“The Unvarnished Truth: Stripping Away Deception”

I trust this message finds you well and in good spirits. I am writing to you today with a reflection on a concept that has been on my mind and in my heart, the profound and often invisible struggle that humanity faces, a spiritual war that seeks to disrupt, steal, kill, and destroy.

In contemplating the human condition, it becomes evident that we are engaged in a constant battle, one that extends beyond the physical realm. It is a struggle of the soul, where unseen forces influence our thoughts, actions, and the very fabric of our existence. This invisible adversary, with the intent to sow discord and despair, poses challenges that require us to delve into the depths of our spirituality.

As we navigate this intricate spiritual battlefield, it becomes crucial to understand the nature of the enemy we face. Whether it manifests as doubt, fear, or divisive influences, recognizing these elements is the first step toward fortifying our defenses and fostering resilience in the face of adversity.

My title appears to imply a concentration on exposing deception and exposing hidden realities. The concept of demons using people against people can be taken in the following ways, which I’d like to describe in order to offer you a better understanding of how these demons interact with the humans they occupy.

Manipulation and Deception: Individuals with power and influence may engage in manipulative practices to achieve personal or group goals. This manipulation can take the form of misinformation, propaganda, or other deceptive tactics to control or influence public opinion.

Placing Individuals in Key Positions: The idea here is that these negative forces strategically position individuals in high-ranking roles within industries that have a significant impact on society. This could include sectors such as politics, media, finance, or technology.

Influence Over Decision-Making: Once in these influential positions, these individuals might make decisions that benefit the hidden agendas of those negative forces, rather than serving the best interests of the general public. This can lead to policies, practices, or actions that might not be transparent or in the public’s best interest.

Satisfying Appetites: The metaphorical “appetites” referred to here could represent the craving for power, wealth, or control. By using people in key positions to advance hidden agendas, these negative demonic forces might be satisfying their desires at the expense of others.

I’m expressing the idea that there are forces working against the well-being of society that I want to help awaken you too, as well as their practices that they use daily in our lives, which are hidden to most because the demons wear the human being it inhabits and walks among us looking like us, deceiving and manipulating its control over a blind and fractured common sense of the masses.

(Ephesians 6:12 KJV), – “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

(John 10:10), – “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

What I am about to explain is the construction of the hidden forces and their disguises they use when working in humans. Let us begin by defining the “New World Order.” The goal of the world’s central bankers (mostly inhabited flesh) is to convert their tremendous economic power into permanent global institutions of political and social control, which is the driving force behind the New World Order, which is a hidden demonic society controlling evil activities of our world.

Their power is founded on their credit monopoly. They print money using the government’s credit and expect taxpayers to pay billions in interest. Central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, pose as government agencies. They are not. Approximately 300 demonic families privately hold them. They are Prince demons in the dark ranks.

Truth searchers, here’s what you need to know; it’s not a “conspiracy theory,” as previously said, but a demonic agency disguised as one. This is knowing your adversary’s many disguises. The fact that the majority of these families call themselves Jewish is crucial, and I’m not anti-Jewish, but during my investigation, I learned that the spirit in those 300 (for example, the Banking Family of the Rothschilds), relates to (Rev 2:9), that states “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, but thou art rich, and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan).”

That is the same spirit living in them now that slaughtered Jesus during His brief visit with us. These folks are real,’ and please understand that this is accurate and hidden from the lazy eyes of the general public. And it’s all about the 300 and what they’ve allowed to exist inside them that causes you and those you care about to suffer. “It’s absurd to claim that our country can issue bonds but not interest free currency.”

“This is a mind-boggling thought.” We are fully dependent on commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar in circulation, whether in cash or credit. We are rich if the banks provide abundant synthetic money without tangible reserves; otherwise, we are barely getting by. When the Federal Reserve was established in 1913, don’t think it was all of man’s idea to do that, its intention was always to be a scam to man. Evil was its representative to enslave the masses with a vicious circle of debt by the interest placed on money.

“The few who comprehend the system will be either interested in its profits or reliant on its favors.” It’s sad that the vast majority of the population, being cognitively incapable of comprehending, would bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is hostile (contrary) to their interests.” It’s designed and engineered by Satan in men!

Obviously, printing money should be done in the public domain, as the US Constitution requires. This strange predicament is the root of humanity’s problems. It pits the economic elite against society as a whole. It is in their best interests to destabilize society, promote immorality, internal division (such as homosexual marriage), and war to increase debt and divert and control the populace.

Bankers are responsible for social engineering projects that undermine family and societal cohesiveness. This basic animosity also fuels a large criminal underworld run by the elites. Look what the Rothschilds have done in the Financial City State of London! They have erected a building in their financial district that looks like a male’s phallus and is conducive to sticking a middle finger up at “God,” and saying, I got your money now! (Just Google up a picture of downtown London to see the monstrosity.)

The devil is angry because there’s no place for redemption for him, his minions, or helpful people, only condemnation. It’s only for us, another reason why they hate us so much! Today’s success is founded on a person’s willingness to become an accomplice, witting or unaware, to the banker’s deception. Even wealthy entrepreneurs rely on finance and are unwilling to support meaningful change.

Western society and culture are predicated on a hoax as a result of the bankers’ deception. We lack genuine democracy, equal access to the media, and an open and honest education. Western culture is a fraud led by cowards who are well aware of their deception. We are being deceived by deceived people.

The New World Order is a multi-headed hydra (snake). The bankers operate on multiple fronts, including Communism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, Zionism, neoconservatism, and Freemasonry. The majority of members are unaware of this. These “progressive” movements are all secretly oriented toward “world revolution,” which is a euphemism for banking dominance. “Whoever has the money has the power!”

Truth seekers, to sum this up, wake up! And please understand that the world’s largest corporations, media, intelligence agencies, think tanks, foundations, and universities are all controlled by demonic bankers. They are to blame for the suppression of the truth—the pond where certain evil is kept. So keep your light bright and be a beacon to help guide those in the dark, by gaining knowledge of the things you have for their purpose, being taught not to pay any attention too, and what they do covertly against us. They don’t like free thinkers!

As I am to you, to notify, warn, and inform the public about their surroundings or circumstances to help brighten their light from the past of darkness. As a servant, you come first, and I come last. Peace to all and a blessed rest of your day, Stay well, my friends! A few videos to click on below:

By Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

Demons Love to Live Inside Human Bodies || Total Freedom from Demonization:

The Truth About Evil Spirits And Demons – MOST PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW THIS: