Frozen Darkness: Satan’s Hidden Empire in Antarctica”

Hello, to all of God’s amazing earth caregivers. He did this on purpose to check if we could bear the duty of His self-sustaining Terra firma, which he established for us. “AMEN.” But if that’s true, why are Satan and his minions, a dark organization, hiding a location that we can’t freely explore if it’s been given to us?

Antarctica is the place I’m talking about. An area that numerous nations militarized following a pact signed in Washington on December 1, 1959. Or is it Satan’s secret lair? A location where a deranged or powerful temporary king spends his time ordering havoc and ruin.

Once again, welcome friends! Today, we’ll explore a mystery that, when the pieces fit together, becomes less of a mystery after learning who has been involved in this for a while, we realize that this isn’t a mystery at all—rather, it’s a powerful, deranged disembodied spirit that is enraged like a child who didn’t get his way.

“Satan,” that dreadful being that some people find confusing. Be not, because he is genuine and possesses millions of resources in the fields of finance, industry, education, technology, and religion in addition to human resources. So, as I usually do, I draw back the curtain so you may see the performance he performed, deceiving the blinded people in a way that keeps them entranced with his darker magic.

Well, my story begins with the world’s powers being engaged in a vast conspiracy to conceal the truth about Antarctica. This narrative asserts that Antarctica is more than just a frozen wasteland—it’s a heavily guarded secret involving an ice wall that spans the entire perimeter of the Earth, encircling God’s Terra firma in 360 degrees under His firmament (sky), serving as a barrier between the known world and the vast unknown beyond.

According to the information kept secret, the ice wall in Antarctica is a part of a divine creation, and where God established a dome (often referred to as the “firmament”) to separate the terrestrial domain from the heavens. Not only does this dome serve as a spiritual wall between the earth and the water above, it also physically blocks the earth from the water above during the flood in Noah’s time. See;(Genesis 7:11).

The firmament narrative can be traced back to ancient cosmologies, such as that described in the Bible’s Book of Genesis (1:6-8, KJV), where God created the firmament to divide the waters above from the waters below. In this story, Antarctica is the edge of this dome, and access to it is controlled by the world’s elites.

According to my research, the world’s governments—particularly powerful entities like the United Nations—are well aware of the existence of the dome and the ice wall. To maintain control over humanity, because of orders given they actively suppress knowledge of this, enforcing strict regulations on Antarctic travel and exploration under the guise of environmental protection through the Antarctic Treaty System.

The Antarctic Treaty prevents most civilians from exploring the continent, ensuring that the truth remains hidden. The elites—governments, major corporations, and secret societies—want to preserve their control over technology, history, and mankind’s understanding of the world.

The Nazis play a key role. It is said that during World War II, the Nazis were in contact with otherworldly or ancient entities who provided them with advanced technology. This technology allowed them to create bases in remote and strategic locations, including Antarctica.

One popular conspiracy (as they like to call it) asserts that the Nazis established a secret base in a region of Antarctica called “New Swabia” (Neuschwabenland), where they conducted experiments and developed cutting-edge technology that surpassed anything known to the Allied forces.

The question arises; who supplied the Nazis with such technology? Some theories suggest that extraterrestrials or ancient entities from beyond the ice wall (or beneath the Earth) had dealings with the Nazis, offering them advanced technological knowledge in exchange for power or resources.

‘Others, that have discernment can see beyond their curtain that these beings were fallen angels or agents of Satan, offering forbidden knowledge to help the Nazis dominate the world—a parallel to how Satan is depicted in the Bible as corrupting humanity with false promises of power and wisdom.

The Nazi connection to Antarctica is further shrouded in mystery because of post-war operations, like Operation Highjump, where Admiral Byrd led a large U.S. military expedition to Antarctica in 1946-47. Some theorists believe this operation was not merely scientific but a military campaign aimed at neutralizing Nazi remnants or uncovering hidden technologies. The educated truly believe It was!

In modern times, several prominent individuals have made highly publicized trips to Antarctica. This research incorporates these visits as further proof of something secret happening in its 360 degree environment. Like former President Obama. Google it, you want see it nowhere but you will see this when President Barack Obama touches down in tiny Kotzebue Alaska, on a Wednesday, he’ll visit a region where environmental change is made-up of altering daily life.

‘Friends, my charge is to try and awake you from the propaganda mystically feed to a public unaware of its strong magic that makes it so hard for soldiers like myself to gain your hearing because most have been indoctrinated almost beyond repair. Yet we don’t give-up even when called names or told to put on tin foil caps (lol), or get back on the short-bus. We feel too, and it hurts but we remember our Saviors stripes He gave for us without one thought of giving up on us. This is the stock that His true warriors come from, I will not stop!!!

Now, since you understand my crazy, let us proceed, but first I’d want to mention that I know I can fool you before I persuade you that you’ve been fooled. Consider this; if the same lie and deception is passed down through generations, most people will eventually believe that it is true, especially if their peers agree. Friends, it is real-time magic, and it has worked on an ignorant public and this last generation. “So, wake-up!”

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a visit to Antarctica in 2016, ostensibly to learn about climate change. However, some researchers speculate that he was part of a deeper mission to either investigate or communicate with hidden powers.  The astronaut Buzz Aldrin also visited Antarctica and shortly afterward became ill, prompting him to leave the continent early.

Some versions of the narrative claim that Aldrin’s illness was a result of him witnessing or learning something too profound for public knowledge—perhaps he glimpsed the truth about the ice wall, the dome, or hidden extraterrestrial bases. The idea of an astronaut getting sick after visiting Antarctica is seen as symbolic, since Aldrin was one of the few men to have so-called walked on the Moon, a place beyond the dome through something called the “Van Allen radiation belt . ???”

According to a quiet few, a U.S. Senator once visited Antarctica to investigate the elite conspiracy firsthand. However, upon discovering too much, he allegedly angered the devil himself. Some claim that the Senator’s curiosity led to mysterious earthquakes following him wherever he went as he attempted to flee Antarctica.

These earthquakes were said to be supernatural retribution from the devil or dark forces that protect the secrets of the ice wall and the hidden technologies. The earthquakes are not a metaphor as some may say, as the world-shaking consequences of uncovering forbidden truths. You will not find it in Google!

The notion that this senator’s actions angered the devil serves as a powerful allegory within the narrative. Just as Satan was once cast out of heaven for defying God, the senator, in seeking forbidden knowledge, incurred the wrath of malevolent forces that inhabit or guard Antarctica. The narrative here borrows from traditional Christian themes of divine punishment for overreaching or dabbling in powers beyond human control.

Some stories suggest that Satan’s presence in Antarctica is connected to the Nephilim, ancient beings who were cast into the depths of the Earth, and that the Nazis were trying to awaken or use their power for their own purposes. ‘Friends, keep an open mind. Antarctica is more than just a place—it’s a gateway.

A gateway to forbidden knowledge, hidden technology, and perhaps other land and frontiers beyond the icewall. The ice wall keeps people in, and the elites keep people from knowing the truth that’s far beyond the horizon. The dome above, impenetrable by conventional means, serves as God’s barrier spoke of in His Bible, separating the Earth from the heavens.

Some visitors to Antarctica, whether military, scientific, or political, are either pawns or key players in this grand deception, some falling ill, others abandoning their mission, and still others vanish without a trace as a result of their learnt knowledge.

The technology used to maintain control over the masses—such as mass media and weather manipulation—was allegedly provided by the same dark forces that supplied the Nazis with their advanced technologies during World War II.

‘In conclusion, this story skillfully combines themes from biblical cosmology, secret history, Nazi plots, and extraterrestrial or demonic influence to present Antarctica as the hub of a massive, covert global agenda dominated by superpowers. A complex trick intended to prevent mankind from realizing the actual nature of our world.

Hiding things that include the ice wall, the dome, and the evil forces in operation. A complexed illusion is being played out, involving evil powers that are participating with the world’s powers, through secretive alliances, have maintained a veil over the truth about Antarctica.

A man by himself is not smart enough to get away with something like this for so long. Only a disembodied spirit that doesn’t need to eat or sleep, and have forbidden knowledge of ancient magic is able to do this. Antarctica is not just an icy wasteland but the key to understanding the deeper mysteries of our world.

God/Bless, and keep your eyes toward the sky.

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

Sorry Antarctica is CLOSED!:

Sorry Antarctica is CLOSED!

You CAN”T go to Antarctica!

You CAN"T go to Antarctica!

What Is The Firmament In Genesis? | Genesis 1:6-8 Explained:

What Is The Firmament In Genesis? | Genesis 1:6-8 Explained