“Under the Dome: Exploring the Depths of Flat Earth Realities”

Christ’s Soldiers” has existed with the intention of giving the greatest number of people access to the truth starting from the very beginning. Beyond that, proactively seek out the truth and disseminate it when it becomes available. “Christ’s soldiers” are free to ” prepare the people for the impending return of our Savior,” since we are not bound by any religious affiliations or government 501 (c- 3)s regulations to bide us from giving unfiltered truth.

A few things to consider; (1 Remaining receptive to new information. (2 Refusing to accept anything without doing extensive and cautious study. (3 Nothing inherently makes anything wrong just because it’s new. But a new notion has emerged; the “earth’s real shape.” This topic is unlike any others. At first look, no other truth investigated by the Christ’s Soldiers team appeared to so clearly contradict accepted scientific “fact.”

The idea that the earth is a globe that revolves around the sun is one that has been around for so long that it has been “grandfathered” in and is now taken for granted as “truth.” Thorough investigation has shown the startling reality that the earth is not a globe orbiting infinite space. But of science fiction created by Demonic NASA and its computer-generated imagery (CGI, special visual effects created using computer software) production.

The Bible is unquestionably a text about a flat world. So, it seems some sense to believe that the final events before the end of our age will be significantly influenced by the structure of the place we live.

It is not the open spherical globe that everyone has been taught for the past 500 years, even while it is not “flat” in the sense that one might walk up to the edge and fall off. Instead, it is precisely what the Bible and all the ancients taught it to be; large masses of land and oceans encircled by a dome of protection. Throughout history, cultures all throughout the world have documented and recorded the presence of a geocentric, fixed, flat earth. Egyptians, Indians, Mayans, Chinese, Native Americans, and virtually every other ancient culture on this falsely so-called planet always had a geocentric, flat-earth cosmology.

By using the globe, Satan was able to separate God from His creation, which caused many to deny the Bible creation of the probable Flat Earth. The Bible is no longer used when evaluating scientific claims. That because of early global hypnotized indoctrination in schools, it only seems a book of morals and enjoyable stories and cannot be utilized to explain the place where we truly live said in (Genesis: 1-31 KJV).

Before Pythagoras, there was no concept of a spinning ball on Earth, and even after Pythagoras, it remained an obscure, minority position until 2,000 years later, when Copernicus began revitalizing the heliocentric notion. I’m trying to warn you, friends; the public has been “bamboozled, fooled, lied too!” Satan uses extraordinary effects through human agencies (NASA), and prolonged indoctrination to ingrain individuals in their beliefs, leading them to accept the lie and defend it.  “Please Wake-Up!”

Satan’s triumph against God is just momentary. Because Jesus will destroy the Globe and utilize it to lure many more people to Him and His truth. It’s time to celebrate the incredible vault beneath which we dwell. According to the Bible, God’s boundless greatness is demonstrated by the formation of the solid dome that encloses His earth. The “(Firmament)” is the best example of God’s utter creative might. It is an enigma beyond description.

The man by himself could not pull off this and many other things I try and warn about. It’s all engineered by an ancient angelic creature that needs no sleep or anything to eat, with much more knowledge and power than we have, so he can inflict on us his deceit 24 hours of our days. We are not smart enough to do any of this and have the cooperation with the departmentalized selected worldly elites, it can only be done by a “supernatural entity.” We have to get in the right fight with Christ in our life.

And only then can His holy spirit intervene to keep us from further deception of a blinded common sense. After carefully examining the available astronomical and scientific facts, Christ Soldiers team came to the conclusion that the earth was confined and immobile. Although they are sometimes dismissed as poetic narratives, biblical arguments for a stationary earth have long existed. But overlooked by the fooled, meaning even the elect said in (Matthew. 24).

Friends, I know this is hard because it was hard on me until the Lord and his mercy removed the veil over my mind and eyes, so I could see wide open the ways of Satan and his minions, and sadly with the help of deceived people. God, “the Artist.” He employs His own set of scientific laws. Truth be told, astronomy, physics, and applied mathematics all favor a stationary earth encircled by a dome.

Think about it, you don’t have to chase a runway to land a plane but you would if it was exaggerated spinning at the high rate NASA says! Or trillions of tons of water curving around a ball, but butterflies and insects fly freely. Yet held by a demonic narrative of so-called gravity, that sounds like magic. With God’s world it’s always been “buoyancy and density,” He’s not the author of confusement as His Bible says in (1 Corinthians 14:33). Water always finds its level.

We at Christ’s Soldiers cordially encourage you to thoroughly examine the evidence for yourself. As you obtain further knowledge, it is OK to put the topic on hold. Furthermore, it is acceptable to acknowledge ignorance. However, please carefully consider all the relevant facts before magisterially ruling out this important subject matter. It’s at least worth it in our one time human experience to learn the truth about how all this began, why we are, and the real truth about where we live.

Yes, we all have the question “Why!” Would they lie about something like this, what’s the real reason? Because the devil and his helpers are trying to hide “God from you!” Making you think God is so far away and that we are an accident and insignificant and all along God has been sitting right over top of his creation and watching us daily in all we do. But seeing is believing too most, but even then you can’t trust that with what NASA is doing. If you’re going to believe anything, believe in black holes called NASA who sucks 150 million bucks per quarter from tax payers to produce science fiction earth, space stations, satellites, and colorful galaxies.

It’s not that new light is inherently dangerous because it’s new. A sincere searcher of the truth would never assume something so lukewarm or halfhearted. The risk is in the emotional and even psychological strain of adjusting to a completely new and dissimilar worldview. It might cause mental turmoil and a somber resolve to never fall for such trickery again. The temptation is to reject everything of one’s beliefs, even the knowledge of previously existing truths. Recognize this response for what it is—a self-defense mechanism—and do not hastily disregard other accepted realities.

(1 Thessalonians 5:21-28 KJV) says, Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Friends, I’m not going to try and spend a lot of time trying to convince you of this, because I know that a person is able to be deceived faster, than to be convinced that they have been deceived. So that’s why I always have videos as a backup to not deceive but relieve doubt about the truth. You will see the links below my article. Thank you, for your visit and I hope that all I try to do will bless you with the knowledge to help you on your journey towards the truth about the mysteries of the life we live in.

*Be Good To One Another*

Author and Servant; Norman G. Roy III

FLATTEN the CURVE The Documentary in 4K. – Flat Earth:

Our Flat Earth Journey by Taboo Conspiracy ii MUST SEE!:

ODD TV’s Flat Earth Trilogy | True World, Learning Curve and Epic Deception:

One Shot at Redemption Documentary:

200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball HD Remastered (8):

*I Hope All Who You Love Are Blessed Daily*

Author: Norman Roy

Hello, truth seekers! Norman G. Roy III, the digital dynamo igniting sparks of truth in the darkest corners of the internet, has the fervor of an adventurer and the precision of a hacker. Norman fearlessly hacks through the virtual jungle, uncovering hidden treasures of unfiltered reality. Armed with an arsenal of intellect and an unyielding commitment to authenticity, he embarks on electrifying quests through the tangled webs of deception. Each pulse-pounding expedition leads him deeper into the heart of the digital abyss, where he unearths revelations that send shockwaves through the online realm. In a world where every click holds the promise of discovery, Norman emerges as a modern-day hero, thrillingly dismantling falsehoods and delivering pulse-quickening insights to the internet community. Join Norman Roy on an adrenaline-fueled adventure into the electrifying unknown, where the truth awaits around every exhilarating twist and turn.

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