Fear and Fury: How Evil Took Over Law Enforcement:

“We’re so glad you’ve arrived—let’s get started!” I’ve just gained new insight into this subject, so hold on—our Father wants you to see it and not become so oblivious to what most people would consider mysteries. It’s an image of the real world we live in, overrun by invisible entities. The moment has come to reveal once more who the devil and his henchmen are, and who has historically been humanity’s greatest enemy. This article is about some of their work.

The issue of racial profiling, police brutality, and the disproportionate killing of Black and Brown people in the United States is a deeply complex and troubling one. While there are many perspectives on this topic, blending historical, sociological, and psychological lenses, this exploration centered around the idea that demonic forces are using law enforcement to perpetuate this violence adds a unique layer of spiritual interpretation to a very real and urgent issue.

‘This, is a battle beyond the flesh. Since the inception of the United States, the relationship between law enforcement and communities of color—particularly Black and Brown people—has been fraught with systemic racism, profiling, and violence. To some, this may appear to be a purely social and historical issue rooted in the legacies of slavery and colonialism.

However, an interpretation could posit that the deeper, unseen forces of evil—namely demons—have long exploited this division to further their own agenda; the destabilization and destruction of marginalized communities, particularly those of African and Indigenous descent.

Friends these demonic forces feed on fear, hatred, and division, using weak-willed and racially prejudiced officers as their vessels. The aim? To perpetuate a cycle of violence, distrust, and trauma in an attempt to exterminate Black and Brown communities spiritually, emotionally, and even physically.

This examination will explore the history of this issue, the role demons might play in perpetuating this violence, and the societal consequences of unchecked demonic influence. The institution of policing in the United States has deep roots in the enforcement of racist policies.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, law enforcement agencies in Southern states were largely created to enforce slavery, capture escaped slaves, and suppress rebellions. The “slave patrols” of the antebellum South were the precursors to modern police forces, and their primary mission was to control Black populations through intimidation and violence.

This legacy of racial control continued into the Jim Crow era, where law enforcement played a central role in enforcing segregation laws and suppressing civil rights movements. During this period, demons could be imagined to have capitalized on the institutionalized racism of the time, using the fear of “the other” to manipulate officers and other figures of authority. Demons thrive on division, and America’s racial division has been a fertile ground for them.

One of the key ways demons might manipulate police officers is through fear. Fear is a powerful emotion, and it can cloud judgment, distort perception, and lead to violence. In this way, demons target officers who already harbor racial biases or those who are particularly vulnerable to fear, subtly pushing them toward acts of violence against Black and Brown people.

Many law enforcement officers operate in high-stress environments where they are constantly on alert, sometimes perceiving threats where none exist. When officers approach Black or Brown individuals with preconceived notions that they are more likely to be dangerous or criminal, this creates a fertile environment for demonic influence. In moments of tension, these demons could be imagined whispering into the ears of officers, amplifying their fear and encouraging them to act on their worst impulses. The result? The unnecessary use of deadly force, often justified by claims of “fear for one’s life.”

This fear-based approach by demonic forces extends beyond individual officers and is woven into the very fabric of police training and culture. Police officers are often trained to view encounters with civilians as potential life-or-death situations, leading them to treat communities of color as enemy combatants. Demons feed on this mentality, perpetuating a cycle of violence where officers are encouraged to dehumanize Black and Brown individuals.

At this point, I would want to clarify that as Christ’s Soldiers, we are not bound by a 501(c3) exemption and that we speak the objective TRUTH about any issue that impacts God’s people—that is, all of us, good or bad. And that all police officers are not bad in various ethnic diverse groups, we do have some good ones that are active in their communities and respected from good works for all in the protections of communities in general. But if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck-its a duck! And it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the bunch-feel me!

Demons would also exploit the systemic racism that exists within police departments and the broader criminal justice system. Racial profiling is a key tool in this system of oppression, allowing demons to further their agenda. By encouraging officers to disproportionately target Black and Brown individuals for stops, searches, and arrests, demons create an environment of constant harassment and surveillance for these communities.

The ripple effect of racial profiling is profound. When Black and Brown individuals are constantly stopped by police for minor infractions or no reason at all, it fosters a sense of helplessness and fear within these communities. This is exactly what demons would want—disempowered communities are easier to exploit, and the trauma of repeated encounters with law enforcement weakens the spirit, making individuals more susceptible to further harm. In other words, these interactions with a dark foundation provide devils with energy and a place to live.

Racial profiling also serves to reinforce the negative stereotypes that society holds about Black and Brown people. When people of color are disproportionately represented in arrest statistics or are more likely to be involved in violent encounters with police, it perpetuates the false notion that they are inherently dangerous or criminal. This, in turn, provides further justification for officers to continue using violence against these communities, creating a vicious cycle of oppression. Demons build strong holds on these individuals lives to spew malevolent evil on a targeted few.

Police brutality is perhaps the most direct way in which demons use law enforcement officers to oppress and harm Black and Brown people. The killing of unarmed Black and Brown men, women, and children—such as George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, and many others—can be seen as the culmination of demonic influence.

In these moments of brutality, demons are not only using individual officers to commit acts of violence, but they are also exploiting the broader system that allows these acts to go unpunished. The failure of the criminal justice system to hold officers accountable for acts of brutality can be seen as further evidence of demonic manipulation. Demons thrive on injustice, and when officers are acquitted or receive only light punishments for their actions, it reinforces the notion that Black and Brown lives are expendable.

The ongoing trauma experienced by the families and communities of those who have been killed by police is another aspect of demonic influence. Grief, anger, and fear can weaken individuals and communities, making them more vulnerable to further harm. This, in turn, creates a cycle of violence and trauma that demons can continue to exploit for their own gain.

The long-term effects of police violence and racial profiling on Black and Brown communities are devastating. Be aware that demons are not simply interested in the physical destruction of these communities but are also focused on their spiritual and emotional degradation.

When communities are constantly subjected to violence and harassment by law enforcement, it creates an environment of fear and mistrust. Individuals within these communities may feel that they are under constant surveillance and that their lives are in danger at any moment. This sense of powerlessness can lead to a breakdown in community cohesion, as people are less likely to trust one another or to engage in collective action. These types of corruption are awarded by their master to demon factions.

Demons would also exploit the economic and social consequences of police violence. When individuals are killed or incarcerated, it leaves a void in their families and communities. The loss of a loved one to police violence can lead to financial hardship, emotional trauma, and a breakdown in family structure. Demons feed on this instability, using it to further weaken the community and to sow further division and mistrust.

But also be aware that even if whispered by demons, those individuals who opened a door to listen should still be held accountable for it. The only thing that could save anyone who could be involved in such acts of transgressions in this type of demonic control, is prayer.

The media also plays a role in amplifying demonic influence. The sensationalized coverage of police violence, particularly when it involves Black and Brown individuals, can serve to dehumanize these communities further. When the media focuses on the criminal record or personal history of a victim of police violence, it reinforces the notion that these individuals were somehow deserving of their fate.

This dehumanization serves the interests of demons, as it allows the broader public to distance themselves from the victims of police violence. When people see Black and Brown individuals as criminals or threats, they are less likely to empathize with their suffering or to demand justice on their behalf. This, in turn, allows the cycle of violence to continue unchecked. And the demons dance to this music.

The violence that Black and Brown communities face at the hands of law enforcement is not simply a matter of individual prejudice or systemic racism. It is part of a larger, spiritual battle between good and evil, with demons exploiting the weaknesses of the human heart—fear, hatred, and prejudice—to further their own agenda of destruction and division.

The interpretation, the real-world consequences of police violence and racial profiling are undeniable. The deaths of countless Black and Brown people at the hands of law enforcement have left a deep scar on the American conscience, and the failure of the justice system to hold officers accountable has only deepened this wound.

Whether one believes in the existence of demons or not, the need for change is clear. Law enforcement must be held accountable for their actions, and the broader system of racial profiling and violence must be dismantled. Only by confronting these issues head-on can we begin to heal the deep wounds that have been inflicted on Black and Brown communities and prevent further harm from being done.

In this struggle for justice, perhaps we can get you to believe that we are engaging in a spiritual battle—one in which the forces of good must triumph over the forces of evil if we are to create a world where all people, regardless of their race, can live free from fear and violence. I myself would probably stop here, but Father says in me you need more.

By this demonic influence and systemic violence, it is important to reflect on the transformation of law enforcement from community protectors to what often appears to be a militarized force. The evolution of policing, particularly in the United States, has seen the shift from “peace officers”—whose primary responsibility was to maintain order in a non-confrontational manner—to “police officers” who are trained to act as enforcers of power.

Often using tactics and equipment that seem more appropriate for a military unit than for public servants. This shift creates a terrifying visual and psychological impact, and it reveals the deeper issues at play in the individuals drawn to and shaped by these institutions. When police officers respond to situations—particularly in Black and Brown communities—their appearance can be overwhelming.

Gone are the days of the stereotypical peace officer in a simple blue uniform, calmly walking a beat and interacting with the community. Today, many police departments use highly militarized vehicles, tactical gear, and weaponry that would not seem out of place on a battlefield. These officers often arrive in armored vehicles, wearing black tactical uniforms, bulletproof vests, helmets, and sometimes even carrying military-grade rifles. They appear as if they are prepared for war, not a routine public safety call.

Their very presence communicates a message of domination and control, not peace or protection. When a group of heavily armed officers step out of an armored vehicle into a residential neighborhood, they create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, It may be interpreted as the direct result of demonic powers preparing the groundwork for the AntiChrist’s imposition of martial law thereby escalating mistrust and terror in already vulnerable areas.

This appearance can be likened to an occupying force, one that seems ready to take over a small nation rather than serve and protect civilians. From their combat-ready posture to the tools they use—such as tear gas, rubber bullets, and even drones—modern police officers often resemble soldiers more than peacekeepers. This militarization allows demons in this scenario to send a clear message of control and subjugation, reinforcing the idea that Black and Brown lives are under siege.

One key aspect of this demonic influence is the transformation that takes place during police training. While police officers are ostensibly trained to protect and serve, much of modern police training focuses on a “warrior mentality,” emphasizing aggression, control, and the quick use of force.

Officers are often trained to see every situation as potentially life-threatening, which reinforces the idea that they must be constantly on guard, ready to use violence at any moment. In this, demons subtly influence this training to heighten officers’ fear and suspicion, particularly toward Black and Brown individuals and create psychopaths.

This training creates a hyper-vigilant mindset, one that primes officers to expect violence and danger in every interaction. When they approach civilians, especially those who have been racially profiled, they often do so with a readiness to assert dominance, rather than a desire to de-escalate or peacefully resolve the situation. This warrior mindset makes officers more susceptible to demonic influence, as it reinforces the idea that they are in a constant battle against “the enemy,” and in many cases, Black and Brown people are seen as that enemy.

This transformation also includes desensitization to violence. Many police officers undergo training that involves repeated exposure to violent scenarios, often through the use of “shoot/don’t shoot” simulations, which train them to react quickly and aggressively to perceived threats. Over time, this kind of training can erode their ability to empathize with civilians and can make them more likely to view people—especially those from marginalized communities—as threats rather than as fellow human beings.

Another crucial aspect of this is the personal background of many police officers. While there are officers who genuinely enter law enforcement with a desire to serve their communities, there are also those who are drawn to the power and authority that comes with the badge. For some, law enforcement offers a way to exert control over others, a dangerous temptation that demons can exploit.

Many officers who have been documented in high-profile incidents of police brutality have histories of racist behavior, whether it’s expressed through social media posts, personal affiliations, or internal complaints. These individuals, already harboring racist ideologies, are particularly vulnerable to demonic manipulation in this story. Demons feed on prejudice, twisting it into a justification for violence. When these officers encounter Black or Brown civilians, their biases are amplified by demonic whispers that encourage them to dehumanize the individuals in front of them.

Moreover, some officers come into the force with personal histories of trauma, bullying, or mental health issues. There have been reports of individuals who were bullied in school later joining law enforcement, seeking a position of authority where they can exact power over others.

These unresolved personal issues make them susceptible to the toxic culture within some police departments, where aggression and dominance are prized over empathy and understanding. Demons take advantage of these psychological wounds, urging officers to assert their dominance over others as a way to cope with their own feelings of inadequacy or powerlessness.

Additionally, the stress and trauma that officers experience on the job can exacerbate existing mental health issues. Instead of receiving adequate support, many officers internalize their trauma, which can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse, aggression, or emotional withdrawal. This lack of psychological care makes officers even more vulnerable to demonic influence, as they are left to manage their emotions in an environment that prioritizes strength and control over vulnerability and healing.

The combination of militarized policing, warrior-like training, and the personal baggage of some officers creates a dangerous situation for communities, especially those of color. Demons use these officers as vessels to carry out acts of violence and oppression, ensuring that Black and Brown communities remain trapped in a cycle of fear and trauma.

When officers arrive in a neighborhood dressed for combat, armed with military-grade weapons, and prepared to assert control, they bring with them an atmosphere of fear and hostility. For residents of these communities, especially those who have witnessed or experienced police brutality firsthand, the sight of a police vehicle or a group of officers is enough to trigger feelings of anxiety and terror. This constant presence of fear creates a fertile ground for demonic forces to thrive, as they feed off the chaos and division that it causes.

The over-policing of Black and Brown neighborhoods also reinforces the dehumanization of these communities. When police view residents as potential threats rather than people to protect, they are more likely to resort to violence in their interactions. This leads to a vicious cycle where every encounter between police and civilians becomes a potential flashpoint for brutality, further eroding trust and deepening the divide between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

The ultimate goal of the demonic forces at work is not just to inflict harm on individual Black and Brown people, but to create a culture of fear and control that pervades society. By militarizing law enforcement and fostering a toxic culture of aggression and domination, demons are able to keep entire communities in a state of constant anxiety. This fear weakens the spirit of these communities, making it harder for them to organize, resist, or heal from the trauma they experience.

Furthermore, the demonic influence within law enforcement doesn’t stop at the individual level. It permeates the entire system, from the officers on the street to the policies enacted by lawmakers. Every time a police officer acts violently and faces no consequences, it sends a message to society that this behavior is acceptable, even justified. This systemic impunity allows demons to continue their work, using law enforcement as a tool for oppression and domination.

In conclusion; friends to combat this demonic influence, both spiritual and systemic changes are necessary. On a systemic level, policing in America must undergo a complete transformation. This includes demilitarizing the police, reforming training practices to prioritize de-escalation and community engagement, and holding officers accountable for their actions. Ending the culture of impunity is critical, as it would signal that Black and Brown lives are valued and that violence will not be tolerated.

On a spiritual level, communities of color must continue to resist the forces that seek to dehumanize them. This resistance can take many forms, from activism and protest to reclaiming cultural and spiritual traditions that promote healing and solidarity and prayer. By coming together in love, justice, and mutual support, these communities can begin to heal the wounds inflicted by centuries of violence and oppression.

Ultimately, this calls for a reckoning—not just with the visible forces of systemic racism and police brutality, but with the unseen spiritual forces that thrive on fear, division, and hatred. Only by confronting these forces head-on can society move toward a future where all people, regardless of race, can live in peace and dignity.

And seek knowledge of the enemy to be aware of what you might think is a mystery, is in fact our reality controlled by darkness unseen by the veiled. I hope you received a better understanding of this subject matter. And know with issues this intense the only way to repair it is with group prayer. The family that prays together stays together. God bless you and everyone you love!

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

How America’s cops became untouchable w/Joanna Schwartz | The Chris Hedges Report:

How America's cops became untouchable w/Joanna Schwartz | The Chris Hedges Report

*Or Reform It For Everyone*

Policing the Police (full documentary) | FRONTLINE:

Policing the Police (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

USA Cops: Protectors or Killers? American Police, Extreme Law & Order (Documentary):

USA Cops: Protectors or Killers? American Police, Extreme Law & Order (Documentary)

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III