“The Two Faces of Time: From Babylon to Jesus, Janus; Tracing the Ancient Roots of New Year’s Celebrations”

Is there a hint of evil concealed in plain sight?

“Hello my Friends.” How are you doing, and how are those you care about? Glad you dropped by, and I’d want to clarify something for everyone who sees this: yes, I’m going to explain my title and its substance, and yes, it’s not going to be nice, and I know that those of you who have read any of my articles think they’re “doom and gloom.” That may be true, but I am not doing this to deceive you, but rather to alert you to our opponent “Satan’s trickery!

We’ll be pushing the “pedal to the metal” on this adventure! And provide you with an understanding of why, in your one chance in your spirit to have a human experience, you cannot just follow the herd on everything that seems exciting and fun without becoming an ignorant victim. Instead, we may go to the “big sleep” and wake up in the same manner you do every morning, even if you’ve been sleeping in your current condition for years. The living know, the dead know nothing. See (Ecclesiastes 9: 5-6). And you wake up in front of “The White Throne Judgement,” you are shocked because no one is guaranteed tomorrow (Proverbs 27:1).

And our Father responds, ” I never knew you,” this because of the devil’s cunning, you didn’t plan ahead and just followed the script, (“Do as the Romans do” or Monkey see, monkey do”), is the tail, not the head that will cause the majority of us to be a victim of this degradation. I’m not trying to take the fun out of everything we do, but just to warn about the days we are in and caution you on what seems harmless and right could be wrong considering your soul, if you care. We are living in the days where it seems wrong is right and right is wrong. Satan has flipped the script!

The Historical Origins of New Year’s Celebration:

The celebration of the New Year has a long and diverse history, with different cultures and civilizations marking the passage of time in various ways. One of the earliest recorded New Year celebrations was by the ancient Babylonians around 2000 BCE. They celebrated the New Year during the vernal equinox, which is around late March.

The ancient Egyptians also celebrated the New Year with the annual flooding of the Nile River, which marked the beginning of the agricultural season. Similarly, the Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar and is associated with the cycles of the moon.

The Roman God Janus:

In Roman mythology, Janus is a god with two faces, each looking in the opposite direction. He is often depicted as a symbol of transitions, passages, and doorways. Janus is considered the god of beginnings and endings, transitions, and time. His two faces represent looking back to the past and forward to the future, making him a fitting symbol for the turning of the calendar from one year to the next and itself omni-present trying to be like our Father God. What’s hidden, this is their counterfeit Jesus Christ.

The month of January is named after Janus, and the Romans celebrated the beginning of the year by offering sacrifices to him and exchanging gifts and offering drinks. They believed that Janus could provide blessings for the coming year and protect them from evil. But for those who don’t know, this is a curse throughout the New Years ritual disguised as pleasantries but is the opening of the door to capture the unlearned.

New Year’s Resolutions:

The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions can be traced back to ancient Babylonian and Roman times. Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of the year to return borrowed items and pay their debts. Similarly, the Romans made promises to Janus, seeking his favor for the year ahead but unknowingly gave homage too as we do to the demon!

Throughout history and throughout several cultures, people have made resolutions to better themselves or establish objectives for the upcoming year. It appeared to be a cultural and personal custom meant for self-improvement that is hidden as harmful to “God’s people!” Rather than having any connection to any particular religion or affiliations is a lie, this is another evil straight from hell.

The Transition to January 1st:

The shift of the New Year’s celebration to January 1st is linked to the Roman calendar. The Roman calendar originally had the New Year starting in March, but with the adoption of the Julian calendar by Julius Caesar in 45 BCE, January 1st became the official start of the year.

This change was part of an effort to align the calendar with the solar year, and it eventually gained widespread acceptance. However, it’s important to note that the association of Janus with the New Year predates this calendar change.

Pope Gregory XIII and the Gregorian Calendar:

While Pope Gregory XIII did introduce the Gregorian calendar in 1582 to reform the Julian calendar and correct inaccuracies in the calculation of leap years, this reform did not impact the celebration of the New Year on January 1st. The Gregorian calendar was designed to better align with the astronomical year, but it did not change the date of the New Year.

The celebration of January 1st as the New Year continued, and various cultures adopted the Gregorian calendar over time. The association of Janus with the New Year remains rooted in ancient Roman traditions.

The Modern Celebration of New Year’s:

Today, New Year’s celebrations vary worldwide. They often involve gatherings, festivities, fireworks, and the symbolic dropping of a ball in Times Square in New York City. While some people make resolutions for the coming year, others simply celebrate the passage of time with joy and optimism. Innocent victims of the unknowing. ‘Friends, this is ” His Mercy by His Warnings” of these things, that are unsuspected. ‘Hint, If it is making money from you, and a group party is involved, suspect it!

In conclusion:

Friends, I ask that you not give me credit. Even though leaving this message doesn’t seem enjoyable, don’t be shocked; you have another day for redemption. Look up, and thank God once more for His kindness that it’s you reading this and not in your deep slumber that is allotted to all of us at a time we don’t really know when.

The video I’ve included below won’t be as nice as what I’ve attempted to describe, but when you visit with me, you get the unvarnished truth, which you may discover in the video. Remember, there are good things in the world like, being not of the world, but peace inside, separation from disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty is His way, learning from the world will pull you down to the ground and deeper if you don’t try to understand your enemy.

‘Our, Father knows; For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. (2 Timothy 4:3). He knows most will accept what they like to see and hear and others are doing. Thank you for your time and if anyone in your family or friends even strangers that you think can be enlightened by my articles, please give them my link: https://storm.cw.center Too all a blessed day!

By Servant: Norman G. Roy III