“The Melanated Messiah: Honoring Jesus’ True Identity”

Hello, and I’m delighted you are here today. God has given me a revelation via His Holy Spirit for everybody to hear and comprehend, and those with egos should set them aside for this time of reasoning and clarity of the truth.

The truth is similar to the image above, “Christ’s Soldiers” will not be led by illusions of images created by men of egos and their own sense of worth and curse of propaganda. The portrayal of the real Jesus Christ as a white man with blue eyes and long, hair is a relatively recent and culturally specific depiction after ancient biblical times that does not accurately reflect His likely historical appearance.

Here we do Bible truth in words and images. This image has been popularized in Western art and culture, but historical and anthropological evidence suggests that Jesus, being of Middle Eastern descent, would have had features more typical of the people in that region which seems to be to hard for a western people to, “ingest and let alone to digest!”

The Middle East is a geopolitical region encompassing the Arabian Peninsula, the Levant, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, and Iraq. The term came into widespread usage as a replacement of the term Near East as opposed to the Far East beginning in the early 20th century.

Ideally, the Middle East is generally considered to be part of the larger region of Africa and hints of Asia. Thousands of years ago, the Middle East (as well as the Arabian Peninsula, including the Levant, where Israel is) was indeed part of the continent of Africa. Later, the European powers colonized one Islamic country after another. 

Jesus was born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth, both located in the region of Galilee, which is part of modern-day Israel/Palestine. This area has historically been inhabited by Semitic people. As a Hebrew man of the first century, Jesus would have had physical characteristics typical of Middle Eastern Jews of that time.

People of the Middle Eastern region during the time of Jesus typically had olive to darker skin tones, dark hair, and dark eyes. Considering the climate and much of His work was outside in this geographical location, it is reasonable to assume that Jesus had a complexion suited to this environment, which would be darker than the depictions found in much Western art.

However, certain passages in our Bible give indirect hints. For example, in the Book of Revelation, Jesus is described symbolically in a vision: (Revelation 1:14-15:) “His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.”

While this passage is highly symbolic, the description of feet like “bronze glowing in a furnace” suggests a darker hue. It’s so sad that the devil has us so apart that we have to reach-out to forensic anthropologist Richard Neave, using historical data and remains from the period, a more accurate representation of Jesus would depict Him with a Middle Eastern appearance: dark skin, dark eyes, and short, curly hair.

To be taught wrong for generations is not a modern day’s fault, Jesus said how clever the devil and his imps (lesser beings) would be, you have been tricked to fall for European Influence, the popular image of Jesus with European features emerged during the Renaissance period when European artists began to depict Him in a way that reflected their own societies.

And does it matter? It does because it has been a thorn in the hip of the original people of the time and area by being pictured as lesser of men. This “Eurocentric portrayal” was further spread through colonialism and missionary work, becoming the dominant image in many parts of the world. To all people, the truth has to be known, and not stay in the lie, or protect it and the liars.

There has been a growing movement to re-examine and correct these historical inaccuracies. Efforts are being made to depict Jesus in ways that are more historically and ethnically accurate. And not have the last generation at the end of days worshiping an image influenced and engineered by the devil, that have divided God’s people from the natural order of things.

An accurate representation of Jesus is significant not just for historical accuracy but also for theological inclusivity. It helps people from diverse backgrounds relate to Him and understand His message in the context of their own cultures. ‘Come-on now, understanding Jesus as a Middle Eastern man challenges the often implicit biases and promotes a more universal understanding of His teachings and identity.

Considering the environmental conditions of the Middle East, it is plausible to think that God created people with darker skin tones (more melanin) to protect them from the harsh sun and potential sun-related illnesses. By understanding the historical and geographical context of Jesus’ life, we can appreciate a more accurate depiction of His appearance, moving away from the culturally biased images that have dominated for centuries, and allowed generational curses on the deceived.

It’s time, I truly believe our Father in heaven would like for it to be clearly explained that the commonly depicted image of Jesus as a white man with European features, is to see this as a historical development rather than an accurate representation. Jesus has been depicted in various cultures around the world, these representations often reflect the local populations and their understanding of Jesus.

Jesus is for All! Jesus’ teachings and message are universal and not confined to any particular ethnicity or race. But the truth and accurate representation can help people from diverse backgrounds feel more connected to Him. Unfortunately cultural depictions have shaped perceptions.

In my heart I felt I had to challenge the traditional Western depiction because I knew it was not true, but many did and it was the time to “STOP!” And have compelling evidence to make the case and just engage with a broad audience and encourage respectful conversations on this matter.

Dear Friends, In our journey of faith, it is important to seek the truth and embrace a more accurate understanding of Jesus Christ. Recent historical and anthropological research provides us with a clearer picture of what Jesus, a first-century Middle Eastern Jew, likely looked like. He would have had darker skin, dark hair, and dark eyes, reflecting the people and environment of His time and place.

For centuries, the image of Jesus as a white man with European features has been popularized through Western art and culture. While these depictions were shaped by their historical context, they do not accurately represent the true appearance of Jesus. Understanding Jesus in His authentic cultural and historical context enriches our faith and fosters a more inclusive and universal view of His teachings.

Christ’s Soldiers, cordially invites you to go deeper into this comprehension and with us in recognizing the various ways that Jesus is portrayed in various cultural contexts. By doing this, we respect the real meaning of His teachings and celebrate the diversity of our international religious community.

Moreover, understanding Jesus’ authentic appearance fosters a deeper appreciation for the diversity of humanity and the inclusive nature of His message. By recognizing and celebrating the diverse ways in which Jesus is depicted across cultures, we honor the richness of our global faith community and reaffirm the universal relevance of His teachings.

As we continue this journey of discovery, let us remain open to new perspectives and committed to truth, unity, and love. May our exploration of Jesus’ identity inspire us to embrace diversity, challenge misconceptions, and cultivate a deeper connection to the Son of God and each other.

Lastly, brothers and sisters, in our pursuit of understanding and honoring Jesus, it’s crucial to acknowledge the historical context of His life and teachings. While traditional depictions have shaped our perceptions, embracing the reality of Jesus as a Middle Eastern man with darker features enriches our understanding of His universal message.

By recognizing and celebrating the diversity of His image across cultures, we move closer to a more authentic and inclusive portrayal of the Son of God. Let’s continue this journey of discovery with open hearts and minds, guided by a commitment to truth, unity, and love.

Let us all come together in this journey of discovery, guided by a commitment to truth and inclusivity.

Author and Servant:

Norman G. Roy III

Why the Truth About Black Jesus Will Change Your Understanding of Christianity!

What Happens When You Discover The Real Jesus Was Black?

The late Dr. Billy Graham can shed some light on this widespread misperception.

Author: Norman Roy

Hello, truth seekers! Norman G. Roy III, the digital dynamo igniting sparks of truth in the darkest corners of the internet, has the fervor of an adventurer and the precision of a hacker. Norman fearlessly hacks through the virtual jungle, uncovering hidden treasures of unfiltered reality. Armed with an arsenal of intellect and an unyielding commitment to authenticity, he embarks on electrifying quests through the tangled webs of deception. Each pulse-pounding expedition leads him deeper into the heart of the digital abyss, where he unearths revelations that send shockwaves through the online realm. In a world where every click holds the promise of discovery, Norman emerges as a modern-day hero, thrillingly dismantling falsehoods and delivering pulse-quickening insights to the internet community. Join Norman Roy on an adrenaline-fueled adventure into the electrifying unknown, where the truth awaits around every exhilarating twist and turn.

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