims that many Jews in Europe, particularly the Ashkenazi Jews, are descended from the Khazars, a Turkic people who converted to Judaism in the 8th century. If true, this would mean that the modern Jewish population in Israel is not ethnically related to the ancient Israelites.

2) African Hebrew Israelites; Some groups, such as the African Hebrew Israelites, claim that the true descendants of the ancient Israelites are Black Africans, particularly those in the African diaspora.

3) Lost Tribes of Israel; Others argue that the ten lost tribes of Israel, scattered after the Assyrian conquest, are still hidden among various peoples around the world. They claim that the Jews who returned to Israel in the 20th century are not the true Israelites mentioned in the Bible.

Biblical References to the True Jews:

Revelation 2:9: “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

Romans 9:6-8: “For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.”

‘Friends, these verses are often cited by those who argue that modern Jews are not the true descendants of the Israelites.

The evil world and it’s dictators don’t tell the truth about certain evils that they are habitually dishonest about, they leave you unsettled, they gaslight you, the lies serve as a tool to manipulate a reality for the beliefs that serve them. Their good deeds are always self-serving. These are the demons that live in certain people in high places in real life.

And yes, they lack remorse for whatever they do to us because of who we really belong too, that’s why they try to kill, steal, and destroy us all, even their deceived human helpers.

Author’s Note:

Friends, the establishment of Israel is seen as part of a larger geopolitical plan orchestrated by powerful financial interests, including the Rothschilds, in collaboration with global institutions like the United Nations. The inhabitants of modern Israel are portrayed not as the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but rather as part of a larger strategy to control the Middle East and fulfill a particular vision of biblical prophecy.

However, the true Israelites, according to this view, remain scattered, awaiting their eventual return to the Promised Land in fulfillment of God’s promises. This scenario blends conspiracy theories, biblical prophecy, and historical events, creating a complex narrative that questions the legitimacy of the modern State of Israel and its inhabitants.

Many theories as the left calls them suggest that the establishment of the modern State of Israel was not only the work of political and financial elites but was also influenced by secret societies such as the Freemasons and other occult groups. These groups are often portrayed as working behind the scenes to fulfill an esoteric, spiritual agenda tied to ancient prophecies.

The Freemasons—believed by some to hold secret knowledge of ancient Israel are theorized to have worked in tandem with Zionist leaders and the Rothschild family to orchestrate the establishment of a Jewish state.

The Freemasons saw the establishment of Israel not just as a political goal, but as part of their broader vision to rebuild Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. Some conspiracy theorists believe that the construction of the Third Temple is a hidden goal of these groups, which they argue will bring about the fulfillment of end-time prophecies in both Judaism and Christianity.

Freemasonry, with its use of biblical imagery and symbolism, is often said to be obsessed with the idea of a “New Jerusalem.” In this context, Israel serves as more than just a nation—it is seen as the key to unlocking ancient, hidden knowledge that will usher in a new world order.

Biblical Reference: Zechariah 12:2-3

“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about… And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people.”

In this narrative, Jerusalem is not just a physical place, but a spiritual battleground, where hidden forces are at play, manipulating world events to bring about an ultimate showdown.

While the initial scenario focused heavily on the Rothschilds and the UN, another key player in the story of Israel’s establishment is the Christian Zionist movement, particularly among Evangelical Christians. Theologically motivated Christians have long supported the idea of a Jewish return to the Holy Land, believing that it will fulfill biblical prophecies regarding the Second Coming of Christ.

Christian Zionists see the creation of the State of Israel as a divine mandate, believing that it is necessary for end-time events to unfold, as described in books like Daniel and Revelation. Prominent Evangelical leaders lobby politicians and governments in the U.S. and Europe, urging them to support Zionism and the establishment of a Jewish state. In Hosea 4:6 The Lord mercifully CAUTIONS us against ignorance; “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.

‘Friends, this is more than just a lack of information; it is a purposeful unwillingness to accept the precious wisdom that God has given us via His word. ‘Behind closed doors, these leaders regard their support for Israel as part of a larger plot to expedite the Rapture and the Millennial Kingdom, thinking that restoring Israel will result in the fulfillment of Christ’s return and Satan’s destruction. Deceptively, they believe in the incorrect Israel.

Biblical Reference: Matthew 24:32-34

“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh.”

Christian Zionists often interpret this passage as a prophecy about the rebirth of Israel. The fig tree is seen as symbolic of Israel, and its “putting forth leaves” is thought to represent the establishment of the modern state, signaling the nearness of the end times.

In addition to religious and financial motivations, the strategic importance of Israel in global geopolitics cannot be ignored. The Middle East has long been a region of immense importance due to its vast reserves of oil, which became crucial to industrialized nations in the 20th century.

Israel is not just a religious or cultural project, but also a geopolitical one. The Rothschilds and other elites see Israel as a key ally in the region, a stable outpost surrounded by resource-rich but politically volatile nations. The West, particularly the U.S. and the UK, support Israel not only for their ignorant religious reasons but to maintain a strategic foothold in the Middle East, ensuring access to oil and control over critical trade routes.

Biblical Reference: Genesis 12:3

“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

Supporters of Israel often invoke this verse as a divine promise that those who support Israel will be blessed. However, skeptics in this scenario argue that the true motivation for Western support lies in Israel’s geopolitical significance, not its religious heritage.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbors provides an opportunity for Western powers to maintain influence over the region. By supporting Israel militarily and diplomatically, the West is able to exert pressure on Arab states, many of which control vast oil reserves. In this the Rothschilds and other elites manipulate this conflict to ensure that the Middle East remains divided, preventing any one power from dominating the region.

One of the more dramatic elements in this extended scenario is the idea that the creation of Israel is tied to the rise of the Antichrist. Some believe that the State of Israel was deliberately established as part of a larger plan to deceive the world and pave the way for the Antichrist to take control of Jerusalem.

In this narrative, the rebuilding of the Third Temple in Jerusalem is seen as a key event that will usher in the reign of the Antichrist. Some conspiracy theorists argue that the Rothschilds, Freemasons, and other secret societies are working behind the scenes to prepare for this event. They claim that once the Third Temple is rebuilt, the Antichrist will proclaim himself as God and demand worship from the nations of the world, as described in the Book of Revelations. The temple he wants to sit in is us!

Biblical Reference: 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”

According to this interpretation, the establishment of modern Israel is part of the grand deception that will eventually lead to the rise of the Antichrist, who will attempt to usurp God’s throne in Jerusalem.

In Conclusion:

In this final extension of the scenario, some conspiracy theorists suggest that Israel is part of a larger plan to establish a New World Order, a centralized global government controlled by a small elite. This theory ties together the Rothschilds, the United Nations, Freemasonry, and other secretive groups, suggesting that their ultimate goal is to create a one-world government, with Israel as a spiritual and political center.

In this narrative, Israel is not just a national project but a global one. The creation of the State of Israel is seen as a stepping stone towards the unification of all nations under a single world government. Jerusalem, with its religious significance to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, is envisioned as the capital of this new world order, where religious and political authority will be concentrated.

Israel, known for its technological prowess, especially in cybersecurity and surveillance, is portrayed as a key player in the development of global control systems. The elites use Israeli technology to build an international surveillance network, allowing them to monitor and control populations worldwide.

Biblical Reference: Revelation 13:16-17

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

In this scenario, Israel is at the center of the technological infrastructure that will eventually be used to enforce the Mark of the Beast, tying the modern state into the eschatological visions of a one-world government under the Antichrist.

This extended scenario paints a far-reaching, multi-layered narrative involving financial elites, secret societies, geopolitical strategies, and religious motivations.

“Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them to come and bow down at your feet, and to know that I have loved you.” Revelation 3:9.

Special thanks: to Aljazeera for their special insights and contribution on this subject matter.

Thank you for your visit, keep your head to the sky and repent of your sins.

Servant : Norman G. Roy III

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Author: Norman Roy

Hello, truth seekers! Norman G. Roy III, the digital dynamo igniting sparks of truth in the darkest corners of the internet, has the fervor of an adventurer and the precision of a hacker. Norman fearlessly hacks through the virtual jungle, uncovering hidden treasures of unfiltered reality. Armed with an arsenal of intellect and an unyielding commitment to authenticity, he embarks on electrifying quests through the tangled webs of deception. Each pulse-pounding expedition leads him deeper into the heart of the digital abyss, where he unearths revelations that send shockwaves through the online realm. In a world where every click holds the promise of discovery, Norman emerges as a modern-day hero, thrillingly dismantling falsehoods and delivering pulse-quickening insights to the internet community. Join Norman Roy on an adrenaline-fueled adventure into the electrifying unknown, where the truth awaits around every exhilarating twist and turn.

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