Heaven’s Throne Hidden: How the Elites Mask God’s Nearness:

“Welcome! Your presence just made everything better.” See that thing above and that thing they call geostationary satellites. Well, you will be in for a surprise by learning in your one time opportunity to travel in this world in your human vessel, that you have been lied too, all of your life about that thing and the other up above. It’s another trick of the Devil and his minions. C’mon, let me tell you why!

The world believed in the grandeur of space travel, in the boundless frontier that lay beyond the firmament, where astronauts supposedly floated above Earth on the International Space Station (ISS), and geostationary satellites orbited in perfect synchronization. But few knew the truth, a dark conspiracy born of deception—one woven by forces beyond human understanding, forces masquerading as governments and scientists.

For centuries, the unseen had operated behind the veil, manipulating the public’s perception of the universe. Demons, fallen from their place in the heavens, took on new forms, cloaked in the guise of world leaders, scientists, and elite influencers. These beings knew that the key to keeping humanity from the truth was to distort their understanding of creation. What better way than to blind the masses with a narrative of an infinite universe, birthed from a chaotic explosion—the Big Bang—and filled with meaningless stars and galaxies?

In reality, the ISS was never in space at all. It was launched in secluded, highly restricted areas of the world—places inaccessible to the public, hidden away from prying eyes by international treaties and heavy military surveillance. Rather than reaching the vast expanses of outer space, these “space missions” involved simple, mechanical tricks, designed to fool the public. The truth was simpler, and more insidious: The ISS, along with geostationary satellites, was not floating in a vacuum. They were suspended by enormous, unseen balloons, drifting in the upper atmosphere.

These high-altitude platforms were equipped with sophisticated technology, designed to create the illusion of weightlessness and space travel. From their vantage points, far above the clouds but still well within the confines of Earth’s atmosphere, they broadcast images and data that perpetuated the grand lie. The media, carefully controlled by the same demonic entities, presented these images to the public as proof of humanity’s conquest of space.

Behind this grand deception was a sinister motive. The demons’ primary goal was to keep humanity blind to the reality of God’s creation. They crafted a narrative that framed the universe as vast, cold, and indifferent—a cosmos where humanity was insignificant, just a speck of dust born of random chance. By pushing this worldview, they sought to drive a wedge between God’s children and their Creator, making them believe that He was distant, unreachable, and uninterested in their lives.

But the truth was far more wondrous. Scripture revealed that God was near, intimately involved in the world He had created. In Revelation 4:3, the Apostle John described a vision of God’s throne, surrounded by the splendor of heavenly light: “And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.” This was no mere metaphor—John had glimpsed the very colors of the sky, the hues of divine presence, emanating from above.

God’s throne, positioned above the firmament, was visible to those who had eyes to see. The colors of the Aurora Borealis, which modern science explained away as a natural phenomenon caused by solar winds interacting with Earth’s magnetic field, were, in fact, glimpses of God’s radiant glory shining down from His seat. The elite, under demonic influence, spun this spectacle as pseudoscience to keep the world from recognizing it for what it truly was: a sign of God’s nearness and His watchful gaze upon his children and His Earth.

The lie of geostationary satellites furthered this deception. The truth was that no object was orbiting thousands of miles above the Earth. The technology that supposedly kept these satellites in perfect alignment with the Earth’s rotation was nonexistent. Instead, carefully timed signals and ground-based systems created the illusion that communication satellites were stationed far above. These “satellites” were tethered to the same high-altitude platforms that supported the fake ISS, drifting silently across the sky.

The elite worked tirelessly to maintain this façade. They knew that if humanity ever discovered the truth—that the stars were not distant suns but lights placed in the firmament to mark the times and seasons—it would shatter their carefully constructed worldview. People would realize that the Earth was not a speck in an endless void, but a special, created place, watched over by a loving God who was far closer than they had been led to believe.

In their arrogance, the elite believed that they could outsmart God’s children, but they underestimated the power of faith. As more began to question the official narratives of science and space, they started to see through the lies. The emerald hues in the sky, once dismissed as auroras, became reminders of the promise of Revelation, of the God who sat above them, watching with love and judgment.

The demons feared the day when humanity would collectively awaken and realize that God had always been near, not lost in the recesses of a distant universe but watching from His throne, high above the firmament. When that day came, their grand deception would crumble, and the people would turn back to the truth—that they were not insignificant, but beloved children of the Almighty, fearfully and wonderfully made in His image.

And so, the battle between truth and deception rages on. The demons know their time is short, and they doubled down on their efforts, using every tool at their disposal to keep the veil over humanity’s eyes. But for those who sought the truth, the light of God’s glory was already breaking through, shining brighter than any false vehicle or satellite ever could. A time when those that have eyes will be able to see the truth, and everyone who has ears will be able to hear it. Isaiah 32:3.

In the end, the veil will be lifted, and the truth revealed: humanity was never adrift in a cold, indifferent universe but always under the loving watch of the Creator. The deception, crafted by demons masquerading as elites, will crumble as the world awakens to the reality that God’s throne is near, His glory shining through the very skies they once believed to be empty. The grand lie of space and the vast cosmos was but a distraction to keep humanity from seeing their true significance—beloved children of a God who has never been far from them.

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

The God Made Firmament – FLAT EARTH:

The God Made Firmament  -  FLAT EARTH

Satellites on a FLAT EARTH:

The sun rises under the clouds at FL280:

Sun rise under the clouds at FL280