“Possessed by Power: The Spirits Behind Political Upheaval”

Hello, and welcome to everyone. Wow, what an election! I’m sure most of you have witnessed individuals behave out in alarming ways as a result of the overwhelming conclusion. Today, I’ll try to explain what happens behind the scenes so you may have a better understanding of the talking heads in Washington. I pray that the Holy Spirit would assist you in visualizing your current reality.

The Struggle of Spirits: A Parable of Power, Resistance, and Renewal:

Throughout human history, tales of disembodied spirits—forces untethered from flesh yet bound by their will—have stirred imaginations and seeded fear. In ancient texts, these spirits often symbolize the intangible but potent forces of influence: pride, greed, wrath, and ambition.

These forces manifest in societies, shaping destinies through the vessels they inhabit. When the time comes for such powers to wane or cede their dominance, their rage and resistance often become ferocious, with desperate attempts to cling to their waning dominion.

In America’s modern political landscape, the metaphor of disembodied spirits serves as a powerful lens through which we might interpret the struggles of a democratic body and the unelected bureaucrats nested and longly entrenched in governance. This metaphor also captures the tempestuous reaction to an election lost and the emergence of new leadership.

Disembodied Spirits and Their Reluctance to Relinquish Power:

The Bible speaks of spiritual battles: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12, KJV). This verse underscores a timeless truth; struggles for power often transcend the physical realm, delving into unseen forces of influence and control.

In this context, disembodied spirits are not merely as imagined ghostly apparitions; they are representations of ideologies, systems, and entrenched authorities that refuse to relinquish control. These entities, untethered to any singular person, infect institutions and individuals, perpetuating cycles of self-interest and division.

When faced with the loss of power, such spirits act with desperation. They sow discord, manipulating the emotions and fears of those they influence. Like the Pharisees of Jesus’s time, who saw their grip on religious authority threatened by Christ’s teachings of liberation and truth, these forces lash out, seeking to preserve their dominion at any cost.

For decades on and off, the governing body of the land had clung to power with an iron grip. While their banners bore the proud insignia of democracy, whispers of the awakened spoke of dark forces at play. An alliance, some murmured, not just of men, but of spirits—disembodied entities that thrived on chaos and fed on despair. These spirits, bound to the ambitions of the governing council, ensured the rulers’ continued dominance over the people.

This council, claimed to champion the people’s welfare. Yet, their policies had drained the coffers, inflated debt, and left the common folk struggling under the weight of their decrees. The Assembly’s power seemed unshakable until one fateful election—one that shattered decades of dominance.

The Democratic Body and the Election:

Consider a democratic governing body that has wielded power on and off for decades. This body, deeply entrenched, has developed an intricate web of influence. Its members, driven by the spirit of control, begin to see themselves not as servants of the people but as architects of their destiny. Over time, the governing body becomes more insular, its decisions less reflective of the populace’s will.

When an election threatens to disrupt this equilibrium, the disembodied spirits of ambition and pride rise to defend their stronghold. Claims of fraud, conspiracies, and stolen victories flood the discourse, eroding trust in the very institutions they once upheld. The spirits manipulate their hosts to cling to power, their whispers inciting defiance and indignation.

In this scenario, the victorious Republican leadership represents a threat to these spirits’ hold. The election’s outcome is not just a political shift; it is a spiritual upheaval, challenging entrenched systems of influence. The rage off the disembodied spirits manifests through protests, smear campaigns, and attempts to delegitimize the new leadership. These are not merely human actions but the outworking of a deeper spiritual rebellion.

As the “old guards defeat became evident,” a seismic shift rippled through America. Not only did the governing council rage at the loss of their power, but the unseen entities that had bolstered their reign stirred with wrath. Their connection to the Assembly was symbiotic; without influence over the people’s lives, the spirits’ power waned. Now untethered, they raged against the shift in balance.

The spirits turned their focus toward sabotaging the newly elected leadership. Through whispers of dissent, they sought to divide the land, inflame animosities, and sow distrust, attempting to cause world war III in their anger. “If They Could Not Have. No One Could!”

The Overspending and Its Impact:

Under the Assembly’s rule, financial irresponsibility had become the norm. Lavish spending on pet projects masked as “progressive reforms” left the treasury empty. Infrastructure projects were abandoned halfway, and welfare programs, though proclaimed as lifelines, often funneled funds into the hands of the family allies.

Careless spending has become the norm under the leadership of their Assembly. The coffers were empty as a result of lavish spending on pointless initiatives masquerading as “progressive reforms”. Although marketed as lifelines, aid programs often shifted funds to family supporters, infrastructure projects were halted in the midst, campaign donations were given in the millions to cult member artists and entertainers, and foreign interest was prioritized.

Ordinary citizens bore the brunt of this negligence. Farms failed under unfair regulations. Small businesses shuttered under exorbitant taxes. Families struggled to put food on the table, yet the Assembly continued to live in luxury. This disparity echoed the warnings of (Proverbs 29:2); “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”

A significant turning point was the election of the newly formed Reform Alliance, a combination of people friendly groups. The Alliance pledged to reestablish economic restraint, fortify the nation’s moral basis, and put the welfare of the populace first under the leadership of the charismatic “President Elect Donald Trump.

Yet, the path to change will be fraught with peril. Their Assembly’s refusal to cede influence led to obstruction at every turn. Their loyalists in the judiciary, bureaucracy, and media worked tirelessly to undermine the new leadership. Accusations of voter suppression, collusion, and corruption dominated the headlines. So sad in a country of the free.

The disembodied spirits, unable to directly control the government anymore, began targeting the culture with increase in border release of the dangerous kind. Through manipulation of art, education, and entertainment, they sought to reshape the people’s minds. Values once held dear—faith, family, and freedom—were ridiculed and replaced with confusion, division, and dependency.

This cultural war bore an uncanny resemblance to the warnings in (2 Timothy 3:1-5), describing a society filled with “lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant… disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy.” These spirits thrived on such chaos, knowing that a fractured people are easier to control.

The Struggle for Redemption:

Despite the obstacles, the Reform Alliance remained steadfast. Drawing on the faith and resilience of the people, they implemented policies to curb overspending, promote self-reliance, and empower local communities. Their efforts ignited a spiritual awakening among the populace, as churches filled and neighbors began to care for one another once more, with a happy sense of behavior.

This movement mirrored the biblical principle found in (2 Chronicles 7:14); “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

The Plans of the Spirits for America:

Disembodied spirits, resistant to change, often seek to divide and conquer. Their plans for the future of the American people might include:

  1. Division: Like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, who sowed doubt and division between Adam and Eve (Genesis 3), these spirits thrive on discord. They stoke partisan divides, making unity seem unattainable.
  2. Deception: False narratives become their tools, spreading misinformation to create confusion. As Jesus warned, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” (Matthew 7:15).
  3. Despair: By fostering hopelessness, these spirits aim to paralyze action and erode faith in progress. The Psalmist’s lament, “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me?” (Psalm 42:5), reflects the emotional toll of such spiritual oppression.

What Happens When These Spirits Manifest in Individuals?

When disembodied spirits of control, fear, or pride inhabit individuals, their actions reveal the spirits’ true nature. The possessed become consumed by the desire to retain power, often at the expense of integrity or common good. Biblical examples abound:

1) King Saul: Once anointed by God, Saul’s jealousy and paranoia over David’s rise led him to consult a medium, defying God’s law (1 Samuel 28). His desperation to hold onto power ultimately led to his downfall.

2) Pharaoh of Egypt: His refusal to release the Israelites, despite devastating plagues, exemplifies the hardening of a heart under the influence of pride and control (Exodus 7-12).

In the American context, individuals influenced by these spirits might resort to manipulation, fostering division among their peers and the public. The rage of these spirits is visible in personal attacks, also fear-mongering, hair cutting, separations from spouses and family, with the possibility of starting world war 3 and the rejection of collaboration.

The Path to Renewal:

Despite their fury, disembodied spirits cannot withstand truth and humility. The Bible offers hope: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). This truth applies both spiritually and politically.

For America to overcome the influence of such spirits, its people and leaders must:

  1. Embrace Humility: As Jesus taught, “Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else” (Mark 9:35). Leadership rooted in service disarms the spirits of pride and control.
  2. Seek Unity: Healing divisions requires intentional efforts to listen, understand, and reconcile. As Paul urged, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3).
  3. Stand for Truth: Lies cannot stand in the face of truth. Jesus declared, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Transparency and accountability are antidotes to the deception spread by disembodied spirits.
  4. Rely on Faith: Ultimately, spiritual battles require spiritual weapons. Paul advises, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11).

Authors Note:

The rage of disembodied spirits, whether viewed literally or metaphorically, highlights the resistance to change and the lengths to which entrenched powers will go to retain control. In America’s political struggles, these forces manifest in division, deception, and despair. Yet, hope remains. Through humility, unity, truth, and faith, the nation can overcome these challenges and emerge stronger. “God bless you and all who you love.”

Servant; Norman G. Roy III

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